Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Canada's Coat of Arms will be removed from Government Buildings

August 2, 2005 - The Government of  Canada is planning to remove Canada's Coat of Arms from the 365 office buildings that the feds are planning to denationalize. (See "Should Canada's Coat of Arms be Removed upon Disposal of Federal Buildings?"-The Edifice Complex - Volume 6 - Number 2; July 2005 Treasury Board).

    This impending desecration of Canada's most historic buildings --- the removal of our Maple Leaf Flag and national crest ---is similar to the actions of the Barbarians when they conquered foreign countries.
     According to "The Canadian Encyclopedia" by Hurtig Publishing Ltd.:
     "Heraldry - An arrow showing direction elicits no emotional response, but grasping the symbolic value of a flag requires emotional involvement: pride, devotion, patriotism or admiration." Author - Auguste Vachon. Reading: C. Swan, Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty (1977).

     The Americans have tremendous respect for their national symbols - one of the most famous photographs in history shows American soldiers planting an American Flag at Iwo Jima.
     The American Pledge of Allegiance begins with the words:
     "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America..." American schoolchildren stand and recite the Oath of Allegiance every morning before class, with the right hand placed over the left chest, the heart.
     When medals are handed out at Olympic Games, athletes often cry, when they stand on the podium and see their country's flag raised, and their national anthem is played.
     American astronauts planted "Old Glory" on the moon;  and every American government building---post office, FBI Building, national museum, court house...the list goes on...proudly displays an American Flag.
     During Canada's Centennial Year, 1967, my classmates and I sang "O Canada" and "God Save the Queen" every morning before class, and "Ca-na-da" by Bobby Gimby was added to the repertoire during assemblies. Many YouTube videos feature "Ca-na-da".
     In 1967, I lived in the "Dominion of Canada", and Dominion Day was celebrated every July 1st. The word Dominion means "sovereignty, control...the territory of a sovereign or a government."  The Coat of Arms of Canada is present on paper currency, 50 cent coins and the cover of Canadian passports. 
The Coat of Arms of Canada.

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