Monday, February 27, 2023

From my Dad's magazine "Canadian Armed Forces Review".


Thule Air Force Base.

Avro Canada flying saucer.

A Canadair CL-215 plane in Montreal.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Government of Canada properties.

House of Commons December 14, 1970 Mr. Fortin, Ralliement Creditiste: "What is the area of land owned by the federal government in each province? " 

Hon. Arthur Laing (Minister of Public Works) Liberal: "The area of land owned by the federal government as recorded in the Central Inventory of Federal Properties, by province, is:

Province and No. of Acres

Newfoundland  96, 041

Prince Edward Island  1, 353

Nova Scotia  22, 514

New Brunswick  318, 532

Quebec  280, 485

Ontario  268, 283

Manitoba  51, 707

Saskatchewan  77, 445

Alberta  101, 751

British Columbia  164, 158

Yukon Territories  21, 125 

Northwest Territories  90, 193 - Includes only property that is being utilized by federal departments or agencies.

The people of Canada will own the National Parks in perpetuity. House of Commons Ottawa March 15, 1972 Member of Parliament Martin O'Connell (Minister of Labour) Liberal: "In our government's four years of office our national parks have increased from 18 to 28...There is a 50 per cent increase in the area set aside in perpetuity for national parks. Canada leads all nations in the world in land set aside for future generations."

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Return these properties to the people of Canada.

 Wellington Street in front of Parliament Hill, the Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge.

Major's Hill Park - which at one time was part of Parliament Hill. "City Council in Ottawa ponders the future of Major's Hill Park." Plans are underway to integrate the park and the Chateau Laurier Hotel.

Queen Juliana Park, located at 870 Carling Avenue is a memorial to the 7,600 Canadian soldiers who lost their lives during the World War 11 liberation of the Netherlands.

The Quebec Bridge between Levis, Quebec and Quebec City. House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 2010 MP Brian Jean, Conservative: "Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to speak to Motion No. 423 regarding the acquisition of the Quebec Bridge from the Canadian National Railway. Motion No. 423 - "That, in the opinion of the House, the government should purchase the Pont de Quebec for one dollar and commit to quickly finishing the repair work so as to respect its importance as a historical monument and a valuable transportation link for the Quebec City region."

Part of Lady Grey Drive and the National Research Council on Sussex Drive were given or sold to the British Embassy on Sussex Drive.

"KPMG says Parks Canada bridges and dams are prime candidates for sell-off" by Dean Beeby. On the sell-off list: Bridges and dams on the Rideau Canal from Ottawa to Kingston; Chambly, Lachine, Trent Severn and Saint-Ours Canal. Parks Canada does not believe that the properties have any heritage or cultural value. Collectively the infrastructure is worth $1 billion 225 million dollars. 

Repeated efforts to sell or give away the Rideau Canal - House of Commons June 10, 1922 - "...I should like the minister to decide before twelve o'clock tonight to abandon this canal and hand over to the city of Ottawa the greater part of it, retaining the lower part for railway purposes...I hope he will advise the city of Ottawa that he is prepared to donate the canal to them."

House of Commons June 10, 1922 Mr. Graham (Minister of Militia and Defence; Minister of the Naval Service) Liberal: "The Rideau chain of lakes forms one of the most beautiful spots on the whole North American continent. There is no question of that in the mind of anyone who has seen them. There are many bright little towns bordering these lakes-Westport, Portland, Smiths Falls, Perth and many others I could name. I would hesitate to give away this waterway that belongs to Canada."

 1960's - Dismantle the waterway and build a highway from the Capital to Kingston.

House of Commons Ottawa March 25, 1970 "...Today we have the Trent Canal and the Rideau Canal system still under the jurisdiction of the federal government because it was originally a defence measure. Surely that is no longer so and they could easily be transferred to the province." The  Trudeau government refused.

November 27, 1974 - The government refuses to sell the waterway.

August 26, 2017 - "Parks Canada to look at divesting highways, bridges, dams" by Dean Beeby, CBC News. The infrastructure is worth $8.7 billion dollars. Who gave the former Minister of Environment and Climate Change the power to privatize billions of dollars of Crown property---the Rideau Canal, Chambly, Lachine, Trent Severn and Saint-Ours waterways. And a National Historic Site on Carling Avenue. 

Rideau Canal photos

A friend of my brothers in Perth, 1968.

The Portland marina.

Stirling Lodge near the Newboro locks.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ongoing efforts to destroy the Central Experimental Farm.

 A medical centre in Ottawa has indicated that by the year 2028, they will need more land in order to expand. 

I believe that the following properties on the Experimental Farm will be transferred to the medical centre, City of Ottawa or National Capital Commission:

  • the Dominion Observatory campus, Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Arboretum, Ornamental Gardens, William Saunders garden and the Hartwell Locks.
  • farmland across Carling Avenue from the current hospital.
  • land at the Baseline Road border.
I have mentioned before why I believe that this scenario may be carried out:
1.) Agriculture Canada and Public Works were prepared to give 104 acres east of Prince of Wales Drive to a botanical garden that charged $10 to $15 dollars for admission.

2.) The National Capital Commission cited a "housing emergency" as a reason to take over 700 acres from Clyde Avenue to Prince of Wales Drive. It never happened. The year was 1974.

3.)  Maple Drive is being widened to accommodate 100 emergency vehicles per day. The Dominion Observatory buildings were constructed with Nepean sandstone, and masonry will never tolerate nearby blasting and construction, vibrations from heavy vehicles, etc. 


The government of Canada wanted to preserve federal agricultural land, and not convert it to a theme park, residential towers or to a provincial hospital.
  House of Commons Ottawa April 17, 1975 Mr. Clark (Rocky Mountain) Progressive Conservative: "What specific steps are being taken by the government to discourage the non-agricultural use of agricultural land in Canada?"

Mr. Len Marchand (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment) Liberal: "The administration and regulation of use of lands is a provincial jurisdiction. The government of Canada is, however, undertaking a comprehensive review of all activities within its areas of responsibilities that directly affect land use and particularly the use of highly productive lands including agriculture."

"As indicated in the Speech from the Throne of the 29th Parliament, discussions have been initiated with the provinces towards the development of a national land use policy. In addition, the government of Canada requires the preparation of an environmental assessment and review of all capital projects undertaken by a federal department, in which there are substantive funds or occurring on federal lands. By this means the irretrievable use of highly productive lands, including those with a high capacity for agriculture, can be controlled."
The image is from a 2019 Ottawa Citizen article by Randall Denley about the botanical garden. 

"Canadensis has attempted on multiple occasions to carve away the southeast corner of the Central Experimental Farm - effectively privatizing public land." a A June 26, 2019 letter to the Ottawa Citizen.

"The Central Experimental Farm is a jewel in the heart of the Capital. It is by and large open to the public for free. Canadensis's proposal is redundant, misguided and ahistorical." Peter Anderson.

A satellite photo of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden---the Garden should be preserved just as it is.

Public land between the Rideau Canal and Prince of Wales Drive is being taken over by a commercial theme park in 2022. "In cooperation with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Arboretum, the Fletcher Wildlife Garden and the Experimental Farm, Canadensis Garden will be a showcase for our changing times."

Thursday, February 16, 2023

"The Central Farm is one of the beauty spots of Ottawa." Member of Parliament Donald Sutherland.

House of Commons Ottawa June 30, 1920. Mr. Sutherland, Unionist: "The Central Farm at Ottawa serves the whole of Canada...The operations of that farm are not directed towards serving any particular place but are intended to serve the whole Dominion. The Central Farm is one of the beauty spots of Ottawa to which people are taken when they visit the Capital."

"There are twenty-four experimental farms in the Dominion. Three of these are located in the province of Saskatchewan, in which there are also fourteen demonstration farms. There are also thirteen located in the province of Quebec...There is a group of 8 or 9 of these farms located to the east of Ottawa."

During the mid-1980's the people of Canada owned more than 2 million acres of federal farm land. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan said that his department was "the envy of the world."

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Land adjacent to Dow's Lake including the parking lot, is off-limits to developers.

House of Commons Ottawa September 23, 1949  The Hon. James Garfield Gardiner (Minister of Agriculture): "The other evening the hon. member for Winnipeg North asked a question with regard to the Ottawa central experimental farm, and questions were also asked by the hon. member for Victoria-Carleton. I am informed that the size of the farm is 1,194.4 acres, made up of:

  • the old original farm, 468 acres
  • the Caldwell farm of 300 acres
  • the Scott farm of 65 acres
  • the Booth farm of 361.4 acres.
"In 1949 the Scott farm of 65 acres was added...I might add that this last purchase comprises a piece of land lying close to the city between the experimental farm and Dow's Lake. On that land we have located some of the equipment necessary to naval wireless control, affecting radio and different matters of that kind. In order to prevent buildings being placed upon that land in the immediate vicinity of this equipment, if the equipment was going to remain there, it was found necessary to have that land secure against such buildings being placed there. We had the land rented for experimental farm purposes, and on the suggestion of the department concerned we purchased it, rather than have it subjected to that kind of development. The purchase was made for experimental farm purposes only because of the necessity of having it under government control."

The Hon. Mr. Gardiner (Minister of Agriculture) Liberal: "There have been discussions from time to time of the advisability of retaining the farm in such close proximity to the city of Ottawa. It is argued by some that the property could be converted to other uses and thereby bring a considerable return to the government. The argument up to date has always been that it is a real asset to the city, to the eastern part of Canada and to a very considerable extent to the people of Canada as a whole."

"When people, particularly from agricultural areas, come to the Capital they can go out and see the latest experiments that are being carried on at a place close to the city. If it were ten or fifteen miles away many people would not go near it or be able to find the opportunity to go. Most people who come from outlying sections of Canada look upon the farm as being one of the sights that they want to see while in Ottawa and I have no doubt that many of them carry away beneficial ideas in connection with agriculture that otherwise they would not get." 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reposting - Public gardens in Canada's National Capital Region.

  • Rockcliffe Park - 70 acres
  • Central Park, Clemow Avenue - 16 acres
  • Brewer Park, End of Bronson Avenue - 39 acres
  • Commissioner Park, Dow's Lake - 4 acres
  • Green Island Park, Mouth of Rideau River - 6 acres
  • Nepean Point and Major's Hill Park - 21 acres
  • McDonald Park, Charlotte Street - 7 acres
  • Anglesea Square, York Street - 3 acres
  • Strathcona Park, Range Road - 8 acres
  • St. Lukes Park, Frank Street - 1.5 acres
  • Dundonald Park, Somerset Street West - 2 acres
  • Plouffe Park and Juvenile Playground, Preston Street - 4 acres
  • McNab Park, Gladstone Avenue - 3 acres
  • Reid Farm Park, Sherwood Drive - 6 acres
  • Ballantyne Park, Main Street, Ottawa East - 1 acre.
Total - 193 acres in Ottawa. (Page 125/343 of the 1950 Greber Report. All of the properties were federally-owned.)
"The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of the City of Ottawa, and its avenues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (Page 131/343 of the 1950 Greber Report.)

Public gardens in Hull, Quebec.
  • Fontaine Park, Papineau Street - 4 acres
  • Saint-Marie Park, Saint- Redempteur Street - 1.5 acres
  • Larocque Park, Brodeur Street - 2 acres
  • St. John Park, Montcalm Street - 2 acres
  • Moussette Park, Val Tetreau - 17 acres
(Page 163/395 of the 1950 Greber Report.)

The Greenbelt will remain in the public domain. "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation, and will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region. The Greenbelt will remain in the public domain." (2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement, page 53/196.)

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

"Amend the National Capital Act" - Senator Noel Kinsella, Senate of Canada May 13, 2002.

 Senator Kinsella raised the following points:

  • All Canadians have a direct interest in the open lands and assets of the National Capital. The NCC holds these properties in trust and on a fiduciary basis on behalf of all Canadians from coast to coast.
  • The National Capital Act was brought in by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker in 1958; after 44 years the time has come for Parliament to review the adequacy of this model of legislation.
  • The social, economic and mobility dynamics in the year 2002 sees Canadians being shareholders in the use of all public land in the National Capital in far greater numbers than 50 years ago. Therefore decisions of the NCC relating to the disposition of these public lands affect all Canadians across the country in new ways.
The National Capital Act Senate of Canada Ottawa May 8, 2002 - Proposal to Sell Moffat Farm Inquiry - Senator Noel A. Kinsella: "Honourable Senators, I would like to make a few remarks with reference to this matter now before the Senate...The matter relates to the National Capital Act, which created the National Capital Commission. It seems to me we require a provision for a recall mechanism. Section 10 (2) of the (National Capital) act, which gives the power to the National Capital Commission to sell lands held in trust, could be amended by Parliament or a parliamentary committee upon the receipt for example of 1,000 signatures of citizens from any part of Canada."
Petitions that oppose the donation of 50 acres of Central Experimental Farm land, a federal park and the Dow's Lake parking lot to the Civic Hospital:
Reimagine Ottawa - signatures received as of February 7, 2023 - 9,646.

Queen Juliana Park at 870 Carling Avenue in Ottawa is a federal park. National urban parks maintained by the National Capital Commission are:

  • Commissioners Park
  • Major's Hill Park
  • Nepean Point
  • Confederation Park
  • Hog's Back Park 
  • Vincent Massey Park
QJP and the $4 million dollar Dow's Lake parking lot were maintained by Public Works and Government Services:
Directory of Federal Real Property
Property Number 24426
Custodian - Public Services and Procurement Canada
Interest - Crown Owned
Restriction: No Restriction
Primary Use: Parks and Recreation (emphasis mine.)
Address: 870 Carling Avenue
Place Name: No Data
Municipality: Ottawa
Province/Territory: Ontario
Federal Electoral District: Ottawa Centre
Census Classification: Rural
Land Area: 5.5883 ha.
Building Count: 0
Floor Area: 0 sq. m.
Record Created On: August 12th, 1990
Record Last Modified On: August 19th 2019

The 13 acre Queen Juliana Park.

Request for government directive prohibiting the sale of national parklands. House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1986. MP Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Opposition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party) (Ottawa-Vanier): Mr. Gauthier: "My question is directed to the Deputy Prime Minister. Will he tell the House if it is federal policy to sell federally owned parkland? NCC Chairman Jean Pigott said she wants to sell part of an Ottawa riverfront park known as Mile Circle to the United States of America for an embassy compound."..."Mr. Speaker, could the Deputy Prime Minister inform the House whether he intends to act responsibly and give clear and precise instructions to all those who are responsible for our national parks, indicating clearly that none of our national parks are for sale?"

Friday, February 3, 2023

Important national institutions in the National Capital.


  • Canadian Museum of History
  • Canadian War Museum
  • Library and Archives Canada
  • Currency Museum
  • National Arts Centre
  • National Gallery of Canada
  • Royal Canadian Mint
  • Canadian Museum of Nature
  • Canadian Agricultural and Food Museum
  • Canadian Science and Technology Museum
  • Canadian Aviation and Space Museum
  • Archives Preservation Centre
  • Canadian Museum of Nature-Natural Heritage Campus
  • National Research Council of Canada
  • Communications Research Centre
  • Central Experimental Farm
The information is from page 38/95 of the book "The Plan for Canada's Capital, 2017-2067".

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Carling Avenue and Maple Drive intersection.

"'Emergency Vehicles Only' signs will be posted at the Carling Avenue and Maple Drive intersection, Maple Drive and the Site entrance, and Prince of Wales Drive and the Site entrance." (Google: New Civic Development The Ottawa Hospital. Design Brief and Planning Rationale, page 25/76.)

The Dominion Observatory is part of the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower.

 "The popularity of the Observatory occurred when it opened in 1905, due to the support of Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Laurier's advocation reinforced the idea that this Observatory was to be considered an arm of the parliamentary precinct...At the time it was recognized as a national achievement, where the nation's time would be kept, and (it) would be a symbol of Canada's progress in astronomical science." ("Journal of the Study of Architecture in Canada." "Astronomer Mary Grey and the Architecture of Canada's Dominion Observatory." Royal Astronomical Society of Canada-Sharon Odell. page 10/67.)

"The National Heritage of the Dominion Observatory" can be viewed on YouTube.

The Parliamentary Precinct also includes:

  • the Parliament Buildings and the Hill
  • Library of Parliament
  • Supreme Court of Canada
  • Senate of Canada (former Union Station)
  • Library and Archives Canada
  • Federal buildings on Wellington Street across from the Hill
  • the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall
  • Lebreton Flats, the western annex. House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967. The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works): "The Lebreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension to the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Parliamentary Precinct cannot be any  taller than the Peace Tower." 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

"One of Canada's greatest treasures."

 "Paris has L'Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, London has Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, Washington has the Lincoln Memorial, White House and the Smithsonian Institution and Ottawa has...a farm."

"Yes, Canada is the only country in the world to have a working farm at the heart of it's Capital city, mere minutes away from Parliament Hill, the Supreme Court, the Canadian War Museum and the National Gallery of Canada, among other more traditional attractions. A sprawling Victorian farm that has been surrounded by the Capital is one of Canada's greatest treasures." (From: "". The search engine is

Queen Juliana Park was supposed to be a municipal green space.

City of Ottawa Planning Committee, June 24, 2014. Councillors Jeff Leiper and Katherine Hobbs. Proposed Motion No. PLC 77/4 submitted by Councillor K. Hobbs:

WHEREAS the Preston/Carling Secondary Plan proposes a Carling O-Train (future LRT) station

AND WHEREAS the provision of expanded and enhanced greenspace is a key pillar in creating a sustaining, attractive and livable neighbourhood

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Planning and Growth Management Department, when reviewing development applications for the properties currently owned by Public Works and Government Services Canada known as 870 Carling Avenue and locally known as 'Queen Juliana Park' that staff seek to maximize usable, programmable greenspace to create a district park and ensure safe and convenient pathways for cyclists and pedestrians to access and move through the space from the study area and the greater Civic Hospital Area." (Google: Planning Committee, June 24, 2014.)

Parks Canada - Protection and Ownership of the Rideau Canal.

Selling the Rideau Canal bridges and dams is unconstitutional.

Rideau Canal - Chapter 5 - Role of the Government of Canada - The Government of Canada is the owner of the property by virtue of the British North America Act (1867). Protective designations include: Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada (1926); Historic Sites and Monuments Act (1952-1953); Department of Transport Act (1985) - Historic Canal Regulations.

Role of the Government of Ontario - "The province provides a framework for protecting cultural resources through the Ontario Heritage Act (1990)." "The Planning Act (1990) provides direction for long-term planning in Ontario, to ensure that the province's interests are adhered to when local plans are formulated. Matters of interest include the protection of natural and cultural shore lands, both of which are important components of the canal."

Role of Conservation Authorities - Conservation authorities are mandated under the Conservation Authorities Act (1990) to ensure the protection, restoration and effective management of Ontario's water resources, wetlands, woodlands and natural habitats."

Role of Municipalities - Through the Ontario Planning Act (1990) the Parks Canada Agency has the right to intervene in proposed development applications should it believe that the development will in any way negatively affect the nominated property...Although the occasions when this has happened have been rare, the Parks Canada Agency has made successful interventions related to proposed developments.