Sunday, January 31, 2021

Parliament Hill is being taken away from the People of Canada.

"Commons board recommending 733M plan to build Parliament Hill visitors centre." CBC News, June 18, 2020. Land is also being removed for a Light Rail Transit project.

 House of Commons Debates Ottawa April 22, 1985. Freedom of Assembly on Parliament Hill; removal of the Peace Camp.

MP Mike Cassidy (Ottawa Centre)New Democatic Party: "Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Public Works. It is with regard to the forcible eviction of four of my constituents from the lawns of Parliament Hill this morning."

MP Ian Gardiner Waddell, New Democratic Party: "Can you believe it? They are happy."

MP Mike Cassidy: "I represent those people and I am proud of the protest that they have been making in favour of peace on behalf of the people of Canada...Is the Minister aware that the eviction of the Peace Camp has received widespread publicity across Canada, and now across the world, and that the message that is being conveyed around the world is that the Government of Canada opposes the views of those Canadians who stand for peace. Why did the Government allow that kind of message to be spread across the world when the alternative would have been to allow those demonstrators to continue their efforts to bring peace into the world and to bring the issue to all Canadians?"

House of Commons Debates Ottawa May 2, 1985. "If a peace officer who may be acting under the direction of the Minister of Public Works says that the person is "occupying" and therefore violating the new revised nuisance regulation, that individual can be asked to move. If that person refuses to move, he or she can in fact be arrested and removed from Parliament Hill."

"Their personal property can be removed from Parliament Hill and they can be subject to a fine of $400 dollars...I believe that constitutes very arbitrary police power to interfere with the time honoured right of persons to in fact demonstrate on Parliament Hill. Joseph Maingot in Parliamentary Privilege in Canada refers to the fact that it is not the precinct of Parliament that is sacred but the function."

"I suggest that because there have not been restrictions on public access to Parliament Hill, apart from Criminal Code restrictions and reasonable arrangements made with the RCMP, something new has been injected which is potentially of grave concern. It could be used to stop all demonstrations on Parliament Hill."

Parliamentary Privilege in Canada by Joseph Maingot. 

Her Majesty the Queen and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau signed the Constitution Act of 1982 on Parliament Hill.

Constitution Act of 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms.

Fundamental Freedoms. Section 2.) Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

a.) freedom of conscience and religion; b.) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression including freedom of the press and other media of communication;  c.) freedom of peaceful assembly; and d.) freedom of association.

I believe that the public will eventually be banned from the House of Commons and Parliament Hill, our seat of democracy. savecfbrockcliffe. House of Commons Debates are going to be virtual from now on and televised after they have been heavily censored. 

More Crown assets that Canadians are losing, in my opinion: More Dominion Buildings.  Northern half of the Sparks Street Mall.  Commissioners Park--- The only people who can attend the Tulip Festival in 2021 are local residents---the rest of us can "enjoy" the event on our computer screens.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Parliament Hill changes.

Excavation on one of the most sacred properties in Canada. 

 NCC board: "Tram preference on Wellington, new pathways at LeBreton Flats, Master Plan for Gatineau Park" Jon Willing, Ottawa Citizen, January 21, 2021.

 The tram project will require the expropriation of land from Parliament Hill and the Supreme Court of Canada. This is what a local politician said about the endeavour:

"Kitchissippi Counc. Jeff Leiper worried some of the issues with the Wellington route would be 'deal breakers' with the 'stickiest' point being talks with the federal government to use the fringes of the parliamentary precinct. It would also affect the current eight entrances to the precinct." (From: "Sparks Street tunnel preferred route for Gatineau tram." CBC News, September 2, 2020.)

The Paliamentary Precinct encompasses the Parliament Buildings; Parliament Hill; the Supreme Court of Canada; Library and Archives Canada; Wellington Street and properties across from the Hill; the Senate of Canada (the former Union Station, where I was employed during the early 1980's) and the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall. The precinct is untouchable. You do not build pyramids, underground parking lots and condos on sacred ground.

Parliament Hill is unceded Algonquin First Nation territory.

Wellington Street is part of the Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada:

Senate Bill S-203:

The Constitution Act, 1982

"In 1976 the Parliament Buildings and the grounds of Parliament Hill were designated as National Historic Sites of Canada given their importance as the physical embodiment of the Canadian government and as a focal point for national celebrations." The National Historic Sites are bounded by Wellington Street, the Rideau Canal, the Ottawa River and Kent Street.

Yoko Ono and John Lennon visit Parliament Hill. CBC Archives, audio.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  December 21, 1963. 

Legal Title-"With the exception of the years 1802-1823, Parliament Hill has been owned by the Crown-successively the Crown Imperial, the Crown Provincial and the Crown Federal. Since 1823, the Crown has always held these lands for public purposes-either for defence or generally."

"In 1802, the British Crown granted the area to Jacob Carman who deeded it in 1812 to Thomas Fraser by whose son Hugh it was inherited. In 1823 the Earl of Dalhousie, the Governor, purchased the Hill from Hugh Fraser on behalf of the British Crown and, by letter, entrusted its control and management to Colonel John By with instructions that the Hill, together with Major Hill and Nepean Point, be reserved for military purposes."

"About 1857 the British Crown transferred the Ordnance (or military) lands- these including the Hill, together with the Rideau Canal lands to the Government of Upper Canada. With Confederation the Hill and the buildings then thereon were included in those public lands and works transferred from Upper Canada to Canada by section 108 of the B.N.A. Act and clause 9 of the 3rd Schedule thereto."

"Thereafter the Hill has continued in the ownership of Canada. The statutory phrase is that the Parliament Hill lands are absolutely vested in Her Majesty in right of Canada for the purposes of Canada. See: Public Land Grants Act, R.S. 1952 Can.,ch. 224 and Ordnance and Admiralty Lands Act, R.S. 1927 Can.,ch. 115."

A photograph that I took of Princess Diana on Parliament Hill, June 20, 1983.
 CBC News image, June 18, 2020.

Historic events that took place on the Hill.
Her Majesty the Queen signed the Constitution Act of 1982. I was there.
The vigil for John Lennon. People gathered near the Centennial Flame and sang "Give Peace a Chance."
The Changing of the Guard ceremony.
The RCMP Musical Ride.
Canada Day celebrations.
Northern Lights.

HRH Crown Princess Margrethe of Denmark, 1967. The photo was taken by my Dad.

Princess Margrethe near the Centennial Flame.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

More family photos.

My maternal great-grandfather.

The National Capital Commission is not renovating Place du Portage for office workers.

Place du Portage 111 targeted for major renovations. Link2Build. Aprl 29, 2020. "The NCC is considering plans to significantly renovate a major federal government office complex in Gatineau. The Place du Portage 111 office complex houses approximately 4,800 civil servants from Ottawa and Gatineau-most working with Public Services and Procurement Canada...Phase 1 includes replacing the building envelope and rehabilitating the base building. The proposal also calls for redesigning the public realm along the south face of the building. Phase 2 involves a complete redesign of the public realm on the north side of the building and the improvement of the east-west connections through demolition of the Place d'Accueil Complex."

1.) Thousands of Place du Portage 111 employees have already vacated the complex because it is being privatized, in my opinion: "Nearly 2,500 public servants to be moved for Portage 111 renovations." CBC News, September 5, 2018. "Approximately 2,460 of 4,500 employees who work at Portage 111 will be moved between October and June 2019, according to an email from a Public Services and Procurement Canada spokesperson. The department said they will be in temporary offices until 2025."

2.)  A statement from PWGSC in October of 2020: "Much of the government-owned Ottawa-Gatineau portfolio is obsolete....There is room for the private sector to create new space."

3.)   Government properties have been converted into apartments:  Constitution Building, 305 Rideau Street, Ottawa.   Former Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters, Jarvis and Mutual Streets, Toronto.   A former CBC warehouse, 90 Sumach Street, Toronto.

4.)  Employment "hubs" are being created throughout the region. "Federal government opens alternative work hubs for public servants." Ottawa Citizen, June 3, 2019."The federal government announced Monday that it will be providing federal public servants with 385 work spaces across five sites in the National Capital Region. The pilot project, called GCcoworking, is being spearheaded by Public Services and Procurement Canada and seeks to provide federal government employees with flexible workplaces separate from their regular offices or homes." The locations are:  480 boulevard de la Cite, Gatineau;   L'Esplanade Laurier;  335 River Road;  Place d"Orleans;   555 Legget Drive, Kanata.   

5.)  Within a few years PWGSC will no longer exist. Phase 111 will then become vacant. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Nielsen Commission plans for the National Capital Commission.

The Hon. Erik Nielsen was a Minister of Public Works (1979-80); Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (1984-86) and Minister of National Defence (1984-86.)

House of Commons Ottawa March 17, 1986. MP Joseph Gaston Isabelle (Hull-Aylmer) Liberal. "The Nielsen Commission wanted to abolish the National Capital Commission and make it part of the Department of Public Works."

House of Commons Ottawa November 19, 1979. MP Jean-Robert Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier): "Mr. Speaker, my qustion is directed to the Minister of Public Works as the spokesman for the NCC. I would like to ask the minister if it is to be concluded that he might consider changing or abolishing the NCC..."

Hon. Erik Nielsen (Minister of Public Works): "...With respect to the change in the structure of the NCC, that, too, is under review."

Why was Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson included in the "Virtual Public Board of Directors Meeting" regarding Place du Portage in Gatineau, Quebec? The meeting took place on January 21, 2021 and it can be viewed on YouTube, see point 3:10:36. The Mayor found is necessary to denigrate Phase 111. A close relative of mine was a PWGSC employee for nearly 30 years and I occasionally visited Phase 1V. I thought the buildings were beautiful.

Tenants of Place du Portage in 1990.  Supply and Services Canada; Consumer and Corporate Affairs; Employment and Immigration; National Capital Commission; Canada Post; Public Works; the Department of Health and Welfare; the Department of Agriculture; National Defence. (House of Commons, November 30, 1990.)  I believe that Place du Portage will be converted into condos. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Surplus Government of Canada properties.

 The Constitution Building on 305 Rideau was converted into apartments. Library and Archives Canada is being relocated to the Lebreton Flats. The Lorne Building on 90 Elgin is gone. The National Capital Commission and City of Ottawa have big plans for Place du Portage Phase 111 in Gatineau and eventually all of the Four Phases.  The Sir John Carling Building is gone. Skyline Towers and the Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building were sold to Larco. Temporary Building No. 8 was located on Queen Juliana Park and the park is included in a land deal between a hospital, the National Capital Commission and Public Works. The Minister of Public Works Howard Charles Green said that Queen Juliana Park on 870 Carling Avenue would always be an open space:

House of Commons Ottawa June 16, 1958. Hon. George James McIlraith (Ottawa Centre) Liberal: "Mr. Chairman, I wonder if the minister is now prepared to make the statement he said he would make concerning the policy of the government with respect to buildings on the central experimental farm."

The Hon. Howard Charles Green (Vancouver Centre). Minister of Public Works; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons; Progressive Conservative Party House Leader. Progressive Conservative. "The policy is that no buildings will be built on the central experimental farm except buildings for the Department of Agriculture."

Mr. McIlraith:"If I may pursue the question a bit further, has the minister come to any conclusion as to what will be done with the land on the experimental farm when they are removed?"

Mr. Green: "I take it that the hon. member for Ottawa West refers to temporary buildings Nos. 5 and 8. For some years the policy has been when the temporary buildings are torn down nothing will be constructed on the site."

Mr. Mcilraith: "I want to commend the minister for continuing the policy set out a few years ago by the Liberal administration in that regard. I believe he will agree that it is a very satisfactory policy."

"The largest chunk of money in the federal government is in it's real estate holdings."

"My guess, based on preliminary research that I had gathered, was that it was pushing $60 billion." A quote from the Hon. Erik Nielsen, Minister of Public Works (1979-80); Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (1984-86) and Minister of National Defence.From page 269 of the book "On the Take" by Stevie Cameron.

The Nielsen Report, 1980.

"In one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left." MP Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood, Toronto) Liberal, November 22, 1991.

House of Commons Ottawa  November 22, 1991. MP Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood): "Madam Speaker, when I got up this morning and headed to the House I actually had no intention of speaking...Then in my office I read part of Bill C-3, an act respecting the acquisition, administration and disposition of real property by the Government of Canada. I know that all of us were in support of this bill, but as I started to reflect on what is really going on in this bill I became concerned. I do agree that anything we can do to make the operations of the Government of Canada more efficient should be supported."

"There is another aspect of this bill which disturbs me immensely. It concerns me that in one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left...I think of my own city of Toronto and the way the government has disposed of Harbourfront lands...the CBC lands. This is a bill that will make developers of every region and every city of Canada ecstatic."

"As a result of this bill if a line department has a Crown asset, a land asset, which does not meet that particular department's needs, the department will have the ability to put that land basically out to tender...That is not what the government is all about. We do not run this country by line departments. It may be that the railway lands of this country are no longer of any use to the railways. As a result of the way this country has dismantled our national railway system the lands do not have the same value any more. That does not mean the Crown land could not have a value and a purpose in some other strategic plan or overall objective to serve the people of Canada."

A statement by MP Dennis Mills in the House of Commons, May 15, 1992.

The plan to dismantle the Rideau Canal, Ottawa to Kingston, Ontario. House of Commons Ottawa May 26, 1970: MP Edmund Boyd Osler (Winnipeg South Centre, Manitoba) Liberal: "...I have had the pleasure of boating on the Rideau Canal. All one has to do is spend an afternoon reading the historical backround on the life of Colonel John By, look at some of the stones on the banks of the Canal and at some of the wooden gates to understand the wonderful craftsmanship, engineering skill and workmanship which went into this project." "What a crime it would have been had all this been allowed to go...I gather it was only a few years ago that the federal government decided that it was worth preserving. Things of that sort are not built today and they must be preserved."  ( The TV Ontario documentary "Tripping the Rideau Canal" is on YouTube.)

The Daly Building was part of Confederation Square.

Daly Building in Grave Danger - Heritage Ottawa-Summer of 1984. "Earlier reports indicated that CN Hotels were interested in restoring the Daly Building as an adjunct to the Chateau Laurier's own conference and meeting facilities, and were negotiating with the Department of Public Works to trade a piece of CN property for the Daly Building...CN might insist that the federal government give them the right to demolish the building."  "Another sure thing dictated by economics is that CN will not replace the Daly with a mere 5-storey building. Instead, they will likely put up a high rise which will dwarf the Chateau and the Conference Centre (Union Station) across the street. The Daly is an important building. Help save it by calling or writing the manager of the Chateau Laurier Hotel, Mayor Marion Dewar and the president of CN Real Estate.
  • The hotel is on the left, while the Daly Building is on the right. Photo is from William James Topley, Archives of Canada.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Federal buildings are being converted into condos.

 A statement from the federal department of Public Works: "Much of the government-owned Ottawa-Gatineau portfolio is obsolete...There is room for the private development sector to create new space." October 2020.

Conversions, in the past and pending. Constitution Building, 305 Rideau Street at the corner of King Edward in Ottawa.   Place du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec.  Former CBC Headquarters, Jarvis Street and Mutual Street, Toronto.  A former CBC warehouse at 90 Sumach Street,Toronto.

PWGSC Awards Contract with Respect to Certain Real Estate Assets, September 15, 2006:

1.)  Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario.

2.)  Place du Portage Phase 111, 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec.

3.)  Place du Portage Phase 1V, 140 Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec.

4.)  Major-General George R. Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa.

5.)  National Printing Bureau, 45 Sacre-Coeur Boulevard, Gatineau, Quebec.

6.)  Place du Portage Phases 1 & 2, 50 Victoria Street, Gatineau, Quebec.

7.)  Skyline Tower 1 to V11, 1400 Merivale Road, Ottawa - sold to Larco.

8.)  Lester B Pearson, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa.

9.)  Nicholson Building RCMP HQ & Trailers, 1200 Vanier Parkway - will be given away to a geared-to-income housing agency.

10.)  Taxation Data Centre, 875 Heron Road, Ottawa. 

 Confederation Heights 1950-2050, River Ward. The City of Ottawa is deeply involved in the future of this Government of Canada employment centre, which includes the CBC Headquarters on 1500 Bronson. The city wants PWGSC to hand over traffic infrastructure, and high-rise condos will dominate the skyline.

11.)  Asticou Centre, 241 de la Cite-des-Jeunes Boulevard, Gatineau, Quebec.

12.)  Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building, 90 Sparks Street, Ottawa. - sold to Larco.

13.)  National Library & Public Archives, 395 Wellington, Ottawa.

14.)  Plouffe Park (includes Dome) 1010 Somerset Street West, Ottawa.

15.)  Sir William Logan Building, 580 Booth, Ottawa.

16.)  Wellington Building, 180 Wellington, Ottawa.

17.)  Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa.
The Sir John Carling Building, Headquarters of the Canadian Department of Agriculture. A Recognized Federal Heritage Building designed by Hart Massey. To see video of the destruction Google: "Sir John Carling building demolition carried out, CBC News."

Government of Canada Sells Office Buildings to Better Use Taxpayers' Money, Gatineau Quebec August 20, 2007.

Vancouver, British Columbia - 401 Burrard and Sinclair Centre.
Calgary, Alberta - Harry Hays Building.
Edmonton, Alberta - Canada Place.
Toronto, Ontario - Joseph Shepard Building.
Ottawa, Ontario- Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building and Skyline Towers.
Montreal, Quebec - 305 Rene Levesque West and 4225 Dorchester West. 

National Capital Commission "Virtual Public Board of Directors Meeting-Floor Audio" YouTube video from January 21, 2021. Point 3:10:36. Developed design for Place du Portage 111, Asset and Workplace Renewal. (Stage 1.)
Place du Portage 111 in Gatineau is a PWGSC Crown asset.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

National Historic Sites of Canada.

All of the properties are federally owned unless otherwise noted.

Earnscliffe, 140 Sussex Drive, the Ottawa home of Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald. Owned by the British Embassy.

Rideau Hall and Landscaped Grounds, 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa - Members of the public are forbidden to set foot on Rideau Hall property. This happened before: House of Commons Ottawa June 19, 1986. MP Mr. Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier): "Mr. Speaker, in the continuing saga of tabling petitions concerning the closure of Rideau Hall grounds by order of the National Capital Commission, I would like to table another six petitions...The public of Canada should be allowed to enjoy the 120 acre park."

Quebec Bridge - CN Rail (Bill Gates.) The Canadian government is trying to reclaim the bridge for a dollar. House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 2010. MP Brian Jean: "Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to speak to Motion 423, regarding the acquisition of the Quebec Bridge from the Canadian National Railway. Motion No. 423. 'That, in the opinion of the House, the government should purchase the Pont de Quebec for one dollar and commit to quickly finishing the repair work so as to respect its importance as a historical monument and a vital transportation link for the Quebec City region."    House of Commons Ottawa March 29, 1996: MP Antoine Dube (Levis, Quebec) BQ. "CN owned...6,000 bridges across Canada."

House of Commons Ottawa March 29, 1996. MP Chuck Strahl (Fraser Valley East) Reform. "...In 1993 the federal government (Kim Campbell) sold the bridge to CN for $1 dollar with the proviso that CN maintain the bridge...They want to return the responsibility to the federal government...Why should the federal government maintain it if it does not own it."

Building of the St. Clair Tunnel National Historic Event. Located between Ontario and Michigan - the tunnel is owned by CN Rail (Bill Gates.)

The National Parks - House of Commons Ottawa March 15, 1972. MP Martin O'Connell (Minister of Labour) Liberal: "...There is a 50 per cent increase in the area set aside in perpetuity for national parks...Canada leads all nations in the world in land set aside for future generations."

Rideau Canal-Ottawa to Kingston, Ontario: House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1950. Member of Parliament George Taylor Fulford (Leeds) Liberal: "...There was a rather quaint treaty signed between Great Britain and Canada when the canal was handed over to Canada. One of the clauses said that Canada would maintain the canal system as long as the grass was green and the sky was blue."

Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street West, Toronto. Province of Ontario.

CNR and CPR Hotels - the CN hotels were Crown property, sold to Canadian Pacific Limited then to  Fairmont Hotels and Resorts.

Fort Henry, Kingston, Ontario 

The Citadel - Halifax, Nova Scotia 

Stanley Park, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Merrickville Blockhouse, Ontario, located on the banks of the Rideau Canal.

Bellevue House, 35 Centre Street, Kingston, Ontario. The former home of Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald.

The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Fort Rodd Hill, British Columbia.

Athabasca Pass, Alberta.

Battle Hill, British Columbia.

Lucy Maud Montgomery National Historic Site-Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. L.M. Montgomery was the author of "Anne of Green Gables" and many other books. 

Kingston Penitentiary 

Carleton Martello Tower, New Brunswick.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Chateau Laurier potential controversies.

 Canada Day and Tulip Festival celebrations may be banned on Major's Hill Park. "The design and contractual sale condominium agreements for the addition must fully resolve noise generated by continued events in Major's Hill Park." (From: Proposed addition to the Chateau Laurier, February 2008.)

The owners of 1 Rideau may lobby for more land behind the hotel. "In 1957, the Federal District Commission received a request from the Chateau Laurier Hotel to purchase 3 acres of Major's Hill Park immediately adjacent to the hotel for the purposes of guest parking. The Commission unanimously chose to turn down the proposal." The Federal District Commission is now the National Capital Commission. 

Trees and shrubs may being removed.

The National Capital Commission is deciding if any new access points to the park should be created. Is the government removing entrances to Major's Hill Park, to accomodate the private owners of 1 Rideau Street?(Google:  Report Rapport au Planning Committee, Lee Ann Snedden, May 23, 2019, page 60/82.)

House of Commons Debates Ottawa July 6, 1908.  Mr. Edward Arthur Lancaster, Conservative: "I think the whole thing is wrong in principle. I am more than ever of the opinion that this is a bad bargain, and one that should not have been made with this railway...It is a wrong principle to take the land of the country for this purpose...I do not wish to say anything disrespectful to the Prime Minister, but his first duty is to protect the public interest of Canada and not bother his head about what the city of Ottawa wants."

Mr. Arthur Cyril Boyce, Conservative: "I understand that in 1884 or 1887 this park was created by the government of Canada and became ordnance land...and by virtue of an Act of Parliament it was created a park for public purposes...The planting of a hotel ...on land from the public domain of Canada is not I think a proposition that will appeal to the people of Canada. The park which has been for the benefit of the people of Canada will be the back garden of a hotel."

A statue of Lieutenant-Colonel John By in Major's Hill Park. The Lieutenant-Colonel supervised the construction of the Rideau Canal.

The 1957 Annual Report of the Federal District Commission.

 The Hog's Back Park, page 17/49.

"Desirous of providing a park in the southern part of Ottawa comparable to Rockcliffe Park in the eastern part of Ottawa, the Commission contined in 1957 the progressive development of Hog's Back Park. Located as it is in the new government group of office buildings where thousands of employees will be housed within the next 5 years, this park in addition to its use by the general public will be used for picnics on a large scale."

"The plans for the additional service buildings at Hog's Back picnic area have been approved by the Commission. These plans comprise a refreshment pavilion, a general shelter, a bus stop and rest rooms. Among its main features will be a parking area for a total of 540 cars and a bus terminal; 400 picnic tables; several overlooks and 30 outdoor fireplaces and drinking fountains. The formal opening of the 125-acre Hog's Back picnic grounds is scheduled to take place early next summer." Location---the east side of the Rideau River, north of Hog's Back Falls. The park merges with the new Rideau Heights Federal Government Buildings site where new departmental buildings are being constructed for the Department of Public Works, the Post Office Department, etc." (Part of the Hog's Back Woods were privatized, Google: "urban natural features strategy, city of ottawa April 11, 2006." Hog's Back Woods-Private, Federal.) Hog's Back Park is now 51 acres, not 125.

Details of Lands.  Industrial and Railway Sites., Township of Gloucester.   Queensway.    Station Boulevard.    Western Parkway.    Eastern Parkway.    Ottawa River Parkway.   Rideau River Parkway.  Hull South Parkway.    Hull General Parkway.    Hull General Lands.   Gatineau Park.   Mackenzie King Bridge.   Sussex Drive.   Misscellaneous sites. 

The National Capital Commission wants to de-pave parkways in the Capital, and calls them relics of the last century."De-pave the (Sir) John A. Macdonald Parkway" "The impending removal from the Parkway of hundreds of buses per day leads to question whether it make sense to devote a huge portion of the city's prime real estate to a commuter roadway. It is a massive waste to keep the parkway as it is...The NCC's new CEO Mark Kristmanson seemed open to the idea of reassessing the value of the Macdonald Parkway in a recent interview with the Citizen, but wondered whether it (and the region's other parkways) might be part of our 'cultural landscape' and whether they might have heritage value as 'relics of the 20th century.'..There are over 52 kilometres of parkway between Ottawa and Gatineau; how much of that need be preserved for heritage value." Ottawa Citizen, February 25, 2014.

Friday, January 15, 2021

The modern addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel.

Why this endeavour cannot proceed:

1.)  The hotel is part of the Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada. Memorials and buildings that are part of Confederation Square:  National War Memorial. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Bell Building, Central Chambers, Chateau Laurier, East Block, Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council (former Langevin Block), National Arts Centre, Postal Station "B", Scottish-Ontario Chambers, and the former Grand Trunk railway station. The Daly Building at 555 Mackenzie is gone.

2.) The grounds of Parliament Hill included Major's Hill Park. The Chateau Laurier was built on Major's Hill Park:

House of Commons Ottawa December 21, 1963."...With the exception of the years 1802-1823, Parliament Hill has been owned by the Crown-successively the Crown Imperial, the Crown Provincial and the Crown Federal. Since 1823, the Crown has always held these lands for public purposes-either of defence or generally. In 1802, the British Crown granted the area to Jacob Carman who deeded it in 1812 to Thomas Fraser by whose son Hugh it was inherited."

"In 1823 the Earl of Dalhousie, the Governor, purchased the Hill from Hugh Fraser on behalf of the British Crown and, by letter, entrusted its control and management to Colonel John By with instructions that the Hill, together with Major Hill and Nepean Point, be reserved for military purposes."

"About 1857 the British Crown transferred the Ordnance (or military) lands-these including the Hill together with the Rideau Canal lands-to the Government of Upper Canada. With Confederation the Hill and the buildings then thereon were included in those public lands and works transferred from Upper Canada by Section 108 of the B.N.A. Act and clause 9 of the 3rd Schedule thereto."

"Thereafter the Hill has continued in the ownership of Canada. The statutory phrase is that Parliament Hill lands are absolutely vested in Her Majesty in right of Canada for the purposes of Canada, See: Public Lands Grants Act, R.S. 1952 Can.,ch.224 and Ordnance and Admiralty Lands Act, R.S. 1927, Can., ch.115."

3.) Senate Bill S-203, an Act to Amend the National Capital Act (buildings or works of national significance.)

Bill S-203. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Commons, enact the follows:

1 National Capital Act. Section 2 of the National Capital Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: buildings or works of national significance means

(a.) the grounds in the City of Ottawa bounded by Wellington Street, the Rideau Canal, the Ottawa River and Kent Street, known as Parliament Hill, and any buildings or works located on those grounds;

(b.) the Senate of Canada Building, located at 2 Rideau Street in the City of Ottawa;

(c.) the building located at 1 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa;

(d.) the Victoria Building, located at 140 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa; 

(e.) the Sir John A. Macdonald Building, located at 144 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa;

(f.) the Wellington Building, located at 180 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.

(g.) the Confederation Building, located at 229 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.

(h.) the Justice Building, located at 249 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.

(i.) the Supreme Court of Canada Building, located at 301 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.

(j.) any place that has been commemorated as a historic place under paragraph 3(a) of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act.

(k.) a national historic site as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act.

(l.) any prescribed building or work.

Senate Bill S-203 applies to 1 Rideau Street because it is a national historic place. The marker is located just to the left of the main front entrance portico. 

4.)  The Rideau Canal will lose designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

5.)  There is widespread opposition to the proposed addition:  Friends of the Chateau Laurier Public Group|Facebook.  Protect the Chateau Laurier-Home|Facebook.   Block Changes to the Chateau Laurier's Classic (As of January 15,2021 the petition had 13,702 signatures.)

6.)  Major's Hill Park is federal property and 1 Rideau is a National Historic Site of Canada. The addition will have a negative affect on viewscapes of the park and the original hotel:

1994-1995 Annual Report of the National Capital Commission-page 19/50. "Too many modern cities have paid the price of uncontrolled and disharmonious development. That is why the Canadian Parliament appointed the NCC to guard against inappropriate design use and land use in the Canadian Capital. The Commission has been authorized to examine all applications for design approval, land use changes, realty transactions and demolitions affecting federal property in the region, rejecting those that are inappropriate or suggesting changes to make others acceptable."

1993-1994 National Capital Commission Annual Report-page 9/36. Mission Statement-The NCC's mission statement reflects it's mandate:

  • to use the Capital to communicate Canada to Canadians.
  • to make the Capital a meeting place for Canadians; and
  • to safeguard and preserve national treasures in the Capital.


To see the YouTube video Google "Paul McCartney Chateau Laurier."

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Canadian landmarks that were nearly obliterated.

  The Rideau Canal.  Union Station on Front Street, Toronto, Ontario.  Union Station on Rideau Street, Ottawa. The Kingston Penitentiary.  Dominion Observatory, Ottawa.  Old Toronto City Hall, 60 Queen Street West, Toronto.  The American Pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal designed by Buckminster Fuller. Ottawa Teacher's College, 195 Elgin Street, now part of City Hall.  The Don Jail, 550 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, was a filming location for the television program "Suits".

Mike is in jail. Episode 1, Season 6.

  The Royal Canadian Mint, 320 Sussex Drive, Ottawa. The East Block, Parliament Hill. Gulf of Georgia Cannery, Steveston, Richmond, British Columbia.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Governor General Michener and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau visit CFB Petawawa.

The photos were taken by my Dad.


Private vehicles will eventually be banned on Wellington Street.

The Parliamentary Precinct encompasses the Parliament Buildings; Parliament Hill; the Supreme Court of Canada; Library and Archives Canada; Wellington Street and properties across from the Hill; the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall and the Western Annex, the Lebreton Flats. For information about transportation plans for Wellington Google: "A National Capital Region Loop: The idea whose time has come." November 8,2020.  This idea will have to be vetoed for the following reasons:

1.)  Wellington Street is part of the Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada. 2.)  The "Loop" requires expropriation of land from Parliament Hill and the Supreme Court.

The privatization of public property.

1.)  Fraser Institute:

2.) City of Ottawa White Paper on Development in the Greenbelt, May 27, 2008... Petitions: Save the Greenbelt!Ottawa plans to turn 1/3rd of the Greenbelt into subdivisions./ Keep Ottawa's Greenbelt Green.

2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation that will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region. The Greenbelt will remain in the public domain." (Page 53/196.)   

3.)  "A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety (2007) by Rob Sampson. "A new prison will be constructed in Kingston, Ontario populated from the consolidation of Pittsburgh   Joyceville    Collins Bay Institution    The Regional Treatment Centre    Warkworth   and Millhaven."  (page 198.)  "Joyceville and Pittsburgh farmland could be worth $2 million dollars, while the Regional Headquarters at 440 and 462 King Street West could net $17 million dollars." (page 208.)

4.)  "NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital." (2016).

A 1974 Ottawa Journal article.

5.)  "Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan" (2016) "Bounded on the north by Highway 417, and Orangeville Street, on the east by Rochester Street and Booth Street, on the south by Carling Avenue, Prince of Wales Drive and the Experiment(al) Farm and Norman Street, on the west by Bayswater Avenue, Sherwood Drive, Breezehill Avenue South, Hickory Street, Loretta Avenue South, Beech Street and Railway Street."

6.)  The Provincial Capital Commission in Victoria, British Columbia was the gatekeeper for heritage buildings and park land but the BC government dissolved the agency.

A 2013 map from The Times Colonist.

7.)  The Ontario Realty Corporation is selling off 243 properties including the London, Ontario psychiatric hospital where Dr. Maurice Bucke practised for years. Dr. Bucke was the author of "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind." and he was a friend of American writer Walt Whitman.
A 1990 movie about Dr. Maurice Bucke. Amazon photo.

Organizations that are trying to save current and former government of Canada properties:
The Heritage Canada Foundation.
The Historical Society of Ottawa - Sparks Street Mall.
Save the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia,
The Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation Society.
The Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society, Steveston Village, Richmond, British Columbia.
Friends of the Kingston Penitentiary.
Save Our Prison Farms - A national campaign.
ipetition-Don't Erase History, Protect the Kingston Penitentiary.
#ygk Challenge: Save Kingston Penitentiary and Regional Treatment Centre.
Save the Kingston Portsmouth Harbour and Greenspace.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Dominion Observatory campus in the Capital. 
Save Mooney's Bay|Facebook.Save Mooney's Bay.  Sign the Petition-Save Mooney's Bay.  Ottawa: Protect Mooney's Bay from Development. Save Mooney's Bay-Save Our

Monday, January 11, 2021

The removal of vehicles from scenic highways.

De-paving the parkways would create billions of dollars worth of "surplus" Crown real estate. 

"Nussbaum: Covid showed us how we can make our cities more livable." (Ottawa Citizen, 3 weeks ago.) The head of the National Captal Commission wants to expand a pilot project---taking buses, cars and trucks off public highways and 'giving the land back to the people'. Since when did the NCC give land back to the people---you just banned the public from Rideau Hall. Land that was promised for Major's Hill Park was sold to the American embassy. In 1992 the 88-acre Moffat Farm was sold to a builder of luxury homes; the City wanted to keep the Veteran's Affairs property green. Trees on Mooney's Bay Park were chopped down and a child care centre was constructed. Former federal politicians John Manley and John Baird want to preserve the Lebreton Flats as a National Park.Nine acres of green space adjacent to the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway are being converted into an embassy precinct.

National Interest Land Mass-The scenic highways in the National Capital are untouchable. "Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC on behalf of the government in perpetuity."

1.)  Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington St. to Carling Ave. - 254 ha.

2.)  Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive - 15 ha.

3.)  Airport Parkway - 120 ha.

4.)  Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd. to Hwy 417 - 72 ha.

5.)  Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Parkway from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt - 255 ha.

6.)  Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway - 84 ha.

7.)  Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor - 285 ha.

Proposed NILM Lands.

1.)  Experimental Farm Dr. Corridor Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76.0 ha.

2.)  Western Parkway Corridor, Carling Ave. to Queensway - 40.0 ha.

3.)  Alta Vista Corridor, Kitchener Avenue to Smyth Road - 69.0 ha.

4.)  Hull South Parkway, Lucerne Blvd to Gatineau Park - 275.0 ha.

5.)  Part of Philemon Wright Corridor - 103 ha. (Google:1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)

The Greber Report of 1950- Federal, scenic highways and parks in the NCR are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity.(Greber Report, page 228/395.)

Report of the Federal District Commission, 1949, page 37/75. "The park and parkway system of the Federal District Commission is justly famous for its utilization of the scenic beauty of the Federal Capital Area whenever possible. The parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake. In all, about twenty-two miles of parkways have been developed over a period of many years, and with the exception of several minor gaps, it is possible to drive along these scenic roads from the Village of Rockcliffe to the Champlain Bridges...The system comprises areas of natural beauty which were acquired by the Commission to ensure their retention and protection."( The Federal District Commission is now the National Capital Commission-savecfbrockcliffe.) 

Op-Ed: De-Pave the (Sir) John A. Macdonald Parkway: "The impending removal from the Parkway of hundreds of buses per day leads me to question whether it makes sense to devote a huge portion of the city's prime riverside real estate to a commuter roadway. It is a massive waste to keep the Parkway as it is"..."The NCC's new CEO Mark Kristmanson, seemed open to the idea of reassessing the value of the Macdonald Parkway in a recent interview with the Citizen, but he wondered whether it (and the region's other parkways)might be part of our 'cultural landscape' and whether they might have heritage value as 'relics of the 20th century'...."There are over 52 kilometres of parkway between Ottawa and Gatineau; how much of that need be preserved for heritage value?" (Ottawa Citizen, February 25, 2014.)

House of Commons Debates Ottawa June 1, 1970: Mr. Skoberg (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) New Democratic Party: "Is the government of Canada, through the National Capital Commission, giving favourable consideration to the development of a plan which would eliminate automobiles from the downtown area of Ottawa?"

Mr. Martin P. O'Connell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Regional Economic Expansion). "...At present, no plans exist for the elimination of automobiles from downtown Ottawa."

House of Commons Debates Ottawa May 15, 1970. Mr. Duncan Gordon Blair (Grenville-Carleton) Liberal: "...Is the government aware of a statement or statements to the press by the Chairman of the National Capital Commission to the effect that he might close the national capital parkways in this region for a week, for the strange inquiries of...proving their importance in carrying traffic?""The second part of my question is whether the Acting Prime Minister can assure the House that the government will not permit the people of this area this inconvenience (caused) by the disruption that this extraordinary and senseless experiment will cause."

Hon. George J. McIlraith (Acting Prime Minister; Solicitor-General of Canada). "The statement has caused concern.I am very doubtful that the Chairman has any such authority under the National Capital Act passed by this Parliament."

Driveways in Ontario, March 31, 1985.

Ottawa River   Airport   Eastern Driveway  Colonel By  Eastern Parkway Queen Elizabeth  Hog's Back Road  Rockcliffe Park   Queensway  Island Park  Station Boulevard  Experimental Farm. (From: "1984-85 Annual Report of the NCC, page 32/70.)

A YouTube video showing the Queen Elizabeth and NCC parkways, Google:"Ottawa Snow Drive and Walk, NCC Scenic Driveway, Experimental Farm..."  The video was uploaded a week ago.        

Prince of Wales Drive adjacent to the Experimental Farm is being widened from 2 lanes to 4 lanes. Google: "Dow's Lake-Glebe Report, June 11, 2010."

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Save the Dominion Observatory.

Parks Canada National Historic People and Events-Date Modified 2009-04-15.

Sir Sandford Fleming at the Canadian Pacific Railway ceremony commemorating "The Last Spike."

A plaque in front of the Dominion Observatory, Carling Avenue, Ottawa, honouring Sir Sandford Fleming.
A Royal Astronomical Society of Canada YouTube video:

The Friends of the Farm are worried about the future of the Observatory campus, William Saunders Building, Heritage House and the Genetics Building on Maple Drive. From: friendsofthefarm newsletter, Fall 2017.

"The Government of Canada is getting out of the business of running experimental farms." CBC News article, "Ottawa closing experimental farm" February 25, 2005.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The public is banned from Rideau Hall---again.

 "Egan: GG shuts rink, grounds in latest drama from The Crown". Ottawa Citizen, January 7, 2021. 

My opinion, savecfbrockcliffe. Federal properties in the National Capital are dedicated to Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. Read the Greber Report. Parliament Hill; transportation corridors; green space, Commissioners Park, the Rideau Canal, museums, the archives, etc. should always be accessible to the public. (However, ecologically sensitive properties in the Greenbelt and Gatineau Park have to be protected.) The NCC is not a private developer--- the land that they are selling or restricting access to is collectively owned by the citizens of Canada. Our grandchildren have the right to inherit Crown property.

 House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1986. Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Oppostition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party)Liberal.

Mr. Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier): "Mr. Speaker, every year, the magnificent gardens at the residence of Canada's Governor-General attract thousands of tourists from all parts of Canada and from all over the world. Rideau Hall, a symbolic institution dear to the hearts of Canadian men and women, has seen many people walk through its gates to admire this splendid residence or simply for the pleasure of walking on the Governor General's lawn."

"A decision has now been made to restrict access to the public areas of  Rideau Hall to groups that have received prior authorization. The only justification given as yet has been the possibility that the safety of the Governor General might be at risk."

"If that is the case, I fail to understand why, in 1986, here in Canada, we cannot both protect our head of State and provide access to this lovely expanse of green that belongs to Canadians. It would be unfortunate if because of fear of some incident we were to restrict our freedom, our civility and the long tradition we have in this country of encouraging people to move freely."

House of Commons Ottawa June 19, 1986. Mr. Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier): "Mr. Speaker, in the continuing saga of tabling petitions concerning the closure of the Rideau Hall grounds by order of the National Capital Commission, I would like to table another six petitions, which ask that the authorities reconsider this decision and allow residents and tourists to visit the grounds of Rideau Hall. They recognize that security concerns must be looked after, but the public of Canada should be allowed to enjoy the 120 acre park."

"The modus vivendi, that is the security measures, should be installed appropriately so that the public can be allowed to visit these grounds." (120 acres? The January 7, 2021 Kelly Egan article stated that the park was comprised of 80 acres.)

House of Commons Ottawa June 3, 1986. Mr. John Barry Turner (Ottawa-Carleton) Progressive Conservative: "Mr. Speaker, my question is addressed to the Minister of Public Works. For all intents and purposes the gates of Rideau Hall were recently closed to the people of Canada by the National Capital Commission, an act with which I totally disagree."

The Greber Report of 1950, regarding public, federal institutions in the nation's capital.

"The Capital revealed herself a tourist centre of rare attraction...Beside her political importance are to be found the interest of her public monuments, the charm of her site and the attractiveness of her surroundings...Residence of the governor general, a university and episcopal city, she can offer convention members hotels with every modern comfort; to specialists the Parliamentary Library, the National Archives and the scientific museums...To the ordinary tourists, the Royal Canadian Mint, historical museums, the Archives and the National Gallery. For hikers, here are Rockcliffe, the Driveway and the gardens of the Experimental Farm."

"On leaving the city, the visitor finds himself, within a few minutes, in the Gatineau National Park...No region in the world presents to the eyes a spectacle comparable with the dazzling enchantment of the Gatineau forest in the autumn of the year with its marvelous tapestry of gold, crimson and glowing purple." (Greber Report, page 57/395 and page 58/395.)

Rideau Hall and the connected park are designated as a National Interest Land Mass. Between the years 1986 and 1988 the Rideau Hall landscape decreased from 120 acres to 78 acres, or 31.7 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.) Coincidentally, we were banned from Government House from 1986 until 1990. Is the National Capital Commission selling this 80 acre parcel to create another embassy precinct?

A park that "the masses" are now forbidden to set foot upon.
Custodian: National Capital Commission.
Interest: Crown Owned.
Primary Use: Residential.
Address: 1 Sussex Drive.
Municipality: Ottawa.
Province/Territory: Ontario.
Federal Electoral District: Ottawa-Vanier.
Land Area: 32.0879 ha. or 79 acres.
Building Count: 25.
Record Created On: July 30, 1998.
Record Last Modified On: March 20, 2020.
The Rideau Hall skating rink.NCC photo.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Properties adjacent to the parkways are untouchable.

Nine acres of land beside the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway are being privatized and sold to foreign embassies. That land is sacred, it is dedicated to Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars:

 House of Commons Ottawa April 22, 1996. Petitions. 

Member of Parliament Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, I have the pleasure to present a petition signed by close to 1,000 people. It arises from a situation that occurred in our nation's capital last year when the National Capital Commission was looking at selling off parts of green space and open corridors..."

"The petitioners call to the attention of the House that when Jacques Greber released his plan for the capital in 1950 it was at the direction of the capital as a national war memorial to those who fought in the wars in defence of Canada. Therefore, the petitioners call on Parliament to ensure that this committment and the dedication of the green spaces of the nation's capital are maintained as a national war memorial and are not disposed of or sold."

Scenic Driveways in Ottawa.

  • Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway.
  • Sir George- Etienne Cartier Parkway.
  • Aviation Parkway.
  • National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway.

 The Queen Elizabeth Driveway and National Capital Commission Driveway are shown in the following YouTube videos:

Google: "Snow Music Color/Dance" with music by George Winston, and "Ottawa Snow Drive and Walk, NCC Scenic Driveway, Experimental Farm." The 28-minute video was uploaded two days ago.

House of Commons  Ottawa  July 22,1960. The Hon. Thomas Miller Bell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.)Progressive Conservative.

Mr. Bell (Carleton):"...Among the new projects to be undertaken I believe the Ottawa river parkway takes highest priority... To the whole capital it will give new character, added personality and distinction. No other project can have such an immediate distinction." (The scenic route is now the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.)

National Interest Land Mass.

Greber Report of 1950.   

Monday, January 4, 2021

Out-of-control redevelopment.

"In the next decades, the near west of Ottawa will see tens of thousands of new residents." Jeff Leiper. 

The Greber Report of 1950-A Plan for Canada's Capital."Nothing is more potentially hazardous to human welfare than those housing developments where sometimes close to 1,000 families are assembled without the provision of the indispensible complements of housing; school, church, local shops, recreation, intellectual and physical culture and rest."

"These soulless cities are destined to be the source of destruction to society, inasmuch as their inherent defects already bear their physical marks. Let us not bring forward the arguments of waste of land, or the lack of monetary return, in this country where space is abundant, where nature awaits the utilization of its consoling beauty and provides opportunity for the expression of energy and of material enjoyment, and, consequently, well being and prosperity." (The Greber Report, page 273/395.)

This is what residents can look forward to: 30 to 50 storey condos. Noise pollution---from the medical centre rooftop helicopters,ambulances, cars and delivery trucks. Light pollution---it took a year for the ROH to dim their high-intensity lights that were invading people's living rooms. As one woman said "This is not Vegas." ("Royal Ottawa's glowing sign sparks anger."PressReader.)  

Loss of viewscapes.

"When it opens in 2028, every day, thousands of patients, staff and visitors will come to the new Civic campus. Perched on the edge of Dow's Lake on Carling Avenue, the development will be a jewel in in the region's health system...When it opens in 2028, the new hospital will be among the largest and most advanced in Canada." (From: CheckPoint Newsletter, 17 December 2020.)

People are worried about negative affects on tourism, traffic and their quality of life: Concerns were raised with existing local streets being extended into TOH site (such as Sherwood Drive, Maple Private and Prince of Wales Drive. (My comment-Prince of Wales Drive is being widened.) How is this proposal being reviewed against the condominium development in Preston-Carling neighbourhood, and the traffic impacts? There are concerns with impact of hospital development on festivals and tourism (i.e. Tulip Festival/Winterlude) at Dow's Lake.

---What accesses will be used for ambulances, loading, employees and patients?  How will off-site parking in local neighbourhoods be controlled? There are concerns that high volumes of traffic will utilize roads within the CEF (such as Maple Drive, Birch Drive and National Capital Commission Driveway. (My comment-plans are already underway to widen Maple Drive.)

---Is TOH aware of the fault line along the ridge? This could cause problems with both the construction of the new hospital and to existing buildings such as the Dominion Observatory Building during construction and blasting. ( Comments are from "Official Plan and Zoning-Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus-Part of 930 Carling and 520 Preston Street" page 66/79 and page 73/7

Were the following studies carried out before MY LAND was given away:

  • Transportation studies. A traffic study from the year 2002 concluded that Preston could not handle any more traffic.
  • Environmental assessments.
  • A cultural heritage impact report..The government of Ontario, heritage organizations and the city had to intervene to save the Booth Barn and Observatory in 1995.
  • A Geo-technical report.
  • Wind and shadow analysis.
  • Noise,site and landscape impact.
  • Parking study.
  • A tree conservation report. 
  • How will blasting affect the nearby greenhouses, William Saunders Building, etc.

More photos from the 1960's and early 1970's.


Tunney's Pasture, the Brooke-Claxton Building.
A view from the Calgary Tower.

A health food restaurant, Kingston, Ontario.

A park beside the Rideau Canal, Perth, Ontario. During the summer of 1967 I attended a Love-in at this park.

My brother and his girlfriend.