Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Land beside Maplelawn will be used for affordable housing.

Maplelawn is a Classified Federal Heritage Building located at 529 Richmond Road in Ottawa. And the Maplelawn House and Gardens are National Historic Sites of Canada. National Historic Sites are legally protected by buffer zones.

"A representative from the office of the Minister of PSPC said certain features, like windows and the exterior will need to be preserved. By adding 529 Richmond Road to the Land Bank, PSPC will have the opportunity to vet applications and choose contractors that meet certain criteria for protecting the building's heritage."

 "Say goodbye to Rochester Field"

 "NCC looks to revive 'controversial' Rochester Field development though the land bank. The federal government has added the site at 529 Richmond Road to the Canada Public Land Bank" by Catherine Morrison, Ottawa Citizen, November 19, 2024.

"Federal land in Ottawa's west end now available for housing" by Josh Pringle, CTV News, October 8, 2024.

Maplelawn and Gardens National Historic Site of Canada
Address: 529 Richmond Road, Westboro, Ottawa Ontario
Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 1989-06-22   more

Ottawa city councillor Jeff Leiper is opposed to what is happening. Councillor Leiper: "For over a century, Rochester Field has been a jewel in Westboro. If a plan is rushed forward through City zoning by the National Capital Commission, we'll lose the best parts of it forever. It's time to take a second look."
"Rochester Field is a large NCC parcel that straddles the land from the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway to Richmond Road. It is a barely maintained space. Through the years cow paths have been worn along natural desire lines as dog-walkers and people walking to the Dominion transit station have used the field, while the rest of it has lain largely fallow as habitat for various flora and fauna. 

Amy's Corner by Amy Kempster Champlain Speaker, March 2004, Volume 23, Number 6: "The land closest to our community is west and north of Maplelawn fronting on Richmond Road. If the National Capital Commission wins their appeal (with the Ontario Municipal Board) they could then ask for a zoning amendment. Their appeal states that this parcel is not deemed to form part of the National Interest Land Mass (Note: The Lebreton Flats are part of the National Interest Land Mass, but thousands of residential units and a stadium are destined for the lot.).In his campaign literature our councillor suggested he would ask the city to obtain Maplelawn field (Rochester Field) for a park, so perhaps he knew it was in danger of disposal."

The Cole and Rochester families sold 529 Richmond Road to the Federal District Commission, now known as the NCC. But the Deed stipulated that the land would remain a greenspace, for people to enjoy in perpetuity. However, 40 trees were chopped down fairly recently and condos are planned for the site.

Green Living Ottawa Practising Urban Environmentalism (Part of the Internet article.) 'We pride ourselves on being a city with an impressive amount of green space. However, unless we have a clear vision, commitment and political leadership to protect these green spaces, they will disappear.'
'Rochester Field is one such space...it is well used by residents as a recreational pathway along the Ottawa River and to the Transitway, as well as a place to run, explore nature, fly kites and walk dogs. The City zoned it as Parks and Open Space, which the National Capital Commission appealed in 2003.' (The park is 3.8 hectares or 9.39 acres, and the article is from January 22, 2018.)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Lebreton Flats cannot be privatized. Updating.

 "Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

Parkland in the National Capital Region that cannot be sold or subdivided:

  • Confederation
  • Jacques Cartier
  • Rockcliffe
  • Rideau Falls
  • Major's Hill
  • Commissioners - envisioned as a parking lot for the Ottawa Hospital.
  • Hog's Back/Vincent Massey
  • Leamy Lake 
  • Brebuef
  •  LeBreton Common (Information about Key Capital Parks is from "NCC land holdings outside Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt." 1999)
"NCC won't pay tax-like fees for LeBreton Flats, arguing it's a park." by Elyse Skura, CBC News, January 8, 2025.

This land is part of the Parliamentary Precinct in Ottawa House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967 The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works):"The Lebreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Parliamentary Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower."

House of Commons Ottawa February 23, 1965 The Hon. Mr. Cardin (Minister of Public Works, Liberal): "Some time ago a decision was reached to construct the Department of National Defence headquarters building in Lebreton Flats. At that time it was decided that other government buildings should be located in the same area, forming a government complex of office buildings in the area from Parliament Hill west to Lebreton Flats."

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 Mr. Mac Harb (Ottawa Centre, Liberal)): "We have approximately 150 acres of land on the Flats...In the summer part of the flats is used for camping, balloonists and people who might want to take a walk."

The 130-acre landscape in 1983. House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967 The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works): "The land is 4,450 feet from the Peace Tower, less than a mile."

The Canadian National Parks Act S.C 2000, c.32---Clause 4 (1) "The National Parks of Canada are hereby dedicated to the people of Canada for their benefit, education and enjoyment...The parks shall be maintained and made use of so as to leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future Canadians."
Designated a National Interest Land Mass "Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the National Capital Commission on behalf of the government in perpetuity, for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate; and will be managed by the NCC with little or no further involvement by the Treasury Board Secretariat."
  • Part of Lebreton Flats N of Transitway - 65.37 ha, or 161.53279 acres.(Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC Land Holdings.)
House of Commons Ottawa June 16, 1966 MP Stanley Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre, NDP) Public Buildings in Ottawa---Height of Proposed National Defence Headquarters on the Lebreton Flats "I understand that the height of the Peace Tower, from its base to the top of the tower is 296 feet. The information given us concerning the proposed national defence headquarters is that the height of the building from the ground to the top would be 450 feet."

"I think that the skyline of the city of Ottawa is something of which we can be proud. A tower that is only a few blocks away, rising higher than the Peace Tower, would detract from the Peace Tower and spoil the skyline of the city of Ottawa."

"I think that a government that is in power for only a short time has to be careful when it takes a course of action that has an effect for decades, perhaps for half a century or a century. Mr. Speaker, one newspaper in an editorial against me says that I am living in the past and asks if I do not realize that skyscrapers reflect progress. I think the story of the Tower of Babel gives the answer to that. I hope we are not going to build another one." (Note: The Dream LeBreton condos will be 36 and 31 storeys high.  Developers can appeal to the City of Ottawa and the Ontario Municipal Board to remove any height restrictions.)

Proposal to sell Moffat Farm "This inquiry is about the NCC and its endeavours to sell a national capital parkland. These are public lands. They are not the private land holdings of a private developer. There is burgeoning public unhappiness about the destiny of the national capital parklands, like Vincent Massey and Hog's Back, which are similarly zoned and similarly at risk." (Proposal to sell Moffat Farm, Senate Debate April 23, 2002,)
The Lebreton Park encompassed 173 acres in 1992, not 8. Proof---1992 Directory of Federal Real Property, page 377.The document is on this page.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Similarities between Alcatraz and the Kingston Pen. Updating.

  • They are popular tourist attractions. The Pen is Canada's Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal.
  • Alcatraz is an American National Historic Landmark, and the Pen was a National Historic Site of Canada and a Classified Federal Heritage Building.
  • In 2008 the San Francisco landmark faced demolition; KP may lose 11 buildings, the perimeter walls, a parking lot and guard towers. 
  • Alcatraz was built on a huge limestone rock, hence the nickname "The Rock." The Kingston prison was created with limestone and constructed by the inmates.
  • They were filming locations: 'The Rock' starring Nicholas Cage and Ed Harris; 'Escape from Alcatraz' with Clint Eastwood, and 'Point Blank' with Lee Marvin. KP was a backdrop for 'Alias Grace' and a YouTube video 'Vera Sola---Small Minds' by Danielle Aykroyd.
  • Nicknames---Alcatraz is known as 'The Rock' and 'Uncle Sam's Devil Island'. The Kingston prison is 'The Big House' and 'KP'.
  • Songs---'Alcatraz' by Leon Russell in 1971; '89 Days of Alcatraz' by Emm Gryner; 'Alcatraz' by Nazareth. (Songs that Linda Ronstadt performed at a Tennessee prison were 'Desperado' and 'You're No Good.')
  • More songs---'Time off for Good Behaviour' by Neil Young; Gord Downie wrote about Millhaven which is located a few miles down the road---'He's 38 years old.' The Ramblers recorded 'Misbehavin' in Millhaven." And The Blue Diamonds concert 'Live at Collins Bay Penitentiary' is on YouTube.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Ontario government is protecting the former Guelph prison.

The June 10, 2021 article is by Dan Gibson. 

 Guelph Reformatory.

The Ontario Heritage Act Part 1V would apply to the entire property at 785 York Road, known as the Guelph Correctional Centre or Ontario Reformatory, and sets out the following heritage attributes for protection:

  • 58 acres or 143.321 acres of the property recognized as a cultural heritage landscape and as a property of provincial significance.
  • 12 buildings, including the administration building, superintendent's residence, Willowbank Hall, detention complex, machine shop and greenhouse. 
  • Ornamental grounds including stone walls, fences, stairs, gates and gateposts along York Road, terraced gardens, the ponds, bridge, waterways and mature trees planted along roads.
  • Circulation patterns on the property.
  • Open areas and clear sight lines around the main detention complex.  work in progress


Prime agricultural land on Collins Bay and Joyceville is off-limits for housing.

 "Contiguous blocks of land are considered as prime agricultural sites because they provide prospects for agriculture both now and in the future...Farmland protection is crucial for Ontario, especially for the southern part of the province since that is where it is anticipated that the majority of future urban growth will take place." ("Land use change detection and quantification of prime agricultural lands in southern Ontario---Geoderma Regional, Volume 37, June 2024.")

Permitted uses of land on specialty crop areas Under certain conditions, infrastructure (for example roads, pipelines) and mineral aggregate extraction may be permitted. Other non-agricultural uses, including settlement areas, are not permitted." (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness, March 21, 2024.)

 The majority of high agricultural capability is found in southern Ontario. The map is from Study Area 2, Geoderma Regional, Volume 37, June of 2024.

Bill 27, Protecting Agricultural Land Act, 2022, Legislative Assembly of Ontario (John Vanthof, Timiskaming-Cochrane); Status: Carried on October 27, 2022.

Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas---Publication 851. "Ontario's prime agricultural land is a finite, non-renewable resource comprising less than 5% of Ontario's land base. It is the foundation for food, the food economy, agri-food exports, economic prosperity, and the growing bio-based economy. (page 5/64.) 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

A federal prison was sold to Quebec in 2018.

A Montreal Gazette photo of the Leclerc prison in Laval.

Collins Bay potential loss of property: "The possibility of a change of ownership of the site allows for the exploration of the opportunities the site presents." (The Frontenac Institution Lands---Queens University, a 2009 document, page 117.)

City of Kingston Official Plan "The special planning area includes the Collins Bay Institution and a portion of Canadian Forces Base Kingston. Both of these areas could be the subject of further development in the future." (May 1, 2018, page 49.)