Monday, November 30, 2020

The Rideau Canal is federal Crown property.

Rideau Canal. 

Wharf (ves), Part Lot 3, Water Lot F, Rideau Lake, Rideau Lakes, ON - Land Area - 0.0054 ha. Buildings: 0.

Parcel 4, Drummond - Land Area: 1,500.4544 ha. Buildings: 3.

Parcel 10, Kingston - Land Area: 499.9119 ha. Buildings: 0.

Parcel 03, Kingston - Land Area: 1,552.9586 ha. Buildings: 8.

Parcel 11, Leeds and the Thousand Islands: Land Area: 227.6932 ha. Buildings: 0.

Parcel 07, Merrickville-Wolford: Land Area: 867.2646 ha. Buildings: 12.

Parcel 08, Montague: Land Area: 5.1354 ha. Buildings: 4.

Parcel 09, North Grenville: Land Area: 526.9551. Buildings: 3.

Parcel 18, Ottawa: Land Area:5.1354 ha. Buildings: 1.

Parcel 16, Ottawa: Land Area: 13.7628 ha. Buildings: 0.

Parcel 15, Ottawa: Land Area: 41.3906 ha. Building: 0.

Parcel 13, Ottawa: Land Area: 114.0968 ha. Buildings: 2.

Parcel 12, Ottawa: Land Area: 125.5091. Buildings: 7.

Parcel 06, Ottawa: Land Area: 944.7355. Buildings: 3.

Parcel 07, Perth: Land Area: 9.7574. Buildings: 1.

Parcel 01, Rideau Lakes: Land Area: 10, 975.1133 ha. Buildings: 23.

Parcel 14, Smiths Falls: Land Area: 68.1314 ha. Buildings: 15.

Parcel 02, South Frontenac: Land Area: 2, 557.1219 ha. Buildings: 8.

Parcel 05, Tay Valley: Land Area: 1,203.5373 ha. Buildings: 0.

Parcel 19, Westport: Land Area: 1.4264 ha. Buildings: 0.

Part of Lot 13, Concession 6, Drummond - Land Area: 1.1420. Buildings: 0.

Part of Lot K, Lot 12, Concession 3, Village of Elgin, Township of South Crosby, Rideau Lakes. Land Area: 2.0230. Buildings: 3.

Part 1, Lot 1, Concession 1, Plan 27R, 25. Montague. Land Area: 0.1260.

From: "The Federal Directory of Real Property" website.

The TV Ontario documentary "Tripping the Rideau Canal" is on YouTube.

Stamps that were issued by Canada Post:

Jones Falls, Elgin - 1998.
Ottawa, 2014.

Who owns Crown property in Canada?

 The people of Canada.

House of Commons Debates Ottawa February 5, 1968.  The CBC is an agent of The Queen.

MP Gilles Gregoire (Independent.) "Mr. Chairman, as regards Clause 40, I have no objection to the principle here, but I have as regards to the wording. It states that the corporation is an agent of Her Majesty. Subclauses (1) and (2) provide the following: The Corporation (CBC) may, on behalf of Her Majesty, enter into contracts in the name of Her Majesty or in the name of the Corporation. Subclause (3) states the following:

Property acquired by the Corporation is the property of Her Majesty. How is it that the Canadian people pay taxes and all that will be the property of Her Majesty?...All that is acquired by the corporation is acquired by our taxes...The hon. member just told us that Canada and Her Majesty were the same thing. I disagree...This term gives rise to so many misunderstandings. Not too long ago in the court of Quebec city an individual was accused of (a crime.) It was Her Majesty vs. Mr. So and So. The accused said: I do not know her. Yet, it was clearly written that Her Majesty was prosecuting him for a crime..." 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Endangered heritage buildings and landscapes.

Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Parliament Hill is unceded territory of the Algonquin Nation; a National Interest Land Mass and a National Historic Site of Canada. "In 1976 the Parliament Buildings and the grounds of Parliament Hill were designated as National Historic Sites of Canada given their importance as the physical embodiment of the Canadian government and as a focal point of national celebrations."

 The city wants to expropriate federal land on the Parliamentary Precinct for a light rail transit project:"Kitchissippi Counc. Jeff Leiper worried some of the issues with the Wellington route would be "deal breakers" with the "stickiest" point being talks with the federal government to use fringes of the parliamentary precinct. Any tram on Wellington Street would need two stations and would require federal land on the north side of Wellington Street around the Supreme Court of Canada.It would also affect the current eight entrances to the precinct." ("Sparks Street tunnel preferred route for Gatineau tram." CBC News, September 2, 2020.")

According to Senate Bill S-203, an Act to Amend the National Capital Act, new construction is banned within 500 metres of: (a.) the grounds in the City of Ottawa bounded by Wellington Street, the Rideau Canal, the Ottawa River and Kent Street, known as Parliament Hill, and any buildings or works located on those grounds; (i) the Supreme Court of Canada Building, located at 301 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa.

An underground subway tunnel and demolition of heritage buildings will irrevocably damage the Sparks Street Mall which is a Heritage Conservation District protected by Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. As I have said before, the northern half of the Mall was expropriated by the Trudeau government in 1973 in order to provide more office space for government workers and to save the historic buildings.

Lebreton Flats - There are height restrictions pertaining to buildings on or near Parliament Hill, they cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower. Condominium towers envisioned for Lebreton surpass that limit; in fact one building is 65 storeys high. 

 The Chateau Laurier Hotel is a National Historic Site of Canada and is protected by Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act. Land surrounding the hotel is a National Interest Land Mass: 

"Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC on behalf of the government in perpetuity, for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate; and will be managed by the NCC with little or no further management by the Treasury Board Secretariat." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.) NILM holdings near the Chateau: "Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and the Conference Centre and land to the E. of the Conference Centre also land N. of Wellington between the Rideau Canal locks & the Chateau Laurier and Major Hill Park. Also the approach to Alexandra Bridge & the new Art Gallery site. 9.45 ha."

Major's Hill Park encompasses 4.8613 ha. or 12 acres. From "The Federal Directory of Real Property."

Chateau Laurier addition,November 2020."The applicant will seek Level 3 and Level 2 NCC approvals for matters related to federal lands." What federal lands? Major's Hill Park and the shores of the Rideau Canal? (Google:

 The Sparks Street Mall and Wellington Street facing the Hill:The Federal Department of Public Works is planning to redevelop the northern half of the Mall and Wellington Street properties.. Apparently many of the buildings have exceeded their life cycle. I am sure that Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and the Palace of Versailles have also passed their life cycle. Edifices on the Mall that are facing demolition or facadism are: the Bank of Nova Scotia; Bate; Birks; Blackburn; Booth; Brouse; Canada's Four Corners; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Dover; Hope; Slater and Postal Station B. My videos "Government Buildings on the Sparks Street Mall" and "Government Buildings on Wellington Street" are on YouTube.

Earnscliffe, 140 Sussex Drive, Ottawa. The British High Commission is demolishing a building designed by Canadian architect David Ewart; constructing a fortress or compound that will completely hide Earnscliffe; and they are taking over part of a National Research Council parking lot.

A new transit endeavor will completely change Baseline Road in Ottawa. The road will be widened, 173 residential properties affected as well as commercial entities. Even the Pinecrest Cemetery. Google: "Baseline Road Transit Corridor" Bayshore Station..." The city is taking a 22 foot wide strip of the Experimental Farm and a 50 foot wide "Shelterbelt" or buffer will protect the land from pollution, wind erosion and salt spray.

The Experimental Farm on Baseline facing west.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Central Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada.

Statements in the House, February 9, 1998. Member Of Parliament Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West-Nepean.) Liberal. "Mr. Speaker, last week the Secretary of State for Parks and the minister of agriculture designated the Central Experimental Farm as a national historic site. This does not mean that the farm will be frozen in time. It will continue to evolve as it has for 111 years but it will evolve in a way that is consistent with the important contribution it has made to agriculture in Canada and internationally."

"It will be a permanent visible reminder in the nation's capital to all Canadians of the importance of agriculture to our economic and social development. The people of this region are proud of the nation's capital and its national institutions. I know they will want to contribute to and be part of planning the future of the Central Experimental Farm, our newest national historic site."

 National Historic Sites that are no longer owned by the people of Canada:

1.) Earnscliffe, 140 Sussex Drive, Ottawa.Home of Sir John A. Macdonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada.

2.) Ottawa Teacher's College, 195 Elgin Street - sold to the City of Ottawa.

3.) Chateau Laurier Hotel, 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa.

4.) Prison for Women, 40 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, Kingston Ontario. Part of the Kingston Penitentiary National Historic Site.

5.) The Cape Spear Lighthouse, St. John's Newfoundland. Fisheries and Oceans Canada divested 1,000 government-owned lighthouses including Peggy's Cove and the Bonavista Lighthouse.

6.) The Quebec Bridge that spans the Saint Lawrence River between Sainte-Foy and Levis, Quebec. The Canadian government is trying to reclaim the bridge from CN Rail for $1 dollar:

House of Commons Debates Ottawa March 24, 2010. Member of Parliament Brian Jean."Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to speak to Motion No. 423, regarding the acquisition of the Quebec Bridge from the Canadian National Railway. Motion No. 423. "That, in the opinion of the House, the government should purchase the Pont de Quebec for one dollar..."

7.) Old Toronto Post Office, 10 Toronto Street, Ontario - sold to an E.P. Taylor company called the Argus Corporation.

8.) Dry Dock, Kingston, Ontario.

Kingston Dry Dock, 55 Ontario Street.

Endangered National Historic Sites. 

1.) The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 1 Observatory Crescent, Carling Avenue, Ottawa. The River Ward councillor will "try" to save the landmark from demolition. "Reevely: Feds say they'll pay $11.8 M to clean up new Civic site." Ottawa Citizen, February 24, 2018.

2.) Fort York, 250 Fort York Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario. Encroached upon by residential development, businesses and the Gardiner Expressway.

3.) Parliament Hill, Ottawa - "Any tram on Wellington Street would need two stations and would require federal land on the north side of Wellington Street around the Supreme Court of Canada . It would also affect the current eight entrances to the precinct." ("Sparks Street tunnel preferred route for Gatineau tram." CBC News September 2, 2020.")


Parks Canada - Framework for History and Commemoration, 2019 - "Parks Canada has a mandate to ensure that Canada's designated heritage places are protected and presented for this and future generations."

A Statement by MP Bryon Wilfert (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment, Liberal.) House of Commons Ottawa, October 26, 2004: "...Canada's national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas represent the soul of Canada. They are a central part of who we are and what we are. They are places of magic, wonder and heritage. Together, they connect Canadians to our roots, to our future and to each other."

"Built heritage includes sites, buildings and monuments, recognized for their historic value. These include battlefields, forts and citadels, shipwrecks, archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, bridges, houses, cemeteries, railway stations, historic districts, ruins, engineering marvels, schools, courthouses, theatres and markets. Year after year, decade after decade, more and more historic places are being lost..."

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The many reasons why a medical centre cannot be built on the Experimental Farm.

1.) During the mid-1980's a federal park known as Mile Circle was chosen as the location for an embassy row. Then the site was rejected because it was located near the Ottawa River:

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa March 10, 1986. Hon. Ron Stewart (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works.) "...During the process of site evaluation, a number of sites were rapidly eliminated. Selection of these sites throw into question a number of long established fundamental capital planning principles. These principles include, among other things, preservation of our riverfront properties. The exclusion is consistent with the NCC long-standing policy to retain federal river front land in Canadian ownership for public use. This policy acts to ensure direct access by the public to the river shore."

870 Carling Avenue Ottawa and the Dow's Lake Parking lot.
The RCN Curling Club near Dow's Lake is facing a 1000% federal rent increase which they cannot afford. Will access to Dow's Lake be cut off, by high fences, buildings that block the view and "No Trespassing" and "Private Property" signs?
I have no doubt that the future of Commissioner's Park is on the line:
a.) The National Capital Commission has the power to remove the Greenbelt designation.
b.) The hospital already wants more than 50 acres of land, and the 22 acre park is right next to the parking lot.
 A super hospital will be built on the grounds of the Sir John Carling Building, with emergency facilities, operating rooms and critical care units. 
Queen Juliana Park, 870 Carling Avenue is pictured below. An Ambulatory Care Tower is being constructed on the land and "hundreds of thousands" of people will flood into the high rise every year. In 1976 the Trudeau government promised that the park would always be an open space:
City of Ottawa Planning Committeee: Stop the rezoning of Parks to Condos, Queen Juliana in Little Italy.
"The City of Ottawa Planners are rezoning Little Italy to medium to high density condos for the area bounded by the 417 north to Carling south to Rochester east and the railroad tracks west. By doing this rezoning it is (the) elimination (of) one park in our area used by the community at large."

"The Park is Queen Juliana Park located at 870 Carling Avenue. The Queen Juliana Park was founded in 1976 when the Federal government tore down the Temporary Buildings. The purpose of construction...was to honour Queen Juliana of Holland who donated thousands of Tulip bulbs to Ottawa and to relocate community uses of the Commissioner Park to Juliana Park in 1976 when Italian Week and St. Anthony's Church used Commissioner Park to celebrate Italian Canadian culture. In 1976 Mr Edes of the NCC convinced Public Works to create the Park for Community use because the NCC was not going to allow Associations to use Commissioner Park for festivities. Accordingly the local community has used Queen Juliana Park for many of its festivities including Victoria Day May 10 to 24th, the Native Indian Pow Wow June 16th to 20th and the Canada Day Festival June 27th to July 2."

"It would be very shameful for the City of Ottawa Planners to rezone these two Parks as residential for high rise condos."

2.)  Loss of viewscapes.

3.)  Loss of tourism. "Next to the Parliament Buildings the Experimental Farm is the second most popular tourist attraction in Ottawa." (Agriculture Minister John Wise, House of Commons, May 13, 1988.)

4.)  As I have said many times before, the Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada. Senate Bill S-203 will ban new construction within 500 metres of National Historic Sites of Canada. Below, a 1998 document from the Laurier Avenue Carnegie Library downtown:

5.) Government-owned Dominion Observatories have buffer zones and that includes the Dominion Observatory on Carling. 

6.)  Minister of Agriculture John Wise promised that the CEF would not be divested:
House of Commons Debates Ottawa May 13, 1988.
MP David Daubney (Ottawa West) Progressive Conservative.
"Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture. He will agree that the Central Experimental Farm partly located in my riding is the flagship of Agriculture Canada's excellent research effort, and contributes greatly to the unique beauty and character of the nation's capital."
"Will he confirm for the House that the Government has no intention of disposing any part of the Experimental Farm property..."
The Hon. John Wise, Federal Minister of Agriculture.
"Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the Hon. Member's continuing interest in the future of the Experimental Farm here in Ottawa. I want to take this opportunity to indicate to him that Agriculture Canada, my Department, has no plans or thoughts whatsoever concerning disposing of any portion of that property at any time. There is no question about that."

7.) People from all over the world want to see the Farm preserved, see the YouTube video "Ottawa prepares to hand over Historic Federal Farmland to Corporate Developers" March 8, 2017.

8.) Too many people were and are opposed to redevelopment of the property:

1.) Prime Minister of Canada Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
2.) Prime Minister of Canada Louis St-Laurent.
3.) Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.
4.) Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.
5.) Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson: "I think the Central Experimental Farm is a real gem in the city and I don't think the public wants to take open and green space and have it developed." (friendsofthefarm newsletter, summer of 2013, page 10/12.)
6.) Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works Erik Nielsen.
7.) Minister of Agriculture Sydney Arthur Fisher.
8.) Agriculture Minister James Garfield Gardiner.
9.) Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan.
10.) Agriculture Minister Bud Olson.
11.) Agriculture Minister John Wise.
12.) Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz.
13.) Member of Parliament and Leader of the Green Party Elizabeth May.
14.) Chairperson of the Council of Canadians Maude Barlow.
15.) Member of Parliament Marlene Catterall, Ottawa-West.
16.) Former Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Katherine Hobbs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Department of Public Works- major projects in 1961-1962.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa March 1, 1962. Hon. David James Walker (Minister of Public Works; Minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing; Minister responsible for National Capital Commission.) Progressive Conservative.

Ottawa, Ontario. - Alterations and improvements on the West Block. Computer centre for the taxation division of the Department of National Revenue. Completion of a new Post Office Department on Confederation Heights. Department of National Health and Welfare Building on Tunney's Pasture.

New federal buildings were being constructed in:

Toronto, Ontario: Arthur Meighen Building.

Newfoundland: Corner Brook, additions and alterations.

Nova Scotia: Kentville, Shelburne, Springhill and Sydney Mines. Unemployment Insurance Headquarters in Halifax and accomodation for the Queen's Printer.

New Brunswick: Edmunston and Sussex.

Quebec: Two post offices, Department of Veterans Affairs and UIC office in Montreal. Federal buildings for Grand Mere, Ste. Genevieve de Pierrefonds, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere and St. Hyacinthe.

Ontario: Arnprior, Brockville, Etobicoke, Fort William, Georgetown, Midland, Strathroy, Sudbury and Waterloo. London postal terminal.

Manitoba: Boissevan and Fort Garry. Winnipeg-Unemployment Insurance Commission.

Saskatchewan: Saskatoon, Shellbrook and Duck Lake.

Alberta: High Prairie and Calgary.

British Columbia: Burns Lake, North Surrey, Penticton and Vancouver -for UIC office and Postal Station "C".

Yukon and Northwest Territories: Hay River.

Harbour Repairs. St. John's, Newfoundland; Baie Comeau, Quebec; Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and Cornwall, Oshawa and Port Credit, Ontario.

Monday, November 23, 2020

The City of Ottawa has big plans for Confederation Heights.

 Despite the fact that the land and buildings are federal property; and the CBC Headquarters on 1500 Bronson are protected by heritage laws; and the Mulroney government tried to stop the NCC from privatizing government real estate--- starting in the the year 1988.(Google: 1988-09-15-tb-re-ncc.) 

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  March 1, 1962. David James Walker (Minister of Public Works; Minister responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing; Minister responsible for National Capital Commission.)

"...At the Confederation Heights development on Riverside drive, plans are being prepared for two new buildings to house three government departments-the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Department of Forestry, and Department of Transport...Of special interest, I think, is the fact that in the new northern affairs and national resources buildings, the use of Eskimo art for decorative uses will be employed."

"The exterior of the forestry wing will conform to the northern affairs building but the interior will feature maximum use of Canadian wood materials. The transportation building will be an imposing high-rise ediface providing the focal point of the whole development.If any hon. members have a spare moment I urge them to visit Confederation Heights and examine the magnificent development that has taken place there in the last year or two..."

7.0  Confederation Heights|City of Ottawa.
The area comprises Mooney's Bay Park, Hog's Back Park, Vincent Massey Park, certain properties on the east side of Riverside Drive south of Brookfield Road, certain properties on the south side of Brookfield Road and that area developed as a federal employment node that is commonly known as Confederation Heights.

Mooney's Bay Park is still owned by the federal government but the municipality manages and rents the property. Recent developments are creating controversy in the community. Why does the government not reclaim the park, which is a National Interest Land Mass located next to the Rideau Canal. Did we learn nothing from the Moffat Farm debacle of 2002, when 88 acres of Veterans Affairs land near Mooney's Bay was sold to a developer for the "Prince of Wales on the Rideau" subdivision. An LRT station should be banned from this area.
Petition: savemooney'sbay. Change,org.
Sign the Petition-Save Mooney's Bay.
Save Mooney's Bay-Posts|Facebook.
Ottawa: Protect Mooney's Bay From Development.
Save Mooney's Bay - Save our
A protest about Mooney's Bay changes attracted 80 people.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Mile Circle controversy.

"Request for government directive prohibiting the sale of national parklands." Proposed sale of the Mile Circle for an embassy row.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  March 24, 1986. Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Opposition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party.) Liberal. Mr. Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier.):

"...My question is directed to the Deputy Prime Minister. Will he tell the House if it is federal policy to sell federally owned parkland? NCC Chairman Jean Pigott said she wants to sell part of an Ottawa riverfront park known as Mile Circle to the United States of America for an embassy compound. Is the government in favour of selling our natural parklands?" "Mr. Speaker, could the Deputy Prime Minister inform the House whether he intends to act responsibly and give clear and precise instructions to all those who are responsible for our national parks, indicating clearly that none of our national parks are for sale?"

As of the year 2020 Mile Circle near Rockcliffe is still a meadow, an open space. Another federal property was sold to the United States for an embassy, land that was earmarked for Major's Hill Park on Sussex Drive.

"Dreams of Major's Hill Park" 1969.

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Canadian government was the biggest landlord in the world. During the year 1982.

The Hon. Erik Nielsen was Canada's Minister of Public Works from June 1979 until March 1980.

 House of Commons Debates  Ottawa   February 23, 1982. Erik Nielsen (Official Opposition House Leader; Progressive Conservative Party House Leader.) " ...Canada's Department of Public Works is probably the biggest landlord in the world with well over $40 billion of property, real and other in its list of assets."

What happened.

1.) The City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission ignored a 1988 federal directive/order that called for the preservation of "National Interest Land Mass." properties. Crown corporations have the power to remove the following designations: National Historic Site of Canada; Classified Federal Heritage Building; Recognized Federal Heritage Building; National Interest Land Mass; Greenbelt, and Heritage Conservation District. (The Sparks Street Mall in Ottawa is a Heritage Conservation District protected by Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. But plans are being made to dig a subway tunnel under the street.) Laws pertaining to height restrictions in the Parliamentary Precinct are ignored by local councillors:

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  November 23, 1967. The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works). "The Lebreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension to the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Parliamentary Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower."

2.) In their zeal to decommission government real estate, politicians are encroaching upon buffer zones:

The Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site - (Ottawa to Kingston, Ontario.) UNESCO is a United Nations agency that was created to protect endangered landscapes, buildings and heritage sites. The Chateau Laurier Hotel extension and the creation of a medical centre on the Experimental Farm are forcing the agency to reevaluate the Rideau Canal's UNESCO designation. Real estate along the banks of the Rideau Canal is extremely valuable and the buffer zones are probably hindering the sale of land.

The Victoria, British Columbia Astrophysical Observatory was privatized and the land is part of an exclusive neighbourhood.

The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Carling Avenue Ottawa. - The buffer zone will be encroached upon, roads widened, hundreds of trees clearcut, the old hedge collection was uprooted, and the nearby William Saunders Building is vacant. 

Laws were created that encourage the sale of federal real estate: The Canada Post Corporation Act. The National Capital Act. Broadcasting Act. Surplus Crown Assets Act... Canada Post, Manpower, the RCMP, Canada Customs and many other departments were located in Dominion Buildings. 

Dominion Buildings that were divested.

Higinbotham Building, Lethbridge, Alberta.Paul Martin Sr. Federal Building, Windsor,Ontario. Almonte, Ontario Post Office. Dominion Public Building, 1 Front Street West, Toronto. 2384 Yonge Street, Toronto Ontario.

The government of Canada can appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board if community groups want to preserve a parcel of land.Ordinary people do not have access to a bottomless pit of money called the Consolidated Revenue Fund, to fight the redevelopment of Moffat Farm or Rochester Field.The redevelopment of tiny Norman Street in Little Italy was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board but wealthy builders were victorious, aided and abetted by councillors who re-zoned the area.

Friday, November 13, 2020

The future of Ottawa?

Ownership of land beneath the Civic Hospital is reverting to the City.

Don't laugh, the federal and city politicians are taking away publicly owned property---Dominion Buildings; post offices; the Sparks Street Mall; 1200 Vanier Parkway; 1010 Somerset Street West and eventually the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and other scenic routes.
I predict that the Parliamentary Precinct on Wellington will be gated and only accessible to politicians, a maintenance crew and dignitaries. But we can always view the House of Commons Debates virtually after they have been edited.
I am beginning to dislike the word "virtually" almost as much as I abhor the word privatization and the oxymoronic term surplus land. I would not be surprised if 100 acres of land next to Rideau Hall are sold to a developer. During the 1980's the public was banned from the grounds of Rideau Hall. Until The Right Honourable Ray Hnatyshyn re-opened the gates, shortly after he was appointed the Governor General of Canada. 
We are being socially conditioned into giving up cars and using bicycles and subways. The elite will always have their limousines, helicopters, airplanes, submarines and yachts. (Onassis bought his yacht the "Christina" from the Royal Canadian Navy.)


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Protected land and waterways in the National Capital.

Table 1 - Category 1.

Airbase Lands - Federal, Private.

Arboretum Woods - Federal.

Aviation Parkway North - City, Federal.

Brittania Bay - City, Federal.

Brittania Conservation Area - Federal, City.

By-Pass Woods East - Federal.

Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private.

Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal.

Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal.

Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal.

Chaudiere Rapids - Federal.

Del Zotto Woods - Federal.

Deschenes Lookout - Federal.

Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City.

Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private.

Lemieux Island - Federal, City.

Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private.

McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal.

Montfort Woods - Federal, Private.

Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private.

NRC Woods North - Federal

Parliament Hill - Federal.

Pinecrest Woods - Federal.

Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City.

RA Centre Woods - Federal.

Rideau River Islands - Federal.

Rideau River Park Woods - Federal.

Riverside Park - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park East - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park West - Federal.

Rockcliffe Shores - Federal.

Google:" urban natural features strategy City of Ottawa. April 11 2006.

The City of Ottawa has the impression that most of these properties are for sale. Minister of the Environment John Baird, Minister of the Environment Jim Prentice and many more Parliamentarians prevented the city from getting their hands on the Greenbelt. Now the municipality will have to rely on the above-listed holdings to fulfill their intensification agenda:

"Where land in a Natural Environment Area, Urban Natural Feature, or Major Open Space designation is in the ownership of a public body or agency, such as the National Capital Commission or a Conservation Authority, and where this property is not required to achieve their interests as expressed in their plans, and where this public body seeks to have the City acquire these lands, the City will proceed in accordance with policies c.) and d.) above." (Ontario Municipal Board decision, March 30, 2006, under appeal.) 

 Central Experimental Farm Woods, Ottawa.

"Canada's Farm" and the Rideau Canal Hartwell Locks. Maude Barlow, Honourary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, criticized a proposal by Public Works and Agriculture Canada to divest 108 acres of land near the Hartwell Locks. "(Ms. Barlow) said the project would create a theme park atmosphere and lead to the privatization of the Experimental Farm." (Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.)  Photo is from

The Sir John Carling Building and Queen Juliana Park. Former Ottawa mayors Jacqueline Holzman and Jim Durrell tried to count the number of trees that would be clearcut for the hospital project and they stopped at 500. Their open letter can be found in a document "NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital", October 21, 2016, page 215 out of 256 pages.

Buffer Zones.

One of the definitions of the term buffer zone is "An area of land designated for environmental protection." The following federal properties are now protected by buffer zones:

The National Parks. (House of Commons June 3, 2016. December 17, 1991. June 10, 2013. November 24, 2016.)

The Rideau Canal, from the Nation's Capital to Kingston, Ontario. (The Chateau Laurier Hotel extension and construction of a medical centre on the Farm may force the United Nations to remove UNESCO designation.)

Canadian National Marine Conservation Areas. (House of Commons,November 6, 2001.)

White Lake Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory - Penticton, British Columbia. 

Victoria, British Columbia Dominion Observatory - privatized. The surrounding land is now the site of a high end residential neighbourhood.

Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt. (House of Commons,September 16, 2009.)

Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Carling Avenue Ottawa. "Counc. Riley Brockington, who represents the newly leased land, has been trying to lock into the lease conditions that would preserve as many of the existing buildings on the property as possible...such as the Dominion Observatory." (Reevely: Feds say they'll pay $11.8 M to clean up new Civic site. Ottawa Citizen, February 24, 2018.)

All of the government of Canada properties on Wellington Street facing Parliament Hill and properties near National Historic Sites of Canada in the National Capital Region. Pending. Read Senate Bill S-203 (November 2019) "An Act to Amend the National Capital Act." The buffer zone is 500 metres.

The Dominion Observatory in Ottawa. A local politician will "try" to save the landmark. Wikipedia photo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The removal of all cars from downtown Ottawa.

 House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  June 1, 1970.

Mr. Skoberg (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.) New Democratic Party. "...Is the government of Canada, through the National Capital Commission, giving favourable consideration to the development of a plan which would eliminate automobiles from the downtown area of Ottawa?"

Mr. Martin P. O'Connell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Regional Economic Expansion.) "At present, no plans exist for the elimination of automobiles from downtown Ottawa."

Plans are now underway to remove private vehicles from the Parliamentary Precinct.Is it a coincidence, that Wellington Street across from Parliament Hill and the northern part of the Sparks Street Mall are being massively redeveloped? A local politician who represents the area wants to see condominium towers "animate" the Mall. Despite the fact that the Mall is a Heritage Conservation District protected by Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.

.Is it a coincidence, that a 2002 traffic study determined that major Ottawa streets including Preston and Carling cannot handle any more traffic. Yet "tens of thousands" of new residents are moving into Ottawa West during the next decade according to the councillor. To read the traffic impact study Google: "Central Experimental Farm Historic Site Management Plan" Part 7 of 20. 

Are cars and OC Transpo buses being banned from Scott Street. Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward Councillor: Public Meeting: Scott Street Pedestrian, Cycling and Placemaking Update: "On Wednesday, November 25 (2020) our office will be hosting an online webinar where staff will outline changes coming to Scott Street in coming years...Scott Street has and will continue to see many changes...Staff in our Transportation Planning department have taken this opportunity to rethink what Scott Street will look like, specifically in terms of pedestrian and cycling facilities and placemaking opportunities."

The real reason why cars and OC Transpo buses are being removed from Ottawa streets: Because condominium towers are envisioned for Wellington Street; the Sparks Street Mall; Tunney's Pasture; Lebreton Flats; Carling Avenue (12 acres of the Farm have been re-zoned as Mixed-Use; a "Wall Of Condos" are projected for Carling); Sussex Drive; Preston Street; along Richmond Road in Westboro; Confederation Heights and Baseline Road...And traffic impact studies will veto any approval to build the towers.So get rid of the traffic. It's all about money.  

Monday, November 9, 2020

The National Capital Commission is permitting the construction of towers on the Parliamentary Precinct.

The Parliamentary Precinct includes the Lebreton Flats. Buildings located on the Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower. The Flats are also designated as a National Interest Land Mass property.

A 65- storey condominium on 900 Albert Street, LeBreton Flats. (Ottawa Construction News photo.)

Ottawa Business Journal photo.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  June 16, 1966. Regarding plans to build a high rise on the Flats during the year 1966.
MP Stanley Howard Knowles (NDP House Leader) New Democratic Party.

Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre). "...I understand that the height of the Peace Tower, from its base to the top of the tower is 296 feet. The proposed national defence headquarters from the ground floor to the top would be 460 feet..."
"The proposed national defence headquarters would be 164 feet taller than the Peace Tower...However, as everyone knows, the LeBreton Flats area west of Parliament Hill is lower than Parliament Hill. The elevation at the corner of Fleet and Booth is 184 feet."
"I think the skyline of Ottawa is something of which we can be proud. A tower that is only going to be a few blocks away (from Parliament Hill) rising higher than the Peace Tower would spoil the skyline of the city of Ottawa...I think that a government that is only in power for a short time, has to be careful when it takes a course of action that has an effect for decades, perhaps half a century or a century."
House of Commons Debates Ottawa  November 23, 1967. Lebreton is 4,440 feet from Parliament Hill.
The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works.) "The Lebreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension to the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Parliamentary Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower."
House of Commons Debates Ottawa   January 12, 1970. Hon. Marcel Lambert (Edmonton West).

"Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the Minister of Public Works. I wonder if the minister could...make a statement in the House with regard to the applicability of height restrictions on federal government buildings in the neighbourhood of Parliament Hill, with particular reference to the new National Defence building?"
(Note: The National Defence building was going to be located in the Lebreton Flats, which is part of the Parliamentary district.)
Hon. Arthur Lang (Minister of Public Works) Liberal. "Yes, Mr. Speaker, I think that could be arranged."

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  January 30, 1978.
MP Stanley Howard Knowles (NDP House Leader) New Democratic Party,

Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre).  "...I was glad to hear the Hon. Member for Ottawa West (Mr. Lloyd Francis) say a few things which make it clear that he realizes, even though he is an Ottawa resident, that there is a sense in which this area belongs to Canada. It is the nation's capital. It is appropriate that the people of Canada through their parliament and the government should have something to say about the planning of this general area..."
"But the National Capital Commission seems to have evolved in a way which includes no elected members and operates on its own self-created mandate."
"I greatly deplore the lack of planning that has resulted in this cluster of high rise structures in one part of this city...Woe betide the developer who happens to put a high rise between me and the Peace Tower."
"There are areas in many parts of the city where one used to be able to see the Peace Tower when driving around but now in most cases its blocked out."
Incorporating Official Plan Amendments - January 1997.

Highlights of The LeBreton Flats Plan January 1997.
"Views of the Parliament Buildings and other national symbols will not be obstructed." Page 40/164.
"There is an overall height limit which limits building heights to 10.7 metres" or 3.2 storeys. Page 41/164.
"The Parliamentary Precinct will be extended westward." Page 49/164.
"The dominant land use is open space. In total, the land dedicated to open space is 26 hectares about 39% of the overall site. Page 48/164.
Residential - In total the area designated as residential is 6.5 hectares. Page 61/164.
"The new community will not infringe on the liveability and identity of neighbouring communities." Page 101/164.
This document is from a 1983 book located at a library.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The plan to remove cars and buses from parkways.

 A parkway is defined as a landscaped thoroughfare. One of the joys of my life is to to travel on Ottawa parkways by bus and view the scenery. But urban planners want to eliminate major highways."Highway removal is often part of a policy to promote smart growth, transit-oriented development and walkable and bicycle friendly cities." (Wikipedia.) 

The Crown corporation CN Rail was privatized in 1995 and purchased by Bill Gates and his partners.  Thousands of miles of railway tracks were extracted from the ground, especially in Eastern Canada. The residents of Churchill, Manitoba were stranded when CN Rail refused to repair the line.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau nationalized the train tracks and bought a couple of railway cars and people were so happy they were crying and had street parties to celebrate.

 Selling the CNR network including 6,000 bridges in 1995 was a monumental mistake. Especially because foreign investors could not care less about Canadians. Decommissioning roads in the National Capital Region will also be a blunder. 

I am standing on decommissioned CNR tracks in Wakefield, Quebec a few years ago. The station has been converted into a beautiful restaurant.

That same location in 1965.
The Greber Plan of 1950.


Street system designed for cars. Some monumental streets. (unbuilt.)

Heirachy of street. Yes.

Separate pedestrian routes. Sparks Mall, cycle routes built.

Green buffers for heavy traffic. Parkways, NCC landscape expressways.

Traffic concentrated on great arteries - Expressway/arterial network.


Are Canadians being socially-engineered to give up their private vehicles? Will owning a car be a privilege and not a right? Members of royal families, celebrities and the CEO's of major corporations will never give up their cars or bodyguards or mansions with 12-foot-high perimeter walls. Do not herd me into subways that are devoid of sunlight and fresh air. That are not heavily patrolled by security guards. The city turned down an offer by Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angels of NYC to provide free security for passengers on public transit. 

House of Commons Debates Ottawa  July 22, 1960.

The Hon. Thomas Miller Bell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada). Progressive Conservative.

Mr. Bell (Carleton). "...Among the new projects to be undertaken, I believe the Ottawa river parkway takes highest priority. Properly designed, it will be an almost revolutionary addition to our parkway system. To the whole capital it will give new character, added personality and distinction. No other project can have such an immediate distinction." It is now called the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.

Ordinary Canadians are impacted by NCC policies.

You are banning vehicles from scenic parkways in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. So that people will have spaces to run, bicycle and walk...If you did not sell the Rockcliffe military base, Rochester Field, federal property in Little Italy, the Lebreton Flats, Tremblay Road, etc. individuals would have thousands of acres of nearby recreational land. In 1986 the grounds of Rideau Hall were closed to the public. The Mile Circle Federal Park near Rockcliffe was earmarked for foreign embassies. Carling Avenue will soon have a "Wall of Condos" that block off all the tourist attractions--- similar to Toronto's Wall of China that separates Lake Ontario from the city. "The masses" do not have thousands of acres of private land; jets that transport us to islands and ski lodges; polo clubs and Soho Clubs. The DARA Tennis Club near Dow's Lake, Ottawa was evicted and the nearby RCN Curling Club cannot afford a 1,000% increase in rent. 

House of Commons Debates Ottawa June 29, 1964.  Mr. Thompson- Social Credit. 1.) In view of the recent statement by the associate minister of defence that the R.C.A.F. will retain Rockcliffe airport, what plans does the government now have for the eastern extension of the Ottawa river parkway? 2.) Had the ncc approached the R.C.A.F. authorities about the use of Rockcliffe airport for the proposed parkway before engaging in expropriation of homes to the east of the airport? 3.) Has the ncc departed from the principles of the Greber plan in connection with the protection of the property rights of riverside owners in the development of Riverview Parkway? 4.) Has the ncc expropriated private homes because "homes of different shapes and colours are not wanted along the driveway?"

Answer: 1.) When the fiscal situation warrants it is proposed to extend the Ottawa river parkway from the Rockcliffe park easterly along the Ottawa river across Rockcliffe airport. 2.) Yes; discussions with officials of the Department of National Defence. 3.) No. 4.) No.

The Rockcliffe Parkway is now called the Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Height restrictions near Parliament Hill.

 Residential towers are being constructed on the Lebreton Flats and the Sparks Street Mall in Ottawa. The Flats are one mile away from Hill and they are the western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. In 1973 the Government of Canada expropriated buildings and land on Wellington Street across from the Hill, and the northern part of the Mall. The Trudeau government wanted to save the heritage buildings and to stop the construction of high rise apartments.

House of Commons Ottawa  December 7, 1984. MP Joseph Gaston Isabel (Hull-Aylmer) Liberal. "Several years ago you could see Parliament Hill from far away. Today, you have to fly aboard a helicopter to see it, because of a few small skyscrapers that have, for all practical purposes, destroyed the beauty of the majestic Parliament Hill. And the National Capital Commission had to buy some land in order to have control over this area and avoid any undesirable construction."

Commissioners Park at Preston Street and the Queen Elizabeth Driveway is part of the NCC Greenbelt.

 The 22-acre park will never be sold, rented or subdivided. It is bounded by Dow's Lake, Preston Street, Carling Avenue and Dow's Lake Road.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  September 16, 2009. MP Steven Blaney. "...Other properties found in the greenbelt are Commissioners Park, where there is a display of over 100,000 tulips..."

H.R.H. Princess Margriet of the Netherlands visiting Commissioners Park in Ottawa.The photo is from
Environment Minister John Baird, pictured on the right, refused to let the National Capital Commission sell any Greenbelt land.

Friday, November 6, 2020

The LeBreton Flats.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  March 30, 1966. 

Mr. Bell (Carleton) Progressive Conservative. "Referring to part 1 of the Sixty-fifth report of the National Capital Commission at page 13, what proposals and recommendations have been made for the redevelopment of the LeBreton flats area in the city of Ottawa?"

The Hon. G.J. McIlraith (Minister of Public Works; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons; Liberal Party House Leader.) Liberal. "Proposals and recommendations that have been made with respect to the redevelopment of the LeBreton Flats are that: In order to improve the foreground of Parliament Hill, the area which can generally be described as consisting of those lands bounded by Wellington Street, Bronson Avenue extended northerly, the Ottawa river and Bronson channel, is to be used to provide sites for the construction of government buildings which need to be located in the central part of Ottawa. It is planned that the first government building to be located in the area will be the new headquarters for the Department of National Defence.''

"In addition to providing sites for government buildings, part of the area will be used to provide the connection of the Ottawa river parkway to Wellington street. Part of the area will be required to provide right of way for new internal streets and traffic arteries necessary to provide access for the large number of employees that will eventually work in the LeBreton Flats area. These will also serve the central part of the national capital and the internal streets will provide better access to the proposed historic park on Victoria Island.'

"Other uses, such as a small commercial area, office buildings and some apartment or similar residential uses are being studied."

"It is proposed that the development of the LeBreton Flats be carried out so that the buildings and other works are constructed in a landscaped setting while at the same time making economical use of the land."

Thursday, November 5, 2020

National Capital Commission - Proposal by chairman to close parkways for a week.

 The NCC will eventually ban motor vehicles from parkways in the National Capital Region. A similar proposal received a negative reaction in 1970.

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  May 15, 1970.

Mr. Duncan Gordon Blair (Grenville-Carleton) Liberal. "I would like to direct a question to the Acting Prime Minister, and I regret that I was not able to give him notice. Is the government aware of a statement or statements to the press by the Chairman of the National Capital Commission to the effect that he might close the national capital parkways in this region for a week, for the strange inquiries of ... proving their importance in carrying traffic?"

 "The second part of my question is whether the Acting Prime Minister can assure the House that the government will not permit the people of this area this inconvenience (caused) by the disruption that this extraordinary and senseless experiment will cause?"

Hon. George J. McIlraith (Acting Prime Minister; Solicitor General of Canada.) "The statement has caused concern. I am very doubtful that the Chairman of the commission has any such authority under the National Capital Act passed by this Parliament."

House of Commons Debates  Ottawa  July 24, 1964.

Hon. J.P. Dechatelets (Minister of Public Works.)  "Mr. Speaker, yesterday the hon. member for Pontiac-Temiscamingue (Mr. Martineau) asked me if it was true that the authortities of the ncc intended to interfere in the public transportation service in the national capital. I wish to assure the hon. member that the ncc never intended to interfere in the field of public transportation and that this rumour is groundless."

This is what happened to "untouchable" National Interest Land Mass properties.

1.)  Rochester Field beside and behind Maplelawn on 529 Richmond Road, Ottawa - 2/3rds of the park are slated for redevelopment. 

2.)  Central Experimental Farm including the Queen Juliana Park - was given to a medical centre. 50-60 acres of land are now earmarked for the hospital. But they want to expand. The William Saunders Building is vacant and the Sir John Carling Building and DARA Tennis Club are gone. The Dow's Lake RCN Curling Club cannot afford a 1,000 % federal government increase in rent.

3.)  Lebreton Flats - are the focus of a massive residential and commercial project.

4.)  The Greenbelt - "The City of Ottawa has identified more than 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt worth about $1.6 billion that could be developed...without damaging its overall integrity." Environment Minister John Baird and Environment Minister Jim Prentice refused to sell any Greenbelt land.

5.)  Earnscliffe, 140 Sussex Drive- a former home of Sir John A. Macdonald and current residence of the British High Commissioner. A building designed by architect John Albert Ewart is being demolished and the High Commission is constructing a new embassy on the property. Prime Ministers John Diefenbaker, Lester Pearson and Joe Clark wanted to see Earnscliffe returned to the citizens of Canada. 

6.) 88-acres of Veteran's Affairs land near Mooney's Bay/the Rideau Canal - The Moffat Farm was sold to Phoenix Developments in 2002. 

7.) The Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, former Ottawa River Parkway - Motor vehicles will eventually be prohibited from travelling on the scenic route. Do you really think that people are going to flock to subways.

8.) Victoria Island.

9.) 8 parcels of land E. of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to Macdonald Cartier Bridge. Foreign embassies are now located on this part of Canada's Mile of History.

10.) Royal Canadian Mint, 320 Sussex Drive - The Mint became a National Interest Land Mass property in 1988, probably because it was nearly demolished in 1985: A Susan Delacourt article: "Nearly 25 years ago, former prime minister Brian Mulroney was headed down Sussex Drive. As the car passed the Royal Canadian Mint, Mulroney gazed out the window and was startled to discover construction workers busily dismantling the magnificent stone architecture of the 1908 building.

"Stop the car." Mulroney told his driver. The prime minister got out and asked the workers just what they thought they were doing...Mulroney gave them a new work order. "You can put your tools down, guys, because you're not doing it." Several minutes later Mulroney ordered an abrupt halt to the deconstruction of the mint."

11.) Booth Street Complex - "The site is bounded by Rochester Street to the West, Orangeville Street to the north, LeBreton Street south to the east and Carling Avenue to the south. The site area also includes the parcel at 299 Carling Avenue. The site is largely occupied by federal office and research facilities with some surface parking."

  • Land Area: 10 ha/26 acres.
  • Owner: Public Services and Procurement Canada and Natural Resources Canada.
  • NILM Status: Yes.
  • Existing Land Use: Agricultural Research and Federal Facilities/Employment.
  • Long term planned use: Agricultural Research and Federal Facilities/Employment. (From: NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital- November 2016. Page 27/256.)
12.)  Rideau Canal, Ottawa - The Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge were sold to the municipality of Ottawa, 1995/96.

House of Commons Canada Evidence TRAN (40-2) No. 32  October 26, 2009. Bill C-37-An Act to Amend the National Capital Act and other Acts.

"The commission...has the power to reclassify downward any lands it deems necessary, including greenbelt lands...Our concern is that the ecologically less significant lands, although part of the whole, may lose their greenbelt designation to satisfy some development proposal."

Westboro Community Association|Facebook.Rochester Park.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The National Capital Commission will eventually ban cars and buses from NCR parkways.

 "The use of the Parkways will change over time. It is anticipated that the emphasis will shift away from the parkway as a route for vehicles and towards the development of vibrant places for people. This shift will better enable the discovery of the Capital's natural, scenic, cultural and recreational facilities present and envisioned. The Parkway corridors accomodate increasing numbers of recreational walkers, runners and cyclists as well as those participating in various athletic, charitible and cultural events." (Google: "rochester field nilm" exact phrase "rochester field"---then go to "Protected-Public - Amazon S3" Page 77/204.)

As a 69-year-old woman who cannot drive a car, ride a bicycle or walk for long distances, I find this plan unacceptable. You are denying me the right to view scenic vistas, the "ninety kilometres of parkways featuring shorelines, green spaces and pathways that run through the Capital." 52 kilometres in Ottawa and 38 kilometres in Gatineau Park. 

Parkways and land that were designated as National Interest Land Mass in 1988. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)

1.)  Ottawa River Parkway - Wellington Street to Carling Avenue, 254 ha. It is now the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. 

2.)  Eastern Parkway, Hemlock Road to Hwy 417. 72 ha.

3.)  Eastern Driveway & Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt, 255 ha.

4.)  Ottawa River shoreline, proposed Voyageur Parkway, 84 ha. 

5.)  Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Road, 90 ha. The Queen Elizabeth Driveway is adjacent to the Rideau Canal in Canada's Capital.

6.) The NCC Driveway that runs through the Central Experimental Farm. See the 10-minute YouTube video "Snow Music: Color/Dance" with music by George Winston.


Banning vehicles from highways is called vehicle evaporation. It is a phenomenon that is happening all over the world and is a precurser to massive land grabs. How long do you think repatriated park land will stay in the public domain. In Paris, France the George Pompideau Expressway was permanantly shut down.

Keep hospitals and developers off the Farm.

A February 1, 1908 Ottawa Journal article.

The Hon. Sydney Arthur Fisher, Federal Minister of Agriculture from 1896 to 1911. And Prime Minister of Canada Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the grounds of the Farm. (Archives of Canada.)

A front-page article from August 3, 1998.

Rochester Field is a National Interest Land Mass.

Maplelawn, 529 Richmond Road, Westboro.

   General Meeting 26 September 2001 Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.     
"A local parents group is unwilling to consider a nearby school that is closing and wants to build on the Maplelawn site instead. There had been earlier plans to build a road there. All this despite this land being part of the National Interest Land Mass. (to be verified.)

Planning and Environment Committee City of Ottawa May 24, 2005. Saving the park. "...It is an open space that he has lived across the street from since 1971...He has been in the Rochester home several times and had many conversations with Lloyd Rochester... Mr. Rochester told him that the land next to the house was intended to stay with the house."

Amy's Corner by Amy Kempster- Champlain Speaker, March 2004, Volume 23, Number 6.
"As expected, the NCC has appealed designation for four pieces of land and four policies in the city's new Official Plan. The pieces in question are designated Major Open Space (a designation allowing largely recreational uses plus small-scale community activities which contribute to such uses.) The NCC wishes the designations to be General Urban Area, which allows most land uses."
     "The land closest to our community is west and north of Maplelawn fronting on Richmond Road. If the NCC wins the appeal (with the Ontario Municipal Board) they could then ask for a zoning amendment. Their appeal states this parcel is not deemed to form part of the "National Interest Land Mass" which suggests the NCC would declare it surplus, if they have not yet done so."
     "In his campaign literature, our councillor suggested he would ask the city to obtain the Maplelawn field (Rochester Field) for a park, so perhaps he knew it was in danger of disposal by the NCC."


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The government of Canada cannot sell the Central Experimental Farm or the Lebreton Flats.

Bill C-37 An Act to Amend the National Capital Commission and other Acts.

 House of Commons Canada  Evidence - TRAN (40-2) No. 32. October 26, 2009. Mr. Jean-Paul Murray (Co-Chair, Gatineau Park Protection Committee)"The government established the National Interest Land Mass in 1988 following a recommendation by the Nielsen Commission that it curtail the National Capital Commission and impose a managerial discipline on its real estate transactions."

The Farm and Lebreton Flats are National Interest Land Mass properties. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada forever.

MP Marcel Proulx - "In Bill C-37, Clause 10-4 deals with environmental stewardship. We want to change the wording. We're saying that the NCC in priority must maintain the ecological integrity of the commission's real or immovable property, such as the greenbelt in Ottawa and all lands of national interest described in section 10-2."

40th Parliament,2nd Session - Legislative Summary of Bill C-37: An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission .

"On 9 June 2009, Bill C-37, An Act to Amend the National Capital Act was introduced in the House of Commons by the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of State, for the Honourable John Baird, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities."

Clause 10 of Bill C-37 - The National Interest Land Mass.

Federal politicians John Baird and John Manley want the Lebreton Flats to be preserved as an Urban Park similar to Central Park in NYC and London, England's Hyde Park. CBC article: 


House of Commons Debates Ottawa  November 29, 2004. Hon. Sarmite Bulte (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage.) Liberal. "The ... greenbelt was designed in 1949 to prevent urban sprawl and to provide open space for the future development of farms, natural areas and government facilities. Today the greenbelt's 200 square kilometre crescent of farms, forests, natural areas, recreational facilities and public and private research facilities provide the capital with a rural landscape that is unequalled in any other North American city. ...The greenbelt includes National Interest Land Mass properties which are held in the national trust." more...

A March 19, 1954 Government of Canada Cabinet document.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

NASA Earth Observatory Image of the Day - October 24, 2020.

"An astronaut on board the International Space Station shot this photo of peak fall colors around Ottawa, the capital of Canada. West of downtown Ottawa lies Gatineau Park, where sugar maple leaves turn orange-red and hickories turn golden-bronze during the season known regionally as "the Fall Rhapsody."..."Tucked within Ottawa's suburbs is the Central Experimental Farm, which was established in 1886. This research station was created to answer farm production questions related to all aspects of Canada's agriculture, including plant breeding, animal products, weather and soils."

This image is freely available on the Internet by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
The NASA logo. From Wikipedia.