Much of this information has previously been documented on my blog savecfbrockcliffe:
The Moffat Farm was an 84-acre Veteran's Affairs property located near Mooney's Bay. Moffat Farm and the Experimental Farm were protected forever by the designation National Interest Land Mass.
1.)The Hon. Senator Noel Kinsella, May 8, 2002: " Honourable senators, I would like to make a few remarks with reference to this material now before the Senate. The matter relates to the National Capital Act, which created the National Capital Commission."
"It seems to me, we require a provision for a recall mechanism. Section 10 (2) of the act, which gives the power to the National Capital Commission to sell lands in trust could be amended by Parliament to provide for a review mechanism by Parliament or a parliamentary committee upon receipt, for example, of 1,000 signatures from any part of Canada."
"As well, the section of the act that gives authority of the Cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land."
2.)The Hon. Senator Anne Cools: A comment after the Moffat Farm, 1709 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa was sold: "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale." April 23, 2002.
3.)"The Standing Senate Committee on National Finance-Nineteenth Report" Chairman Lowell Murray, June 13, 2003. Recommendation-"We recommend that the National Capital Commission develop a meaningful public consultation process which would apply to either the disposal or change of use of property held by the Commission."
A recent motion to amend the National Capital Act: Senate Bill S-203 was introduced by the Hon. Senator Serge Joyal.
Petitions - Opposition to the relocation of the Civic Hospital:
1.)Reimagine Ottawa - As of October 14, 2021 at 12:00 pm, the petition had 5,398 signatures.
2.) Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a national historic site of Canada. The petition was sent to the Auditor General of Canada.
3.)Save Ottawa's Precious Urban Green Space - "Ottawa is about to lose part of a National Heritage site and a big chunk of its precious green space. The Ottawa Hospital's new Civic Campus is slated to be built on the former Sir John Carling site of the Central Experimental Farm. Situated by beautiful Dow's Lake, the green space is enjoyed by thousands of Ottawans, Canadians and tourists each year. We have to preserve this green space for many reasons. This is our Hyde Park, our Central Park. Once it has been paved over and built on we will never get it back."
4.)Preserve the Ottawa Experimental Farm green spaces. "The Central Experimental Farm is a 1,000 acre gem in the heart of Ottawa. Vision and commitment are required to maintain this unique green space as the pressures to utilize this valuable land for commercial and institutional development arise. The current proposal to utilize 60 acres of the Farm for the Civic Hospital is short-sighted. The hospital is required, but there are numerous alternate sites more appropriate for a large institution and the accompanying towers and parking lots."
"Instead, lets think bike paths, botanical gardens, research lands, strolling areas, fish ponds and family spaces, and leave Ottawa's housing and institutional needs to the many other land areas more suited to that kind of development. Please sign the petition today so the National Capital Commission and the Canadian Heritage Minister know that we want this special space to be preserved." Comments: "The Central Experimental Farm is a national treasure that belongs to the entire country, not just one city as its personal property to be paved over. Tell the Ottawa hospital to leave this green land alone; we'll need it one day and once it's paved over it's gone forever." "...Leave this beautiful life giving small piece of paradise alone..."
Streets that will be negatively impacted. Maple Drive, Birch Drive, the NCC Driveway, Winding Lane and Prince of Wales Drive.
The plan to demolish 50 heritage buildings and sell the land to developers. Google: "The Fight for the Farm Goes On", Heritage Ottawa newsletter, Spring 1997.
Groups that are trying to save the National Historic Site:
1.) Friends of the Central Experimental Farm.
2.) Protect the Farm-Home|Facebook.
3.) We Stand With Trees.
4.) The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. "Preservation of the Dominion Observatory-A Proposal" RASC.
5.) Save the Central Experimental Farm-Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.
6.) Saving the Central Experimental Farm-Heritage Ottawa.
7.) Save the Farm-Protest to save our greenspace.- Ecology Ottawa.
8.) The National Trust for Canada.
9.) Ontario Chapter|Sierra Club of Canada.
11.) Glebe Community Association. RE: Proposal to remove 680 trees at the new campus of The Ottawa Hospital.
12.) Dalhousie Community Association."New hospital site creates serious concerns for West Centretown". (Centretown Buzz, August 19, 2021.) The Dalhousie Community Association includes the Chinatown and Little Italy neighbourhoods.
13.) National Farmers Union of Ontario.
14.) Glebe Annex Community Association.
15.) Champlain Park Community Association.
16.) Botanica Residents Association.
The video "Ottawa prepares to hand over historic federal farmland to corporate developers" can be seen on Vimeo:
The photograph is from the video.
"(Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid) Laurier's advocation reinforced the idea that this Observatory was to be considered an arm of the parliamentary precinct...It was recognized as a national achievement." (Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, page 10/67 and page 14/67.)
All of the trees that separate the Observatory campus from Queen Juliana Park will be clear cut when a parking garage is built.