The drawing is by Magdalene Carson, Reimagine Ottawa. |
Airbase lands - Federal, Private.
Arboretum Woods - Federal.
Aviation Parkway North - Federal, City.
Brittania Bay - Federal, City.
Brittania Conservation Area - Federal, City.
By-Pass Woods - Federal.
Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private.
Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal.
Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal.
Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal.
Chaudiere Rapids - Federal.
Del Zotto Woods - Federal.
Deschenes Lookout - Federal.
Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City.
Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private.
Lemieux Island - Federal, Private.
Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private.
McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal.
Montfort Woods - Federal, Private.
Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private.
NRC Woods North - Federal.
Parliament Hill - Federal.
Pinecrest Woods - Federal.
Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City.
RA Centre Woods - Federal.
Rideau River Islands - Federal
Rideau River Park Woods - Federal.
Riverside Park - Federal.
Rockcliffe Park East - Federal.
Rockcliffe Park West - Federal.
Rockcliffe Shores - Federal.
(Google: urban natural features strategy, City of Ottawa April 11, 2006.)
House of Commons Ottawa March 20, 2017 - MP Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) Conservative - Questions to the government of Canada about the Sir John Carling/Experimental Farm property by Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre: "With regard to the government's Ottawa Hospital Site Review, which concluded with the NCC recommendation to the Minister of Canadian Heritage on November 24, 2016; (a) when did the Environment Minister decide that she would order this review; (b) when did the Environment Minister ask the Heritage Minister to take over this review; (c) did the government estimate the cost of delaying construction by at least a year, and if so what were the costs; (d) what was the total cost of the review as of November 24, 2016 broken down by (i) employees salaries (ii) contractors (iii) consultants (iv) land use surveys or studies (v) other expenses.
(f) what are the precise boundaries of the property to be leased to the Ottawa Hospital, known as the Sir John Carling Site or site #11 by the National Capital Commission; (g) what price does the government plan to charge the Ottawa Hospital as rent for the Sir John Carling Site, known as site #11 by the National Capital Commission; (h) how much payment in lieu of taxes does the federal government pay the City of Ottawa for the Sir John Carling Site, known as site #11 by the National Capital Commission; and (i) what will be the costs of preparing the site for the Ottawa Hospital to be built, and which level of government will pay for them?
Question No. 810.
House of Commons Ottawa March 20, 2017 - MP Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) Conservative: "With regard to the government's transfer of land to the Ottawa Hospital for the future site of the Civic Campus, known as the Sir John Carling site or site #11 by the National Capital Commission:
MP Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) Conservative:
(a) what analysis did the departments of Public Services and Procurement Canada (former Public Works and Government Services Canada), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the National Capital Commission, and Canadian Heritage conduct at each of the 12 sites; (b) what did the National Capital Commission estimate the total land preparation at each of the sites would be; (what concerns did the National Capital Commission raise regarding potential contamination at each of the 12 sites;
(d) what are the boundaries of the Sir John Carling site which will be leased to the Ottawa Hospital; (e) are the metal piles that were used for the foundation of the former Sir John Carling Building still present at the site; (f) if the answer to (e) is affirmative, will they have to be removed in order to accomodate the new Ottawa Hospital; (g) if the answer to (e) is negative, what is the government's plan to accomodate the new Ottawa Hospital around the existing piles; (h) what is the estimated cost of preparing the site for the Ottawa Hospital to be built, and which level of government or organization will pay them; (i) what is the estimated cost of preparing the site for the Ottawa Hospital to be built, and which level of government or organization will pay for them; (j) what contamination currently exists at the Sir John Carling Site, and how will it be mitigated or removed prior to the hospital's construction; (k) what is the estimated cost of remediating any contamination, and which level of government or organization will pay for this, and (l) does the government foresee any other factors specific to the Sir John Carling Site that would increase the costs or delay construction of the new hospital, and if so, what are they?" Question No. 811.
House of Commons Ottawa June 21, 2017 - MP Pierre Poilievre (Carleton) Conservative: "With regard to the government's transfer of land to the Ottawa Hospital for the future site of the Civic Campus, known as the Sir John Carling site or site No. 11: (a) what is the current status of the transfer of land to the Ottawa Hospital; (b) on what date does the government anticipate the land transfer will be completed; (c) did the Ottawa Hospital incur any costs as a result of delaying construction by a year (d) if the answer to (c) is affirmative, what are the costs and will the government reimburse the Ottawa Hospital;"
"(e) how many trees are there at site No. 11; (f) what buildings are currently located at site No.11, broken down by
(i) name and address,
(ii) purpose and use,
(iii) whether the building will be demolished or moved to another location,
(The DARA Tennis Club on Maple Drive will be relocated to the top of a parking garage, and a Classified Federal Heritage Building called the South Azimuth is facing demolition because Maple Drive is a future ambulance route-savecfbrockcliffe):
The DARA Tennis Club.
The South Azimuth is part of the Dominion Observatory campus. The entire campus may be flattened because the Civic does not want irregular parcels of land. |
(g) what will be the total cost of preparing the site for the Civic Campus to be built;
(h) what will be the additional costs specific to building the Civic Campus at site No. 11, including
(i) the cost of building on a sloped surface (ii) the cost of being located near a fault line, (iii) the cost of removing or transplanting the trees referred to in (e); (v) any other costs due to site No. 11's unique features;
(i) which organization or level of government will pay for the land preparation and additional costs due to site no. 11's unique features noted in (g) and (h). (j) does the government have any estimates on the cost of preparing site No. 11 for a large institutional occupant, and if so, what are the details;
(k) what is the market value of the land at site No. 11; (Note: Public Services and Procurement Canada sent MP Pierre Poilievre a memo stating that the federal Dow's Lake parking lot was worth more than $4 million dollars.) (l) what will be the rental rate or sale price of site No. 11 to the Ottawa Hospital; (m) which organization or level of government will pay for the at least $11.1 million in contamination remediation as estimated by Public Services and Procurement Canada; (n) is there any other contamination that needs to be remediated that is not captured in the $11.1 million dollar figure; (o) if the answer to (n) is affirmative, what is the contamination and what is the expected remediation cost; (p) what design, cultural, esthetic or other architectural elements will the National Capital Commission require the Ottawa Hospital to incorporate into the hospital, and what will be the costs of these elements; (q) will the federal government cover the cost of these elements referred to in (p);
(r) has the government estimated the additional costs of constructing any building or structure on site No. 11, due to the nearby fault line and if so, what are the costs; (s) what would have been the total costs of preparing the Central Experimental Farm site directly across the street from the current Civic Campus, known as either Site No. 9 or No. 10; (t) are there any known challenges associated with building on site No. 11 and if so, what are they; and (u) does the government foresee any other factors specific to the Sir John Carling Site that would increase costs or delay construction of the new hospital and, if so, what are they?
Question No. 1040.
"Concerned about ballooning costs, Poilievre wants Sir John Carling site revisited.."
August 3, 1998. |