Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre received the following information from Public Services and Procurement Canada in the year 2016: The precise boundary of Experimental Farm land donated to the Civic Hospital:
North Boundary - Carling Avenue between Bayswater and Preston Street.
East Boundary - From Preston Street to Prince of Wales Drive.
South Boundary - From Prince of Wales Drive (600 metres) to 90 degrees west to Birch Drive.
West Boundary - From Birch Drive/Maple Drive up to Winding Lane and back to Carling Avenue at Bayswater (quarter of a circle around the Dominion Observatory.)
Protected Land and Waterways in the National Capital. Table 1. - Category 1.
Airbase Lands - Federal, Private.
Arboretum Woods - Federal.
Aviation Parkway North - Federal, City.
Brittania Bay - Federal, City.
Brittania Conservation Area - Federal, City.
By-Pass Woods East - Federal.
Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private.
Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal.
Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal.
Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal.
Chaudiere Rapids - Federal.
Del Zotto Woods - Federal.
Deschenes Lookout - Federal.
Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City.
Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private.
Lemieux Island - Federal, City.
Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private.
McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal.
Montfort Woods - Federal, Private.
Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private.
NRC Woods North - Federal.
Parliament Hill - Federal.
Pinecrest Woods - Federal.
Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City.
RA Centre Woods - Federal.
Rideau River Islands - Federal.
Rideau River Park Woods - Federal.
Riverside Park - Federal.
Rockcliffe Park East - Federal.
Rockcliffe Park West - Federal.
Rockcliffe Shores - Federal.
(Google: "urban natural features strategy, City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006.)
A Wikipedia description: The Dominion Arboretum is an arboretum part of the Central Experimental Farm. Originally begun in 1889, the Arboretum covers about 26 hectares (64 acres) of rolling land between Prince of Wales Drive, Dow's Lake and the Rideau Canal.
Endangered trees on the Experimental Farm.
The Farm (left) and the Rideau Canal Hartwell Locks. Public Works and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada were prepared to sell 108 acres of land near the Hartwell Locks to an entertainment company. The Honourary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians Maude Barlow criticized the plan: "(Ms. Barlow) said the project would create a theme park atmosphere and lead to the privatization of the Experimental Farm." (Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.) Photo is from
friendsofthefarm - 2022, Endangered Trees of the Dominion Arboretum - The collection contains many trees which are part of a "threatened" conservation status. (IUCN Red List.)
International Union for Conservation of Nature. The IUCN was created in 1964 and is headquartered in the United Kingdom.
"Urban lands are inherited---representing a legacy to be passed on to future generations." (From: Capital Urban Lands Plan [PDF]page 35/123.)
"In coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and the Arboretum should be validated in an update to the existing 2005 master plan." (From: The Plan for Canada's Capital, 2017-2067 - page 40/95.)
"Key federal holdings in the Urban Lands Study Area, such as the Central Experimental Farm (a National Historic Site of Canada) and the Rideau Canal (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) are of rich heritage value." (From: Capital Urban Lands Plan [PDF] page 16/123.)