Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Most of Birch Drive on the Experimental Farm will disappear.

 HEADS UP! ROAD CLOSURE ON BIRCH DRIVE. (Photos are included in the friendsofthefarm article.)
 1. Section of Birch Drive closed on July 11, 2022 at the new hospital site.

2. Birch Drive closure at Maple Drive and bulldozer, August 16, 2022.

3. "Construction Site". Birch Drive closure near the William Saunders Building, August 16, 2022. (From: friendsofthefarm newsletter, Fall of 2022, Volume 34, page 3/12.)

The Civic Hospital has taken over property north of the William Saunders Building. However, the Experimental Farm is protected by:

  •   a 1954 Privy Council Order-in-Council approved by Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent;
  •  the 1988 National Interest Land Mass designation created by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney;
  •  the 1950 plan created by PM Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber that designated 900 square miles of land in the National Capital Region as a memorial in perpetuity to Canadian soldiers;
  •  the National Capital Commission's "Plan for Canada's Capital" and
  •  a document called "The National Interest" in the 1975-1976 NCC Annual Report, page 9/52.

The William Saunders Building and The Central Green.

Permanent changes to Maple Drive.  "It is imperative that supplemental trees be planted to preserve the beauty and recreational nature of Maple Drive for the numerous pedestrians, cyclists and visitors passing the historic buildings, ornamental shrubs and greenhouses." (Page 10 of the document "Civic Hospital Development Plan by Botanica Residents Committee" Ward 15, Kitchissippi, Ottawa, August 12, 2021.)
What historic buildings? What ornamental shrubs? The Civic has already indicated that the Dominion Observatory campus is not included in future plans. (See the information below, The Sir John Carling Location.) Agriculture Canada employees were told to dig up the Historic Hedge Collection. And "Emergency Vehicles Only" signs will be posted at the Maple Drive and Prince of Wales Drive entrances. Google: "New Civic Development for the Ottawa Hospital" page 27/83.) savecfbrockcliffe.) 
The Sir John Carling Location:
  • On this site we have at least 24 buildings, including Buildings 1 to 9: Natural Resources Campus including the Dominion Observatory.
  • Number 20, the K.W. Neatby Building and Oilseed Research Centre.
  • Extensive demolition or relocation of buildings is required for the new build to proceed. (Google: "New Civic Campus. A 21st century hospital in the heart of Canada's Capital, April 2016, page 10/76.)
    The Dominion Observatory and South Azimuth were stripped of the designation Classified Federal Heritage Building. And the Geophysical Laboratory, Machine Shop Building and Seismology Survey are no longer Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings. (Google: Federal Directory of Real Property website, and go to Agriculture Canada property number 08625.)
    Damage to nearby heritage buildings. 
  • The Romanesque Revival style Dominion Observatory (1905), which is an Ottawa landmark. Its future use will be impacted by proximity to a towering hospital building and the use of Maple Drive as an emergency vehicle entry point.
  • The South Azimuth (1912) is endangered by the emergency route.
  • Building 12 (1904) the historic Animal Laboratory and Forage Crops Building at Maple and Carling.
  • The Bee Building (1915) near the corner of Maple Drive and Winding Lane.
  • The former Poultry Building #34 at the what is currently the intersection of Maple and Birch Drive. Behind it is a collection of smaller poultry houses, one of which is currently being renovated for ceremonial use by First Nations.
  • William Saunders Building. (From: Submission on Civic Hospital Development Plan by Botanica Residents Committee, Ward 15-Kitchissippi, August 12, 2021, page 10/15.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Ontario's Bill 23 cannot dismantle the Greenbelt in Ottawa.

1.) 900 square miles of federal land in the National Capital Region is dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers. The Hon. Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Veterans Affairs, and the government of France recently prevented a developer from building condominiums on the beaches of Normandy. Canadian soldiers landed on Juno Beach during the D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944. The governments of Canada and France bought the Normandy property.

 2.) "The National Interest" - 1975-1976 NCC Annual Report, page 9/52.  

Defenders of Ottawa's Greenbelt - Prime ministers of Canada; Cabinet ministers (Canada Mortgage and Housing; Agriculture Canada; Minister of Urban Affairs; Environment Canada.); Members of Parliament; Greenbelt Alliance of Canada's Capital, more....
(work in progress)
Bill 23 will remove the power from conservation groups to protect endangered animals and landscapes. A 1974 Ottawa Journal article.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The National Capital Commission's Plan for Canada's Capital.

The NCC wanted to preserve the entire Central Experimental Farm. 

"The PFCC (Plan for Canada's Capital) contains broad, high-level policies that place the CEF within the context of other federal lands in the National Capital Region:

  • identifying the lands east of Prince of Wales as Capital Urban Green Space
  • the Rideau Canal and nearby CEF shore lands as Waterway and Shore Land
  • the Agriculture Museum Lands as National Cultural Institutional
  • the research fields as Rural Lands, and
  • the lands near Carling as Federal Node.
"In the context of this plan, the CEF's role as a National Historic Site and a cultural landscape of national historic significance underlies all its other federal land use roles. The PFCC further designates several roadways situated both within and connecting with the CEF:
  • Prince of Wales Drive north of the traffic circle and the NCC Driveway are designated Capital Parkway, connecting with Queen Elizabeth Drive on the east and Island Park Drive on the northwest.
  • The PFCC designates Prince of Wales Drive south of the traffic circle as Scenic Entry, matching the designation in the City of Ottawa Official Plan. Due to the connectivity of Prince of Wales Drive with the NCR federal capital Parkway system, and the potential of this roadway to sever historic and contemporary landscape and land use patterns within the National Historic Site, the CEF National Historic Management Plan establishes guidelines for Prince of Wales Drive as an urban parkway within the CEF boundaries."
Recreational Pathways in the Farm are part of the Capital Pathway Network, requiring the implementation of a number of design, maintenance, safety and signage standards and guidelines contained in the "Integrated Network of Recreational Pathways for the NCR" report...They are mostly gravel, with a few major routes paved in asphalt.
 The Arboretum.

The Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site is designated in its entirety as part of the National Interest Land Mass. These lands are essential for the long-term symbolism, functions, physical structure, and natural and landscape qualities of the Capital. Implicit in a NILM designation is a formal expression of the Federal Government's interest in the long-term use of these lands. 
NILM lands are, or should be, under the custody of the federal government to ensure they are protected and enhanced. (Google: "CEF National Historic Site Management Plan (7 of 20.")

Capital Urban Green Space - 

Waterway and Shore Land - 

National Cultural Institution - 

Rural Lands - the research fields.

Federal Node - land and buildings near Carling Avenue. 

Capital Parkway - Prince of Wales Drive north of the traffic circle.

Scenic Entry - The NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital designates Prince of Wales Drive south of the traffic circle as Scenic Entry, matching the designation in the City of Ottawa Official Plan.

Capital Pathway Network - most of the network should not be paved.

Core Zone - An ordered, structured landscape. A varied mix of building sizes and use to accommodate agricultural research and related activities. Remnants of historic vegetation research collections. Shared use by the public and the research community. An informal, non-rectilinear grid of local roads. 

The Entry Zone - Expansive lawn areas with mature specimen trees and curving paths. Long, framed vistas and varied, dramatic topography. Overlooks Dow's Lake and the Rideau Canal. Roadways designed in the parkway tradition.

Central Green - land north of the William Saunders Building.

Internal Roadways - No internal road widenings should be permitted.
EXPERIMENTAL FARM LAND EAST OF PRINCE OF WALES DRIVE IS DESIGNATED AS CAPITAL URBAN GREEN SPACE - From: "The National Capital Commission's Plan for Canada's Capital." Google: CEF National Historic Site Management Plan Part 7 0f 20.
A fairly recent image. The Arboretum, Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Ornamental Flower Garden, the Red Barn and trees are involved in the botanical garden project. The Arboretum Woods are a legally protected landscape.

Agriculture Canada rejected the botanical garden's request for 108 acres at the same location in the year 2002:
"Please be advised that on May 8, 2002 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada wrote to Mr. Ian Efford of the OBGS informing him that AAFC would not consider their application for a garden at the Central Experimental Farm as a number of conditions had not been met in their application. These conditions were as follows:

1. It must not include any use of land on the west side of Prince of Wales Drive.

2. The use of any land or facilities on the east side of Prince of Wales Drive must meet the Canadian Heritage (Parks Canada) criteria (e.g.) it must not have a negative impact on the heritage values of the Canal nor impede the operation of the Canal, specifically at the Hartwells lock station but also navigation in general.

3. The Arboretum, if included, must remain free and open to the public. 

4. The Fletcher Wildlife Garden must remain as it is.

5. The Commemorative Integrity Statement must be observed.

6. The land use must be compatible with other jurisdictions (e.g. NCC, Parks, City of Ottawa, etc.) and designations (e.g.) National Interest Land Mass (NILM) of the Central Experimental Farm and

7. It must clearly demonstrate financial viability/self sufficiency. (Google: Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital General Meeting, June 12, 2002.)

Botanical garden plan alarms Farm fans. Nature lovers fear Experimental Farm will become theme park by Carolynne Wheeler, Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.

- The Ottawa Botanical Society will charge $10 to $15 dollars for access to gardens it plans to build south of the arboretum. For the time being access to the Arboretum is free.

-Curfews are being imposed that prevent amateur astronomers and joggers from enjoying the site during the evening.

-A proposal to fence off part of the Central Experimental Farm to create a $35 million botanical garden has alarmed cyclists, joggers and other people who fear nature trails will give way to concession stands, parking lots and swarms of visitors.

-Phase 1 of the project would fence off about 108 acres of land now designated for research. It would improve the existing arboretum and (Fletcher) wildlife garden.

-Later phases of the project may involve land from National Defence and Public Works.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The N95 mask is dangerous for children. It is a filtering facepiece respirator.

Masking-Ottawa Public Health "Parents and caregivers may have questions about the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NOSH) approved respirators (such as N95's) for children...Although respirators may be available in smaller sizes, they are typically designed to be used by adults in workplaces and therefore have not been tested for broad use in children."


"An N95 respirator is a respiratory protective device designed to achieve a very close fit and very efficient filtration of airborne particles. Note that the edges of the respirator are designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth."

 Call these devices what they are---filtering facepiece respirators or FFR's.

Safety Precautions - 
"If your child has a hard time breathing, gets dizzy, or has other symptoms while you are trying to get the mask to fit better while using an ASTM 53502 or a respirator, choose a regular cloth or disposable mask."
 A quote from Dr. Nili Kaplan Myrth---"Months ago, I advocated as a delegate to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for educators across Ontario to have access to improved masks, and finally, now, educators will be given N95's. But students are literally given inferior cloth masks." Ottawa Public Health does not recommend that young people wear N95's, Dr. Kaplan Myrth.

N95's must form a seal to the face to work properly. Wearing an N95 can make it harder for a person to breathe.
I returned to the Capital a few weeks ago, after visiting several Alberta cities and towns---Grand Prairie, Calgary, Peace River, La Crete, Slave Lake and High Prairie...I did not see one person wearing a filtering facepiece respirator. 

Read Section 17 of the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Medical exemptions include anxiety (many people with anxiety hyperventilate and their breathing cannot be constricted), asthma, allergies, lung and heart problems. Individuals who are deaf have to communicate by reading lips. 

Leave the children alone.

Prince of Wales Drive is off-limits to the Civic Hospital redevelopment.

 The corporation wants to build a mega-hospital between Carling Avenue, Preston Street and land west of the Dominion Observatory. The Canada Agriculture and Food Museum is located at 901 Prince of Wales Drive:

However: "The scenic highways in the NCR are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (From: The Greber Report, page 288/395.) 

 Prince of Wales Drive is part of a network of scenic highways that were created by Frederick Todd, Herbert Holt and Jacques Greber: 

"Approximately 13.5 kilometres of scenic parkways were constructed by the Ottawa Improvement Commission and the Federal District Commission preceding 1945. That network included the former Lady Alexandra Drive along the banks of the Ottawa River through Rockcliffe Park to Government House; Lady Grey Drive; Island Park Drive; the Champlain Bridge; and Queen Elizabeth Drive along the Rideau Canal and through the Experimental Farm to Carling Avenue.'

"The Experimental Farm Drive was completed in 1936 as part of a central parkway loop that linked Queen Elizabeth Drive, Island Park Drive and Prince of Wales Drive." (From: Updated NCC Policy for Parkways, March of 2014.)

Land beside the Ottawa River, Rideau River and Rideau Canal, and the parkways are protected by a federal designation called the National Interest Land Mass (1988). "The NILM consists of the national shrines, the river and canal banks, the Confederation Boulevard, the Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt in the National Capital Region...Land forming part of the NILM shall be retained by the NCC in perpetuity..." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.) 

Scenic highways in the National Capital Region. 

  • Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington Street to Carling Avenue - 254 ha.
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive - 15 ha.
  • Airport Parkway - 120 ha.
  • Eastern Parkway, Hemlock Road to Hwy 417 - 72 ha.
  • Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Parkway from Sussex Drive to the Greenbelt - 255 ha.
  • Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway - 84 ha.
  • Leamy Lake Park and part of Philemon Wright Corridor - 285 ha.
Proposed NILM Lands.
  • Experimental Farm Dr. Corridor Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76.0 ha.
  • Western Parkway Corridor, Carling Avenue to Queensway - 40.0 ha.
  • Alta Vista Corridor, Kitchener Avenue to Smyth Road - 69.0 ha.

The National Capital Commission transferred Prince of Wales Drive to the Municipality of Ottawa: "The parkways which now run through the Farm, the Driveway which is owned by the National Capital Commission and Prince of Wales Drive which is owned by the Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton are scenic roadways which link the Farm to the city and reinforce the distinctive character of the historic place." (From: The Ottawa Hospital-Official Documentation for the Hospital Master Plan, pages 7 and 8.)

"Prince of Wales adjacent to the the Farm is being widened from 2 lanes to 4 lanes." (Google: Dow's Lake-Glebe Report - June 11, 2010.)

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Erasing Canada's history.

  • Remove the statues of political leaders.
  • Move the statue of Terry Fox, currently located across from Parliament Hill, to a less prominent location.  
  • Sell the rights to the RCMP image to the Walt Disney corporation.
  • Change the street names in CFB Rockcliffe---they were Jupiter Avenue, Via Venus, Mars Avenue, Polaris Avenue. Via Vega - Vega is the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra. Arcturus Crescent - Arcturus is a giant red star in the Northern Hemisphere. Castor Avenue - Castor is a binary star in the constellation Gemini. 
  • Canada's Fahrenheit 451. In the year 2003 federal librarians were told to decentralize, photograph or destroy material from the following departments: ENVIRONMENT CANADA, CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION, INDUSTRY CANADA, NATIONAL DEFENCE, PUBLIC WORKS AND GOVERNMENT SERVICES, THE NATIONAL CAPITAL COMMISSION and AGRICULTURE CANADA. The Sir John Carling Building had one of the finest agricultural libraries in the world: 
  • The Takao Tanabe murals in the lobby of the Sir John Carling Building were rescued, they are now in the K.W. Neatby building:

  • The Sir William Logan Building on 580 Booth Street, Ottawa is the repository for "a comprehensive collection of Canadian policy and economics literature in the field of forestry, energy, metals and materials".
  • Demolish the pavilions at Expo 67. The amusement park La Ronde was sold to an American theme park operator.
    Me at Expo 67 in Montreal.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Is the Civic Hospital demolishing the Dominion Observatory campus?

 The Sir John Carling location:

  • On this site we have at least 24 buildings, including Buildings 1 to 9: Natural Resources Campus including the Dominion Observatory.
  • Number 20, the K.W. Neatby Building and Oilseed Research Centre.
  • Extensive demolition or relocation of buildings is required for new build to proceed. (New Civic Campus. A 21st century hospital in the heart of Canada's Capital, April 2016, page 10/76.)
"Counc. Riley Brockington, who represents the newly leased land, has been trying to lock into the lease conditions that would preserve as many existing buildings as possible, such as the domed building that used to hold the Dominion Observatory. He was not invited to the signing, he said." (Reevely-Feds say they'll pay $11.8 million to clean up new Civic site- Ottawa Citizen, February 23, 2018.)
From: The Ottawa Public Library on Laurier Avenue, 1990's.

The Dominion Observatory. Photo is from Wikidata.

Observatory House, # 2.

Geophysical Laboratory, # 3.

Machine Shop, # 4.

The entire 1,000 plus acre Farm is a National Interest Land Mass, it cannot be sold to housing developers, a botanical garden society or to a medical corporation.

1.) To ensure that federal capital lands in the CCR (Canada's Capital Region) develop in a way that is appropriate to the Capital and respectful of heritage and the natural environment, the NCC prepares long-term visionary plans. It defines National Interest Land Mass to be held in trust for future generations. (National Capital Commission summary of the Corporate Plan-2006-2007 to 2010-2011.)

2.) In coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and Arboretum should be re validated in an update to the existing 2005 master plan. ( The Plan for Canada's Capital, 2017-2067, page 40/95.)

3.) Key federal holdings in the Urban Lands Study Area, such as the Central Experimental Farm (a National Historic Site of Canada) and the Rideau Canal (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) are of rich heritage value. (Capital Urban Lands Plan [PDF] page 16/123.)

4.) Urban lands are inherited-representing a legacy to be passed on to future generations. (Capital Urban Lands Plan [PDF] - page 35/123.)

Seven heritage buildings that are currently protected:

K.W. Neatby, # 20.
Laboratory Services, #22.
Nutrition Building - # 59.
Arboretum Horticulture Centre - #74.
Swine Barn - # 91.
Engineering Research - # 94.
Carpenter Shop - # 98. (Google: Federal Directory of Real Property website---go to Agriculture Canada property number 08625. Land Area (ha) 409.8200. Building Count - 87. Heritage Buildings - 7.)

The National Capital Commission has the power to remove the designations Classified Federal Heritage Building and Recognized Federal Heritage Building. The Dominion Observatory, South Azimuth and Photo Equatorial were Classified Federal Heritage Buildings. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Central Experimental Farm is designated an L3 Zone, an Agricultural Research Area.

 City of Ottawa - Purpose of the Zone - The purpose of the L3-Experimental Farm Zone is to allow a range of uses on land designated as Agricultural Research Area in the Official Plan that will help to support and conserve the cultural, scientific and historical value of the Central Experimental Farm for present and future generations.

Permitted Uses (1) The following uses are permitted subject to: (a) The provisions of subsection 177 (2):

agricultural use

environmental preserve and education area

experimental farm and ancillary offices

museum limited to agricultural museum

on-farm diversified use, limited to a place of assembly. See Part 3, Section 79 (By-law 2019-41.)

park limited to agricultural research

research and development centre

urban agriculture. See Part 3, Section 82, (By-law 2017-148.)

Maximum building heights are 18.3 m or 5 stories.

Debates of the Senate of Canada, December 12, 2019. NATIONAL CAPITAL ACT - Bill to Amend, Second Reading.

The Hon. Acting Speaker: "Senator Duffy?"

Senator Duffy: "Thank you Your Honour. Congratulations, Senator Joyal, on your two pieces of legislation today. I join everyone else here in expressing our gratitude on behalf of all Canadians for your amazing contributions to building a better Canada over your entire political career, and I feel confident that will continue.

Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill, or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the capital so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm, which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa will also be protected.

Because of this pressure for urban development, we have developers looking at this land saying "Hey, there's millions of dollars to be made here." So far as I can tell, they are not in a much better position than we are with the Chateau Laurier in that those lands are quite valuable."

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Experimental Farm should be an agricultural preserve and a tourism venue.

 House of Commons Ottawa May 20, 1976 MP Martin O'Connell (Liberal): "Mr. Chairman, I intend to enter only briefly into this debate on the estimates of the Department of Agriculture, and I wish to raise three or four of what appear to me to be concerns as a parliamentarian from an urban constituency.

The first is the problem of ensuring that young people will find farming an attractive occupation and will make every effort to go into agriculture at a time when other opportunities may appear to be more attractive to them. I also find that many constituents are concerned about the alleged disappearance of our prime farm land, land that would produce food. I want to know from the minister if he has an opportunity to tell us, what he has been able to do about this matter.

I want to raise the matter of purchase of farm land increasingly by foreigners, and I will raise the matter in terms of the Federal Investment Review Agency and whether or not there is a role for it to play in deciding whether such purchases are in Canada's interests...Would the minister accept as useful the proposition that certain lands of high classification be set aside in agricultural preserves or reserves to be used exclusively for agricultural purposes and denied to urban, industrial and other purposes?"

Reopen the Dominion Observatory - Retrieve the telescope from the Science and Technology Museum and prevent a medical centre from building a mega-hospital near the landmark. 

RASC - The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

Astronomers at the Ottawa Observatory discovered Planet X.

Leave the street signs where they are now: Maple Drive, Birch Drive, Winding Lane, Observatory Crescent, Ash Lane, Cow Lane, Morningside Lane, Preston Street---named in honour of Isabella Preston.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The National Liberal Convention, August 5th, 6th and 7th, 1948. The Coliseum, Ottawa.

"When every Canadian, new or whatever section of this land he may have been reared, can truly say to himself, 'Every inch of this country, every foot in whatever province it may be situated of hill, every mile of prairie, every ounce of water, every field, every mountain, every lake, every stream, are mine own heritage, mine for my children and my children's children,' then we can say 'Canada is a great nation.' Great not only in its resources, great not only in its boundless wealth, but great also in the spirit and unity of its people." (Hon. Charles Gavan Power, KC, MP. Page 228.)

"...'O Canada' should be recognized as the national anthem." (Mr. Donald MacKay. Page 217.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we should have our own national flag. We want something that is a symbol of true Canadianism." (Mr. Donald MacKay. Page 159.)

"It is a principle of heraldry that when a flag contains in its top left-hand corner a symbol one-quarter the size of the flag, that is a sign of domination." (Mr. John Chipman, McGill University. Page 159.)

                                                     "A Fighting Faith" Page 242.

Liberalism has three key words: Unity, Security, Freedom. Liberal policies are those which protect, sustain and enlarge the freedom of the individual. The Liberal believes no man is fit to exercise irresponsible power over others. He believes in freedom because he believes the resources of human personality and endeavour to be rich and varied beyond calculation or prediction. He believes in freedom because he believes the community of individuals associated in family, church, and diverse free associations to be broader in extent and richer in experience than the state.

The Liberal believes in progress because he believes in the capacity and judgement of ordinary people; and because the Liberal believes in liberty and progress he believes also in security for all citizens as giving them more freedom for a better and fuller life.

The Liberal believes in unity because the individual must work with others and "in unity is freedom."

The Liberal philosophy is a distinct and positive view of human affairs and not a compromise. Liberalism rejects the unreasoning preservation in the name of freedom, of outworn existing arrangements and measures. It rejects the maintenance of privilege however historic.