Saturday, December 16, 2023

Leave the Experimental Farms in Prince Edward Island alone.

The Upton Farm in Charlottetown encompassed 100.2000 ha or 247 acres. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz refused to sell or give away the Ravenwood Farm in Charlottetown. The province of PEI has the least amount of federal land in Canada and now the feds want to use that land for housing:

House of Commons Ottawa December 14, 1970: MP Andre-Gilles Fortin (Ralliement Creditiste) "What is the area of land owned by the federal government in each province?"

Hon. Arthur Laing (Minister of Public Works) Liberal: "The area of land owned by the federal government as recorded in the Central Inventory of Federal Properties by province is"
  • Prince Edward Island  1,353 acres
  • Newfoundland           96,041 acres
  • Nova Scotia               22,514 acres
  • New Brunswick       318,532 acres
  • Quebec                     280,485 acres
  • Ontario                     268,283 acres
  • Manitoba                   51,707 acres
  • Saskatchewan           77,445 acres
  • Alberta                    101,751 acres
  • British Columbia    164,158 acres
  • Yukon Territories     21,125 acres
  • Northwest Territories90,193 acres     (Includes only property that is being utilized by federal departments and agencies.) 
"Surplus" Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms
1.  Gamelin Farm including the Animal Virus Laboratory, 100 rue Gamelin. The land was transferred to the National Capital Commission.

2.  Jean-Charles Chapais Experimental Farm, Levis, Quebec. Jean-Charles Chapais was Canada's first Minister of Agriculture.

3.  Delhi Research Farm, Ontario.

4.  Kapuskasing Research Farm, Ontario.

5. Upton Experimental Farm, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

6.  Ravenwood Experimental Farm - Minister of Agriculture Gerry Ritz refused to decommission Ravenwood.

7.  Fort Vermillion Experimental Farm, Alberta.

8.  Vegreville Research Farm near Edmonton.

9.  Cereal Research Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

10. Smithfield Experimental Farm, City of Quinte West Ontario.

11. Greenbelt Research Farm, Ottawa Ontario, "As of March 31, 1998, the Greenbelt Research Farm, which covers 1,200 ha or 2,965 acres bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road, ceased to function as an Agriculture and Agri-Food Research Centre. This was announced in the 1995 budget." The National Capital Commission paid $1 dollar for the 2,965 acres of land. House of Commons Ottawa May 25, 2010: MP Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Liberal) "The Liberal members from the National Capital Region, the member for Ottawa-Vanier, the member for Ottawa South and I as members of Parliament, have good reason to call for enhanced protection of the greenbelt. There are, as a matter of fact, no major regulations protecting this area. Together the City of Ottawa and the NCC could do what they like with it. We believe this green space must be protected from developers."

12. Senator Herve J. Michaud Research Farm, Bouctouche, New Brunswick. MP Dominic LeBlanc was opposed to the closure and sale of the property.

13. Frelighsburg Experimental Farm was closed in 2012 and reopened by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in  2016. The property is 90 km south-east of Montreal.

14. Vineland Research Farm, Lincoln, Region of Niagara, Ontario.

15. Kamloops Research Farm, British Columbia. Closed in May of 2013.

16. L'Assomption Research Farm, Quebec. L'Assomption is a off-island suburb of Montreal.

17. La Pocatiere Research Farm, Quebec. 

18. Sheffield Research Farm, Upper Canard, Nova Scotia.

A song on YouTube called "Help Save Old Upton Farm"

Friday, December 1, 2023

Agriculture Canada is sacrificing more Farm land.


A 1974 front page article in the Ottawa Journal. 

The National Capital Commission wanted 700 acres of the Experimental Farm in 1974 because of a housing shortage. Agriculture Canada minister Eugene Whelan told the NCC that the land was untouchable and would be sold "over my dead body."  

The word compromise means "To make a deal between two parties whereby each party gives up part of their demand." Agriculture Canada told City of Ottawa politicians that compromises will be made regarding property on the Farm. (From: "A great central park. Tower debate turns to the future of the experimental farm" by Arthur White-Crummy, CBC News, November 29, 2023.)
Federal politicians who tried to preserve the Farm in its entirety.  Reposting.
Prime Ministers of Canada Mackenzie King, Louis St-Laurent, John Diefenbaker, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney.
Agriculture Ministers Sidney Fisher, James Gardiner, Douglas Harkness, Eugene Whelan, Bud Olson, John Wise and Gerry Ritz.

Ministers of Public Works Erik Nielsen, Howard Green, 
  • Senator Anne Cools - "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale."
  • Senator Mike Duffy Debates in the Senate of Canada December 12, 2019 Mr. Duffy: "Congratulations Senator Joyal on your two pieces of legislation...Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill, or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the capital, so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm, which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa will also be protected. Because of this pressure for urban development we have developers looking at this land and saying "Hey, there's millions of dollars to be made here".
Members of Parliament who wanted to preserve the Experimental Farm
  •  Speaker of the House Lloyd Francis. House of Commons Ottawa October 10, 1974: SPEECH FROM THE THRONE-CONTINUATION OF DEBATE - Mr. Francis (Ottawa West, Liberal) "...I do not think that (Mr. Fullerton) was right when he proposed that part of the Experimental Farm should be used for housing. Despite the fact that there is a serious housing shortage in this area I do not think that my constituents would choose to sacrifice an open space which is such a precious thing for the community."
Some Hon. Members: "Hear, hear!"
  • MP Marlene Catterall
  • MP Elizabeth May   
  • MP Monique Pauze
  • Minister of National Defence Barnett Danson
  • MP George McIlraith 
  • MP David Daubney
  • MP Walter Baker House of Commons Ottawa November 4, 1974 Mr. Baker (Grenville-Carleton) Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition; Progressive Conservative Party House Leader "...There really is no open or green space available for those who live in high-rise housing, in condominiums or densely populated areas. The green and open space which normally is provided by one's backyard or by the neighbourhood park, must be provided in those urban areas by green belt areas such as the Experimental Farm."

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The NCC cannot change the parkways in the National Capital Region. Reposting.

"Federal, scenic parkways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars." The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.

Report of the Federal District Commission, 1949, page 14/75: "The Federal District Commission is justly famous for its utilization of the scenic beauty of the federal capital area. Wherever possible, parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake."

The Ottawa and Hull government roads are protected by the designation National Interest Land Mass. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Minister of Public Works Erik Nielsen created the NILM to prevent Crown property from being used as a land bank by the City of Ottawa.

Proposed National Interest Lands:

  • Experimental Farm Dr. Corridor, Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76.0 ha.
  • Western Parkway Corridor, Carling Avenue to Queensway - 40.0 ha.
  • Alta Vista Corridor, Kitchener Ave to Smyth Road - 69.0 ha.
  • Hull South Parkway, Lucerne Blvd to Gatineau Park - 275 ha,
  • Part of Philemon Wright Corridor - 103 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)
MP Marlene Catterall never wanted the corridors privatized:
House of Commons Ottawa April 22, 1996: MP Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West, Liberal.) "Mr. Speaker, I have the pleasure to present a petition signed by close to 1,000 people. It arises from a situation that occurred in our nations capital last year when the National Capital Commission was looking at selling off parts of green space and open corridors. The petitioners call to the attention of the House that when Jacques Greber released his plan for the national capital in 1950 it was dedicated, at the direction of the Cabinet, as a national memorial to those who had fought in the wars in the defence of Canada. Therefore, the petitioners call on Parliament to ensure that this commitment and the greenspaces of the capital are maintained as a war memorial and are not disposed of or sold."

The Airport Parkway is now owned by the City of Ottawa and will be widened from two lanes to four. The airport parkway should not be widened by Hans on the Bike, February of 2023:

From: Hans on the Bike - February of 2023.

Endangered roads.

  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway may be de paved
  • Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway may be de paved. "...(Does) it make sense to devote a huge portion of the city's prime real estate to a commuter roadway." From an Ottawa Citizen/Don Butler interview with the head of the Crown corporation on February 25, 2014.
  • Prince of Wales Drive that runs through the Experimental Farm was transferred to the City of Ottawa. Isabella Preston's crabapple trees were removed to facilitate the widening of the route. 
Scenic highways and corridors in 1988
  • Ottawa River Parkway Wellington Street to Carling Avenue - 254 ha.
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive - 15 ha.
  • Airport - 120 ha.
  • Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd. to Hwy 417 - 72 ha.
  • Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Parkway from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt - 255 ha.
  • Ottawa River shoreline, proposed Voyageur Parkway - 84 ha.
  • Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor - 285 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)
 In March of 1996:
  • Confederation Boulevard
  • Ottawa River
  • Rockcliffe
  • Aviation
  • Airport
  • Voyageur
  • Colonel By Drive (Google: NCC Annual Report-1995-1996, page 47/111.)
Petition for the NCC to restore access to the Champlain Parkway, Gatineau Parkway and Fortune Lake Parkway in Gatineau Park. "Starting May 1st 2021 the NCC has closed the Champlain Parkway, Gatineau Parkway and Fortune Lake Parkway to motor vehicle access except from 1pm to half an hour after sunset on Wednesday/Saturday and Sunday "

I am standing in front of a roadblock near the Mackenzie King estate in the Gatineau Hills. May of 2022.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Greenbelt land is being sold.

"Located in the south end of Ottawa, Pine Grove is the largest forest in the Greenbelt. It features a mixture of tree plantations and natural forests, and boasts a network of natural trails. Pine Grove is also an important plant and wildlife habitat. It hosts hundreds of species of plants and animals, including many species at risk, such as the snapping turtle (special concern) midland painted turtle (special concern) and wood thrush (threatened.)" (From: Pine Grove Wetland Enhancement Project.) 

Red pine trees can live up to 700 years.

A Heritage Forest "The criteria for the Heritage Forest are:

  • A good mixture of native species with emphasis on Red and White Pine.
  • The potential to resemble the Heritage forests of the late 1800's. (Greenbelt Master Plan-Heritage Forest, page 155/196, year 2013.)

The Greenbelt (Reposting)

  • Pine Grove Forest
  • Commissioner's Park near Dow's Lake.
  • Agriculture Canada research farms on Carling Avenue and the Greenbelt. endangered.
  • Green's Creek Conservation Area
  • Hornet's Nest soccer fields.
  • Pineview Golf Course
  • Mer Bleue Conservation Area. endangered.
  • Hylands Golf Club
  • The Log Farm
  • Bruce Pit
  • Conroy Pit. endangered "The Conroy Pit (271 acres) is an abandoned sand pit, with recreational integration and development potential." (NCC Greenbelt Plan Background-1996-pdf page 4.)
  • Lime Kiln (Trail)
  • Stoney Swamp Conservation Area
  • Wesley Clover Park
  • The 19th Tee Driving Range
  • Airport Land
  • Connaught National Army Cadet Training Centre
  • Shirley's Bay
  • The Southern Farm
  • Pinhey Forest
Federal politicians who wanted to save the Greenbelt. Reposting.
  • MP David McGuinty
  • MP Mauril Belanger
  • MP Marcel Proulx
  • Environment Minister John Baird
  • Environment Minister Jim Prentice
  • MP and Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre
  • MP Beryl Gaffney
  • Minister of National Defence Gordon O'Connor

Monday, November 20, 2023

Vancouver BC August 2023

A dress that Kate Winslet wore in Titanic.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Civic Hospital is removing research land from the Experimental Farm.

Document: June 13, 2018, Planning Committee Report 64.

The zoning change from Agricultural Research land to General Urban Area permits the construction of housing, retail, cultural, leisure and entertainment venues on 12 acres of the Experimental Farm. Page 22/80.

"(The Farm) is owned and operated by the federal government as an active and operating agricultural research station, containing a complex of laboratories, research fields, offices, greenhouses, an arboretum, public gardens and museums...The Agricultural Research Designation of the CEF is intended to permit farming and associated research uses." Pages 22 and 23 of 80.

Proposed Official Plan Amendment comment: "Do not redesignate the Agricultural Research lands as these form a green connection to the CEF and Dominion Arboretum and (they) are important historic green spaces. (Old Hedge Collection.)" Page 63/80.

The Central Experimental Farm & Heritage comment: "How can this loss of Farmland and research land be justified?" Page 71/80.  

Proposed towers on Carling Avenue and Baseline Road threaten research land on the National Historic Site. As I mentioned before---the NCC wanted 700 acres of the Farm in 1974 for housing. And 91 acres of vacant land at Clyde and Merivale were sold to the City of Ottawa in 1989 for housing.

  Measures that could be enacted---find another location for the Civic Hospital; ban the construction of highrises near the site; do not let the City of Ottawa change the zoning from Agricultural to Mixed Use; and remind the NCC that the entire 1,000 acres are designated a National Interest Land Mass and cannot be sold or subdivided.(Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC land holdings."Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate.")

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Bill Gates buying up land, threatening small farms under guise of saving planet, author claims"---Fox News, NY Post.

(Reposting) House of Commons Ottawa April 27, 1977 Right Hon. P.E. Trudeau (Prime Minister) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, might I take this opportunity to table an exchange of letters between the premiers and myself on the question of foreign ownership of land, in both languages."

House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1976 MP Don Mazankowski (Vegreville): "Mr. Speaker, may I direct my question to the Prime Minister. It has to do with foreign ownership of land in Canada. Can the Prime Minister advise the House what progress is being made with respect to the establishment of measures to deal with the ownership of land by foreigners in Canada."

House of Commons Ottawa June 19, 1972 MP William Knight (NDP): "...At the national level we need legislation which prevents foreign ownership of land." 

House of Commons Ottawa December 14, 1970 MP Andre-Gilles Fortin (Ralliement Creditiste): "What is the area of land owned by the federal government in each province?"

Hon. Arthur Laing (Minister of Public Works) Liberal: "The area of land owned by the federal government as recorded in the Central Inventory of Federal Properties by province is:

Province and Number of Acres
  • Newfoundland              96, 041
  • Prince Edward Island     1, 353
  • Nova Scotia                 22, 514
  • New Brunswick         318, 532
  • Quebec                       280, 485
  • Ontario                       268, 283
  • Manitoba                      51,707
  • Saskatchewan              77, 445
  • Alberta                       101, 751
  • British Columbia       164, 158
  • Yukon Territories        21, 125
  • Northwest Territories 90, 193 - (Includes only property that is being utilized by federal departments and agencies.) 

Monday, November 6, 2023

NCC Capital Urban Lands Plan-December 17, 2021.

 Agricultural and Horticultural Research Designation "The Central Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site of significant importance to the Capital. The Agricultural and Horticultural Research Designation applies to the Central Experimental Farm's agricultural research plots and the Dominion Arboretum, owned and managed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The agricultural research plots and the adjacent arboretum make significant contributions to Canadian knowledge in agriculture and horticultural science. The Central Experimental Farm, established in 1886, provides a unique rural setting in the centre of the urban region. If the research requirements of the Farm or the Arboretum change over time, their valued contribution to the Capital Greenspace should be conserved. 

Two other components of the Central Experimental Farm are identified under separate land designations to reflect their current function. The Canadian Agricultural Museum, a National Cultural Institution is identified under the Cultural Installation and Facility. The Skyline Complex as well as other laboratories and offices located south of Carling Avenue are identified under the "Other Federal Facility" designation."

savecfbrockcliffe- I have a few questions: 1.) Are construction companies and Ottawa City Hall more powerful than Agriculture Canada? Several local politicians approved the construction of towers on Carling Avenue across from the Farm--- and research land and greenhouses will be negatively impacted by shadows. 

2.) Why does the City of Ottawa have the power to remove federal land from Baseline Road, Carling Avenue and the Arboretum for transit projects. 

3.) Why is the government of Canada selling agricultural land to China and Bill Gates---when the government should be teaching children in this country about nutrition, how to grow food and test water. And we should be encouraged to establish our own farms. When I was growing up, every classroom had Canada's Food Guide posters on the walls, and we learned how to cook and sew through classes in home economics. I will never eat "alternate sources of protein" World Economic Forum and World Health Organization. I do not care if the federal government recently signed a treaty with the WHO. More than ever before, my country needs the Canadian Food Inspection Agencies on Carling Avenue and the Greenbelt. 

In the year 1996, 50 of the Farm's 82 buildings were slated for demolition. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Ideas that were presented to the NCC.

 Turn the Experimental Farm into an urban park by removing the research fields, greenhouses, barns and laboratories.

Concern was expressed that the Farm was covered by three designations.

The CEF could be improved and repurposed.

The Old Ottawa East Community Association provided perspectives on the Parkways Policy Review, indicating that Colonel By Drive and the Queen Elizabeth Driveway are essential routes for residents, as well as a vital part of the community's green and blue landscape. Its recommendations were related to the following:

  • Safe crossings
  • Safe cycling and walking
  • Support for the Fifth Avenue-Clegg Street Canal footbridge
  • Landscaping plan for Colonel By Drive
  • Enhanced Canal usage From: page 25/49 of the "Capital Urban Lands Plan and Parkways Policy Review", March 1998.
  • Shopping opportunities in the core and areas such as Dow's Lake should be diversified with stores that people need. The Dow's Lake area was a park, a children's playground and a Tulip Festival venue.-savecfbrockcliffe.

The Pinhey Sand Dunes should be taken off the map. (The sand dunes are within the Greenbelt and are not subject to this plan.)

It was felt by some respondents that the concept of parkways as an opportunity for a leisurely "Sunday drive" was out of date.

Charge a toll on parkway use.

Limit roadway connections to the parkway network (i.e. entrances and exits to the parkways.)

Ban cars on the parkways.

Some parkways such as the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway should be converted to natural-setting parks.

 (From: "Capital Urban Lands Plan and Parkways Policy Review," March 1998.)

Why the Civic Hospital should not be located on the Experimental Farm.

 Unauthorized uses:

  • Any use or works deemed incompatible with the protection of natural habitats.
  • Commercial uses---a massive parking garage is currently being constructed and it will generate revenue. Also, the people of Ottawa have not been told why the Carling Towers are being built---are they hotels, residential condos, or living spaces for out-of-town visitors and hospital employees. 
  • Public infrastructure-hospital infrastructure is not permitted on land that is adjacent to the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site or part of a National Historic Site. (From: Capital Urban Lands Plan, National Capital Commission, page 57/124- December 17, 2021.) As I mentioned before, the United Nations will remove the designation UNESCO World Heritage Site from the Rideau Canal if the Ottawa Hospital is constructed and if the Chateau Laurier Hotel addition proceeds.
    National Historic Sites have buffer zones. Sites include the Parliamentary Precinct, the Experimental Farm and Dominion Observatory.
Building a provincial or municipal hospital on the Farm is unconstitutional. "The National Interest" from the 1975-1976 NCC Annual Report: "It has been argued by some that only municipal authorities have the responsibility for promulgating and implementing region-wide planning in the National Capital Region. The Commission holds that this view is unconstitutional. Provincial and municipal authorities have responsibility for local concerns in their respective jurisdictions in the Region. But their responsibilities cannot be construed as representing the national interest. Neither can they be substituted for national concerns or interests. If Parliament had not wanted to see a national character for the Capital, it would not have created a national agency for that purpose."

The National Parks (reposting with new information.)


A Fraser Institute document from the 1980's. The National Parks in British Columbia are Yoho, Kootenay, Glacier, Mount Revelstoke, Pacific Rim, Gulf Islands and Gwaii Haanas.

Also, government officials wanted to transfer Stanley Park to the City of Vancouver but Prime Minister Brian Mulroney refused to consider that idea.

House of Commons Ottawa March 15, 1972 The Hon. Martin O'Connell (Minister of Labour) Liberal: "In our government's four years in office our national parks have increased from 18 to 28. There is a 50 per cent increase in the area set aside in perpetuity for national parks. Canada leads all nations in the world in land set aside for future generations."

House of Commons Ottawa February 24, 1970 The Hon. Jack Marshall (Humber-St. Georges-Barbe) Liberal: "National parks are a national domain set aside by the Parliament of Canada for all the people."

House of Commons Ottawa March 19, 1998 Bill C-29, an Act to Amend the National Parks Act: MP Nelson Riis (Kamloops, BC) New Democratic Party) "Members can probably tell that I do not support Bill C-29 at this point. This bill involves a great deal of Canada: 31 national parks, 786 historic sites, a number of historical canal systems (Rideau Canal), 661 sites that are ecologically or environmentally significant, 165 heritage railway stations, 31 heritage river systems and others..."

MP Howard Hilstrom (Selkirk-Interlake) Reform: "Mr. Speaker I am quite interested in the financial aspects of this bill. Is there a possibility of foreign interests getting involved in our parks system?"

MP Nelson Riis: "...Obviously the answer is yes."

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Returning the Quebec Bridge to the citizens of Canada.

House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 2010 MP Brian Jean, Conservative: "Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to speak to Motion No. 423, regarding the acquisition of the Quebec Bridge from the CNR. Motion No. 423 "That, in the opinion of the House, the Government should purchase the Pont de Quebec for one dollar and commit to quickly finishing the repair work so as to respect its importance as a historical monument and a vital transportation link for the Quebec City region."

The Quebec Bridge National Historic Site of Canada connects the cities of Levis, Quebec and Quebec City, over the St. Lawrence River.
"The Railrodder" is a 1965 National Film Board of Canada movie starring Buster Keaton.

"The state's estate: Devaluing and revaluing "surplus" public land in Canada" by Heather Whiteside.

The Federal Real Property Act Bill C-3

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 MP Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood) "...In one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible there will be no Crown land assets left...."

House of Commons Ottawa October 7, 1991 (work in progress)

Gone: Fisheries and Oceans Canada privatized 1,000 federal lighthouses a few years ago including Peggy's Cove.

I am in front of the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse. I was visiting a relative in Halifax.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Rideau Canal Promenade

The Rideau Canal Promenade includes the Ottawa Locks, the Shaw Centre, Pretoria Bridge, Lansdowne Park, Dow's Lake, the Experimental Farm and Hartwells Lockstation. Promenade-verb-to take a leisurely public walk, ride or drive.

The UNESCO logo is on the Rideau Canal Promenade sign. Land, buildings and waterways that are protected by the United Nations have buffer zones.

Friday, October 27, 2023

The future of the Queen Elizabeth Driveway.

"About 30 permanent gates, that are easy to open and close, would be installed at roads ending on QED between Laurier Avenue and Dow's Lake." ("Reimagining the Queen Elizabeth Driveway, NCC Parkways for People Series, November 2021.")

"The NCC has a long-standing policy to retain federal riverfront land." (The Hon. Ron Stewart, Official Land Use Policy in City of Ottawa-June 1984.")

Report of the Federal District Commission, 1949, page 14/75  "The Federal District Commission is justly famous for the utilization of the scenic beauty of the federal capital. Wherever possible, parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake."

Land adjacent to the Rideau Canal is part of the NCC's National Interest Land Mass. NILM holdings include "The national institutions and symbols, rivers and canal banks, Confederation Boulevard, parkway corridors, Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt. Land forming the NILM will be retained by the NCC in perpetuity." 

 The scenic parkways in Ottawa cannot be de paved, off-limits to motor vehicles, given away or converted to parks.

1.) Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington Street to Carling Avenue. Also known as the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. 254 ha.

2.) Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Rd. 90 hectares or 222 acres. The views of the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site cannot be jeopardized by the loss of Queen Elizabeth Drive as a scenic highway route.

3.) Airport Parkway. 120 ha.

4.) Eastern Parkway, Hemlock Road to Hwy 417. 72 ha.

5.) Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt. 255 ha.

6.) Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway. 184 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)

Scenic Driveways in Ontario, March 31, 1985.

  • Ottawa River
  • Airport
  • Eastern Driveway
  • Colonel By
  • Eastern Parkway
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway
  • Hog's Back Road
  • Rockcliffe Parkway
  • Queensway
  • Island Park
  • Station Boulevard
  • Experimental Farm (Information is from the 1984-85 Report of the NCC, page 32/70.)
"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

Queen Elizabeth Drive may be converted to a park:

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The denationalization of 365 government office buildings-August 2, 2005.

 Already gone...

  • RCMP Headquarters-1200 Alta Vista, Ottawa
  • Public Works Canada-Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling
  • Public Works Canada - 1010 Somerset Street West, Ottawa
  • CBC National Headquarters-Edward Drake Building, 1500 Bronson Avenue.
  • Agriculture Canada-Animal Virus Laboratory, 100 Gamelin, Hull Quebec
  • Public Works Canada-Greenbelt Animal Research Centre, Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean, 1,165.60 ha.-Transferred from Agriculture Canada to the NCC for $1 dollar
  • NCC-Dows Lake parking lot-Preston and Prince of Wales-Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre discovered that the Dows Lake parking lot was worth more than $4 million dollars. Donated to a local hospital for parking and towers.
  • DND-Beaver Barracks-Catherine, Metcalfe and Argyle
  • DND-Wallis House, 589 Rideau Street, Ottawa-A military hospital.
  • DND-Plouffe Park Armoury, 933 Gladstone, Little Italy, Ottawa.
  • RCMP-Former RCMP Barracks-sold to the City of Ottawa
  • Old Registry Office
  • Former Ottawa Teachers College on Elgin Street-sold to the City of Ottawa, now part of Ottawa City Hall
  • Former NCC headquarters on 401 Lebreton and Carling Avenue

The Public Service Alliance of Canada opposed the sale of government of Canada buildings.

August of 2007-The following buildings were sold for $1.64 billion dollars:

Canada Place-Edmonton, Alberta

Canada Revenue Agency Building-Montreal

RCMP Headquarters-Montreal

Skyline Complex (Towers 1-7) Baseline Road Nepean-Built on privatized Experimental Farm land.

Joseph Shepard-Toronto

Thomas D'Arcy McGee-Sparks Street Mall, Ottawa

Sinclair Centre-Vancouver

Government of Canada Building-401 Burrard, Vancouver


NDP MP Peggy Nash (Parkdale-High Park): "Our job representing Canadians on the Government Operations and Estimates Committee is to ensure that spending from the federal government is in the best interests of Canadians. We are the democratic custodians and stewards of the tax dollars paid by Canadians. So you would think, that with a sale like this, hundreds of millions of dollars of Canadians assets, that we would be informed as to the details of such a huge sale that is going to affect the well-being of Canadians. Why do I say the well-being of Canadians? Well, not only us, but our parents and grandparents have worked very hard over the years and our tax dollars have paid for the buildings, for the assets of the people of Canada. These are our buildings."

Monday, October 23, 2023

"Surplus" federal buildings that were owned by all Canadians.

 National Capital Region, Ottawa and Gatineau  (The information is from "PWGSC Awards Contract with Respect to Certain Real Estate Assets, September 15, 2006.")

1.)  Tunney's Pasture

2.)  1010 Somerset Street and Plouffe Park including Dome. Adjacent to the Plant Bath. No height limitations on 1010 Somerset.

 3.)  Major General George R. Pearkes Building, 101 Colonel By Drive.

4.)  Sir John Carling Building, 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa-demolished.

5.)  National Library and Archives, 195 Wellington Street, part of the Parliamentary Precinct.

6.)  Taxation Data Centre, 875 Heron Road, Confederation Heights, River Ward.

7.)  Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building, 90 Sparks Street Mall.

8.)  Skyline Towers, 1400 Merivale Road, Towers 1 to V11-owned by Larco. Located in River Ward.

9.)  Lester B. Pearson  Building - 125 Sussex Drive.

10.) RCMP Headquarters, 1200 Vanier Parkway-Sold to the City of Ottawa for affordable housing.

11.) Place du Portage Phase 1, 2 and and 3 in Gatineau. 

12.) Place du Portage Phase 4 in Gatineau. I visited my husband in Place du Portage Phase 4 when he was a Public Works and Government Services employee for nearly 28 years.

13.) National Printing Bureau, 45 Sacre-Coeur Blvd. Gatineau.


1.) Government of Canada Building, One Front Street West, Toronto. Sold to Larco. Toronto City Councillor Mike Layton was opposed to the construction of 45 and 49 storey towers.

The Dominion Public Building is right next to Union Station.


"Much of the government-owned owned Ottawa-Gatineau portfolio is obsolete. There is room for the private development sector to create new space." (From: a PWGSC announcement in October of 2010.)

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 MP Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood): (Concerning Bill C-3, changes to the Federal Real Property Act): "...It concerns me that in one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible there will be no Crown land assets left. I think of Toronto, my own city, and the way the government has disposed of the Harbourfront land and the CBC land. This is a bill that is going to make the developers of every region and city of Canada ecstatic."

Land area by province
 House of Commons Ottawa December 14, 1970 MP Mr. Fortin (Ralliement Creditiste)" 1.) What is the area of land owned by the federal government in each province? 2.) Is there a complete and perpetual inventory of federally owned properties?"

Hon. Arthur Laing (Minister of Public Works) Liberal: "The area of land owned by the federal government as recorded in the Central Inventory of Federal Properties by province is:

Province                                                     Number of Acres
Newfoundland                                                 96,041

Prince Edward Island                                        1,353

Nova Scotia                                                     22,514

New Brunswick                                            318,532

Quebec                                                         280,485

Manitoba                                                       51,707

Saskatchewan                                              77,445

Alberta                                                       101,751

Ontario                                                       268.283

British Columbia                                       164,158

>Yukon Territories                                      21,125

VNorthwest Territories                              90,193 (V only includes property that is being utilized by federal departments or agencies.)      

House of Commons Ottawa March 18, 1971  MP John Gilbert: "In 1971 the citizens of Canada owned Crown property worth $20 billion dollars..."

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Erik Nielsen told writer Stevie Cameron that federal real estate was worth $40 to $60 billion dollars when he was Minister of Public Works from 1979 until 1980.  ("On the Take" by Stevie Cameron.)                            

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Pineview Golf Course was part of the federal Greenbelt. (Reposting)

 House of Commons Ottawa May 25, 2010 MP Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Lib.):"...The Liberal members of the National Capital Region, the member for Ottawa-Vanier, the member for Ottawa South and I as Liberal members of Parliament, have good reason to call for enhanced protection of the greenbelt. There are, as a matter of fact, no major regulations protecting this area. Together the City of Ottawa and the NCC can do what they like with it. We believe that this greenspace must be protected from developers."

Greenbelt properties

  • Commissioners Park near Dow's Lake
  • Agriculture Canada research farms on Woodroffe Avenue and Carling Avenue.
  • Green's Creek Conservation Area
  • Hornet's Nest soccer fields
  • Pineview Golf Course
  • Mer Bleue Conservation Area
  • Hylands Golf Club
  • The Log Farm
  • Bruce Pit
  • Conroy Pit
  • Lime Kiln (Trail)
  • Stony Swamp Conservation Area
  • Wesley Clover Park - The former Nepean National Equestrian Park and Ottawa Municipal Campground.
  • The 19th Tee Driving Range
  • Airport Land
  • The Connaught National Army Cadet Training Centre
  • Shirley's Bay  
Greenbelt holdings are also protected by the designation National Interest Land Mass, approved by the Treasury Board of Canada in 1988.NILM land cannot be subdivided, sold, or transferred to an entity such as a municipality, province, foreign government or developer. They must be owned by the Canadian federal government (the citizens of Canada) in perpetuity. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC Land Holdings.)  The city wants 13,700 acres of the land. "The City of Ottawa has identified more than 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt that could be developed." (From: Ottawa Greenbelt Development Under Review" June 17, 2008.)

The Greenbelt is a living memorial to Canadians who gave their lives during World War Two.
"The Greenbelt consists of over 20,000 hectares of green space, forming a crescent-shaped band that surrounds the nation's capital. It is a living symbol of Canada's rural landscape and ecological sensitive areas-with a mix of farms, forests and wetlands-which also provides an important space for recreational uses, federal institution and research facilities.

"The Greenbelt is like an "Emerald Necklace" and exists as a living war memorial to the Canadians who gave their lives in the Second World War. Starting at Shirley's Bay just north of Kanata, it circles through Stoney Swamp and Pinhey Forest, then continues east through the experimental farm, where it arcs back northward through the Mer Bleue and then follows Green's Creek to the Ottawa River. The Greenbelt reaches over a distance of 45 kilometers and ranges in width from two to ten kilometers. The National Capital Commission (NCC)has begun a review of the 1996 Greenbelt Master Plan, which guides how the Greenbelt is used, managed and protected, now and in the future. NCC staff will be at the following locations to provide information, answer questions and receive comments." (From: HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT THE GREENBELT'S FUTURE! Public Year 2008.waterloowarrior.)

Monday, October 16, 2023

The NCC is not responsible for traffic engineering.

 House of Commons Ottawa September 20, 1968: MP Lloyd Francis (Carleton-Ottawa West) "Mr. Speaker, the National Capital Commission is not responsible for providing the health, recreation, traffic engineering, street maintenance and other services that the city of Ottawa provides...I invite hon. members of this house, especially the new members, to drive along the magnificent western parkway which has just been created by the national capital commission. Drive west along the parkway from it's junction on Wellington Street to its termination on Carling Avenue, and then turn around and come back. As you approach Wellington Street from the west, you will pass beside Nepean bay which has been substantially beautified by the national capital commission's efforts. Look ahead and you will see Ottawa's skyline."


"De pave the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway." "Remove all vehicles from the scenic parkways." "Reserve the Queen Elizabeth Driveway for active transportation." "Convert the Queen Elizabeth Driveway to a park." Donate Prince of Wales Drive on the Farm to the city of Ottawa. 

Proposed NCC policy aims to put the park back in parkway by Don Butler, Ottawa Citizen, May 2014: "The National Capital Commission is developing a new policy for its scenic parkways that will give priority to accommodating pedestrians and cyclists rather than automobiles. The proposal is aiming for a shift in paradigm, putting the park back into the parkway...The parkways should not be viewed as commuter routes. When completed next year the Capital Urban Lands Master Plan will be the first such plan covering federally owned parkways, riverbanks and employment areas such as Tunney's Pasture and Confederation Heights and the Central Experimental Farm." 

House of Commons Ottawa May 15, 1970 MP Duncan Gordon Blair (Grenville-Carleton) Liberal: "I would like to direct a question to the Acting Prime Minister, and I regret that I was not able to give him notice. Is the government aware of a statement or statements to the press by the Chairman of the National Capital Commission to the effect that he might close the national capital parkways for a week for the strange purpose of proving their importance in carrying traffic?

"The second part of my question is whether the Acting Prime Minister can assure the House that the government will not permit the people of this area to be inconvenienced by the disruption that this extraordinary and senseless experiment would cause?"

Hon. G.J. McIlraith (Solicitor General of Canada; Acting Prime Minister) Liberal: "The statement has caused concern. I am very doubtful that the Chairman of the commission has any such authority under the National Capital Act passed by this Parliament."

NCC driveways in 1969-1970

  • Ottawa River 
  • Rideau River  
  • Western Parkway
  • Eastern Parkway
  • Colonel By Drive
  • Airport Parkway
  • Philemon Wright - Hull
  • Parkways in Gatineau Park
  • Lac de fee
  • Promenade des Voyageurs
NCC driveways in 1979-1980 Ontario
  • Ottawa River
  • Eastern Parkway
  • Western Parkway
  • Colonel By 
  • Eastern Driveway
  • Eastern Ottawa River Parkway
  • Queen Elizabeth 
  • Rockcliffe Park Driveway
  • Island Park
  • Experimental Farm Drive
  • Other parkways.
  • Voyageur
  • Gatineau 
  • Fairy Lake Parkway
  • Secteur Fournier
  • Other parkways.
Assets in 2015-2016
  • 450 km2 of land in Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt
  • 15 urban parks and greenspaces including the Confederation, Vincent Massey, Major's Hill and Jacques-Cartier parks.
  • 106 km of parkways
  • more than 200 km of recreational pathways
  • 40 bridges including the Champlain and Portage interprovincial bridges
  • 1,664 properties

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Forgetting history. (Reposting)

High rise buildings cannot be built on the Lebreton Flats. Lebreton is an annex of the Parliamentary Precinct. House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967 The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works): "The Lebreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Parliamentary Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower." 

Dream Lebreton.
The Dominion Observatory on the Experimental Farm is also an annex of the Precinct: "The popularity of the Observatory occurred when it opened in 1905, due to the support of Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Laurier's advocation reinforced the idea that the Observatory was to be considered an arm of the parliamentary precinct. At the time it was recognized as a national achievement where the nation's time would be kept. The buildings would be symbols of Canada's progress in astronomical science." (From: "Astronomer Mary Grey and the Architecture of Canada's Dominion Observatory". Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Sharon Odell, page 10/67.)

The Ottawa Hospital's Tower A cannot be built because it will create an "irreversible and permanent " loss of views from the Observatory to the sky.

  • Potential construction impacts
  • Isolation of the complex from its surroundings
  • Obstruction or diminishment of significant views of the Dominion Observatory
  • Obstruction or impact to views of the night sky from the dome
  • Impact of the lighting plan  (page 2/87, City of Ottawa Application #D07-12-22-0168)
  • Impacts to views from the Observatory dome to the sky-should a telescope ever be reinstated-will be irreversible and permanent once Tower A of the hospital building is realized. Also, light spillage and pollution can reduce the amount of stars and astrological features visible. (Page 8/87, City of Ottawa Application #D07-12-22-01-68.)
    The Dominion Observatory campus along Carling Avenue in Ottawa. The South Azimuth is Building # 4 and it will probably be removed.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Civic Hospital will demolish the Observatory campus for the following reasons: a) The hospital does not want irregular parcels of land. b) Maple Drive is being restricted to emergency vehicles, more than 100 trips per day. c) The South Azimuth is interfering with plans to widen Maple Drive. d) The Observatory campus buildings are partly made with Nepean sandstone and they will be impacted by nearby blasting, construction; light, shadow and noise pollution from the rooftop helicopters, towers, hundreds of cars in the parking garage, etc. The Parliament Buildings are also partly made with Nepean sandstone. savecfbrockcliffe.
Saving the green spaces in Little Italy
  • The City of Ottawa promised that the Humane Society land on 101 Champagne would be an extension of Ev Tremblay park. But two residential towers were constructed.
  • 50 acres of a National Historic Site near Preston were donated to a hospital, including a 14-acre park at Preston and Carling.
  • The hospital will need more land by 2028. I believe that Commissioners Park will be given to the hospital for more parking and condos.
  • Property behind the High School of Commerce (which I attended) has been earmarked as a development site.
  • Plouffe Park may be the location of a school.
  • Several politicians (John Baird, John Manley, Barry Mather) and a Mr. Lambert suggested that the Lebreton Flats should be a National Park.
House of Commons Ottawa January 12, 1970 MP Barry Mather (New Democratic Party): "Is the government of Canada reconsidering its plans regarding LeBreton Flats and, if so, is it giving favorable consideration to turning the Flats into a National Park?"
The 130 acre Flats in 1983. The land is 4,450 feet from the Peace Tower, or less than a mile. (House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967. The Hon. George McIlraith, Minister of Public Works.)

Friday, October 6, 2023

The 1,200 acre Farm in 1983.


The land at Clyde and Merivale was sold to the City of Ottawa. Despite the objections of Agriculture Minister John Wise.  
House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1988 MP David Daubney (Ottawa West) Progressive Conservative: "Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture. He will agree that the Central Experimental Farm partly located in my riding is the flagship of Agriculture Canada's excellent research effort and contributes greatly to the unique beauty and character of the nation's capital. Will he confirm for the House that the Government has no intention of disposing of any part of the Experimental Farm proper and in particular that part bordered by Merivale and Fisher Avenues in the city of Ottawa?"

Hon. John Wise (Minister of Agriculture): "Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the Hon. Member's continuing interest in the future of the Experimental Farm here in Ottawa. I want to take this opportunity to indicate to him that Agriculture Canada, my Department, has no plans or thoughts whatsoever concerning disposing of any portion of that property at any time. There is no question about that."

"I appreciate also the complimentary remarks the Hon. Member made with reference to that very unique facility. It has made a tremendous contribution to Canadian agriculture. It is one of four original experimental farms established across Canada over 100 years ago. In fact, next to the Parliament Buildings, the Experimental Farm is the second most popular tourist attraction here in Ottawa."

Some Hon. Members: "Hear, hear!"

Agriculture Canada refused to give the National Capital Commission 700 acres of the Experimental Farm in 1974. From Clyde Avenue to Prince of Wales Drive. The NCC told the federal government that the land was needed because of a "housing emergency."

(Reposting) Politicians who wanted to save the Experimental Farm:
  • Prime Ministers of Canada Louis St-Laurent, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney...
  • Agriculture Ministers Eugene Whelan, Bud Olson, Douglas Harkness, James Gardiner, John Greene, John Wise, Lyle Vanclief, Gerry Ritz
  • Minister of National Defence Barney Danson
  • MP Marlene Catterall
  • MP Richard Cannings
  • MP David Daubney
  • Senator Anne Cools
  • Senator Mike Duffy
  • MP Elizabeth May
  • Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson
  • Ministers of Public Works George McIlraith, Howard Charles Green, Lucien Cardin 
  • Speaker of the House of Commons Lloyd Francis
  • Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition Walter Baker 
  • MP Monique Pauze
  • Governor General Adrienne Clarkson

Monday, September 25, 2023

My niece Helen at Beny-sur-Mer.


Helen at Bergen-op-Zoom.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The untouchable federal properties that were monetized.

 National Interest Land Mass properties were off-limits to developers and foreign, provincial and municipal governments.

"The Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site is designated in its entirety as part of the National Interest Land Mass. These lands are essential for the long-term symbolism, function, physical structure and natural and cultural landscapes of the Capital. Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the National Capital Commission in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC). A revenue generating parking garage is now being constructed on the site.

Protected by the NILM designation:

  • Gatineau Park
  • the Greenbelt, 50 thousand acres approximately.
  • Agriculture Canada Research Farms on Woodroffe Avenue and Carling Avenue (more)
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Views of the Parliamentary Precinct were impacted by the construction of an American Embassy on Sussex Drive:

 "Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton Response to NCC's Draft Plan for Canada's Capital, September 22, 1998 :"Councillor Legendre noted in the 'Urban Design' section of the NCC's report, the policy spoke to protecting the views and symbolic primacy of the Parliament Buildings. He said similar words had long been used in the NCC's vision documents. Yet he felt when a project or specific proposal came foreword, the NCC offered no support. The Councillor said the most recent example of this was the new American Embassy. He recounted he had been on City Council when the proposal came foreword, and the NCC had offered no support with regard to protecting the views and vistas of Parliament Hill, particularly from the Byward Market along Clarence Street looking toward Parliament Hill." (page 2/22)

Councillor Munter emphasized that many in the community were puzzled by the Metcalfe Street proposal, which would entail the destruction of many buildings.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau wanted the "embassy" land on Sussex Drive returned to Canadians when the World War Two temporary buildings were removed. (Google: "Dreams of Major's Hill Park, 1969-1970".) Just as the prime minister returned a park at Carling and Preston to Canadians when the temporary buildings were demolished in 1976.


Moffat Farm - an 84-acre Veteran's Affairs park.

The NCC wants to convert part of the Greenbelt into a National Urban Park. NILM farms and parkland cannot subdivided or sold:

House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 2009 Evidence (Tran (40-2) No. 32: "Jacques Greber had no confidence in lower levels of government. He felt that the only way to have a greenbelt and to keep it was that the most senior level of government in Canada would have to establish it, maintain it, keep it and preserve it. Cities are essentially vehicles for development. Their election campaigns are over 90% financed by the development community. The (National Capital) commission has the power to reclassify downward any lands it deems necessary, including greenbelt lands. Our concern is that the ecologically less significant lands, although part of the whole, may lose their greenbelt designation to satisfy some development proposal." Al Speyers, Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Canada can build more homes without "getting rid of Greenbelts" Poilievre says.

An article by Josh Pringle, CTV News Ottawa, August 24, 2023. "We have to free up land and build more homes, and we can do that without getting rid of Greenbelts or ecologically sensitive lands" Pierre Poilievre said during an interview on "The Morning Rush" with Bill Carroll - CFRA 580.

Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms and Research Stations in 1985.

From: "The Canadian Encyclopedia" by Hurtig Publishers Ltd. 

National Research Institutes with headquarters in Ottawa: 

1. Biosystematics Research Institute

2. Chemistry and Biology Research Institute

3. Engineering and Statistical Research Institute

4. Food Research Institute

5. Land Resource Research Institution

Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms

1. Nappan, Nova Scotia

2. Buctouche, New Brunswick

3. La Pocatiere, Quebec

4. Normandin, Quebec

5. L'Assomption, Quebec

6. Ottawa, Ontario

7. Kapuskasing, Ontario

8. Thunder Bay, Ontario

9. Smithfield, Ontario

10. Fort Vermilion, Ontario

11. Indian Head, Saskatchewan

12. Prince George, British Columbia

Agriculture Canada Research Stations

1. St. John's, Newfoundland

2. Kentville, Nova Scotia

3. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

4. Fredericton, New Brunswick

5. Ste-Foy, Quebec

6. St. Jean, Quebec

7. Lennoxville, Quebec

8. Vineland, Ontario

9. Delhi, Ontario

10. Harrow, Ontario

11. Ottawa, Ontario

12. London, Ontario

13. Lethbridge, Alberta

14. Lacombe, Alberta

15. Beaverlodge, Alberta

16. Swift Current, Saskatchewan

17. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

18. Melfort, Saskatchewan

19. Regina, Saskatchewan

20. Winnipeg, Manitoba

21. Brandon, Manitoba

22. Morden, Manitoba

23. Summerland, British Columbia

24. Kamloops, British Columbia

25. Vancouver, British Columbia

26. Agassiz, British Columbia

27. Saanichton (Sidney) British Columbia


1995 - "The government of Canada is getting out out of the business of running experimental farms."


Decommissioned properties

June 24 1995 - Disposal of Swine Station 4 Buildings and Lands, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

June 29 1995 - Disposal of Property (Land) Swine Test Station, Kitchener, Ontario.

July 1995 - Disposal of Research Station, Vegreville, Alberta (My uncle was a scientist at Vegreville for more than 30 years.)

August 1995 - Disposal of Property/site of old inspection station - Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec.

September 1995 - Decommissioning Regina Research Station, Weeds Greenhouse.

November 1995 - Disposal of Lots 91 and 92 - West Val Marie Irrigation Project - sale of surplus land, West Poplar, Saskatchewan.

November 1995 - Disposal of Swine Test Station - St-Cyrille de Wendover, Quebec.

December 19, 1995 - Disposal of Swine Test Station, Brandon, Manitoba.

January 1996 - Disposal of Property/ Smithfield Research Farm, Belleville, Ontario.

February 13 1996 - Disposal of Property/Thunder Bay Experimental Farm.

April 1996 - Transfer sale of land to the City of Swift Current.

April 1996 - Disposal of Property - Lavaltrie, Quebec (Land) Montreal.

Decommissioning of federal property at Victoria, British Columbia; lease of Park to Provincial Capital Commission.

May 30 1996 - Kentville, Nova Scotia - Disposal of Burgher Hill property.

May 30 1996 - Kentville, disposal of Land north of Main Street.

May 30 1996 - Disposal of Sheffield Farm House.

August 1996 - Disposal of the Prince George Experimental Farm, Kamloops.

June 16 1999 - Disposal of Ridge Farm, Harrow Ontario. (The source of this information is from the Canadian Environmental Agency website- savecfbrockcliffe.)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Canadians owned more than 1 million acres of federal experimental farms during the 1980's.


Land and waterways in the National Capital that should always be protected.

Airbase Lands - Federal, Private.

Arboretum Woods - Federal (the Arboretum will be encroached upon by the widening of the Prince of Wales Drive, and shadows, noise and light from the massive medical centre and towers.)

Aviation Parkway North - Federal, City.

Britannia Bay - Federal, City.

Britannia Conservation Area - Federal, City.

By-Pass Woods East - Federal.

Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private.

Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal (are the CEF Woods on the chopping block?)

Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal.

Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal.

Chaudiere Rapids - Federal.

Del Zotto Woods - Federal.

Deschenes Lookout - Federal.

Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City.

Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private.

Lemieux Island - Federal, City.

Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private.

McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal.

Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private.

NRC Woods North - Federal.

Parliament Hill - Federal.

Pinecrest Woods - Federal.

Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City.

RA Centre Woods - Federal.

Rideau River Islands - Federal.

Riverside Park - Federal.

Rideau River Park Woods - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park East - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park West - Federal.

Rockcliffe Shore - Federal.  (Google: "urban natural features strategy, City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006.)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The sale of Canadian agricultural land to foreign entities.

House of Commons Ottawa April 27, 1977:  Right Hon. P.E. Trudeau (Prime Minister) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, might I take this opportunity to table an exchange of letters between the premiers and myself on the question of foreign ownership of land, in both languages."

House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1976 MP Don Mazankowski (Vegreville) "Mr. Speaker, may I direct my question to the Prime Minister. It has to do with foreign ownership of land in Canada. Can the Prime Minister advise the House what progress is being made with the provinces with respect to the establishment of measures to deal with the ownership of land by foreigners in Canada."

House of Commons Ottawa June 19, 1972: MP William Knight (NDP) "...At the national level we need legislation which prevents foreign ownership of land."

Bill Gates owns 270,000 acres of American farmland, and bought shares in a company that manufactures farm equipment.

National Capital Commission Assets as of March 31, 1969.


Greenbelt in the township of Gloucester and of Nepean - $36,956,431.

Parks, parkways, etc. - $31,055, 088.

Lands received from railway companies - $19,133,189.

LeBreton Flats - $14,133,189.

Gatineau Park - $6,722,331.

Queensway - $1,381,637.

Approaches to Macdonald-Cartier Bridge - $2,797,548. (From: NCC 1969 Annual Report, page 33/86.)


Details of Property Acquisitions by the NCC - 1964-1965:

Confederation Square - $990,000.

Eastern Parkway - $2,016,210.

Gatineau Park - $5,239,114.

Greenbelt in Ottawa - $33,006,152.

Historic sites - $3,157.

Hull South Parkway - 585,341.

Philemon Wright Parkway, Hull - $873,379.

Hull General lands - $846,861.

Industrial and railway sites twp. of Gloucester - $900,443.

Mackenzie King Bridge - $502,271.

Miscellaneous sites - $1,494,818.

Approaches to Macdonald-Cartier Bridge - $1,986,632.

Northern Entrance Hull - $396,068.

New passenger railway terminal - $812,930.

Ottawa River Parkway - $3,961,857.

Queensway - $4,534,713.

Rideau River Parkway - $2,478,611.

LeBreton Flats - $11,314,467.

Station Boulevard - $222,303.

Sussex Drive - $4,108,366.

Western Parkway - $933,555.

Downtown Ottawa - $113,365

Dechenes - Britannia Bridge - $379,427

Total - $77,700,040. (The information is from the NCC 1964-1965 Annual Report, page 53/111.)

Thursday, September 14, 2023