Monday, January 30, 2023

Why is the Senate not investigating a land deal between the federal government and a medical centre.

The Senate conducted an inquiry when Veterans Affairs land near Mooney's Bay, Ottawa was sold to a housing developer. Senate Inquiry - Proposal to Sell Moffat Farm, May of 2002. Debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Anne Cools, calling the attention of the Senate to:

a.)" the public's need for the Senate and the Parliament of Canada to take into their cognizance the current conflict between Ottawa residents with their City Council and the National Capital Commission proposal to rezone a riverfront parkland to build a 244-dwelling housing development on that riverfront parkland;

b.) to that national capital parkland known as the Moffat Farm, a riverfront parkland on the heritage waterway the Rideau River, at Mooney's Bay, near the entrance to the Hog's Back Locks, all of which form a part of the ancient and historic Rideau Canal and the Rideau Canal Waterway System, a parkland which for decades has been held by the National Capital Commission as a commissioned public trust for its protection for the public good and for the public use; 

c.) to the meaning in law of a commission, being that a commission is a public body with a public purpose, authorized by letters patent, an act of Parliament, or other lawful warrant to execute and perform a public office, and further, that the National Capital Commission is no ordinary entity, or no simple arm's length crown corporation but is a commission which is a peculiar constitutional entity, intended to perform a public duty;

d.) to the current land use designation zoning of Moffat farm, which is zoned as parkland, as are other Ottawa national capital parks such as Vincent Massey Park and Hog's Back Park, parklands whose maintenance and sustenance are of great importance and concern to Ottawans;

e.) to the National Capital Commission's contracted agreements with private developers, including that one with DCR Phoenix regarding the sale for development of the parkland, Moffat Farm, to the same DCR Phoenix, a private developer currently acting as the National Capital Commission's agent before Ottawa City Council and the Ontario Municipal Board in proceedings about the National Capital Commission's proposed re-zoning of Moffat Farm from parkland to residential zoning as to permit the National Capital Commission's sale of this parkland to private developers;

f.) to Ottawa City Council's unanimous decision on March 27, 2002 rejecting and soundly defeating the NCC/DCR Phoenix's proposal for re-zoning and development of the Moffat Farm parkland, to the city governments strong objection to the proposed development, being the building of 244 expensive, luxurious high-end houses on the Moffat Farm parkland, a parkland known for its environmentally sensitive lands;

g.) to the responsible Ministry's and the National Capital Commission's own protocol that holds that the National Capital Commission should defer to municipal government on planning issues and land use;

h.) to another motion overwhelmingly adopted by Ottawa City Council on April 10, 2002, expressing the City's wish to purchase the Moffat Farm park, also asking the National Capital Commission to honour City Council's decision and also asking the National Capital Commission to withdraw its own appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board;

i.) to that same City Council motion of April 10, 2002, which said:

  WHEREAS the Moffat Farm has been in public ownership for the past 50 years, since its expropriation, and has, until 1999, been designated a Capital Park by the National Capital Commission;

 AND WHEREAS the National Capital Commission determined that this property is surplus to national needs and intends to sell it;

 AND WHEREAS the Moffat Farm is outside the General Urban Area and designated as Waterfront Open Space in the Regional Official Plan, which is land in, or intended to be in public ownership and intended for public recreation and environmental conservation uses;

AND WHEREAS the Moffat Farm has 'no right of development' at this time, being designated Major Open Space, Waterway Corridor and Environmentally Sensitive Area, zoning that offers the highest possible protection;

AND WHEREAS, in the Ottawa Official Plan, the Moffat Farm is designated as a District/Community Park, a use identified in the 1973 Carleton Heights Secondary Plan as a means to address inadequate parkland for this area of the City;

 AND WHEREAS since 1973, the population of this community has doubled and available parkland has already decreased;

AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has a policy to acquire, where possible, waterfront properties that form the Greenway System and preserve these lands for public open space use;

THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa offer to purchase the entire Moffat property from the NCC at a price which will be based on its current and future use as a District Park;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City request the local Members of Parliament (National Capital Caucus) to urge the NCC to respect Council's unanimous decision to withdraw its appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board." 

j.) to the growing disenchantment and disappointment of Ottawans who perceive the National Capital Commission's corporate culture as running roughshod over Ottawans with wanton disregard for local communities of which the Moffat Farm is only one of several which include Lac Leamy, Sparks Street redevelopment and others, all of which have resulted in diminishing public respect for the National Capital Commission and its proposals in the national capital area;

l.) to the public need for Parliament's study and review of the National Capital Commission in its entirety, including its role, structure, organization, operations, authorizing statute, its parliamentary appropriations, finances and its relations with Canadian citizens, especially Canadian citizens living in the Ottawa area, its land dealings, and its agreements with private developers selected by the National Capital Commission as recipients, buyers, of treasured historic lands."

Sunday, January 29, 2023

"Will the Parliament Buildings be sold?"

"In one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left." House of Commons Ottawa November 22 1991. Member of Parliament Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood) Liberal: "Madam Speaker, when I got up this morning and headed to the House I actually had no intention of speaking...Then in my office I read parts of Bill C-3, an act respecting the acquisition, administration and disposition of of real property by the Government of Canada. I know that all of us were in support of this bill, but as I started to reflect on what is really going on in this bill I became concerned."

" It concerns me that in one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left. I think of my own city of Toronto and the way this government has disposed of the Harbourfront lands, has disposed of Terminal 3 at Pearson International Airport and the disposition of the CBC lands. This is a bill that is going to make the developers of every city of Canada ecstatic.'

"As a result of this bill if a line department has a Crown asset, a land asset which does not meet that particular department's needs, at that time the department will have the ability to put that land basically out to tender."

Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms that were sold off: (more...)

National Historic Sites of Canada

Dominion Buildings

 Federal properties that may be privatized in the future: National Parks; the entire 1,000 acre Carling Avenue property; the entire Greenbelt Research Institution on 1740 Woodroffe, which is part of the Pinhey Forest, 4,000 acres at one time; Rideau Canal from Ottawa to Kingston; northern half of the Sparks Street Mall, government buildings on Wellington Street in Ottawa across from Parliament Hill.

The entrance to Kingsmere, a personal property in Gatineau Park, Quebec that Prime Minister Mackenzie King donated to the people of Canada.

 Disconnecting ordinary Canadians from nature. I am standing in front of a roadblock near the Mackenzie King estate; one of many road barriers that I saw in the region. May of 2022.

 Many Canadian children are now suffering from Nature Deficit Disorder. In the second largest country in the world with millions of acres of parkland. And the Ottawa Department of Public Health warned that the N-95 mask is dangerous for children and young adults because it adheres too tightly to the face and impairs breathing. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Family and friends during the 1960's.

My younger sister and I visit our grandparents abandoned property in Easton's Corners in 1964.

Do not sell the Rideau Canal.

Easton Manor during the 1940's. My grandparents home was located between Jasper, Ontario and Merrickville, Ontario.

I am standing on the front lawn of the Manor in 1956.
"The village of Easton's Corners was founded by Joseph Easton in 1790. The Easton family traces their roots in America to the 'Mayflower'. Joseph remained loyal to King George 111, and for this loyalty he was granted an immense tract of land in Upper Canada, along the south shore of the Rideau River."

"In 1860 Samuel Starr Easton, Joseph's Easton's eldest grandson, built this magnificent late Georgian mansion and called it "'Model Farm Hall'. Their farm was indeed a model for others in the area. It boasted brick barns, stables, apple house and privy. The Eastons promoted advanced agricultural techniques and methods." (From: History of Starr Easton Hall.)

My grandfather had horses and cows and sold milk to a dairy in Smiths Falls and to a cheese curd factory in the village. There were hundreds of apple trees.

An Ottawa Citizen article from September 14, 1968.

The home was a Parks Canada Canadian Historic Site. From: "The Architecture of the Rideau Corridor" by Barbara A. Humphreys.

The one-room school in the village that I attended during the 1950's. 

 I am on a boat on Big Rideau Lake, the largest Rideau Canal lake:

The town of Portland can be seen in the distance.

My sister at the marina.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

" Poilievre wants hospital site revisited."

"You've got a sloped surface, contaminated land and you are building on a fault line. All of these things combined may lead to an extraordinary price tag and if that's true then we should know about it before we put shovels in the ground." (Ottawa Citizen article by Elizabeth Payne, March 29, 2017.)

In the House of Commons, MP Pierre Poilievre wanted the answers to dozens of questions about the location of the new Civic Hospital. See my blog entry entitled "Concerned about ballooning costs, Poilievre wants hospital site revisited." Sunday, November 21, 2021.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Rideau Canal bridges and dams are prime candidates for sale.

Parks Canada believes that the Rideau, Chambly, Lachine and Trent Severn bridges---worth $225 million dollars---are non-core assets. Another 103 dams on the same waterways, as well as the Saint-Ours Canal, are estimated to be worth about $1 billion dollars.

Non-core bridges and dams do not have any heritage or cultural value according to Parks Canada.

However, the United Nations believes that the Rideau Canal has historic and cultural value. And the waterway is legally protected by UNESCO:

"A World Heritage Site is a landmark or area with legal protection by an international convention administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). World Heritage Sites are designated for having cultural, historical, scientific or other forms of significance."

Did Parks Canada and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna sell $8 billion dollars worth of infrastructure in 2018? ("Parks Canada to look at divesting highways, bridges and dams. Cash-strapped agency examines whether to sell or divest non-heritage assets worth $8.3 B" by Dean Beeby, CBC August 26, 2017.)

The Bank Street Bridge over the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. The photograph is included in the article "Internal Parks Canada report looks for ways to make money by selling, transferring assets." by Dean Beeby, CBC News 2018.

Canadians have already lost thousands of publicly-owned bridges:

The Quebec Bridge connecting Levis, Quebec to Quebec City.

House of Commons March 29, 1996
 Mr. Antoine Dube, Levis, Quebec, BQ: "CN owned 6,000 bridges across Canada."
The National Capital Commission sold the Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge that cross the Rideau Canal, to the City of Ottawa for $1 dollar.

The Paul Martin Federal Building on 185 Ouellette Avenue in Windsor, Ontario was sold to the city of Windsor for one dollar. Fifty acres of the Carling Avenue Experimental Farm including the $4 million dollar Dows Lake parking lot were sold for $1 dollar.
The market value of the Dow's Lake parking lot is $4,021,000. Seven hundred and fifty trees will be removed from the Experimental Farm including the Historic Hedge Collection near the DARA Tennis Club.
The Historic Hedge Collection.

 Land mass on the Sir John Carling Site allocated to the hospital in the year 2016: North Boundary - Carling Avenue between Bayswater and Preston Street.
East Boundary - From Preston Street to Prince of Wales Drive.
South Boundary - From Prince of Wales Drive (600 metres) to 90 degrees west to Birch Drive.
West Boundary - From Birch Drive/Maple Drive up to Winding Lane and back to Carling Avenue at Bayswater (quarter of a circle around the Dominion Observatory.) (Information that was given to Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre from Public Services and Procurement Canada.)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Why is the federal government building a bridge between the Hartwell Locks and Carleton University.

 Will the bridge be a gateway to the new Civic Hospital? 

The Civic has already indicated that more land is needed by 2028 for expansion. I believe that Parks Canada and the National Capital Commission will give the the Arboretum, Fletcher Wildlife Garden and the Ornamental Gardens to the hospital. Maple Drive is being restricted to emergency vehicles and pedestrian and bicycle pathways (including the Trillium Pathway) were removed.

In 2001 Agriculture Canada and Public Works refused to give 108 acres of the Farm east of Prince of Wales Drive to a botanical garden. The plan was rejected because of the potential harm to the Hartwell Locks and for other reasons:

"Phase 1 of the project would fence off about 44 hectares (108 acres) of land now designated for research. It would improve the existing arboretum and (Fletcher) wildlife garden." "Later stages are expected to include a conservatory with 9 greenhouses with sales to the public , a butterfly house, washrooms and small cafes. The non-profit society will charge admission to the butterfly house and garden though not to the arboretum." (Note: The Fletcher Wildlife Garden now has a butterfly garden, a fish pond and bridges and they are completely free. And the arboretum and Fletcher Wildlife Garden do not have to be improved---savecfbrockcliffe.)

"Admission charges will be $10 to $15 dollars." "Curfews are being imposed that will prevent amateur astronomers and joggers from enjoying the site in the evening." (Google: "Botanical Garden plan alarms Farm fans" by Carolynne Wheeler, Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.)
 Senator Anne Cools wondered if the Experimental Farm and Arboretum were on the NCC's list of properties for sale. "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale." (Senate of Canada, August 30, 2002.)

Honourary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians Maude Barlow told the Ottawa Citizen the project will lead to a theme park atmosphere. "...(Ms. Barlow) said the project would lead to the privatization of the Experimental Farm.( "Botanical Garden plan alarms Farm fans. Nature lovers fear Experimental Farm will become a theme park." by Carolynne Wheeler, Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.)
  • August 3, 2001 Ottawa Citizen article.
    The Hartwell Locks and adjacent property are part of the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site and the National Capital Commission's National Interest Land Mass. 

The Experimental Farm is pictured on the left and the Hartwell Locks are on the right. They are National Interest Land Mass properties and National Historic Sites of Canada.

National Interest Land Mass holdings are untouchable.
 "The National Interest Land Mass (NILM) consists of 'national shrines, the river and canal banks, the Confederation Boulevard, the Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt in the National Capital Region...They are considered essential to the realization of the vision of the Capital.'

'There are 37 individual parcels of property currently owned by the NCC totaling some 44,200 ha. in area.'

"Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC on behalf of the government in perpetuity, for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate; and will be managed by the NCC with little or no further management involvement by the Treasury Board Secretariat." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC)

NCC National Interest Lands-Ontario
1.) Victoria Island       6.35 ha.
2.)  Part of Lebreton Flats N of Transitway   65.37 ha.
3.)  Shoreline behind Parliament Hill    2.91 ha.
4.)  Chambers Building Elgin and Queen Street  0.27
5.)  Confederation Square   0.15 ha.
6.)  Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and the Conference Centre and land to the E of the Conference Centre, also lands N of Wellington between the Rideau Canal locks & the Chateau Laurier & Major Hill Park. Also the approach to Alexandra Bridge and the new Art Gallery site.

7.)  Lady Grey Drive and the Ottawa River W. of Sussex Drive.
8.)  Daly Building corner of Rideau and Sussex.
9.)  8 parcels of land E of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to MacDonald Cartier Bridge.

10.)  Small Park on W side of Sussex Dr, S of the MacDonald Cartier Bridge.
11.)  Part of the Mint Property W of Sussex Drive.
12.)  2 parcels W of Sussex Drive N of Macdonald Cartier Bridge. Parking lot at Earnscliffe and water lot. 
13.)  4 parcels on the Rideau River around Ottawa City Hall.
14.)  4 parcels E of Sussex Dr. between Stanley Avenue and Rideau Gate.

15.)  PM's residence
16.)  7 Rideau Gate (Guest House)
17.)  G.G.'s residence, Rideau Hall.
18.)  Ottawa River Parkway Wellington Street to Carling Ave.
19.)  Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive

20.)  Rideau Canal lands, from downtown to Hog's Back Road - 90 hectares or 222 acres. Emphasis mine-savecfbrockcliffe. 
21.)  Rideau River lands Green Island to Revelstoke Dr.
22.)  Airport Parkway
23.)  Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd to Hwy 417.
24.)  Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt
25.)  Lower Duck Island Ottawa River
26.)  Greenbelt - 14,000 ha (approx.)

Protected land and waterways in the National Capital
  • Airbase Lands - Federal, Private
  • Arboretum Woods - Federal
  • Aviation Parkway North - City, Federal
  • Britannia Bay - City, Federal
  • Britannia Conservation Area - City, Federal
  • Carlington Woods - City, Federal, Private
  • Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal
  • Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal
  • Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal
  • Chaudiere Rapids - Federal
  • Del Zotto Woods - Federal
  • Deschenes Lookout - Federal
  • Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City
  • Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private
  • Lemieux Island - Federal, City
  • Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private
  • McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal
  • Montfort Woods - Federal, Private
  • Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private
  • NRC Woods North - Federal
  • Parliament Hill - Federal
  • Pinecrest Woods - Federal
  • Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City
  • RA Centre Woods - Federal
  • Rideau River Islands - Federal
  • Riverside Park - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Park East - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Park West - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Shore - Federal (Google: "urban natural features strategy City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006.")

Friday, January 20, 2023

A letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding the Farm.


Ottawa Centre MP Yasir Naqvi promised to save what was left of the Experimental Farm. I do not believe that will happen. By the year 2028 the Civic will need more land in order to expand. The city of Ottawa wants property along Baseline Road for an LRT or a bus project.
The federal government plans to build a pedestrian bridge linking the Hartwell Locks to Carleton University.
 A Botanical Garden Society has big plans for land east of Prince of Wales Drive including the Arboretum and Fletcher Wildlife Garden.
And the National Capital Commission approached Agriculture Minister Whelan for 700 acres of the Farm between Clyde Avenue and Prince of Wales Drive:
Agriculture Minister Whelan refused to give the National Capital Commission 700 acres of land for housing. A 1974 Ottawa Journal article.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Reposting - A letter from Member of Parliament Elizabeth May to Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna gave 50 acres of the Central Experimental Farm to the Civic Hospital. Heritage Minister Joly removed the designation National Historic Site of Canada from 40 acres of the property.

700 trees, barns, museums, the Astrophysical Observatory, greenhouses, William Saunders Building, William Saunders Garden, the $4 million dollar Dows Lake parking lot (MP Pierre Poilievre discovered how much money the parking lot was worth),bicycle and pedestrian pathways, land beside the Baseline Road border, Maple Drive, Queen Juliana Park, the Rideau Canal waterway, etc. are not protected.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Rideau Canal cannot be sold.

Despite the fact that Parks Canada, the NCC, World Economic Forum and federal ministers want to privatize the National Historic Site of Canada. Now the federal government is planning to build a bridge between the Hartwell Locks and Carleton University. A 104-acre Botanical Garden was abandoned because of the negative impact it would have on the Farm and the Hartwell Locks. The Botanical Garden:

1.)  Must not include any use of land or facilities on the west side of Prince of Wales Drive.

2.) The use of any land or facilities on the east side of Prince of Wales must meet the Canadian Heritage (Parks Canada) criteria (e.g.) it must not have a negative impact on the heritage values of the Canal nor impede the operation of the Canal, specifically at Hartwells lockstation but also navigation in general.

3.) The Arboretum, if included, must remain free and open to the public. (Note: A fence that is surrounding Queen Juliana Park is preventing pedestrian and bicycle access from Carling Avenue to the Arboretum--- a recent comment on forum-savecfbrockcliffe.)

4.) The Fletcher Wildlife Garden must remain as it is.

5.) The Commemorative Integrity Statement must be observed.

6.) The land use must be compatible with other jurisdictions (e.g. NCC, Parks, City of Ottawa, etc.) and designations (National Interest Land Mass of the Central Experimental Farm) and,

7.) It must clearly demonstrate financial viability/self-sufficiency. (Google: General Meeting 12 June 2002-Greenspace Alliance.)

Don't change the Arboretum The Ottawa Botanical Garden Society has been wanting to put a botanical garden on the site of the Arboretum in the Central Experimental Farm for some time. This would be a commercial venture including fencing of the Arboretum and the adjacent land South. That would mean everyone would pay to use the property for running, tobogganing, walking (dogs or otherwise) even if those activities are allowed at all.

I am writing to inform as many people as possible who use the Farm to please write to Agriculture Canada to put a stop to any changes to this heritage property. I think there is a great need to let Agriculture Canada know how people feel about the grounds being changed and fenced. Even if not fenced (which I feel it would be), there would be many changes to the site that I think would affect all runners and walkers to this wonderful space. (Google: The Glebe Report, August 17, 2001.)

Federal laws ban inappropriate construction near the Rideau Canal. In 2019 the United Nations agency UNESCO sent a letter to the federal government, regarding inappropriate development adjacent to the Rideau Canal. The Environment Minister and Parks Canada Minister told  UNESCO that the federal government does not have enough money or staff to monitor developments along the Rideau Canal: Parks Canada "has a limited capacity to participate in the review and comment on municipal plans and selected waterfront land...As well, resource constraints do not allow for full follow-up or monitoring of developments to ensure that commitments and agreements have been addressed..." (From: "Save Our Rideau" UNESCO Letter of Concern, page 5/16)

Projects that should not proceed because of concerns by the United Nations/UNESCO:

  • Chateau Laurier proposed expansion (Ottawa)
  • Third Bridge Crossing (Kingston)
  • Rideau Marina (Kingston) - rejected by the City of Kingston
  • Former Davis Tannery (Kingston) - rejected by the City of Kingston
  • New Ottawa Civic Campus (Ottawa)
A July 23, 1965 article in the Ottawa Journal.

"In 1995-96, the (National Capital) Commission signed an agreement to sell the Laurier and Mackenzie Bridges to the Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton for the consideration of one dollar." (NCC 1995-96 Annual Report, page 45/111.) House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1950 George Taylor Fulford (Leeds): "There was a rather quaint treaty signed between Great Britain and Canada when the canal was turned over to Canada. One of the clauses stated that Canada would maintain the canal system as long as the grass was green and the sky was blue."

In the year 2018 Environment Minister McKenna planned to sell $8 billion dollars worth of infrastructure in Canada's National Parks and Historic Sites. Including dams, bridges, roads, highways, weirs etc. The Rideau Canal has 24 lock stations, 52 dams, 42 bridges and weirs.

A 4-hour documentary on YouTube. From the year 2020.

I am trying to find the rest of the letter-savecfbrockcliffe.

The Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa was a National Interest Land Mass, National Historic Site of Canada and part of a 900 square mile memorial, dedicated to Canadian soldiers by Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber. House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1988 Progressive Conservative. Mr. David Bruce Daubney (Ottawa West): "Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture. He will agree that the Central Experimental Farm partly located in my riding is the flagship of Agriculture Canada's excellent research effort and contributes greatly to the unique beauty and character of the nation's capital. Will he confirm for the House that the Government has no intention of disposing of any part of the Experimental Farm proper, and in particular that part bordered by Merivale and Fisher Avenues in the city of Ottawa?"
Hon. John Wise (Minister of Agriculture) Progressive Conservative. "Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the Hon. Member's continuing interest in the future of the Experimental Farm here in Ottawa. I want to take this opportunity to indicate to him that Agriculture Canada, my Department, has no plans or thoughts whatsoever concerning disposing of any portion of that property at any time. There is no question about that."

"I appreciate also the complementary remarks that the Hon. Member made with reference to that very unique facility. It has made a tremendous contribution to Canadian agriculture . It is one of the four original experimental farms established across Canada over 100 years ago."

"In fact, next to the Parliament Buildings, the Experimental Farm is the second most popular tourist attraction here in Ottawa."

Some Hon. Members: "Hear, hear!"
Over the objections of Agriculture Minister John Wise and members of Parliament, 91 acres of the Farm were sold to the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton in 1988. The land was sold by the city of Ottawa to Walmart, a housing developer and strip malls.

The duty of the Minister of the Environment (Parks Canada) is to protect the National Parks, National Historic Sites and the Rideau Canal. Minister McKenna:
  • handed over 50 acres of the Farm to a hospital for $1 dollar a year.
  •  700 trees will be sacrificed.
  • the $4 million dollar Dows Lake parking lot.
  • the Dominion Observatory and South Azimuth may be demolished.
  • the people of Canada are losing park land, Maple Drive and Birch Drive, the DARA Tennis Club, Historic Hedge Collection, laboratories and greenhouses, William Saunders Garden, views of the Rideau Canal and pedestrian and bicycle pathways.
Affected Visual Presentations if a medical centre is built on the Farm:
  • views of Prince of Wales Scenic Entry---include views toward proposed loading docks.
  • view from entrance to Queen Elizabeth Drive/Dows Lake (at Preston/Prince of Wales.)
  • views from Dows Lake to main hospital buildings.
  • views from Carling Avenue both east and west of the main hospital building.
  • views identified in the Commemorative Integrity Statement for the Central Experimental Farm.
  • views from adjacent CEF heritage buildings (e.g. Dominion Observatory Complex, Saunders Building), along Commissioners Drive and/or Maple Drive.
  • view identified in the NCC Visual Assessment Views Analysis (2009 and 2013).
  • view from/along the Rideau Canal including from Commissioners Park, Hartwells Lockstation and Colonel By Drive (that were assessed for the Campus Master Plan and parking garage applications.)  (Google: City of Ottawa Development application Search - Cultural Impact Statement - Addendum 2 - D07-12-22-0168. Date Received: 2022-12-07. Addresses: 930 Carling, 520 Preston.) 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The City of Kingston protected land that was adjacent to the Rideau Canal.

 The Rideau Marina and former Davis Tannery. "Parks Canada, the federal agency tasked with protecting the Rideau Canal National Historic Site, had expressed concern about the 'incompatible scale of the development.' 

"While Parks Canada notes improvements to the revised proposal including reduced building height, enhanced vegetative screening and a greater setback from the water, there remains, however, concern regarding the height and overall scale of the proposed development in this particular landscape, dominated by mature vegetation and two-storey residential developments." ("Planning tribunal rejects Homestead's Rideau Marina project." Kingston Whig Standard, March 9, 2020.) One building on 4 acres of land.

But the City of Ottawa and Parks Canada approved the construction of a massive hospital adjacent to the Rideau Canal in the nation's capital.


Views of Dows Lake/the Rideau Canal cannot be negatively affected.

 The city of Kingston rejected development proposals because they would compromise views of the Rideau Canal. "UNESCO expresses concern about Rideau Marina project". Kingston Whig Standard, February 11, 2020:

"UNESCO has concerns about the impact of a seven-storey apartment building proposed for the former Rideau Marina site along the Cataraqui River."..."ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) considers that the construction of a 26-metre high building adjacent to the boundary and buffer zone of the World Heritage property holds the potential to negatively affect the OUV (Outstanding Universal Value) of the property..."

In the year 2022 the city of Kingston rejected the Davis Tannery project. 

City of Ottawa Development Application Search - Cultural Impact Statement-Addendum 2-D07-12-22-0168:

  • Application Status: Active
  • Date Received: 2022-12-07
  • Addresses: 930 Carling, 520 Preston
  • Ward: Ward 16-Riley Brockington
  • Application: Site Plan Control
  • Description: The developments proposed are Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the Ottawa Hospital Master Site Plan. Phase 3 is the CUP (Central Utility Plant) containing electrical, heating and cooling equipment located at the rear of the hospital. Phase 4 is the hospital main building consisting of a 2-storey podium, two towers (8 and 12 storey) and pavilion flanking main entrance.
"This phase of the development of the new hospital has the greatest potential to impact the cultural heritage landscape of the Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site of Canada and the adjacent heritage resources including the Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Federal Heritage Buildings of the Dominion Observatory and other adjacent Federal Heritage Buildings." (Page 17/87)

Affected Visual Presentations
  • views from Prince of Wales Scenic Entry---include views toward proposed loading docks.
  • view from entrance to Queen Elizabeth Drive/Dows Lake (at Preston/Prince of Wales).
  • views from Dows Lake to main hospital buildings.
  • views from Carling Avenue both east and west of the main hospital building.
  • views identified in the Commemorative Integrity Statement for the Central Experimental Farm.
  • views from adjacent CEF heritage buildings (e.g. Dominion Observatory Complex, Saunders Building, along Commissioners Drive and/or Maple Drive).
  • views identified in the NCC Visual Assessment Views Analysis (2009 and 2013.)
  • view from/along the Rideau Canal including from Commissioners Park, Hartwells Lockstation and Colonel By Drive (that were assessed for the Campus Master Plan and parking garage applications.) Page 18/87.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau refused to give the National Capital Commission 700 acres of the Experimental Farm. An Ottawa Citizen headline from 1974:

 Her Majesty Queen Juliana and HRH Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands at the Tulip Festival, Dows Lake Ottawa, 1968. My Dad gave me this photo.                                

Friday, January 6, 2023

The people of Canada are losing an oasis, a treasure in Ottawa.

 Documents were signed that guarantee the destruction of the 1,000 acre Farm.

"A Capital City belongs to a certain extent to the whole country, and should not be placed in such a position that any one man, or company of men, can have it in their power to seriously mar its beauty, and thus throw discredit on the nation. As a Capital City, the parks and open spaces should be numerous, and ample boulevards and parkways should skirt the different waterways as well as connect the principal parks and the different public bridges." The Todd Report, 1903.


  • Parkland
  • the Historic Hedge Collection
  • Dominion Observatory, Photo Equatorial Building and South Azimuth
  • Department of Agriculture Recreational Association Tennis Club (DARA Tennis Club)
  • Laboratories and greenhouses
  • Maple Drive and Birch Drive
  • Hundreds of trees
  • Land along Baseline Road for a City of Ottawa transportation project
  • Buildings
  • the $4 million dollar Dows Lake parking lot
  • William Saunders Garden
The United Nations will remove the designation UNESCO World Heritage Site from the Rideau Canal if a medical centre is built on the Farm:

UNESCO State of Conservation Report May of 2018

1.  Various Federal Infrastructure Investment Program projects along the length of the Rideau Canal World Heritage property.

2.  Rideau Canal crossing pedestrian bridge (Ottawa).

3.  Chateau Laurier proposed expansion (Ottawa).

4. Highway 417 bridge rehabilitation (Ottawa).

5.  Third Bridge crossing (Kingston.) It proceeded-savecfbrockcliffe

6.  Rideau Marina (Kingston).Rejected by the city of Kingston in 2020-savecfbrockcliffe.

7.  Former Davis Tannery Brownfield Site redevelopment (Kingston). The city of Kingston rejected the proposal in 2022.

8.  New Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus (Ottawa). 


Monday, January 2, 2023

They are steamrolling ahead.

The photo is from forum. "New Ottawa Civic Hospital (930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Street" - Site preparation.
Comments on the Skyscraperpage forum: "Fencing has gone up around the perimeter of Queen Juliana Park blocking pedestrian and cycling paths from Carling Avenue to the Arboretum." 

"Night lighting in Queen Juliana Park is being removed."

"Trees have been removed from the lower part of the west ridge."  (2022.)

"The NCC should not have any of AAFC's land to begin with. The only reason they have any is because the feds transferred it over to them so they could give it to the Hospital for  'dirt' cheap (if not free/$1 dollar a year.") 

"I think the citizens of this city should have a say on what happens to an institution that has existed for 130 years. I think this creates a lot of distrust when the use of public land changes overnight, especially when it serves as a green oasis in the middle of the city. This is considered an important part of the heritage of Ottawa."

The trees in Queen Juliana Park near the Sir John Carling Building.As I mentioned before, QJP was a gift from the Pierre Trudeau government to the people of Canada, when the World War 11 temporary buildings were removed. The park was a memorial to the more than 7,000 Canadian soldiers who were killed during the World War 11 liberation of the Netherlands.

Why am I being denied access to the 2,400 page lease agreement between the federal government and a medical centre--I was told that I "do not have a valid reason" to view the document.

 I believe that Commissioners Park is being converted to a venue for parking lots and high rise condos. As soon as all the tulips are removed. The 22-acre park is part of the NCC Greenbelt: House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009 Member of Parliament Steven Blaney: "...Other properties found in the greenbelt are Commissioners Park, where there is a display of over 100,000 tulips."

From Ottawa Greenbelt Wikipedia: "The City of Ottawa has identified more than 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt (55 km) that could be developed." Environment Ministers John Baird and Jim Prentice refused to dismantle the Greenbelt: "Environment Minister Jim Prentice opposed development in what he considered an important part of the city's heritage. He vowed to fight any such move."

 Maple Drive is being restricted to emergency vehicles and the Dominion Observatory campus will probably be flattened. The Gonzales Federal Observatory in Victoria BC was privatized.

A street sign in Ottawa that will most likely be removed in the near future.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New buildings cannot be constructed near HMCS Carleton.

 HMCS Carleton is Ordnance and Admiralty property used for the defence of Canada. The Ordnance and Admiralty Act of 1927: "Rideau and Ottawa canals - City of Ottawa Barracks, Blockhouse and Adjuncts of the Canals."

"The Department of National Defence has maintained its presence at the northeast corner of the Central Experimental Farm since the Second World War. HMCS Carleton now functions as a naval reserve unit in the building adjacent to Dow's Lake. The property is the last remaining land from the British Ordnance reserve of the mid-1800's." (From: CEF National Historic Site Management Plan,5 of 20.)

However, according to the Ottawa Hospital Master Plan, December 13, 2022: "The Ottawa Hospital's new Civic Campus development, which will be located on Carling Avenue adjacent to Dow's Lake, will be the major referral centre for Eastern Ontario, western Quebec and parts of Nunavut and the Eastern Ontario Trauma Centre."

HMCS Carleton, 79 Prince of Wales Drive.
Property Number: 08795
Custodian: National Defence
Interest: Crown Owned
Restriction: No Restriction
Primary Use: Military
Address: Ottawa
Place Name: Ottawa
Municipality: Ottawa
Federal Electoral District: Ottawa Centre
Census Classification: Rural
Land Area: 2.2937 ha.
Building Count: 1
Record Created On: May 29th, 1990
Record Last Modified On: November 9th, 2021 ( Information is from the Federal Directory of Real Property website.)
During the year 1988, 91 acres of Experimental Farm Land were sold to the city of Ottawa and eventually to Ashcroft Homes. The property included a Naval Radio Station:

A plaque that is located in the Fletcher Wildlife Garden. The Clyde/Merivale land is now owned by Walmart, Ashcroft Homes and a strip mall.

Major's Hill Park was Ordnance and Admiralty land: House of Commons Ottawa July 6, 1908. Grand Trunk Railway Hotel Site: Member of Parliament Haughton Lennox: "...You are practically giving the company the use of a large park which is the most beautiful in Ottawa...I get so angry when I talk about this. I get so indignant at this proposal that I find it hard to keep my temper. But if we are going to dispose of this property I would point out that there are special provisions that have to be met before we sell ordnance land."