Monday, September 25, 2023

My niece Helen at Beny-sur-Mer.


Helen at Bergen-op-Zoom.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The untouchable federal properties that were monetized.

 National Interest Land Mass properties were off-limits to developers and foreign, provincial and municipal governments.

"The Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site is designated in its entirety as part of the National Interest Land Mass. These lands are essential for the long-term symbolism, function, physical structure and natural and cultural landscapes of the Capital. Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the National Capital Commission in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC). A revenue generating parking garage is now being constructed on the site.

Protected by the NILM designation:

  • Gatineau Park
  • the Greenbelt, 50 thousand acres approximately.
  • Agriculture Canada Research Farms on Woodroffe Avenue and Carling Avenue (more)
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Views of the Parliamentary Precinct were impacted by the construction of an American Embassy on Sussex Drive:

 "Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton Response to NCC's Draft Plan for Canada's Capital, September 22, 1998 :"Councillor Legendre noted in the 'Urban Design' section of the NCC's report, the policy spoke to protecting the views and symbolic primacy of the Parliament Buildings. He said similar words had long been used in the NCC's vision documents. Yet he felt when a project or specific proposal came foreword, the NCC offered no support. The Councillor said the most recent example of this was the new American Embassy. He recounted he had been on City Council when the proposal came foreword, and the NCC had offered no support with regard to protecting the views and vistas of Parliament Hill, particularly from the Byward Market along Clarence Street looking toward Parliament Hill." (page 2/22)

Councillor Munter emphasized that many in the community were puzzled by the Metcalfe Street proposal, which would entail the destruction of many buildings.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau wanted the "embassy" land on Sussex Drive returned to Canadians when the World War Two temporary buildings were removed. (Google: "Dreams of Major's Hill Park, 1969-1970".) Just as the prime minister returned a park at Carling and Preston to Canadians when the temporary buildings were demolished in 1976.


Moffat Farm - an 84-acre Veteran's Affairs park.

The NCC wants to convert part of the Greenbelt into a National Urban Park. NILM farms and parkland cannot subdivided or sold:

House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 2009 Evidence (Tran (40-2) No. 32: "Jacques Greber had no confidence in lower levels of government. He felt that the only way to have a greenbelt and to keep it was that the most senior level of government in Canada would have to establish it, maintain it, keep it and preserve it. Cities are essentially vehicles for development. Their election campaigns are over 90% financed by the development community. The (National Capital) commission has the power to reclassify downward any lands it deems necessary, including greenbelt lands. Our concern is that the ecologically less significant lands, although part of the whole, may lose their greenbelt designation to satisfy some development proposal." Al Speyers, Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Canada can build more homes without "getting rid of Greenbelts" Poilievre says.

An article by Josh Pringle, CTV News Ottawa, August 24, 2023. "We have to free up land and build more homes, and we can do that without getting rid of Greenbelts or ecologically sensitive lands" Pierre Poilievre said during an interview on "The Morning Rush" with Bill Carroll - CFRA 580.

Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms and Research Stations in 1985.

From: "The Canadian Encyclopedia" by Hurtig Publishers Ltd. 

National Research Institutes with headquarters in Ottawa: 

1. Biosystematics Research Institute

2. Chemistry and Biology Research Institute

3. Engineering and Statistical Research Institute

4. Food Research Institute

5. Land Resource Research Institution

Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms

1. Nappan, Nova Scotia

2. Buctouche, New Brunswick

3. La Pocatiere, Quebec

4. Normandin, Quebec

5. L'Assomption, Quebec

6. Ottawa, Ontario

7. Kapuskasing, Ontario

8. Thunder Bay, Ontario

9. Smithfield, Ontario

10. Fort Vermilion, Ontario

11. Indian Head, Saskatchewan

12. Prince George, British Columbia

Agriculture Canada Research Stations

1. St. John's, Newfoundland

2. Kentville, Nova Scotia

3. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

4. Fredericton, New Brunswick

5. Ste-Foy, Quebec

6. St. Jean, Quebec

7. Lennoxville, Quebec

8. Vineland, Ontario

9. Delhi, Ontario

10. Harrow, Ontario

11. Ottawa, Ontario

12. London, Ontario

13. Lethbridge, Alberta

14. Lacombe, Alberta

15. Beaverlodge, Alberta

16. Swift Current, Saskatchewan

17. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

18. Melfort, Saskatchewan

19. Regina, Saskatchewan

20. Winnipeg, Manitoba

21. Brandon, Manitoba

22. Morden, Manitoba

23. Summerland, British Columbia

24. Kamloops, British Columbia

25. Vancouver, British Columbia

26. Agassiz, British Columbia

27. Saanichton (Sidney) British Columbia


1995 - "The government of Canada is getting out out of the business of running experimental farms."


Decommissioned properties

June 24 1995 - Disposal of Swine Station 4 Buildings and Lands, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

June 29 1995 - Disposal of Property (Land) Swine Test Station, Kitchener, Ontario.

July 1995 - Disposal of Research Station, Vegreville, Alberta (My uncle was a scientist at Vegreville for more than 30 years.)

August 1995 - Disposal of Property/site of old inspection station - Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec.

September 1995 - Decommissioning Regina Research Station, Weeds Greenhouse.

November 1995 - Disposal of Lots 91 and 92 - West Val Marie Irrigation Project - sale of surplus land, West Poplar, Saskatchewan.

November 1995 - Disposal of Swine Test Station - St-Cyrille de Wendover, Quebec.

December 19, 1995 - Disposal of Swine Test Station, Brandon, Manitoba.

January 1996 - Disposal of Property/ Smithfield Research Farm, Belleville, Ontario.

February 13 1996 - Disposal of Property/Thunder Bay Experimental Farm.

April 1996 - Transfer sale of land to the City of Swift Current.

April 1996 - Disposal of Property - Lavaltrie, Quebec (Land) Montreal.

Decommissioning of federal property at Victoria, British Columbia; lease of Park to Provincial Capital Commission.

May 30 1996 - Kentville, Nova Scotia - Disposal of Burgher Hill property.

May 30 1996 - Kentville, disposal of Land north of Main Street.

May 30 1996 - Disposal of Sheffield Farm House.

August 1996 - Disposal of the Prince George Experimental Farm, Kamloops.

June 16 1999 - Disposal of Ridge Farm, Harrow Ontario. (The source of this information is from the Canadian Environmental Agency website- savecfbrockcliffe.)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Canadians owned more than 1 million acres of federal experimental farms during the 1980's.


Land and waterways in the National Capital that should always be protected.

Airbase Lands - Federal, Private.

Arboretum Woods - Federal (the Arboretum will be encroached upon by the widening of the Prince of Wales Drive, and shadows, noise and light from the massive medical centre and towers.)

Aviation Parkway North - Federal, City.

Britannia Bay - Federal, City.

Britannia Conservation Area - Federal, City.

By-Pass Woods East - Federal.

Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private.

Central Experimental Farm Woods - Federal (are the CEF Woods on the chopping block?)

Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal.

Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal.

Chaudiere Rapids - Federal.

Del Zotto Woods - Federal.

Deschenes Lookout - Federal.

Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City.

Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private.

Lemieux Island - Federal, City.

Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private.

McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal.

Nepean Creek Corridor - Federal, Private.

NRC Woods North - Federal.

Parliament Hill - Federal.

Pinecrest Woods - Federal.

Prince of Wales Woods - Federal, City.

RA Centre Woods - Federal.

Rideau River Islands - Federal.

Riverside Park - Federal.

Rideau River Park Woods - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park East - Federal.

Rockcliffe Park West - Federal.

Rockcliffe Shore - Federal.  (Google: "urban natural features strategy, City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006.)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

The sale of Canadian agricultural land to foreign entities.

House of Commons Ottawa April 27, 1977:  Right Hon. P.E. Trudeau (Prime Minister) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, might I take this opportunity to table an exchange of letters between the premiers and myself on the question of foreign ownership of land, in both languages."

House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1976 MP Don Mazankowski (Vegreville) "Mr. Speaker, may I direct my question to the Prime Minister. It has to do with foreign ownership of land in Canada. Can the Prime Minister advise the House what progress is being made with the provinces with respect to the establishment of measures to deal with the ownership of land by foreigners in Canada."

House of Commons Ottawa June 19, 1972: MP William Knight (NDP) "...At the national level we need legislation which prevents foreign ownership of land."

Bill Gates owns 270,000 acres of American farmland, and bought shares in a company that manufactures farm equipment.

National Capital Commission Assets as of March 31, 1969.


Greenbelt in the township of Gloucester and of Nepean - $36,956,431.

Parks, parkways, etc. - $31,055, 088.

Lands received from railway companies - $19,133,189.

LeBreton Flats - $14,133,189.

Gatineau Park - $6,722,331.

Queensway - $1,381,637.

Approaches to Macdonald-Cartier Bridge - $2,797,548. (From: NCC 1969 Annual Report, page 33/86.)


Details of Property Acquisitions by the NCC - 1964-1965:

Confederation Square - $990,000.

Eastern Parkway - $2,016,210.

Gatineau Park - $5,239,114.

Greenbelt in Ottawa - $33,006,152.

Historic sites - $3,157.

Hull South Parkway - 585,341.

Philemon Wright Parkway, Hull - $873,379.

Hull General lands - $846,861.

Industrial and railway sites twp. of Gloucester - $900,443.

Mackenzie King Bridge - $502,271.

Miscellaneous sites - $1,494,818.

Approaches to Macdonald-Cartier Bridge - $1,986,632.

Northern Entrance Hull - $396,068.

New passenger railway terminal - $812,930.

Ottawa River Parkway - $3,961,857.

Queensway - $4,534,713.

Rideau River Parkway - $2,478,611.

LeBreton Flats - $11,314,467.

Station Boulevard - $222,303.

Sussex Drive - $4,108,366.

Western Parkway - $933,555.

Downtown Ottawa - $113,365

Dechenes - Britannia Bridge - $379,427

Total - $77,700,040. (The information is from the NCC 1964-1965 Annual Report, page 53/111.)

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Big Rideau Lake, Ontario a few weeks ago.


Near Portland.

The deliberate destruction of Canada's Farm.

The Ottawa Improvement Commission eventually became the National Capital Commission: "Under no conditions whatever should the ground now occupied by the Experimental Farm be used for other than park purposes, should its present use as a farm be abandoned." (From: Report of the Ottawa Improvement Commission on a general plan for the cities of Ottawa and Hull, 1915, page 126/238.)

I believe that the Observatory campus on Maple Drive near Carling Avenue will be flattened..302 Denison Road was privatized and housing was built:

The Gonzales Observatory, 302 Denison Road, Victoria BC: "Victoria Heritage Foundation - The building was given federal heritage protection in the 1980's, with the highest rating of 'Classified Federal Heritage Building.'...In 1987 the federal Public Works department announced a plan to sell most of the land north of the Observatory for housing development, and to sell the building itself and the land immediately surrounding it to the City of Victoria for $1 dollar."

The former Gonzales Hill Observatory in Victoria.

The Penticton Astrophysical Observatory
 House of Commons Ottawa June 26, 1972:
MP Gaston Clermont (Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, the site of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory near Penticton, British Columbia was chosen about 15 years ago for its freedom from man-made radio interference, a requirement for the detection and study of the extremely weak radio signals from astronomical objects...The government of British Columbia, by order-in-council, placed a map reserve on all Crown land within a much larger buffer zone surrounding the site. It was not envisioned that large-scale housing developments would ever be built in the region..."

The Arboretum near Dow's Lake covers an area of approximately 14.3 hectares. This area is part of the Greenway System Corridor and includes several woodland areas, two watercourses referred to as the Rideau Canal Tributaries , a wetland near the Canal, and several gardens including the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.(From: City of Ottawa Department of Urban Planning and Public Works, June 14,1999.)   (Widening the City of Ottawa-owned Prince of Wales Drive will infringe upon the Arboretum---the Arboretum is located on 64 acres of rolling land between POW Drive and the Rideau Canal system-savecfbrockcliffe.)

Dominion Observatory buildings that are facing demolition:

Seismology Survey

Machine Shop

Observatory House

Photo Equatorial
South Azimuth

Geophysical Laboratory

Dominion Observatory
Classified and Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Experimental Farm will be preserved and possibly expanded.

A National Capital Commission document called "The Plan for Canada's Capital, 2017-2067" page 40/95."The Central Experimental Farm, established in 1886, is a unique working farm in the heart of an urban region. The Experimental Farm is open to the public throughout the year, along with the adjacent 26-hectare Arboretum."

"This central asset of the Capital's urban green space network contributes to biodiversity and reinforces the link from the Rideau Canal to the Ottawa River ecosystems. In the coming years the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and the Arboretum should be revalidated in an update to the existing 2005 master plan... The national institutions discussed above (such as Health Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Natural Resources Canada and the National Research Council) combine to create a distinctively Canadian experience for residents and visitors to the Capital."

"Over the next 50 years, the social and cultural fabric of the Capital will be enriched by the evolution of these institutions. The NCC respects these venerable institutions and will support their future expansion as required."

A 2017 NCC document approved by the Minister of Canadian Heritage the Hon. Melanie Joly, NCC Chair Russell Mills and CEO Dr. Mark Kristmanson.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Urbanization of the Greenbelt.

 "The Plan for Canada's Capital 2017-2067" "Over time, the NCC will explore options to transfer NCC-owned Regional Interest Land Mass properties to another appropriate steward such as a municipality."  

The Central Experimental Farm is a research facility and a national historic site of Canada.

A petition sent to the Auditor General of Canada. 

Petition: 388

Issue (s): Agriculture, environmental assessment, governance, science and technology

Petitioner (s): Canadian organization

Petitioner (s) Location (s): Ottawa, Ontario

Date Received: 28 January 2016

Status: Completed. Response to petition received.

Summary: The petition asks for information about the transfer of 60 acres of the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa from the control of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to the National Capital Commission. 

It also addresses concerns about the negotiations to lease that land to the Ottawa Hospital Corporation for a 99-year period.

The Central Experimental Farm is a national historic site where various environmental scientific experiments are conducted. For instance, the Farm conducts experiments on the impact of climate change on agriculture, and studies crop yields and soil biodiversity. The petitioner asserts that the proposed severance of some of the most significant acreage will have negative impacts on the Farm in both its role as a research facility and a national historic site.

The petitioner asks, among other things, why the transfer was not subjected to an environmental assessment, what other sites were selected , and why no public hearings have been held on the transfer. The petition also asks to be made available to the general public the basics of the discussion that led to the transfer.

Federal departments responsible for reply: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; Parks Canada.


(Reposting) Saving the Farm and the Greenbelt House of Commons Ottawa May 25, 2010: MP Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Liberal): "...The Liberal members from the National Capital Region, the member for Ottawa-Vanier, the member for Ottawa South and myself have good reason to call for enhanced protection of the greenbelt. There are, as a matter of fact, no major regulations protecting this area. Together the City of Ottawa and the NCC could do what they like with it. We believe this greenspace must be protected from developers." 

Agriculture Canada research farms are included in the Greenbelt. (Google: savecfbrockcliffe-The National Interest Land Holdings in 1988.)-"1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC".

Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber wanted the 50,000 acre Greenbelt to be owned by the Federal Government of Canada in perpetuity, because:

1.) The Greenbelt is a living memorial to the Canadian soldiers who lost their lives during World War Two;

2.) lower levels of government including municipalities can be influenced by developer donations;

 3..) Prime Minister King and Jacques Greber never wanted the land privatized. I do not believe they would have approved of Parks Canada converting the land to an Urban National Park. (In the year 2017, Parks Canada was thinking of selling all the Rideau Canal locks, bridges and dams; and selling all the infrastructure in Canada's National Parks for $8 billion dollars. An article by Dean Beeby of CBC News.) 

(Reposting) House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1986 MP Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Opposition Whip) (Whip of the Liberal Party): "Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Deputy Prime Minister. Will he tell the House of Commons if it is federal policy to sell federally owned parkland? NCC Chairman Jean Pigott recently said she wants to sell part of an Ottawa riverfront park known as Mile Circle to the United States of America for an embassy compound. Is the Government in favour of selling our natural parklands?"

"The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of the City of Ottawa." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 167/395.)

Federal parks within the CEF: The Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Arboretum, Ornamental Gardens, Macoun Memorial Gardens, Commissioners Park, Historic Hedge Collection, Experimental Farm Woods and Queen Juliana Park - savecfbrockcliffe. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Commemorative monuments in Canada's National Capital Region.

The Man with Two Hats monument in Commissioners Park, Ottawa. The photo is by Sanida H.

An identical Man with Two Hats monument in Apeldoorn, Netherlands.

(Reposting) "The Greenbelt is like an 'Emerald Necklace' and exists as a living war memorial to the Canadians who gave their lives in the Second World War." From a National Capital Commission document called "HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT THE GREENBELT'S FUTURE! Public Consultation."

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Farm is designated as a National Historic Site, a greenspace, an open space and a Cultural Landscape.

The 960-acre property is also part of the National Interest Land Mass and can never be sold or subdivided. The Research Farm on Woodroffe Avenue is an annex of the CEF and is part of the Greenbelt:

The 1958 expansion of the CEF. 

The photo is from Heritage Ottawa. The William Saunders Building can be seen in the distance.

More cultural landscapes in the National Capital Region:

  • The Parliament Buildings and Parliament Hill
  • Rideau Hall
  • The Mackenzie King Estate in Quebec
  • Rockcliffe Park
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway more

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Greenbelt will forever be owned by all Canadians.

The National Capital Greenbelt is one of the largest in the world and the only one that is publicly owned in its entirety. 

Shirley's Bay - (800 ha) A provincially significant wetland, migratory bird staging and nesting area and fish habitat. The causeway acts as a bird watching venue.

Shirley's Bay Shoreline - Provides opportunities for year-round public activities.

Bishop and Sandstone Quarries - Provided stone for the construction of the Parliament Buildings. (The Dominion Observatory and the astronomy campus on the Experimental Farm are endangered because they are partly constructed with Nepean sandstone - and they will be damaged from nearby blasting and construction---and from more than 100 emergency vehicles a day using Maple Drive; already the South Azimuth is facing demolition.

Bruce Pit (300 ha) - A re-naturalized sand pit with diverse wildlife habitat.

Conroy Pit (100 ha) - Abandoned sand pit.

Silver Spring Farm - Historic Landmark (1867) and working farm. 

Agriculture Canada Research Farm (1,700 ha) -1740 Woodroffe Centre for Food and Animal Research (CFAR), monitoring and conducting research, croplands and conducting animal nutrition for over 20 years. The Animal Disease Research Institute  was one of two animal health and rabies prevention laboratories in Canada. (The City of Ottawa wants the Greenbelt. The City has indicated that agricultural land situated between established neighbourhoods is earmarked for residential development. Federal politicians and environmentalists believe that the land should be preserved for future generations:

An October 8, 1974 Ottawa Citizen article: "Danson says 'no' to housing on Farm, Greenbelt ."The Hon. Barnett Danson was a Minister of National Defence and a Minister of State for Urban Affairs. 

Ottawa-Nepean Tent and Trailer Park - Almost 300 sites accommodating visitors from across Canada and around the world.

Bell Northern Research and Northern Telecom - Telecom research with 8,000 employees in the future. Home to the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre (1992).

National Capital Equestrian Centre - Riding School and training centre, site of international riding and jumping events.

Farms in the western Greenbelt benefit from large areas of high quality agricultural soils.

Hornets Nest Soccer Fields - 11 sports fields host local and provincial tournaments. 

Nepean Sportsplex (1973) - Regional scale sports and recreational facility.

Pine View Golf Course - A 36 acre public course operated by the City of Gloucester.

Log Farm - Restoration of the Bradley Farm of 1887.

Pinhey Forest (300 ha) A managed woodlot begun in the 1930's to prevent sand erosion. Wildlife habitat and recreational open space.

The Royal Swans, a Centennial gift from Queen Elizabeth 11, winter here in the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt's environment has been improved by community organizations that have planted many thousands of trees.

Pine Grove Forest (1,200 ha) Largest block of 2,600 hectares of natural and plantation forest managed by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Multiple-use area timber production, mature trails and wildlife habitat.

Ramsayville Hamlet - Founded in the mid-1800's. Remaining buildings form an important cultural landscape. Over 3.6 million trees have been planted in the Greenbelt since 1966.

Black Rapids Lockstation and the Rideau Canal (1830's) Historically and environmentally significant site at the geographic centre of the Greenbelt. Provides important boating access to the Capital.

Jack Pine Trail (1969) A popular winter bird feeding area with a trail and birdwalks.

Richmond Road - One of the oldest roads in the region (1819).

Southern Greenbelt Farms, on the best soil in the Greenbelt, form a major part of the 5,000 hectares leased to about 70 farm tenants. 16 soccer fields, 6 ball diamonds, 3 golf courses, a sailing club and other recreational facilities are found in the Greenbelt.

Carlsbad Forest Reserve (1,100 ha) Acquired in 1974 as a green buffer for the now defunct Southeast Urban Community Mineral Springs. Made the Carlsbad community a popular turn of the century destination but the water was unfit for human consumption.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Attempts to remove research land from the CEF.

 1974 - The National Capital Commission wanted 700 acres from Clyde Avenue to Prince of Wales Drive for a "housing emergency." 

2001 - "Phase 1 of the project would fence off about 44 hectares (88 acres) of land now designated for research." ("Botanical garden plan alarms Farm fans" by Carolynne Wheeler, Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.")

2014 - Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz refuses to give the hospital 60 acres directly across the street from the current hospital.

Land directly across the street from the Civic Hospital on Carling.

2023 - Shadows from future high rise buildings on 1081 Carling Avenue threaten research.

2023 - "Concerned with shadows casting onto the Central Experimental Farm which could impact the research land."   "Has Agriculture Canada been consulted with?" ( Comments from "City of Ottawa As  We Heard It Report" - January 2023 regarding proposed towers on 780 Baseline Road.) Agriculture Canada and the NCC were never consulted about the 1081 Carling Avenue towers - Ottawa Citizen article.

The future - The Baseline Road transit project will have a devastating effect. "Baseline Road Rapid Transit Corridor". The road is being widened, and 173 residential properties will be affected. The City of Ottawa is taking a 22-foot wide strip of land and a 50-foot "Shelterbelt" or buffer will protect the research property from pollution, wind erosion and salt spray.