Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Saving the Greenbelt.


  • MP Marcel Proulx, Hull-Aylmer
  • MP David McGuinty, Ottawa South
  • MP Mauril Belanger, Ottawa Vanier, Liberal: House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009 "Bill C-37, which is before us now, talks about protecting the ecological integrity of Gatineau Park. Nothing is said at all about protecting the ecological integrity of the greenbelt."
  • Environment Minister Jim Prentice
  • Environment Minister John Baird
  • The Hon. Barney Danson, Secretary of State to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau; Minister of Urban Affairs and Minister of National Defence.
  • Minister Of National Defence the Hon. Gordon O'Connor
  • MP Beryl Gaffney, Nepean
  • MP Don Boudria, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell
  • Senator Mike Duffy
  • Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre
  • Former Ottawa City Councillor and MPP for Ottawa West Alex Cullen
  • Mr. Walter David Baker, Grenville-Carleton, Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition; Progressive Conservative Party Deputy House Leader. House of Commons Ottawa October 17, 1974.
  • MP Royal Galipeau
  • The Hon. Arthur Laing, Minister of Public Works, Liberal. House of Commons Ottawa November 25, 1970.
  • Mr. William Warren Allmand, Liberal. House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1970.
  • The Hon. Jean-Robert Gauthier, Ottawa-Vanier, Liberal. Senator and MP. 
  • Alliance to Save our Greenbelt - Al Speyers
  • CPAWS, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and Mer Bleue.
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority located in Beryl Gaffney Park
  • Save Our Greenspace!
  • Ontario Chapter - Sierra Club of Canada
Properties that are part of the Greenbelt
  • Shirley's Bay, 800 ha. A provincially significant wetland, migratory bird staging and nesting area and fish habitat. The causeway acts as a bird watching venue.
  • Bruce Pit 427 acres. A renaturalized sand pit with diverse wildlife habitat. The Bruce Pit is a popular off-leash dog park near Arlington Woods.
  • Conroy Pit, 100 ha. Another popular dog park. The National Capital Commission removed part of the land from the Greenbelt and sold it. "The Conroy Pit is an abandoned sand pit with recreational and development potential." Google: "NCC Greenbelt Master Plan Background 1996, pdf page 4." During the year 2013 part of the Pit was redeveloped---for the Hunt Club Estates, located at Conroy and Johnston roads; and 72 units at the Hunt Club Flats, 3249 Conroy Road. Google "Greenbelt Master Plan Review Phase 1-Land Use Concept, January 2012." 
  • Silver Spring Farm - Historic Landmark (1867) and working farm.
  • Agriculture Canada Research Farm - At one time encompassed 4,500 acres. The property on 1740 Woodroffe Avenue is an annex of the Carling Avenue Experimental Farm:

  • Green's Creek Conservation Area
  • Hornets Nest soccer fields
  • Pine View Golf Course
  • Mer Bleue Conservation Area
  • Hylands Golf Club
  • The Log Farm
  • Pinhey Forest
  • the Southern Farm
  • Lime Kiln Trail
  • Stony Swamp Conservation Area
  • Wesley Clover Park - the former Nepean National Equestrian Park and Ottawa Municipal Campground. During the mid-1990's the National Capital Commission wanted to remove Wesley Clover Park from the Greenbelt. Google:" NCC Revises Master Plan for Greenbelt" by Heather Burke, March of 1996.
  • Airport lands
  • the 19th Tee Driving Range
  • The Connaught National Army Cadet Summer Training Area
  • Commissioners Park - Carling Avenue and Preston Street - "...Other properties found in the greenbelt are Commissioners Park where there is a display of over 100,000 tulips." MP Steven Blaney, Levis Quebec. House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009. (Most of the information is from Wikipedia)

Background "The completion of the 1950 Plan for the National Capital, often referred to as the Greber Plan, was followed by a period of land acquisition during the 1950's and 1960's including lands for Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt, federal office sites, parkway development and railway relocation. ...Approved by the Treasury Board in 1988, the National Interest Land Mass included the Greenbelt lands."

2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation and will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region." Page 53/196.

House of Commons Ottawa November 3, 1981. Inquiry whether policy related to Greenbelt in Ottawa-Carleton has been modified. Mr. Jean-Robert Gauthier, Ottawa-Vanier, Liberal: "Madame Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Public Works who is responsible for the National Capital Commission. Last week, Ottawa newspapers headlined that the NCC was prepared to give up NCC land in the Greenbelt, the untouchable zone surrounding the National Capital."