To save all of the Corrections Canada buildings and towers in Kingston, Ontario, past and present.
To create a multifaceted, unique tourism experience in the Limestone City.
Try to convince the Prime Minister of Canada, Members of Parliament, Parks Canada and the Government of Ontario to preserve all of the prison buildings and landscapes.
Create a multimedia centre in the Kingston Penitentiary or the Prison for Women. The Centre will include videos, interactive content, paintings by prisoners; newspaper articles about the Pen by Charles Dickens and Ernest Hemingway: a speech by Canadian writer Margaret Atwood to a Save Our Prison Farms rally; documentaries, etc:
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Canadian writer Margaret Atwood at Corrections Canada Headquarters, Kingston. |
YouTube videos:
He's 38 years old and never kissed a girl - by the Tragically Hip.
We become our own wolves - with music by Rae Spoon. An animated video featuring works of art by women prisoners at the Isabel MacNeill Halfway House,
Small Minds by Vera Sola - Danielle Aykroyd.
Live at Collins Bay Penitentiary - by the Blue Diamonds.
I've Come to get My Baby Out Of Jail - The Rattlesnake Choir/Handsome Ned,
Music from The Big House - Rita Chiarelli.
Songs and Music Albums
Audible Songs from Rockwood - by Simone Schmidt.
Time off for Good Behavior - by Neil Young,
"My brother went to Kingston
He's in Kingston doin' time
He got seven years for sellin'
What I've been smokin all my life."
The Netflix presentation "Alias Grace" by Margaret Atwood.
Items that can be sold in the Penitentiary Museum:
Limestone necklaces and earrings. (Own a piece of the rock).
Replicas of the denim dresses that P4W inmates wore during the 1960's.
Key chains that resemble licence plates. (Prisoners used to manufacture licence plates for the Ontario government,)
Mug shots of tourists.
Record albums by the Tragically Hip, Rita Chiarelli, Rae Spoon, Simone Schmidt.
I will contact:
The Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport - The Hon. Sylvia Jones, MPP.
The Official Website of Tourism in Ontario.
Tourism Kingston, located in Innovation Park, 209 Ontario Street.
The Haunted Walk of Kingston.
On a plaque in front of each building, document the fact that Kingston Penitentiary inmates were responsible for the construction of all of the buildings; that limestone was used; give the dates of the construction and the names of the architects.
Return Canada's Maple Leaf Flag and Coat of Arms to the Kingston Pen, Rockwood Asylum, Prison for Women, Stone Gables, Isabel MacNeill Halfway House, etc.
Do not let the new owner of the Prison for Women remove any bars from the windows or cells, knock down any interior walls, or the demolish the remaining perimeter wall. YouTube has a video showing the 3 walls and many buildings being demolished, Google "P4W walls coming down."
Replace the bell in the Prison for Women bell tower.
Install telescopes in each of the Kingston Pen guard towers.
Sell books by local architectural historian Dr. Jennifer McKendry:
Historic Portsmouth Village, Kingston (1995).
With Our Past Before Us: 19th Century Architecture in the Kingston Area (1995)
Portsmouth Village, Kingston: An illustrated history. (2010)
Get copies of a presentation given by Dr. Jennifer McKendry before the Frontenac Heritage Foundation, called "The Importance of Kingston Penitentiary".
Street names where the buildings are located:
Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard
Mowat Avenue
King Street
Union Street
Stone Gables
Places of Worship located within the Kingston Pen.
Church of the Good Thief - a nearby Catholic Church built by inmates using limestone.
All of the land surrounding the Kingston Penitentiary and Rockwood Asylum will remain public:
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