Wednesday, April 10, 2019

More documents and books that could save irreplaceable buildings in Kingston, Ontario.

The buildings that are endangered:
Kingston Penitentiary
Prison for Women
Church of the Good Thief
Rockwood Asylum
Isabel MacNeill Halfway House
Penitentiary Museum
St. Helen's Complex
Penitentiary Water Tower
Corrections Canada Complex on Union Street.
Collins Bay Institution - The interior of Cellblock Building B-1 at Collins Bay is being demolished. Cellblock B-1 is a Recognized Federal Heritage Building according to the Federal Heritage Building Review Office. (Information about the demolition of the former training centre is from "Volume 111, Section 4, Acquisition of land, buildings and works-March 26, 2019."

Photographs and an audiovisual inventory are publicly available at Library and Archives Canada. Documentaries about the Pen, Prison for Women, Prison Farms during the 1960's, etc. were filmed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, National Film Board, TV Ontario...the list goes on.
I received the above-mentioned documents on April 8, 2019.

A PhD dissertation and books written by Dr. Jennifer McKendry:
1991 - "William Coverdale and the Architecture of Kingston from 1835 to 1865." (PhD thesis , Department of the History of Art, University of Toronto, 1991. The document is stored at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.)
Architect William Coverdale designed:
Kingston Penitentiary
Portsmouth Community Correctional Centre
St. Helen's Complex
the Rockwood Asylum

1993 - "An ideal Hospital for the Criminally Insane? Rockwood Lunatic Asylum, Kingston Ontario."

1995 - "With Our Past Before Us -Nineteenth Century Architecture of the Kingston Area."

1996 - "Historic Portsmouth Village, Kingston".

2005 -  "Portsmouth Village, Kingston - an Illustrated History."

Tourism Kingston and city partners have identified the Kingston Penitentiary as a key tourism asset in the city.
2018 - 68,000 visitors.
2017 - 100,000 visitors.
2016 - 60,000 visitors.

The United Nations Agency called UNESCO would have to know the present condition of the former prisons, the museum, halfway houses, church and asylum. Most of the KP buildings are in good condition because they were created with limestone, and the craftsmanship was superb.

The Kingston Pen was a National Historic Site of Canada and a Classified Federal Heritage Building. Most of the other Corrections Canada holdings in the City of Kingston were also federally and provincially designated.

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