Sunday, September 29, 2019

Federal properties should by owned by Canadians.

CN Real Estate in Canada.
CN Real Estate was created in 1980, to sell the real estate holdings of a Crown corporation called the Canadian National Railway. The government of Pierre Trudeau conducted an inventory of CNR properties and discovered that the publicly-owned corporation owned:
100,000 acres of land.
Roundhouses, including the Spadina Roundhouse that was demolished to make way for the Skydome and Skydome Hotel in Toronto.
Hotels, including the Chateau Laurier.
CN Towers in Toronto, Saskatoon, Edmonton and London, Ontario, which was demolished.
Thousands of train stations.
Office buildings.
CN Real Estate morphed into the Canada Lands Company in 1995; and many of the same players were involved, most notably Moya Greene, who dismantled the Canada Post Corporation and fought with unions; and then privatized England's Royal Mail. (She was even honoured for that.)
Much of Canada's federal real estate has been privatized, much to my dismay. Future generations of Canadians will be negatively affected when they see fences around parks and museums; when they encounter PRIVATE PROPERTY and NO TRESPASSING signs on former public property. National Historic Sites of Canada, such as the Experimental Farm and Kingston Pen will be reduced to rubble--- vacant land is more valuable than a penitentiary or a train station or a Dominion Building.
The CLC is currently "in negotiations with government departments and agencies regarding a future acquisition of 4,965 acres (2,010 hectares.)". (From: "2018.19 Canada Lands Company Annual Report.")
During my employment years I never earned enough money to buy a house. I was either a cleaning lady (at the Conference Centre in Ottawa) or a cashier at a Becker's food market, or I sold Fuller Brushes door-to-door during the late 1960's.
But my family and I, and millions of other Canadians owned federal property worth $60 to $80 billion dollars in 1985. I could walk into a post office with marble floors and 12-foot-high ceilings and say to myself "I own this building."
I could walk into Manpower offices and talk to employment counselors who gave me meaningful advice on how to find a job. The Manpower offices were located in Federal Buildings that featured clock towers.
In 1965 my fellow students and I visited the Experimental Farm and looked through the Dominion Observatory telescope. And in 1967 we visited Expo 67 in Montreal.
A photo booth picture of me at Expo 67.

In 1978 I rode on an elevator to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto and when I looked at the scenery below I said to myself "I own all that waterfront land where the CN and CPR trains and railway tracks are located."
Why is one of the richest countries in the world in a mad dash to sell off:
 military bases,
 Natural Resources Canada properties;
 DFO Coast Guard Bases;
 infrastructure in the National Parks;
 post offices;
 astrophysical observatories;
 Canadian Broadcasting corporation studios and office buildings;
;...the list goes on.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi denationalized everything he could get his hands on---his 800-page list of "surplus" properties included beaches; islands; museums; post offices...see the article "The Colosseum is not (yet) for sale" on the

A few days ago a fire broke out in the former Post Office located at 30 Russell Street, Smiths Falls, Ontario.
 Are the following properties going to be privatized?
-The Kingston Penitentiary and nearby Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.
-The Campanile Complex on 1495 Heron Road, Ottawa which is known as the Federal Study Centre. 
-The Edward Drake Building, 1500 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, known as CBC National Headquarters.
-Confederation Heights - a federal employment campus in Ottawa.
-The Corrections Canada Ontario Staff College, 443 Union Street West, Kingston.

The National Capital Commission rejected the Central Experimental Farm East as a site for a new hospital.

According to the document "NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital" November 2016, the location was rated "poor" for the following reasons:
     "...there are multiple heritage considerations, including intrusion into the present boundary of the CEF National Historic Site and proximity to the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site and several Federal Heritage Buildings. The West Annex may also require heritage consideration. There is potential to redevelop this site in ways that would mitigate negative impacts or perhaps even enhance the setting." (Page 68/256.)
The Civic will need 28 acres of land for 3,597 parking spaces. (Page 17/256.)

At least 500 trees at the Sir John Carling site will have to be chopped down:
     "3.) Hundreds of trees will need to be cut down. Yes, we counted, but stopped at 500!" (From: An open letter to the National Capital Commission from Jacquelin Holzman and Jim Durrell, former Ottawa Mayors, October 21, 2016, page 215 out of 256 pages, "NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital.")

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The National Capital Commission and Parks Canada wanted to save the Experimental Farm.

The Sir John Carling Building is already gone. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada wanted to build a visitor's centre and a museum on the grounds of the Carling Building.
If the Civic Hospital takes over The Farm, the following buildings will be demolished or relocated:
The K.W. Neatby Building.
A nearby CFIA Laboratory.
A greenhouse.
The entire Dominion Observatory Campus because the Civic does not want "irregularly-shaped" parcels of land.
The cafeteria, or West Annex. (See David Reevely Ottawa Citizen article, March 5, 2018.)

The Sir John Carling Building housed the greatest agricultural research library in the world:

This document is from Library and Archives Canada on Wellington Street, Ottawa.
The Takao Tanabe murals were rescued from the lobby of the SJC Building.The murals are now located in the K.W. Neatby Building. (Agriculture Canada photo, Ottawa Citizen.)

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Natural Resources Canada Booth Street Campus.

The former Department of Energy, Mines and Resources property is a National Interest Land Mass. The definition of a National Interest Land Mass:
NILM identifies lands that are essential to the achievement of the NCC's mandate. Lands identified within the NILM are required to support the symbolism, functions, physical structure, and natural and cultural landscape qualities of Canada's Capital. A NILM designation indicates a formal expression of the federal government's interest in the long-term use of these lands in a manner that supports Canada's Capital. The NILM is a key vehicle for the implementation of the NCC's long-range plans.
The NRCan campus should be a Heritage Conservation District, protected by Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. Criteria:

  • A concentration of heritage buildings, sites, structures and cultural landscapes.
  • Visual coherence through the use of building scale, mass, height, material, proportion,colour that convey a sense of time and place.
  • A distinctive character that allows them to be distinguishable from neighbouring areas. 

A document that I received from the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office, Gatineau Quebec.
 The City of Toronto refused to let Larco Investments build towers on the Dominion Public Building, 1 Front Street West in Toronto. The Dominion Public Building, Royal York Hotel, John Street Roundhouse and Union Station are part of the Union Station Heritage Conservation District.
I cannot understand why Ottawa's Little Italy and The Farm are not Heritage Conservation Districts. People who live and work in Ottawa should have control over the landscape and development of their own neighbourhoods. Not business people and architects from Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal. Why should our children and grandchildren be deprived of parks and other public spaces? There should be a moratorium on the privatization of federal property that is collectively owned by the people of Canada.
Our children are just as important as the royal children who live in England...the royal family owns hundreds of thousands of acres of land at their castles in Windsor, Sandringham and Balmoral.
Yet the people of Ottawa are losing The Farm, Queen Juliana Park, PWGSC green space and Dominion Buildings. The telescope at the Dominion Observatory is gone. The Fraser Institute is calling for the devolution of all of the National Parks in British Columbia to the province of B.C. And Parks Canada may privatize $8 billion dollars worth of infrastructure in the National Parks including nature trails, roads and highways.

The Canadian National Railway was known as "The People's Railway" when it was a Crown corporation. The CNR was built physically and through their tax dollars by my ancestors. Yet the richest man in the world owns the CNR now. During the early 1970's I paid $100 dollars for a railway pass that gave me the opportunity to see Canada from coast-to-coast. I am reminded of the movie "Festival Express", when Janis Joplin, the Band, Ian and Sylvia, Buddy Guy and the Grateful Dead traveled across Canada on a train.

The most important reason why a hospital should not be built on the Experimental Farm in Ottawa.

  Our survival depends on the quality of the air we breathe.
   A group of Carleton University researchers conducted an environmental study of Ottawa's Experimental Farm, after the announcement was made that a hospital and huge parking lots would be built on the land.
The results of the study were published in the journal "Atmospheric Environment" Volume 218, 1 Dec. 2019, and the title of the report is "Does urban vegetation reduce temperature and air pollution concentration? Findings from an environmental monitoring study of the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, Canada."
 One finding elucidated from the study--- "Urban greenness, or vegetation plays an important role in reducing ambient air pollution and urban heat island temperatures."
Ottawa Citizen and Ottawa Sun reporter Tom Spears wrote an article about the Carleton University study called "Why the air you breathe near the Experimental Farm is cleaner than elsewhere in Ottawa." (September 25, 2019.)
Twenty one years ago the National Capital Commission tried to buy the Agriculture Canada property for $1 dollar. "Behind closed doors, with no one allowed to watch and listen, members of the National Capital Commission ponder making deals with Nortel, battling El Nino and buying the Experimental Farm for $1 dollar" by Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen newspaper, August 24, 1998.
The National Capital Commission is now the custodian of the former Greenbelt Research Farm in Nepean. The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada property was decommissioned in 1998, and all of the animals and equipment were auctioned off. There should be a moratorium on the sale of this property.
The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm in Nepean, Ontario. 1,200 hectares (2,965 acres) of land bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road. Part of this property and the Natural Resources Canada Booth Street complex were on the shortlist as locations for a new Civic:1.) Greenbelt-A location at the southwest corner of West Hunt Club and Woodroffe Avenue, across from the Nepean Sportsplex.
2.) Booth Street Complex-Rochester Street to the west, Orangeville Street to the north, LeBreton Street south to the east and Carling Avenue to the south. Also includes 299 Carling. National Interest Land Mass. 10 hectares/26 acres.(From: NCC Federal Site Review for the new Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital - pages 25 and 27 of 256 pages.)

Research conducted at the Central Experimental Farm led to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change receiving the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."
Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan refused to give 700 acres of Ottawa's Central Experimental Farm to the NCC. (Ottawa Journal, 1975)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Persons of National Historic Significance in Canada.

The following individuals were honoured for their achievements, and they were all affiliated with Ottawa's Experimental Farm:
William Saunders - was a Canadian agriculturalist, entomologist and a pharmacist.
Sir John Carling - served in the House of Commons and was Canada's Minister of Agriculture from 1885 until 1891. Sir John Carling established the Ontario Agricultural College and the Experimental Farm.
James Fletcher - Entomologist.
David Ewart - Chief Dominion Architect. He received the Imperial Service Order, established by King Edward V11 in 1902. David Ewart designed the Dominion Observatory, Chief Astronomers Residence and Geodetic Survey Building, all located at the Farm.
Sir Sandford Fleming - was a scientist and inventor who pioneered global standard time. A plaque that honours Sir Sandford Fleming is located in front of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa.
Sir Sandford Fleming, wearing the tallest hat, watches as the last spike is driven into a CPR railway line. (Photo from Wikipedia.)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Similarities between two Crown corporations.

1.) The NCC and Canada Lands Company are commercial Crown corporations that profit from the sale of Canadian federal, Crown property.
2.) They operate at "arms-length" from the government, from the people.
3.)  They have the power to remove heritage designations from nationally-owned properties; for example:
The Chateau Laurier Hotel on 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa was a Classified Federal Heritage Building and a National Historic Site of Canada. The National Capital Commission owned the Chateau Laurier during the mid-1960's. The hotel was a Crown asset until 1988 when it was sold to the real estate arm of the Canadian Pacific Railway through a Privy Council Order-in-Council. Orders-in-Council are called Executive Orders or Presidential Orders in the United States.

The Central Experimental Farm was a National Interest Land Mass and a National Historic Site of Canada. And most of the buildings were either Classified or Recognized heritage buildings, including the Sir John Carling Building (gone); Dominion Observatory Campus and Booth Barn. 

 Kingston Penitentiary and the Prison for Women were National Historic Sites of Canada.

In the year 2010 heritage preservationist Paul Oberman was arrested for lying down in front of a bulldozer that was trying to demolish an aircraft hangar at CFB Downsview in Toronto. Paul Oberman was instrumental in preventing the Canadian Pacific Railway from demolishing the Summerhill Train Station on Yonge Street in Toronto which is now an LCBO liquor dispensary. 

Building #55, after.

A Privy Council Order-in-Council from 1988.

4.)  Federal Crown property is sold via Privy Council Orders-in-Council. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker told an audience at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto that OIC's were undemocratic because they bypass Parliament and important political decisions are not debated in the House of Commons. 
5.) They ignore the will of the people. There is enormous opposition to the donation of Experimental Farm land to the Civic Hospital. Since the year 1974 politicians and organizations have been trying to save the Farm near Carling Avenue, Ottawa---
Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.
Agriculture Ministers Eugene Whelan, Bud Olson and Gerry Ritz.
  Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
 The Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association.
 Reimagine Ottawa, a group that includes writer and politician Clive Doucet.
Protect the Farm-Home|Facebook.
Save the Central Experimental Farm - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.
Saving the Central Experimental Farm|Heritage Ottawa.
Friends of the Farm (1970's).
Agricultural Institute of Canada.
Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty and Health.
Save the Farm - Protest to save our trees and greenspace - 2017 - Ecology Ottawa.
Petition - Save Ottawa's Precious Urban
Petition - Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a national historic site of Canada.
National Trust for Canada - Top 10 Endangered Places List for 2015-Central Experimental Farm.
National Farmers Union - Ontario.
The government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau wanted to save a vacant parcel of land near the Connaught Building in downtown Ottawa:
This land was destined to be part of Major's Hill Park. (Photograph is from "Dreams of  Major's Hill Park-1969-1970" Urbsite.)
Concrete barriers have taken over an entire street in front of the Embassy.

However, the National Capital Commission sold the parcel to the American government. The American Embassy has been nicknamed "The Battleship" and "Fort Knox North" and was probably designed by President Bill Clinton---the embassy is strikingly similar to the William J. Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas and President Clinton appeared at the official opening of the embassy.
The National Capital Commission and the owners of nearby businesses including the Chateau Laurier Hotel were opposed to keeping the land beneath the Daly Building public---they said that a park would attract "vagrants":
     The Chairman: Do you know the position, with respect to this park,of the Byward Market Business Improvement Association, which I see represents 350 businesses in the area?  
     Mr. Emard-Chabot: They would be against.
     The Chairman: I take it that the Chateau Laurier would be against it as well.
     Mr. Emard-Chabot: I received a letter last week indicating they are not in favour of a park.
 (from "SENATE OF CANADA-Ottawa - Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources-Issue 5-Evidence-February 17, 1998.)
I wonder if the current owners of the Chateau Laurier Hotel are lobbying for the sale of Major's Hill Park.
The owners of the Chateau may complain that Canada Day celebrations, the Tulip Festival and people who are "loitering" are disturbing the peace of strata or condominium owners who inhabit their new addition. And Larco can expand their investment through purchasing park land from the NCC. Larco is already planning to chop down trees that block the views of Major's Hill Park from the Chateau.
The National Capital Commission wants to preserve the entire Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa.
     "The Central Experimental Farm, established in 1886, is a unique working farm in the heart of an urban region. The Experimental Farm is open to the public throughout the year, along with the adjacent 26-hectare Arboretum. This central asset of the Capital's urban green space contributes to biodiversity and reinforces the link from the Rideau Canal to the Ottawa River ecosystems. In the coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and the Arboretum should be re validated in an update to the existing 2005 Master Plan." (From: "The Plan for Canada's Capital 2017-2067" - Page 40 out of 95 pages.)
The NCC and the David Suzuki Foundation conducted a study that documented the importance of green spaces in the Nation's Capital:
     "Benefits not measured according to traditional market metrics:

  • air quality control
  • water filtration
  • climate regulation
  • carbon storage
  • wildlife habitat
  • erosion control
(From: "Natural Capital: The economic value of National Capital Commission green spaces".)
A photograph I took of writer Andy Russell; Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau and Agriculture Minister Bud Olson arriving at the Lethbridge, Alberta airport - 1972. CBC News reporter Ron Collister can be seen in the photo on the right, in the background.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Confederation Heights in Ottawa will be massively changed.

The National Capital Commission and Public Services and Procurement Canada are monetizing another federal employment campus. Confederation Heights will devolve into another Tunney's Pasture and Booth Street redevelopment with wall-to-wall condominiums and very little green space. The future looks dim for the following buildings:
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters - 1500 Bronson Avenue - currently vacant.
Sir Charles Tupper Building
Health Canada Building
Sir Leonard Tilley Building
RA Centre
Canada Revenue Agency
Insurance Building

Confederation Heights encompasses 104 hectares of land.
(See the document "A Long-Term Vision for Confederation Heights-1950-2050.")

Former politicians want LeBreton Flats to remain public.

LeBreton Flats could be Ottawa's Central Park, according to John Baird and John Manley.
LeBreton Flats, 1983.I found this document in a book at the Ottawa Public Library downtown.
More federal properties that should be off-limits to corporate, residential and commercial development:
The Oak Park Armoury land, 933 Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa. - Ottawa Community Housing is planning to build a high-density residential and commercial "village" on the 7.26 acre site.
The Central Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada and a National Interest Land Mass. The Civic Hospital should be banned from constructing their ever-expanding health-care facilities on the property---they originally needed 60 acres of land, now they are lobbying for more acreage.. And the original size of the hospital was a low-key "Scandinavian" model but it has morphed into a super hospital. (From: City of Ottawa Urban Design Panel.)
 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Gerry Ritz refused to give the Civic 50 acres of land directly across the street from the current hospital during the year 2008.
Queen Juliana Park which is located near the former Sir John Carling Building. The custodian is PWGSC and the current owners are the citizens of Canada. The land will either be a parking lot for Civic employees and visitors, or the locale of residential towers. Many people in Little Italy want the park to remain a public space and they have sent petitions to the City of Ottawa:
Stop the rezoning of Queen Juliana Park at 870 Carling Avenue.
City of Ottawa Planning Committee: Stop the rezoning of Parks to Condos, Queen Juliana in Little Italy.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Civic Hospital/Experimental Farm land deal should be the focus of a public inquiry.

Reasons why:
1.)   The Government of Canada may be planning to decommission the entire Experimental Farm.
---In 2005 the feds wanted to "get out of the business" of running experimental farms.
---The National Capital Commission attempted to buy the property for $1 dollar in 1998 according to an Ottawa Citizen news article by Tom Spears.
---In 1997 the Chretien government wanted to demolish 50 of the property's 83 buildings.
2.)   The National Capital Commission has the power to remove heritage designations from federal, publicly-owned property.
3.)  Back in the late-1990's Ottawa City councillors knew that a "wall of condos" would line both sides of Carling Avenue. They must have known that the Farm and the Natural Resources Canada complex on Booth Street would be the focus of massive redevelopment.
4.)   The Civic is lobbying for more than 60 acres of land "in order to expand."
5.)   Several acres of land donated to the hospital will be rezoned from institutional to general urban area.

6.)   The City of Ottawa's Urban Design Review Panel was fooled into believing the hospital would be much smaller:
     "The Panel has concerns with the scale of the proposed presentation, particularly considering the initial presentation eluded to a Scandinavian approach to a hospital complex - at a much more human scale. The size and mass of the proposed building has the potential to create a significant barrier in the form of a large wall that is disconnected and out of scale with the existing fabric nearby." (From: Urban Design Review Panel-March 1, 2018. (930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Avenue).
7.)   During the year 1998 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada accepted a recommendation by the  Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada to designate the Central Experimental Farm as "a cultural landscape of historical and architectural significance." (From: Heritage Ottawa|50 Years/50 Stories - Number 23.)
8.)  Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada had plans for the Sir John Carling Building site:
     "Redevelopment of the site of the Sir John Carling Building, to serve as a place where the public can meet and learn from one another, with a CEF Visitor's Centre and facilities for the National Collections."
9.)   A federal law called "The National Capital Act" (1985) gives the National Capital Commission the power and duty to protect historic buildings and landscapes.
10 (2) The Commission may, for the purposes of this Act, (g) administer, preserve and maintain any historic place or historic museum.
The CEF is known as a museum without walls.(AC, creator of this blog savecfbrokcliffe.)
10.)  A plebiscite is "a vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler." The City of Ottawa, but especially residents of Little Italy and the Civic Hospital neighbourhood will be deeply affected if a hospital is built on the CEF. They should have the power to stop redevelopment projects that negatively impact their quality of life---take away green space; flood the area with noise, light and environmental pollution; overwhelm local highways and streets; cut off views of a UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Rideau Canal.
1998 suggestions pertaining to the future of the Farm. Not one person suggested that a hospital should be located on the land.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The National Capital Commission wanted to preserve the entire Experimental Farm in 2017.

The following quotes are from a document called "National Capital Commission - The Plan for Canada's Capital-2017-2067", page 36 and page 40 out of 95 pages:
National Institutions
     "In 2067, the national institutions will continue to be beacons of Canadian achievement in culture and science. They represent Canada to the world, and contribute significantly to the identity, pride and signature of the Capital."

The Central Experimental Farm, National Research Council and Communications Research Centre are National Scientific Institutions.

"The Central Experimental Farm, established in 1886, is a unique working farm in the heart of an urban region. The Experimental Farm is open to the public throughout the year, along with the adjacent 26-hectare Arboretum. This central asset of the Capital's urban green space network contributes to diversity and references the link from the Rideau Canal to the Ottawa River ecosystems. In the coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and the Arboretum should be revalidated in an update to the existing 2005 Master Plan."
Ottawa's Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada; a National Interest Land Mass and a National Scientific Institution. The buildings that are in the path of the Ottawa Hospital's relocation are Classified and Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings:
William Saunders - Recognized.
K.W. Neatby - Recognized. Located at 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa.
Laboratory Services-Recognized. Located next to the Neatby building.
South Azimuth - Classified.
Photo Equatorial - Classified.
Dominion Observatory - Classified.
Machine Shop - Recognized.
Observatory House - Recognized.
Seismology Building
Geophysical Laboratory.

During the year 1997 a decision was made to demolish 50 of the Farm's 82 buildings. (Google:" search on for a new president-the fight for the farm goes on-Heritage Ottawa.")

Two CEF buildings won the Architectural Conservancy Awards of Excellence in 2012-2014:
Agricultural and Food Museum, 901 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa. (Adaptive Reuse.)
Tropical Greenhouse (Restoration.)
Experimental Farm Stations Act (1985).

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Neatby Building, CFIA Lab and Queen Juliana Park are part of the Civic land deal.

The Dominion Observatory Campus is part of Ground Zero because the Civic does not want "irregularly shaped" parcels of land. And 24 buildings are slated for demolition, and the only cluster of buildings that I can see are located in the Observatory campus.

The Coalition to Protect the Central Experimental Farm wrote a letter to H.R.H. Prince Charles in an effort to save the national historic site. ("Royal plea-Farm supporters appeal to Prince Charles"Ottawa Sun newspaper, Liz Payne, November 21, 2016.)
The Farm, Carling Avenue, Ottawa. Agriculture Canada and Natural Resources Canada buildings as well as the Dow's Lake parking lot will be taken over by the Civic. The Friends of the Farm are also worried about the fate of the William Saunders Building. (National Capital Commission photo.)

Remembrance, commemorative or memorial parks
The Greenbelt
Moffatt Farm Veterans Park

Thursday, September 5, 2019

High rise condominiums will be constructed on Queen Juliana Park, Ottawa.

     "Queen Juliana Park is future development lands. 15-20 storey buildings are planned, although the city will require some park space|an urban square in the design when the property is redeveloped."
A 2015 City of Ottawa report:
     "The property located west of the O-Train south of Carling Avenue, known by some residents as Queen Juliana Park, is neither municipal nor a National Capital Commission park in land use terms. The property is owned by the Federal Government. It was used as a war-time facility until the early 1970.s. It is designated Mixed-Use Centre in the Official Plan." (Both of the quotes are from:queen juliana park skyscraper forum february 2015---(845 carling) 190.5, Skyscraper Page Forum.)

The people of Ottawa were misled. They were under the impression that a Civic Hospital was being constructed on the grounds of the Sir John Carling Building. But twelve acres of that 60 acre land deal were rezoned without our knowledge, and now residential towers will be built along Carling Avenue.
 Did PWGSC sell the park to Ottawa Community Housing? The ghetto known as Regent Park in Toronto was federally owned by Canada Mortgage and Housing before it was sold to Toronto Community Housing.
As I have said before, during the 1990's I watched Ottawa City Council meetings on television, on Rogers Cable/CPAC. During one meeting I heard a councillor predict that "One day a wall of condos will line Carling Avenue on both sides of the street." I did not believe her because I thought the Experimental Farm was untouchable. Commissioner's Park is also endangered because it is too valuable, too strategically located to be left in the hands of ordinary people.
The Royal Family in England is the biggest landowner in the United Kingdom---the Sandringham Estate encompasses 20,000 acres, Balmoral Estate is 50,000 acres...
Yet the people of Canada have lost:
Part of the Ottawa Experimental Farm.
1,000 lighthouses
30 Agriculture Canada experimental farms including the Nepean Experimental Farm.
CMHC properties
14 major military bases
Canada Post buildings
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation buildings.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada search and rescue stations-The government of Justin Trudeau reopened the Kitsilano British Columbia Coast Guard base.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the Kitsilano Coast Guard base.

The Sir John Carling Building can be seen in the distance.I found this document in a book at the downtown Ottawa Public Library.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Queen Juliana Park at Dow's Lake should be a Memorial Park. Not the location of a new hospital.

The Sir John Carling Building and Queen Juliana Park.

Commemorative parks in Ottawa that honour Canadian soldiers:
The Moffat Farm Veterans Park, 591 Kochar Drive.
Commissioner's Park, located near Dow's Lake at the corner of Preston Street and Queen Elizabeth Drive. For decades now members of the Dutch Royal Family have visited Commissioner's Park.
The Greenbelt was created by Jacques Greber, to be a living memorial dedicated to Canadian soldiers who fought and were killed in foreign wars.
What should be banned on Queen Juliana Park
A hospital; massive new parking lots (the Dow's Lake parking lot should be left just the way it is, for local parking and for tourists;);biotechnology laboratories; condominiums; a helicopter landing site;  fences that encircle the land; "PRIVATE PROPERTY" and "NO TRESPASSING" signs.
According to a comment found on the Skyscraper Forum, the National Capital Commission wants to sell most of Queen Juliana Park land to condominium builders...("New Civic Hospital"-Forum; 3.)
Petitions have already been created to stop the National Capital Commission:1.)  City of Ottawa Planning Committee-Stop the rezoning of Parks to Condos, Queen Juliana in Little Italy.2.) Petition: Stop the rezoning of Queen Juliana Park at 870 Carling Avenue -

The land should be preserved and designated a national urban park. Local residents and people from all over the world should be welcomed to this haven, which ought to be a publicly-owned in perpetuity. I can envision commemorative statues and giant tulips inhabiting the space.The Park should always be a major venue for Canada Day celebrations, the Canadian Tulip Festival and for fundraising events.
More than 1,000 people attended a fundraising event at Queen Juliana Park in 2019, the Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes.
I am getting fed up with the National Capital Commission selling or giving public land to the Civic Hospital and builders of million-dollar houses and condominiums.
American Embassy - was built on land that was supposed to be part of Major's Hill Park.
Moffat Farm - was an 88-acre Veteran's Affairs property, yet it was sold to Phoenix developments.
The Daly Building vacant lot in downtown Ottawa was destined to be an urban park, but a luxury condo occupies the space.
Whenever the NCC faces a roadblock (for example Ottawa City Council refusing to rezone a piece of land ) they appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
The Greenbelt Research Farm was transferred from Agriculture Canada to the NCC for a dollar. The Greenbelt and the Experimental Farm on Carling Avenue are National Interest Land Mass properties.
The 2,965 acre former Agriculture Canada Experimental Farm, Nepean. It is bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road. The National Capital Commission is the custodian.

Tulips that are 5-feet tall could be displayed at the Queen Juliana Memorial Park.(Canadian Tulip Festival photo.)

The entire Experimental Farm on Carling Avenue was designated a National Interest Land Mass.The land cannot legally be sold or subdivided: "NILM identifies lands that are essential to the achievement of the National Capital Commission's mandate. Land identified within the NILM are required to support the symbolism, functions, physical structure and natural and landscape qualities of Canada's Capital. A NILM designation indicates a formal expression of the federal government's interest in the long-term use of this land in a manner that supports Canada's Capital." ("Proponents Guide to the NCC's Federal Land Use, Design and Transactions Approval Process" - September 2018.)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Groups that are opposed to the sale of federal, Crown property to developers.

The Government of Canada is giving a National Historic Site of Canada to a corporation that wants to build a massive hospital.
The followings entities want to preserve buildings and landscapes for future generations:
1.)  savecfbrockcliffe - Ottawa.
2.)  Save Downsview Park - Toronto
3.)  Downsview Lands Community Association - Toronto
4.)  Set Downsview Free - Toronto
5.)  Help Save Old Upton Farm - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
6.)  S.A.V.E. Senneville as a Village Environment - Senneville, Quebec
7.)  Action-Save the Garden City Lands - Richmond, British Columbia
8.)  Save Griffintown! - Montreal
9.)  Friends of the Kingston Penitentiary - Kingston, Ontario
10.) Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt - Ottawa
11.) Save Our Greenspace! - Ottawa, regarding the Greenbelt.
12.) Ontario Chapter| Sierra Club of Canada - Regarding the Greenbelt.
13.) Protect the Farm - Home|Facebook - regarding the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
14.) Saving the Central Experimental Farm - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital
16.) Save the Farm - Protest to save our trees and greenspace - Ecology Ottawa - Regarding Ottawa's Experimental Farm.
17.) Friends of the Farm - Ottawa
18.) Agricultural Institute of Canada - regarding Ottawa's Farm.
19.) Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association
During the 1970's
Save the Experimental Farm - Ottawa-1974.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority - Regarding Ottawa's Experimental Farm - 1974.
A Walmart is now located on former Experimental Farm land along Baseline Road. The Central Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada and a National Interest Land Mass. The Americans would not let Walmart build a store near a Civil War battlefield in Fredericksburg, Virginia. And the retail giant bought land near Mexican pyramids.
Federal property that was destined to be part of Major's Hill Park in Ottawa. But it was sold to the American Embassy. (Photo from "Dreams of Major's Hill Park-1969-1970" - Urbsite.)

Monday, September 2, 2019

The following buildings will be demolished when the Civic takes over the Farm.

Natural Resources Canada properties.
Geophysical Laboratory.

Machine Shop.

Observatory House.

Seismology Survey Building.

Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.(Wikipedia)
Photo Equatorial Building

South Azimuth Building(Photo from Canada's Historic Places.)

"On this site we have at least 24 buildings...Extensive demolition and/or relocation of buildings is required to allow for the new build to proceed." (Google:"site selection review and report." April 2016, Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital, page 57/59.)

The Civic Hospital wants more than 60 acres of land so they can expand. I predict that the National Capital Commission will give the corporation land that is directly across the street from the current hospital. Of course the Neatby Building at 960 Carling Avenue and the CFIA Lab will have to be bulldozed:
5.5.3 Site Selection Criteria
5.) Future expansion: Flexibility for future expansion over and above what is currently planned, within 60 acres.(google:"site selection review and report"-Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital, April 2016, page 22/75.)
 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada properties.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Carling Laboratory.(Photo from Canada's Historic Places.)
K.W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa.(Photo from CanColl)

Tropical Greenhouse.

UNESCO can save the Central Experimental Farm buildings and landscape.
"A World Heritage Site is a landmark or area chosen by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) as having cultural, historical, scientific or other form of significance, and is legally protected by international treaties."(Wikipedia definition.)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

There is nationwide opposition to the construction of a hospital on Ottawa's Experimental Farm.

Groups that want to preserve the integrity of the National Historic Site of Canada.
1.)  Protect the Farm-Home|Facebook
2.)  Save the Central Experimental Farm - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.
3.)  Saving the Central Experimental Farm|Heritage Ottawa.
5.)  Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty and Health
6.)  Save the Farm - Protest to save our trees and greenspace-2017- Ecology Ottawa.
7.)  Agricultural Institute of Canada
8.)  The National Farmers' Union
9.)  Friends of the Farm
10,) Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association
1.) Petition-Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a national historic site of Canada.
2.)  Save Ottawa's Precious Urban Space -
The Farm was on the Top 10 Endangered Places List in 2015 - National Trust for Canada.
Queen Juliana Park encompasses 8 acres of land. The park will be turned into a parking lot for the Civic or the NCC will sell it. PWGSC is the current owner. (Photo from" New Civic Hospital", page 3.)

In 1997 a decision was made to demolish 50 of the Farm's 82 buildings.(Google:"search on for a new president-the fight for the farm goes on"-Heritage Ottawa.) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Gerry Ritz refused to give Field #1 to the Ottawa Civic Hospital in 2008 and he saved the Ravenwood Experimental Farm in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.(Google:24.Central Experimental Farm Part 2 - Heritage Ottawa.)
Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan refused to transfer CEF land to the National Capital Commission.
A 1975 Ottawa Journal newspaper article.
The Sir John Carling Building can be seen in the background. This image is from a book that I found in the Ottawa Public Library downtown.

Global corporations that have taken over Canadian Crown property.

Fairmont Hotel's and Resorts-The CN Rail hotels. John Lennon and Yoko Ono recorded the song "Give Peace a Chance" in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel.
Amazon-Canada Post mail processing plant on West Georgia Street,Vancouver.
CN Rail -Bill Gates is the corporation's main investor.
Six Flags-La Ronde, Expo 67 Montreal.
Walmart -owns part of Ottawa's Experimental Farm.
Staples and Best Buy-1140 Yonge Street Toronto.
Barry Diller (Paramount, Fox News) was interested in acquiring 600 CBC transmission towers, thousands of transmitters and land.
The Walt Disney Corporation and Viacom wanted to buy the CN Tower.
(work in progress)

91 acres of Experimental Farm land were sold to the City of Ottawa during the year 1988.(From a book located in the downtown Ottawa Public Library.)