Saturday, May 23, 2020

The National Capital Commission does not want the masses to have green space.

House of Commons Debates    Ottawa    February 13, 1987.
Mr. Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Opposition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party) Liberal. The park at Rideau Hall.
     "Mr. Speaker, I have approximately six petitions from constituents and visitors to the national capital who wish to present a grievance...The closure of this attractive and tranquil park affects thousands of visitors from across the country. Area residents from across the national capital region have used and enjoyed the grounds of Rideau Hall. They cannot accept a blanket closure of the 120-acre park to public access." (Note: The park now encompasses 79 acres; what happened to the other 41 acres between the years 1987 and 2020?)
When His Excellency the Right Hon. Ray Hnatyshyn became Governor General of Canada in 1990 he reopened the gates.
The National Capital Commission refuses to consider preserving the Lebreton Flats as a National Urban Park, despite calls from politicians John Manley, John Baird and Barry Mather:
House of Commons Debates    Ottawa   October 22, 1969.
MP Barry Mather: "Is the Government of Canada giving favourable consideration to the establishment of a national park at the LeBreton Flats area in Ottawa?"

Mile Circle Park near Rockcliffe.

House of Commons Debates    Ottawa    April 9, 1986.
Mr. John Barry Turner (Ottawa-Carleton) Progressive Conservative.
     "Mr. Speaker, it is my honour to present another petition signed by 34 residents of the National Capital Region who are very much opposed to the National Capital Commission's proposal to turn the Mile Circle into an embassy row. They indicated that Mile Circle was designated in 1925 by the Ottawa Improvement Commission as a national park. (Note: More than 4,000 signatures were collected on petitions.)
House of Commons Debates   Ottawa      June 17, 1986.
Mr. Don Boudria (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Ontario) Liberal.
     "Mr. Speaker, today at noon close to 200 people took part in a demonstration on Parliament Hill demanding that the Tory government leave the Mile Circle Park the way it is - a park for the people of Canada to enjoy. The park has been in existence for 71 years, and we do not want the Government to turn it into a building site for the US Embassy."
Commissioner's Park at Dow's Lake. I'm sure that several companies are anxious to get their reptilian claws into this valuable real estate. King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima never visited this sacred ground during their recent visit to Canada. The Dutch Royal Family always attended events at the park-Queen Juliana, Prince Bernhard, Queen Beatrix and Princess Margriet.
The Tulip Festival is offering virtual tours of the event, which is probably a kiss of death to any live, real, interactive event in the future. Local politicians without any sense of vision, or accountability to our children and grandchildren are ruining a prime tourist location: Dow's Lake, the Farm and Little Italy. Residents of the west end can look forward to:
---noise pollution
---light pollution
---traffic congestion
---intensification-"In the next decade the near west of Ottawa will see tens of thousands of  new residents." Councillor Jeff Leiper.
---more high-rise condos
 You will not see any white flag of surrender in front of my door. This is my territory, my street that you want to irrevocably change. I would not be surprised if Andrew Haydon Park is privatized.
Bayshore on Carling Avenue, Ottawa during Canada Day celebrations, July 2019. 

 THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT US. I predict that the Experimental Farm will be encircled by chain link fences to banish us from the property. WE, the people of Canada, own the Farms on Carling and 1740 Woodroffe.
-- The federal government is planning to privatize thousands of GOC buildings.
--- Canadians own Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt, the Rideau Canal; Lebreton Flats; all of the federal museums; Mooney's Bay; Confederation Heights and Tunney's Pasture.
Museum paintings and artifacts can be sold off  because virtual tours are now available. The paintings will probably be sold off by the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation or at auction houses in London, England and New York, Sotheby's and Christies.
 During the 1960's my generation detested anything "phony"- imitation lawn grass; musicians who pretended to play musical instruments (my brothers threw my Monkee albums out the window and cars drove over them, because the Monkees had a backup band); a soft drink commercial proclaimed that Coca Cola was "the real thing."
Virtual reality is phony, fake, an imitation, artificial and plastic. A City of Ottawa document is claiming that "green space does not have to be green" in order to program us into accepting concrete plazas and parkettes.
A parkette is a mini park less than 1 acre in size. You can take your mini-parks Ottawa politicians.

12 acres of public land donated to the Ottawa Hospital  have been rezoned mixed-use to facilitate the construction of high rise apartments. The $4 million dollar Dow's Lake parking lot was also a gift and underground parking is being considered. The cafeteria annex designed by Hart Massey will be demolished, as well as the South Azimuth on the Observatory grounds. Maple Lane and Prince of Wales Drive will have to be widened to accommodate an increase in traffic. Former Councillor Katherine Hobbs, residents of Little Italy and the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association are trying to save Queen Juliana Park.

                   "The Central Experimental Farm should remain an open area in perpetuity." A March 17, 1954 Privy Council Cabinet Conclusion approved by Prime Minister of Canada Louis St-Laurent.

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