An Ottawa Citizen article by Elizabeth Payne, March 29, 2017. Comments in the article by Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre, Conservative: "You've got a sloped surface, an irregular shape, contaminated land and you are building on a fault line. All of those things combined may lead to an extraordinary price tag and if that's true then we should know about it before we put shovels in the ground."
House of Commons Ottawa March 20, 2017. Member of Parliament Pierre Poilivere (Carleton) CPC: "With regard to the government's Ottawa Hospital Site Review, which concluded with a National Capital Commission recommendation to the Minister of Canadian Heritage on November 24, 2016":
"(a) when did the Environment Minister decide that she would order this review; (b) when did the Environment Minister ask that the Heritage Minister take over this review; (c) did the government estimate the cost of delaying the construction of the hospital by at least a year, and if so, what were the costs; (d) what was the total cost of the review as of November 24, 2016, broken down by (i) employees' salaries, (ii) contractors; (iii) consultants; (iv) land use surveys or studies ((v) other expenses; (e) what are the precise boundaries of the property to be leased to the Ottawa Hospital, known as the Sir John Carling Site or site #11 by the National Capital Commission. (g) what price does the government plan to charge as rent for the Sir John Carling Site, known as site # 11 by the National Capital Commission.(h) how much payment in lieu of taxes does the federal governmemt pay to the City of Ottawa for the Sir John Carling Site, known as site #11 by the National Capital Commission. (i) what will be the costs of preparing the site for the Ottawa Hospital to be built, and which level of government or organization will pay for them?" Question 810.
House of Commons Ottawa March 20, 2017. Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre (Carleton)CPC: "With regard to the government's transfer of land to the Ottawa Hospital for the future of the Civic Campus, known as the Sir John Carling Site or site #11 by the National Capital Commission:
"(a) what analysis did the departments of Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the National Capital Commission, and Canadian Heritage conduct at each of the 12 sites; (b) what did the National Capital Commission estimate the total land preparation costs of each of the 12 sites would be; (c) what concerns did the National Capital Commission raise regarding potential contamination of each of the 12 sites; (d) what are the boundaries of the Sir John Carling Site which will be leased to the Ottawa Hospital; (e) are the metal piles that were used for the foundation of the former Sir John Carling Building still present at the site; (f) if the answer to (e) is affirmative, what will be the cost of removing the piles; (h) if the answer to (f) is negative, what is the government's plan to accomodate the new Ottawa Hospital around the existing piles; (i) what is the estimated cost of preparing the site for the Ottawa Hospital to be built, and which level of government or organization will pay for them; (j) what contamination currently exists at the Sir John Carling Site, and how will it be mitigated or removed prior to the hospital's construction; (k) what is the estimated cost of remediating any contamination and which level of government or organization will pay for this, and (l) does the government foresee any other factors specific to the Sir John Carling Site that would increase costs or delay construction of the new hospital, and if so, what are they?" Question 811.
The land mass on the Sir John Carling Site allocated to the hospital in the year 2016:
North Boundary - Carling Avenue between Bayswater and Preston Street. East Boundary. - From Preston Street to Prince of Wales Drive. South Boundary - From Prince of Wales Drive (600 metres) to 90 degrees west to Birch Drive. West Boundary - From Birch Drive/Maple Drive up to Winding Lane and back to Carling Avene at Bayswater. (quarter of a circle around the Dominion Observatory.) (From: A Public Services and Procurement document given to MP Pierre Poilievre.)
On my blog entry "Do not build a hospital at Queen Juliana Park and Dow's Lake" I outlined the many reasons why the Experimental Farm is an inappropriate location for a medical centre. MP Pierre Poilievre believes that 60 acres of land directly across the street from the current Civic hospital should be annexed from the Farm. I disagree--- and the following individuals were and are opposed to the National Historic Site of Canada being encroached upon:
Prime Minister of Canada Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Prime Minister of Canada Mackenzie King
Prime Minister of Canada Louis St-Laurent
Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney
Urban planner Jacques Greber - "The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of the City of Ottawa, and its avenues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 167 out of 359 pages and a photo of the Farm is included.)
Leader of the Official Opposition Walter David Baker, comments in the House of Commons November 4, 1974.
Elizabeth May, MP and Leader of the Green Party wrote a letter to Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, Google "Celebrating Earth Day Heritage Ottawa."
Member of Parliament Marlene Catterall - In a statement in the House of Commons on April 22, 1998, MP Marlene Catterall announced that the Farm was designated a National Historic Site by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
Minister of Public Works Erik Nielsen. Erik Nielsen and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney created the National Interest Land Mass designation in 1988, to "rein in" the National Capital Commission and prevent the City of Ottawa from using federal property as a land bank. The Experimental Farms on Carling and 1740 Woodroffe; the Greenbelt; Gatineau Park, land beside the Ottawa River, Rideau River and Rideau Canal; Lebreton Flats; land beside the scenic driveways; etc. were all designated as NILM properties.
Member of the Ontario Provincial Legislature Joel Harden.
Senator Anne Cools - a statement in the Senate of Canada, April 23, 2002: "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale.''
Ms. Maude Barlow, Honourary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians.
Minister of Public Works Howard Charles Green, PC House Leader, Secretary of State for External Affairs: A comment in the House of Commons August 1, 1958.
Minister of Public Works and Government House Leader George McIlraith.
Agriculture Minister Sydney Arthur Fisher:
Agriculture Minister Fisher and Prime Minister of Canada Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the grounds of the Experimental Farm on February 5, 1908. Archives of Canada photo.
Agriculture Minister Douglas Scott Harkness.
Agriculture Minister James Garfield Gardiner.
Agriculture Minister John Wise
Agriculture Minister Bud Olson
Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan - During the mid-1970's the National Capital Commission wanted Agriculture Canada to sell 700 acres of the Farm for housing. The 700 acres of land were located north of Baseline Road and encompassed Clyde Avenue to Prince of Wales Drive. Minister Whelan said that "not one acre" of the property would be sold. From: A front page Ottawa Journal article.
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz.
Former City of Ottawa councillor Katherine Hobbs.
Former City of Ottawa councillor Clive Doucet, creator of the Internet web page called "Reimagine Ottawa."
City of Ottawa councillor Catherine McKenney.
City of Ottawa councillor Jeff Leiper.
City of Ottawa councillor Rawlson King.
City of Ottawa councillor Shawn Menard.
Angella MacEwen, NDP federal candidate for Ottawa Centre during the 2021 national election.
Liberal Defence Minister Barney Dansen.
Dean of Parliament and Cabinet Minister Pierre De Bane.