Thursday, September 30, 2021

The loss of Queen Juliana Park.

 Before the Department of Public Works and the National Capital Commission gave Queen Juliana Park to a medical centre, the landscape encompassed 14 acres. Now the greenspace, which was a gift from the Trudeau government to the people of Canada in 1976, will be privatized. (Google: City of Ottawa Planning Committee: Stop the Rezoning of Parks to Condos.)

The green roof on a parking garage: "A 5-acre green roof called Queen Juliana Park is proposed for use by the public and accessible from Preston Street, Carling Avenue, Dow's Lake Station, the Research Building and Hospital." (Google: "New Civic Development for the Ottawa Hospital, August 5, 2021" page 16/83,

QJP was 5.5883 hectares or nearly 14 acres. See the "Federal Directory of Real Property" website, property number 24426.

Queen Juliana Park was destined to be municipal park.

Local Councillors Jeff Leiper and Katherine Hobbs: City of Ottawa Planning Committee, June 24, 2014. Proposed Motion No. PLC 77/4 submitted by Councillor K. Hobbs:

WHEREAS the Preston-Carling Secondary Plan proposes a Carling O-Train (future LRT) Station

AND WHEREAS the provision of expanded and enhanced greenspace is a key pillar in creating a sustaining, attractive and livable neighbourhood

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Planning and Growth Management Department, when reviewing development applications for the properties currently owned by Public Works and Government Services Canada municipally known as 870 Carling Avenue and locally known as "Queen Juliana Park" that staff seek to maximize usable, programmable greenspace to create a district park and ensure safe and convenient pathways for cyclists and pedestrians to access and move through the space from the study area and the greater Civic Hospital area." (Google: Planning Committee ottwatch June 24, 2014.)

"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the NCR (National Capital Region) are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (From: The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

"The park and parkway system of the Federal District Commission is justly famous for its utilization of the scenic beauty of the Federal Capital Area whenever possible. The parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake...The system comprises areas of natural beauty which were acquired by the Commission to ensure their retention and protection." (From: Report of the Federal District Commission, 1949, page 37/75.)

The new Civic Hospital is banning private vehicles from entrances to their property.

 "'Emergency Vehicles Only' signs will be posted at the Carling Avenue and Maple Drive intersection, Maple Drive and the Site entrance, and Prince of Wales Drive and the Site entrance. (Google: "2021-05-10-Design Brief and Planning" page 25/76.)

Will the "Central Experimental Farm" sign at Carling and Maple Drive be removed? Will people have to show ID papers and make reservations to visit the Dominion Observatory campus?

This is totally outrageous--- as I have mentioned before, the Ottawa Observatory was modeled after the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, who also designed Kensington Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and many other landmarks. "The Royal Observatory Greenwich is one of the world's top historic astronomy destinations." (Space Tourism Guide-The ultimate travel resource for space on earth.) 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Civic Hospital will intrude upon National Historic Sites of Canada and buffer zones.

Parks Canada-Protection and Ownership of the Rideau Canal.

Chapter 5 

Role of the Government of Canada. The Government of Canada is the owner of the property by virtue of the British North America Act. (1867). Protective designations: Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada (1926); Historic Sites and Monuments Act (1952-53); Department of Transport Act (1985)-Historic Canal Regulations.

Role of the Government of Ontario. "The province provides a framework for protecting cultural resources through the Ontario Heritage Act (1990)." "The Planning Act (1990) provides direction for municipal land-use planning in Ontario, to ensure that the province's interests are adhered to when local plans are formulated. Matters of interest include the protection of natural and cultural shore lands, both of which are important components of the canal."

 Role of Conservation Authorities.Conservation authorities are mandated under the Conservation Authorities Act (1990) to ensure the protection, restoration and effective management of Ontario's water resources, wetlands, woodlands and natural habitats."

Role of Municipalities. "Through the Ontario Planning Act, the Parks Canada Agency has the right to intervene in proposed development applications should it believe that the development will in any way, negatively affect the nominated property...Although the occasions when this has happened have been rare, the Parks Canada Agency has made successful interventions related to proposed developments."

A view of Dow's Lake from the Rideau Canal's Hartwell Lockstation.

The Rideau Canal, the Farm and Dominion Observatory Campus are National Historic Sites of Canada. And the Farm became a National Interest Land Mass in 1988 and the only institutions permitted on the land are federal libraries and archives; Agriculture Canada barns, laboratories, greenhouses and museums, etc. and the 100-year-old DARA Tennis Club.

Buffer Zones 

 A June 18, 2021 letter from Heritage Ottawa to Sean Moore, Planner, City of Ottawa: Re: Ottawa Hospital Master Plan.

"Hello Mr. Moore: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Hospital's Master Plan for the Sir John Carling site (SJC site.) As you know, Heritage Ottawa's mandate is to advocate for the protection and public appreciation of Ottawa's built heritage and special places. That said, we are particularily focused on impacts to the Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site upon which the hospital stands; the federally-designated buildings (FHBRO) on the Farm that are nearby; and the Rideau Canal NHSC and World Heritage Site (WHS)"

"Given the importance of the original picturesque landscape qualities for the benefit of patient health, this review will also be looking at the landscape treatment of the hospital site itself."

Impacts to the CEF NHSC, Federal-Designated Structures and the Rideau Canal NHSC/WHS.

"The Hospital committed to respecting and embracing the picturesque qualities of its site, not just out of respect for the surrounding historic properties, but even more so for the health benefits that such a naturalized setting confers on patients, staff and visitors. In the spirit of that commitment Heritage Ottawa offers these observations:

1.)  Buffering between the Hospital and the Farm seems to be a modest line of trees, which does not appear to rise to the height or width of an effective separating berm. This has significant impacts on the Dominion Observatory Complex, the Saunders Building, the Nutrition Building (Building #59) and Heritage House (Building # 60), all Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings. Recommendation: Create a substantial buffer (berm and plantings) between the SJC site and the CEF (certainly possible on the parking lot of the future Heart Institute) with trees and complementary vegetation that will provide a suitable buffer year-round.

2.)  There does not appear to be any kind of buffer between the staff parking and the Dominion Observatory Complex. 

3.)  Surface Parking: The Hospital originally asserted that there would be no surface parking, but now the Master Site Plan indicates a considerable amount of the site as surface parking.

4.)  Parkade: The Hospital also originally promised no above-ground parking. While only rising to four storeys above grade, the parkade nevertheless presents a prominent elevation towards the Rideau Canal NHSC & WHS. Height is not particularly the issue: rare is the parking garage that elicits gasps of wonder at the brilliance of its design. Gasps of horror, usually.

UNESCO has already identified the proposed Hospital as a potential threat to the integrity of the Rideau Canal World Heritage Site. This would provide more reason for scrutiny.

5.)  The Dominion Observatory Complex may once again become a functioning observatory for educational purposes. Recommendation: Minimizing light pollution from the buildings and from suitable landscape treatment and road lighting so as not to interfere with the Observatory Complex (and also not to impact negatively on the nearby residential neighbourhoods.)

6.)  Bird Life contributes to the environmental and heritage value of the site. Situated as it is between the Arboretum and mature trees, the Hospital should take care with the surfacing of the buildings, especially the patient towers.

7.)  Planning for a Winter City:

8.)  The entrance off Maple Drive is very close to the buildings of the Dominion Observatory Complex, especially the South Azimuth Building. It is,as the CHIS explains, under threat during construction and then subsequently during day-to-day access to the Hospital by emergency and other vehicles, including slow-moving farm vehicles. 

9.)  Maple Drive and the entrance off of Prince of Wales Drive are not for the exclusive use of emergency vehicles as the Master Plan asserts.

The DARA Tennis Club is being relocated to a rooftop on a parking garage.

 Several properties on the Central Experimental Farm are being impacted to accomodate a medical centre. Maple Drive will be an ambulance route.

The DARA Tennis Club, Maple Drive. This entire location is being sacrificed for a parking lot, see the map posted on the "Reimagine Ottawa" website on October 2, 2021 entitled "Dedicated to automobiles"..

The Observatory House was the official residence of the Dominion Chief Astronomer.

The Geophysical Laboratory "is closely associated with the accelerated growth of the area of study dealing with gravity, geomagnetism and solar physics in Canada." (From:

 The South Azimuth is adjacent to Maple Drive. According to a Royal Astronomical Society of Canada YouTube video "We are now in a phase where there is going to be a road and traffic widening study being conducted. Already the South Azimuth is getting in the way of the road widening plan." (From: Point 27:06 out of 32 minutes and 38 seconds on the RASC video.)

The South Azimuth. Photo is from Flickr.

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada YouTube video.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Confirmation of Designation of Mile Circle and Aviation Museum Area Lands to be Preserved from Development.

June 19, 2021. The following response was received to a request seeking confirmation that Mile Circle and lands to the east of Birch St and lands around the Aviation Museum and the Rockcliffe Park Airport whose designations have been changed to allow for development will be preserved as green space:

 "Dear Ms. McAllister: Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the NCC regarding the lands in the Mile Circle and Aviation Museum Area identified in the City of Ottawa's new Official Plan. Mr. Nussbaum asked me to follow-up with you and provide you with additional information."

"Under the National Capital Act, the planning authority for these federal lands is the National Capital Commission. The Capital Urban Lands Plan (2015) designates the lands in the subject area as Capital Urban Greenspace, Cultural Institution & Facility and Other Federal Facility, which is in keeping with their Capital functions."

"One of the principal comments that the NCC has made in regards to the City of Ottawa's New Official Plan is that the NCC's planning authority, land use designations and policies must be respected where the NCC and City of Ottawa's plans show overlap. We are continuing to work with the City to achieve this objective,and look forward to reviewing the next draft of the New Official Plan when it is released in the coming weeks."

"As part of our review, the NCC noted that some lands along the Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway-including Mile Circle-had been changed from Major Open Space to Neighbourhood. We provided written comments to the City, and raised the issue with the City staff. We have received confirmation that this was an inaccuracy and that the appropriate land will appear as Greenspace in the next iteration of the New Official Plan."

"Last, the City is not proposing any changes to the underlying zoning of the lands at this time, and the NCC always remains the land use authority for these federal lands. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me."

Kind regards...

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Lazy Bay Commons park in Mechanicsville, Ottawa is untouchable.

 The government of Canada wants to sell the property to five foreign embassies. However, this land is part of a 900 square mile federal memorial in perpetuity to Canadian soldiers:

PC No. 6721- "The Committee of the Privy Council have had before them a report, dated 25th October 1945 from the Minister of Public Works, stating:

"...That under the authority of Order in Council PC 5635 of August 16th, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles , more or less, adjoining the City has been defined as the National Capital District and it has been decided to re-engage Mr.Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 9 out of 343 pages,)

"In Ottawa and Hull only a few riverside parks are opened to the public. Fortunately, the Federal District Commission has acquired additional land west of Cartier Park in Hull, and parallelling the Ottawa shoreline between Lazy Bay and Woodroffe, for park and parkway development." (Emphasis mine.) (From: The Greber Report of 1950, page 147 out of 343.)

In addition, land adjacent to the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway is designated as a National Interest Land Mass. (Google: 1988-09-15-tb-re-ncc.)

Similarities between Lazy Bay Commons Park and the Moffat Farm, located at 1709 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa:

1.)  Both of the properties were part of the 900 square mile memorial to Canadian soldiers, and the properties were assembled by urban planner Jacques Greber and Prime Minister Mackenzie King.

2.) Both of the landscapes were designated as part of the National Interest Land Mass.

"A representative from the Moffatt Farm Citizen's Coalition states that this was not just a local issue and he said that he was concerned that this was the beginning of a trend by the NCC to dispose of Greenspace that is not in the downtown area." (Google: City of Ottawa planning and development committee, Moffat Farm, February 28, 2002.)

In the future, decisions undertaken by the NCC may be overturned by petitions with over 1,000 signatures. Senate of Canada Ottawa May 8, 2002: The Hon. Senator Noel A. Kinsella, Proposal to Sell Moffatt Farm-Inquiry-Debate: "Honourable senators,  I would like to make a few remarks with reference to this matter now before the Senate...The matter relates to the National Capital Act, which created the National Capital Commission.."

".It seems to me, we require a provision for a recall mechanism. Section 10 (2) of the (National Capital) act, which gives the power to the National Capital Commission to sell lands held in trust, could be amended by Parliament to provide for a review mechanism by Parliament or a parliamentary committee upon the receipt, for example, of 1,000 signatures of citizens from any part of Canada."

"As well, the section of the act that gives the authority to the Cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land. There is a provision in the act which provides that Cabinet can overide a decision of the NCC to not sell land, and I would suggest that the same provision should apply to the sale of land. Should the NCC, indeed should any agency of the Crown, in order to make ends meet, be out there negotiating away assets---in this instance assets that are held in trust for all Canadians?"

MILE CIRCLE near Rockcliffe.

 An Embassy Row near Rockcliffe was never constructed, thanks to federal Members of Parliament Barry Turner, Don Boudria, Jean-Robert Gauthier, Nelson Andrew Riis and many petitions:

House of Commons Ottawa. April 9, 1986. Proposed development of NCC parkland: MP Barry Turner (Ottawa-Carleton) Progressive Conservative: "Mr. Speaker, it is my honour to present another petition signed by 34 residents of the National Capital Region(al) who are very much opposed to the National Capital Commission's proposal to turn the Mile Circle into an embassy row. They indicate that the Mile Circle was designated in 1925 by the Ottawa Improvement Commission as a national park and they are very much opposed to this change."

House of Commons Ottawa. April 16, 1986: MP Nelson A. Riis, N.D.P. Caucus Chair (Kamloops-Shuswap.) NDP: "Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to present a petition on behalf of nearly 100 residents expressing strong opposition to convert the National Capital Commission greenspace north of Sandridge Road into an embassy enclave and call upon Parliament to reject the proposal to build an embassy on the Mile Circle."

House of Commons Ottawa. February 7, 1986: MP Don Boudria (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell). Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, the Government of Canada has embarked on a policy of selling the Crown jewels. First it was the threat of logging national parks, then selling our national aircraft manufacturer, then the possibility of privatizing Air Canada, and, finally, the potential sale of part of Mile Circle Park right here in the city of Ottawa to build a U.S. Embassy."

"This park is bordered by a residential neighbourhood. Hundreds of average Canadians live there and hundreds of children go to school there. It is the worst possible site for such a building. In the past American embassies have been the targets of very unforunate events. Could the safety of innocent people living in the area be affected by the potential construction of such a structure in their neighbourhood?"

"As the opposition critic for the Department of Public Works, I call upon the Government to send a clear signal that Canadian parklands, our national treasures, are not for sale. I call upon the Government to state clearly that it will not act improperly by selling Mile Circle Park or locating an embassy in it."

House of Commons Ottawa. March 24, 1986: MP Jean-Robert Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier) Chief Opposition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party: "...I said my question is directed to the Deputy Prime Minister. Will he tell the House if it is federal policy to sell federally owned parkland? NCC Chairman Jean Pigott recently said that she wants to sell part of an Ottawa riverfront park known as Mile Circle to the United States Of America for an embassy compound. Is the Government in favour of selling our natural parklands?...Mr. Speaker, could the Deputy Prime Minister inform the House whether he intends to act responsibly and give clear and precise instructions to all those who are responsible for our national parks indicating clearly that none of our national parks are for sale?"

A flock of geese at Lazy Bay.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Greenbelt property will be destroyed if a hospital is built on the Farm.

House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009. Member of Parliament Steven Blaney (Levis, Quebec) Conservative: "...Other properties found in the Greenbelt are Commissioners Park, where there is a display of over 100,000 tulips." The 22-acre federal park is bounded by Dow's Lake, Preston Street, Carling Avenue and Dow's Lake Road.

"The Greenbelt contributes to the identity and enhancement of Canada's Capital through its provision of natural and rural settings, valued ecological and cultural resources, sustainable agriculture, supports selected federal facilities, and a diversity of uses, activities and experiences for Canadians." (From: Greenbelt Master Plan Review, Phase 1-Step C Land Use Concept. Prepared for the NCC, January 2012, page 38/49.)

Buffer Zones-National Parks General Regulations. 30 metres or 100 feet. National urban parks that are maintained by the National Capital Commission are Commissioners Park, Major's Hill Park, Nepean Point, Confederation Park, Vincent Massey Park and Hog's Back Park.

House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009. Member of Parliament for Ottawa South David McGuinty: "...Without being buffered our parks are being compromised."

Greenbelt Coalition Member Organizations. Canada's Capital Region Position Paper for the NCC's Greenbelt Plan Master Review-September 2010.

Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt (ATSOG).

Canadian Biodiversity Institute.

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS).

City of Ottawa Biodiversity Task Force.

City of Ottawa Rural Issues Advisory Committee (CRIAC).

Coalition to Protect the South March Highlands.

Conseil regional de l'environment et tu developpement durable l'Outaouais.

Ecology Ottawa.

Federation of Citizens' Associations of Ottawa-Carleton.

Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.

Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre (OCWC).

Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club (OFNC).

Save Our Greenspace.

Sierra Club of Canada.

Damage that will be inflicted on Commissioners Park---Nearby construction will be ongoing for 27 years; all of the trees surrounding the Dow's Lake parking lot are being clear-cut; visitors to the property will be subjected to noise pollution and light pollution; high fences may be installed to restrict visitors to the oasis and curfews imposed (during the Tulip Festival in 2020 the only people who could visit Commissioners Park were local residents); 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Parliament of Canada should review the Sir John Carling Site as a location for a hospital.

 Senate of Canada Ottawa May 8, 2002. Proposal to Sell Moffatt Farm-Inquiry-Debate continued.: Senator Noel A. Kinsella: " Honourable senators, I would like to make a few remarks with reference to this matter now before the Senate...The matter relates, honourable senators, to the National Capital Act, which created the National Capital Commission...It seems to me, we require a provision for a recall mechanism. Section 10 (2) of the (National Capital) act, which gives the power to the National Capital Commission to sell lands held in trust, could be amended by Parliament to provide for a review mechanism by Parliament or a parliamentary committee upon the receipt for example, of 1,000 signatures of citizens from any part of Canada. (Emphasis mine.)

(Note: The Reimagine Ottawa petition "Investigate the Hospital Site Change from Tunney's Pasture to the Experimental Farm" has 4,777 signatures as of September 19, 2021 at 9:33 AM.

 And a petition called "Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a National Historic Site of Canada" was sent to the Auditor General of Canada, Report 5, Environmental Petitions Annual Report, Petition 388.)

Senate of Canada Ottawa May 8, 2002. (continued) Senator Kinsella: "As well, the section of the act that gives the authority to the cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land. There is a provision in the act which provides that cabinet can overide a decision of the NCC to not sell land, and I would suggest that the same provision should apply to the sale of land. Should the NCC, indeed should any agency of the Crown, in order to make ends meet, be out negotiating away assets-in this instance assets that are held in trust for all Canadians?"

Friday, September 17, 2021

Debates in the Senate of Canada.

 Senate of Canada Ottawa April 18, 2002: The Hon. Anne Cools-Proposal to sell Moffatt Farm: "That she will call the attention of the Senate to:

a.) the public's need for the Senate and the Parliament of Canada to take into their cognizance the current conflict between Ottawa residents with their Ottawa City Council and the National Capital Commission regarding the National Capital Commission's proposal to re-zone a riverfront parkland to build a 244 dwelling housing development on that riverfront parkland, a matter well reported in the media;

b.) to the national capital parkland known as the Moffatt Farm, a riverfront parkland on the heritage waterway the Rideau River at Mooney's Bay, near the entrance to the Hog's Back Locks, all of which form a part of the ancient and historic Rideau Canal and the Rideau Canal Waterway System, a parkland which for decades has been held by the National Capital Commission as a commissioned public trust for it's protection for the public good and for the public use; (Note: As I have mentioned before, Prince of Wales Drive on the Farm will be widened to accomodate the new medical centre. (From: Dow's Lake-Glebe Report, June 11, 2010.) The Dominion Arboretum will be encroached upon and the Arboretum is close to the Rideau Canal Hartwell Locks and the Lockmaster's home.)

c.) to the meaning in law of a commission, being that a Commission is a public body with a public purpose, authorized by letters patent, an act of parliament, or other lawful warrant to execute and perform a public office, and further, that the National Capital Commission is no ordinary entity, or no simple arms length crown corporation but is a commission, a particular constitutional entity, intended to perform a public duty;

d.) to the current land use designation zoning of Moffatt Farm which is zoned as parkland, as are other Ottawa national capital parks such as Vincent Massey Park and Hog's Back Park, parklands whose maintenance and sustenance are of great importance and concern to Ottawans;

(Note: Queen Juliana Park is also a national capital park and it is a venue for important local activities----the Italian Week festivities; Walk for Juvenile Diabetes; fundraising for the Humane Society and fairs: Federal Directory of Real Property website, Property Number 24426; Government of Canada Land-Vacant (Former Building #8) Site; Organization-Public Services and Procurement Canada; Use(s)-Parks and Recreation; Interest: Crown Owned. Address: 870 Carling Avenue; Municipality: Ottawa, ON; Land Area: (ha) 5.5883 or 13.8 acres. Buildings: 0. Floor Area: 0. Record Last Modified On August 19, 2019:

QJP includes the Dow's Lake parking lot.

City of Ottawa Zoning By-Law Amendment, 520 Preston Street, 930 Carling Avenue.
 Official Plan Amendment-No Appeal. Adopted July 16, 2018. "Description - the purpose of the amendment is to facilitate the use of the selected site for a new hospital. The amendment would remove approximately 5 ha (12 acres) of land designated as Agricultural Research Area within the current Central Experimental Farm boundary and designate these lands as General Urban Area."

Senate of Canada Ottawa May 13, 2002: "On May 8 (2002) Senator Kinsella raised the following points:

  • All Canadians have a direct interest in the open lands and assets of the National Capital. The NCC holds these properties in trust and on a fiduciary basis on behalf of all Canadians from coast to coast.
  • The National Capital Act was brought in by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker in 1958; after 44 years the time has come for Parliament to review the adequacy of this model of legislation.
  • The social, economic and mobility dynamics in the year 2002 sees Canadians being shareholders in the use of all public land in the National Capital in far greater numbers than 50 years ago. Therefore decisions of the NCC relating to the disposition of these public lands affect all Canadians across the country in new ways. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

National institutions in Canada's Capital Region.

See page 38 out of 95 pages for a list of important cultural and scientific institutions in the NCR:


1.  Canadian Museum of History.           8. Canadian Museum of Nature.              

2.  Canadian War Museum.                    9. Canada Agricultural and Food Museum.

3.  Library and Archives Canada.        10. Canadian Science & Technology Museum.

4.  Currency Museum.                         11. Canadian Aviation & Space Museum.

5.  National Arts Centre.                     12. Library and Archives Preservation Centre.

6.  National Gallery of Canada.          13. Canadian Museum of Nature,Natural Heritage Campus.

7.  Royal Canadian Mint.                               Parliament Hill.


1.  National Research Council of Canada.

2.  Communications Research Centre.

3.  Central Experimental Farm.          

The sale of federal property in Canada.

Privy Council Order-in-Council Number 1992-1980. Date- 1992-08-28. 

"Sale to the CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT (a municipal corporation in B.C.), of the lands and premises situate at 302 Denison Road in Victoria, British Columbia, known as the GONZALES OBSERVATORY, the land itself comprising an area of some 1.797 hectares." The former Meteorological Observatory was a Classified Federal Heritage Building and was sold for $35,000 dollars.

Privy Council Order-in-Council Number 1990-2807. Date-1990-12-20. 

"Authority for the NATIONAL CAPITAL COMMISSION to enter into a number of real estate transactions with the CITY OF OTTAWA which, in summary, provide for: (a) the sale or transfer to the City of several pieces of land (including the baseball lands at Coventry Road and Vanier Parkway), several streets, parks or bridges, namely Clemow Avenue, Linden Terrace, Central Park, Minto Bridges, Echo Drive and the Driveway; as well as perpetual responsibility of several major public boulevards, local streets, structures and parks, namely Lakeside Avenue, Heron Road Bridge, Bronson/Heron Interchange, Vanier Parkway, Bronson Park, Island Park Drive, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Colonel By Drive and Experimental Farm Drive."

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The future of public land in Ottawa. Part 2.

Major's Hill Park. Chateau Laurier Hotel, November 2020. "Applicant will seek Level 3 and Level 2 NCC approvals for matters related to federal lands." (Google: - engagement/projects/chateau-laurier-addition.) The hotel and the NCC decided to "blend private and public space" and "focus on the interface between the Canal promenade, Major's Hill Park, Mackenzie Avenue and the new addition."

The Experimental Farm along Baseline Road.

Rochester Field beside and behind Maplelawn on Richmond Road. Councillor Jeff Leiper was opposed to any major redevelopment of Rochester Park.

The Sir John Carling Site, Civic Hospital Master Plan, 10 Phases: Construction will be ongoing for 27 years. Google: "New Ottawa Civic Hospital\Proposed (archive)-Page 11-Skyscraper Page Forum." May 29, 2021.

"Phase 5. (2025-2027) The transit connection to TOH Campus will be improved with the opening of the Dow's Lake Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station. Dow's Lake Station is planned on the south side of Carling Avenue near the Champagne Avenue entrance."

"Phase 6. (2024-2029) Future construction of a Research Building on Carling west of Champagne Avenue."

"Phase 7. (2029-2039) Mixed-use towers east of Champagne Avenue will animate the Site's frontage on Carling Avenue."

"Phases 8, 9 and 10 (2045-2048) will be hospital expansions including the new University of Ottawa Heart Institute and vertical expansion of the west tower."

"Roadway modifications may be required along Carling Avenue, Preston Street and Prince of Wales Drive..Ambulatory vehicles are not intended to use the Carling Avenue access across from Champagne Avenue but would access the main hospital either from Prince of Wales Drive or Carling Avenue through Maple Drive." (Widening Prince of Wales Drive will encroach upon the Dominion Arboretum. Twenty years ago a federal property called the Moffat Farm was sold and Prince of Wales Drive was widened 20 metres or 65 feet:

Parks and Parkways of the Federal District Commission, 1949. The FDC is now called the National Capital Commission. "The park and parkway system of the Federal District Commission is justly famous for its utilization of the Federal Capital Area whenever possible. The parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake."

" In all, about twenty-two miles of parkways have been developed over a period of many years. The park and park sysyem comprises areas of natural beauty which were acquired by the Commission to ensure their retention and protection...The following areas of open space are owned or controlled by the Commission":  Name of Park or Driveway:

Bronson Park, Clemow and Monkland Avenues; Confederation Park; Central Park and Linden Terraces; Dow's Lake Park and Playgrounds; Echo Drive; Experimental Farm Driveway; Eastview Park; Island Park Driveway; King Edward Avenue Park; Lady Grey Drive; Nepean Park; Lake Flora Park, Hull; Major's Hill Park; Macdonald Garden; Nicholas Street Park; Parc Jacques Cartier, Hull; Rockcliffe Park; Rideau Canal Driveway; Strathcona Park; Dundonald Park; Val Tetreau Park, Hull. ("Federal District Commission Annual Report, 1949" page 37/75.)

The entire Experimental Farm in Ottawa is already protected by the Canadian Parliament and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in perpetuity---savecfbrockcliffe: House of Commons Ottawa November 4, 1974. The Hon. Pierre De Bane (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs) Liberal: "I can assure the hon. member that there is no question of replacing the green spaces already existing in the national capital region with buildings...the long term preservation of these resources must be ensured and at the same time the public must have access to them...A typical example of this, of course, the Experimental Farm in the centre of the city of Ottawa."

House of Commons Ottawa February 9, 1998. Statements in the House. Member of Parliament Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West-Nepean.) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, last week the Secretary of State for Parks and the minister of agriculture designated the Central Experimental Farm as a national historic site. This does not mean that the farm will be frozen in time. It will continue to evolve as it has for 111 years but it will evolve in a way that is consistent with the important contribution it has made to agriculture in Canada and internationally."

"It will be a permanent visible reminder in the nation's capital to all Canadians of the importance of agriculture to our economic and social development. The people of this region are proud of the nation's capital and its national institutions. I know they will want to contribute to and be part of the planning of the future of the Central Experimental Farm, our newest national historic site."

Friday, September 10, 2021

The future of public land in Ottawa. Part 1.

 Fences, no trespassing signs, removal of trees and privatization:

The Experimental Farm.

Lebreton Flats.

The street names at CFB Rockcliffe were: Jupiter Avenue; Via Venus; Mars Avenue; Via Vega; Polaris Avenue; Arcturis Crescent---Arcturis is a giant star in the constellation of Lyra and Castor Avenue---Castor is a binary star in the constellation of Gemini, approximately 46 light years from Earth.
CFB Rockcliffe. The Avro Arrow was a delta-winged interceptor jet, and the most advanced jet fighter in the world.

The airman who is second from the left is my Dad. National Archives photo.

Nine acres of green space in Mechanicsville are being sold to foreign embassies. Land beside the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway cannot be sold because 1.) The scenic parkways are part of the 900 square mile memorial in the National Capital that was assembled by Jacques Greber in 1950--- the adjacent land is untouchable. 2.) Land beside the SJAM Parkway is part of the National Interest Land Mass.Give this property back to the people. 

A prediction by the Hon. Anne Cools, a Canadian Senator:"The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale." (Senate of Canada, April 23,2002.)  

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Farm may be designated a Cultural Heritage Landscape.

 Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act will protect the endangered buildings, 680 trees, Queen Juliana Park, views of the Rideau Canal, the Arboretum, Ornamental Gardens, the multi-million dollar Dow's Lake parking lot and agricultural fields.

The Arboretum and property along Baseline Road. "It has come to our attention that the City of Ottawa is proposing to claim three meters of the CEF's southern border along Baseline Road for a rapid transit route. Moreover, it is understood that a portion of the Arboretum, next to the O-Train line, will be dug up to double track that portion of the transit route, although this area will be replanted." (From: A letter to the Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister Responsible for the Historic Sites and Monuments Board and Federal Heritage Review Board, from Judy Dodds, President, Friends of the Central Experimental Farm, January 16, 2018.) Note: The Arboretum Woods, Central Experimental Farm Woods and Prince of Wales Woods (CEF) are protected areas Google: "Urban natural features strategy City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006, Category 1."

The government of Ontario intervened when the federal government tried to demolish the Booth Barn."It is the recommendation of the Board that the Booth Barn complex, Central Experimental Farm (Building #114-118) be designated by by-law under Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act." (From: The Conservation Review Board of the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. The article can be found in Heritage Ottawa, Volume 24, No. 1, October 1996.)

An Ottawa Citizen article, December 20, 1996.
The Booth Barn.50 of the Farm's 82 buildings were slated for demolition in 1996. (Heritage Ottawa 1997.)

Buildings that are currently at risk. The Dominion Observatory and South Azimuth. During the early 1970's an astronomer named Arthur Covington wrote a letter to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau asking the PM to save the Observatory, which he did. The medical centre recently flattened the Sir John Carling Building cafeteria annex.
The 2014 Ontario Provincial Policy Statement: Purpose"Heritage conservation involves identifying, protecting and promoting the elements that our community values. A Cultural Heritage Impact Statement (CHIA) is the main heritage planning mechanism to assess and review the cultural heritage significance of a particular resource, consider the impact of any proposed site redevelopment or alteration and recommend a general approach that best protects/conserves identified cultural heritage resources."
The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act-2.3. Agriculture. 2.3.1." Prime agricultural areas shall be protected for long-term use for agriculture."

The Dow's Lake parking lot is worth more than $4 million dollars according to Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre. "The National Capital Commission land ownership is known as the Dow's Lake parking lot at the southwest corner of Carling Avenue and Preston Street with an assessed value of $4,021,000." The property should still be owned by all Canadians and not by a mega hospital or inhabitants of a brand-new Carling Village-savecfbrockcliffe. (Google: "Dow's lake parking lot assessed value"---Exact phrase "Dow's Lake parking lot" ---untitled Pierre Poilievre.)