Saturday, June 11, 2022

Disneyland North, a new project on the Experimental Farm.

During the month of April in the year 2020 plans were underway to redevelop 34 acres of land on the Experimental Farm Woods near the Rideau Canal Hartwell Locks. The Woods are a protected land mass, and federal laws ban inappropriate construction near the Rideau Canal. The botanical garden venue includes a visitor's centre, laboratory, amphitheatre, tower, a huge parking lot and a plaza.

Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, and the Friends of the Central Experimental Farm were adamantly opposed to a 2001 version of the endeavour: Maude Barlow:

"This is a place where families go.It's a place where people have gone for years..." (Ms. Barlow) said the project would create a theme park atmosphere and lead to the privatization of the Experimental Farm. (Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 2001.,"Botanical plan alarms Farm fans.") The government of Canada was prepared to give 108 acres of Agriculture Canada and Public Works and Government Services land to the botanical garden in 2001.

The National Capital Commission, Parks Canada and the City of Ottawa support this loss of public federal land.The City of Ottawa is planning to remove Farm land next to Baseline Road for a transit route. And a medical centre recently cut down more than 100 trees near Dow's Lake.

 Liberal Member of Parliament for Ottawa Centre Yasir Naqvi promised to save the Experimental Farm from any further encroachment. "Naqvi proposes protection law for Experimental Farm while Civic Hospital project rolls on." (Jon Willing, Ottawa Citizen September 3, 2021.)

Concerns about the location of the botanical garden in 2002:
1.) It must not include any use of land or facilities on the west side of Prince of Wales Drive.

2.) The use of any land or facilities on the east side of Prince of Wales Drive must meet the Canadian Heritage (Parks Canada) criteria (e.g. it must not have a negative impact on the heritage values of the Canal nor impede the operation of the Canal, specifically at Hartwells lockstation but also navigation in general.)

3.) The Arboretum, if included, must remain open and free to the public.

4.) The Fletcher Wildlife Garden must remain as it is.

5.) The Commemorative Integrity Statement must be observed.

6.) The land use must be compatible with other jurisdictions (e.g. NCC, Parks, City of Ottawa, etc.) and designations (National Interest Land Mass of the CEF) and,

7.) It must clearly demonstrate financial viability/self sufficiency. (Google: General Meeting-12 June 2002-Greenspace Alliance.)

Don't change the Arboretum: The Ottawa Botanical Garden Society has been wanting to put a botanical garden on the site of the Arboretum in the Central Experimental Farm for some time. This will be a commercial venture including fencing of the Arboretum and the adjacent land south. Everyone will pay to use the property for running, tobogganing, walking (dogs or otherwise) even if those activities are allowed at all. 

I am asking as many people as possible--- please tell Agriculture Canada to disallow any changes to this property, including the mass destruction of trees, fees being charged, curfews and fencing. I think there is a great need to let Agriculture Canada know how people feel. (Google: The Glebe Report, August 17, 2001.)

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