Monday, May 29, 2023

"Jacques Greber had no confidence in lower levels of government." Mr. Al Speyers, Alliance to Save Our Green Belt.

 "He felt that the only way to have a greenbelt and to keep it was that the most senior level of government in Canada would have to establish it, maintain it, keep it and preserve it." (House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 2009 Evidence (TRAN (40-2) No. 32.)

"We have no confidence at all, Sir, from our long history with the local municipality and now of course, the City of Ottawa. Cities are essentially vehicles for development. Their election campaigns are over 90% financed by the development community."

"The (National Capital) commission has the power to reclassify downward any lands it deems necessary, including greenbelt lands...Our concern is that the ecologically less significant lands, although part of the whole, may lose their greenbelt designation to satisfy some development proposal.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Greenbelt Master Plan, Consultation Report-Phase 1-Step C-Land Use Concept Prepared for the National Capital Commission January 2012.

  • Potential removal of Greenbelt designation from the Nepean Sportsplex.
  • Potential removal of Greenbelt designation from the Eagleson Park and Ride.
  • Potential removal of Greenbelt designation from the airport lands.
  • Possible disposal of Parcel 1, an idle idle agricultural field, bounded by Highway 416, Richmond Road and Baseline Road.
  • Possible sale of Parcel 2, the site at the southwest corner of Woodroffe Avenue and Hunt Club Road with buildings.
  • Possible sale of Parcel 3, the lands east of Conroy Road and south of Hunt Club with small trees.
  • Possible sale of Parcel 4, an isolated parcel on the west side of Highway 417, which is a mixture of idle field and small trees.
Greenbelt land can only be sold for government of Canada institutions and municipal/provincial infrastructure projects---the Canadian Food Inspection Agency; National Defence; Agriculture Canada laboratories, etc.
 The Greenbelt is off-limits to housing and commercial developers, stadiums, hospitals etc. because it is part of the National Interest Land Mass: House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 2009 Jean-Paul Murray, Co-Chair, Gatineau Park Protection Committee: "The government established the NILM in 1988 following a recommendation by the Nielsen Commission that it curtail the NCC and impose a managerial discipline on its real estate transactions."

More importantly, 900 square miles of land in the National Capital Region are a memorial to Canadian soldiers: "Gatineau Park is the cornerstone of a great memorial dedicated to the 42,000 Canadian soldiers who died defending our democratic values in World War 11." (House of Commons October 26, 2009 Jean-Paul Murray, Co-Chair, Gatineau Park Protection Committee.)

"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

"The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of Ottawa, and its venues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 167/395.) 

Summary of the NCC Corporate Plan 2019-2020 to 2023-2024. Transfer of Regional Interest Land Mass: "Over time, the NCC will explore options to transfer NCC-owned RILM properties to another appropriate steward such as a municipality."

The NCC's war on cars. House of Commons Ottawa May 15, 1970 Mr. D. Gordon Blair (Grenville-Carleton) Liberal: "I would like to direct a question to the Acting Prime Minister and I regret that I was not able to give him notice."

"Is the government aware of a statement or statements to the press by the the Chairman of the National Capital Commission to the effect that he might close the national capital parkways in this region for a week for the strange purpose of proving their importance in carrying traffic? The second part of my question is whether the Acting Prime Minister can assure the House that the government will not permit the people of this area to be inconvenienced by the disruption that this extraordinary and senseless experiment would cause?''

The Hon. G.J. McIlraith (Solicitor General of Canada) (Acting Prime Minister) Liberal: "The statement has caused concern. I am very doubtful that the Chairman of the commission has any such authority under the National Capital Act passed by this Parliament."

Removal of vehicles from downtown. House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1970Mr. Skoberg (New Democratic Party): "Is the Government of Canada, through the National Capital Commission, giving favorable consideration to the development of a plan which would eliminate automobiles from the down-town area of Ottawa?"

Mr. Abram Epp; Mr. Martin O'Connell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Regional Economic Expansion): "At present, no plan exists for the elimination of automobiles from down-town Ottawa."

"De-pave the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway" - An opinion by an Ottawa Citizen reader, February 25, 2014. "The impending removal from the Parkway of hundreds of buses per day leads us to question whether it makes sense to devote a huge portion of the city's prime riverside real estate to a commuter roadway."
  De-paving the Scenic Parkways will create billions of dollars of "surplus" Crown real estate. The federal driveways cannot be privatized--"Land forming part of the National Interest Land Mass will be retained by the National Capital Commission on behalf of the government in perpetuity."

Scenic Parkways in 1988:
  • Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington Street to Carling Avenue - 254 ha.
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive - 15 ha.
  • Airport - 120 ha.
  • Eastern Parkway Hemlock Road to Hwy 417 - 72 ha.
  • Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Parkway from Sussex Drive to the Greenbelt - 255 ha,
  • Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway - 84 ha.
  • Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor - 285 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC).
Proposed National Interest Land Mass properties:
  • Experimental Farm Drive Corridor, Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76.0 ha. 
  • Western Parkway Corridor, Carling Avenue to Queensway - 40.0 ha.
  • Alta Vista Corridor, Kitchener Ave to Smyth Road - 69.0 ha.
  • Hull South Parkway, Lucerne Blvd to Gatineau Park - 275.0 ha.
  • Part of Philemon Wright Corridor - 103 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)

House of Commons Ottawa July 22, 1960 Mr. Thomas Miller Bell (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada) (Carleton) "...Among the new projects to be undertaken, I believe the Ottawa river parkway takes the highest priority. Properly designed, it will be an almost revolutionary addition to our parkway system. To the whole capital it will give new character, added personality and distinction. No other project can have such immediate significance."

2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation that will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region. The Greenbelt will remain in the public domain." (Page 53 out of 196 pages.)

Sunday, May 28, 2023

"Time to privatize: Governments should begin selling off assets." The Fraser Institute.

Sell the CN Tower, Canada Post, Via Rail, Canada Place in Vancouver with its iconic white sails...The word "Canada" was stripped from Canada Post mailboxes and delivery trucks...

House of Commons Ottawa May 15, 1992. A comment by MP Dennis Mills.
The words "Canada" and "Canadian" were nearly stripped from the landmark CN Tower in Toronto.
The Universal Man statue was wrenched from the base of the CN Tower and lay in the mud and snow while the Skydome was being built. The statue is now located in the parking lot of the Yorkdale Shopping Mall.
The National Capital Commission wants to remove "restrictive" designations that prevent the sale of Government of Canada real estate:
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site - The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The United Nations will remove the UNESCO designation, if a residence is built behind the Chateau Laurier Hotel and if a hospital is constructed near Dows Lake.
  • National Interest Land Mass - created by the Mulroney government in 1988 to prevent the sale of properties including Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt, the Experimental Farm, Scenic Parkways along the Ottawa River, Rideau River and Dow's Lake, Rideau Hall, 24 Sussex Drive, 7 Rideau Gate, Lebreton Flats, the Royal Canadian Mint, etc.
  • Classified Federal Heritage Building
  • Recognized Federal Heritage Building
  • National Historic Site of Canada
  • Ordnance and Admiralty land-used for the defence of Canada. Major's Hill Park was Ordnance land, and HMCS Carleton on 79 Prince of Wales Drive is still an Ordnance property.
I believe the Martello Towers in Kingston, Ontario and Eastern Canada are in imminent danger. The Martello Towers in England, Ireland and Wales were privatized and converted to housing and hotels.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Important Canadian symbols and institutions.

  • The Parliament Buildings and Parliament Hill.
  • Canada's Maple Leaf Flag
  • The original Coat of Arms 
  • The original anthem "O Canada"
  • The RCMP
  • Terry Fox
  • Lighthouses
  • The Rideau Canal
  • Vimy Ridge
  • Niagara Falls
  • The Greenbelt - the 50,000 acre Memorial to fallen Canadian soldiers cannot be privatized or subdivided, according to Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber.
  • Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Dominion Buildings - were located in almost every city and town and housed Manpower, Customs and Immigration, Canada Post, the RCMP and job training facilities. The Dominion Buildings featured clock towers, Canada's Flag and Coat of Arms.
  • The Sparks Street Mall.
  • Dominion Observatory.
  • Statues of political leaders, the builders of the Rideau Canal, explorers, inventors, (more)

Jasper a few days ago.



A potential cover for a country music album.

Surplus government land and buildings.

"The state's estate. Devaluing and revaluing "surplus" public land in Canada...Since the mid-1990's public real property in Canada has been subject to regular scrutiny through bureaucratic procedures aimed at ridding the state's estate of all 'surplus' properties...Canadian public land is being privatized though devaluation and revaluation by the state" by Heather Whiteside.

 House of Commons July 6, 1903 Sir Robert Borden- (when the Chateau Laurier bought a section of Major's Hill Park) "The park is a portion of the national domain and a portion of the grounds of parliament hill."

The land was destined for Major's Hill Park after the World War 11 temporary buildings were removed. From "Dreams of Major's Hill Park-1969-1970."

1995- The Canadian Crown corporation CN Rail is privatized. No restrictions were placed on foreign ownership, and CN Towers in Toronto, London, Ontario, Saskatoon and Edmonton are no longer public assets. The Crown corporation Via Rail has to pay the CNR millions of dollars a year to use railway tracks that were built by our ancestors. And Via does not have priority use of the tracks.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"Why LeBreton is public property". Lindsay Lambert.


 House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 MP Mac Harb (Ottawa Centre): "We have approximately 150 acres of land on Lebreton Flats. In the summer part of the flats is used for camping, balloonists and people who might want to take a walk."

Lindsay Lambert letter to the Ottawa Citizen on August 5,2020: "The author describes how the government of Canada evicted residents from the LeBreton Flats in 1962 and transferred ownership to the National Capital Commission. He refers to this as an "historic injustice."

"Privately owned land can only be expropriated for a good public purpose. The reason given at the time was that the Flats were required for a new National Defence headquarters. It was never built. Now that years have passed and the original owners have died, the land is largely being transferred for private development. This is dishonest. LeBreton Flats should remain public property and be devoted entirely to public and social use. The NCC doesn't own the Flats in the private-property sense. It holds them in trust for us."

"If I were heir to the estate of someone who was expropriated in 1962, I would be fighting to get my family's land back."

Lebreton Flats in 1983, more than 130 acres.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The government of Canada is giving away Crown property that is owned by all Canadians.

  • The Sunnybrook Veterans Hospital was donated to the University of Toronto. 
  • The Summerside Military Base in Prince Edward Island.
  • The Paul Martin Federal Building was given to the city of Windsor, and the Windsor Armoury is now a University of Windsor property.

  • Donation of the Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge to the city of Ottawa during the mid-1990's.
  •  Were Wellington Street in front of Parliament Hill and Sparks Street part of this 1995 NCC giveaway? The current Minister of Public Works is willing to pay federal tax dollars to repatriate Wellington and Sparks. In 1973 the Minister of Public Works expropriated the Sparks Street Mall and properties across from Parliament Hill in order to save the heritage buildings, prevent the construction of high-rises and enlarge the Parliamentary Precinct:
House of Commons Ottawa July 20, 1973 Hon. Jean-Eudes Dube (Minister of Public Works.) Liberal: "...I have today, on behalf of the government filed a notice of intent to expropriate all the land and buildings in the area bounded by Wellington Street, Elgin Street, Sparks Street and Bank Street. The purpose of this expropriation is, as I have indicated, to protect the environment of  Parliament from any development which could adversely affect it, and simultaneously provide an appropriate expansion of parliamentary facilities and other government requirements..." A message to the foreign architects who are redeveloping Wellington Street---leave the statue of Terry Fox where it is---directly across the street from from the Hill. I have seen your planning documents and the statue is missing. savecfbrockcliffe.
  • The Department of Public Works is presenting Riverside Drive and Heron Road within Confederation Heights to the city.
  • Majors Hill Park trees will be chopped down so they do not interfere with views of the park by inhabitants of the long-term Chateau Laurier residence. And pathways are being realigned. Are any statues and plaques being removed? Who owns the park now?
  • In 1967 the 614-hectare Blair Rifle Range in North Vancouver was transferred to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
  • The CBC Jarvis Street Headquarters no longer exist. Order in Council: Grant approval for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation a.) to sell some 4,898 square metres of land at 263 and 303 Mutual Street in Toronto to Context Real Estate Inc. and b.) to convey another 4,970 metres of land at 354 and 372 Jarvis Street in Toronto to the National Ballet School for a nominal sum. In 1979 I appeared as an audience member on the television program "Take 30." Psychiatrist Peter Breggin and writer Sidney Katz were interviewed; and I remember the enormous parking lot behind the CBC building. The hallways were lined with huge photos of Barbara Frum, Fred Davis, Pierre Berton and many other CBC broadcasters.
  • The Fraser Institute is recommending that all the national parks in BC should be donated to the province:
    The federal parks are:
  • Pacific Rim
  • Gulf Islands
  • Yoho
  • Kootenay
  • Mount Revelstoke
  • Gwaii Hannas
  • Glacier
During the 1980's Prime Minister Mulroney refused to give the 1,000 acre Stanley Park to the city of Vancouver.
The National Capital Commission paid $1 for the Greenbelt Research Farm in Nepean.
The Greenbelt Research Farm is located at 1740 Woodroffe Avenue and encompassed 4,500 acres in 1958:

The Research Farm was an annex or expansion of the Experimental Farm along Carling Avenue in Ottawa.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

National park land cannot be encroached upon or sold to a foreign power.

House of Commons Ottawa March 19, 1998 MP Rick Laliberte (Churchill River) NDP:"...Our parks are a sacred sanctuary, they are part of our national identity."

House of Commons Ottawa February 24, 1970 The Hon. Jack Marshall (Humber-St. Georges-St. Barbe) Liberal: "National parks are a national domain set aside by the Parliament of Canada for all the people."

House of Commons Ottawa March 19, 1998 Mr. Nelson Riis (Kamloops) NDP: "Members can probably tell that I do not support Bill C-29 at this point. This bill involves a great of Canada:

  • 31 national parks
  • 786 historical sites
  • a number of historical canal systems (for example the Rideau Canal.)
  • 661 sites that are managed by third parties that are ecologically and environmentally significant.
  • 165 heritage railway stations
  • and 31 river systems.
Mr. Howard Hillstrom (Selkirk-Interlake, Manitoba) Reform: "Mr. Speaker, I am quite interested in the financial aspects of this bill. Is there a possibility of foreign interests getting involved in our parks system?"

Mr. Nelson Riis: "Obviously the answer is yes. We lack a national parks policy, just as we lack a national waterways policy or a national highway policy."

Note: During the year 2017, Parks Canada wanted to sell $8 billion dollars worth of infrastructure, including all the Rideau Canal bridges and dams from Ottawa to Kingston. And highways, bridges, culverts, dams, etc. in Canadian national parks. savecfbrockcliffe.

Government of Canada properties.

House of Commons Ottawa May 20, 1980 Mr. Paul James Cosgrove (Minister of Public Works, Canada Mortgage and Housing and the National Capital Commission) Liberal:

  • the Parliament Buildings
  • office buildings
  • postal terminals
  • defence bases
  • armouries
  • national parks
  • historic sites
  • research laboratories
  • airports
  • marine properties
  • warehouses
  • communications stations
  • experimental farms
  • fish hatcheries
  • penitentiaries
  • police detachments
  • residential properties 
  • schools
  • hospitals
  • libraries and it goes on. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Federal buildings are symbols of democracy.

Canada's Maple Leaf Flag and Coat of Arms are stripped from government buildings when they are privatized. The powers that be do not want average Canadians to own billions of dollars of Crown property, private vehicles, private property, parkland that is larger than 1 hectare... We are supposed to "own nothing and be happy" while living in open prisons that are called 15-minute neighbourhoods; average Canadians are being encouraged to eat alternative sources of protein. 

The royal families will never give up their millions of acres of land, where they plant organic food and ride horses and hunt and fish. During the mandatory lockdowns the royal children were never confined to apartments with no backyards or frontyards;.now the people of Ottawa are being forced to give up the 1,000 acre Central Experimental Farm, and probably Major's Hill, Commissioners, Vincent Massey and Hog's Back park:

House of Commons Ottawa March 24, 1986 MP Jean-Robert Gauthier (Chief Opposition Whip; Whip of the Liberal Party)(Ottawa-Vanier) Liberal: "...My question is directed to the Deputy Prime Minister. Will he tell the House if it is federal policy to sell federally owned parklands? NCC Chairman Jean Pigott recently said that she wants to sell part of an Ottawa riverfront park known as Mile Circle to the United States of America for an embassy compound. Is the Government in favour of selling our natural parklands? "...Mr. Speaker, could the Deputy Prime Minister inform the House whether he intends to act responsibly and give clear and precise instruction to all those who are responsible for our national parks, indicating clearly that none of our national parks are for sale?"

 Many Canadian children suffered from Nature Deficit Syndrome during the lockdowns and they were encouraged to wear a mask called an N-95---the Ottawa Department of Health told parents to not place an N-95 mask on a child, because they adhere too tightly to the face and cause breathing problems and panic attacks.

I do not live in a Third-World country---at my advanced age I will not ride a bicycle while the so-called elite have private jets, limousines, horse-drawn carriages and helicopters.

 In the Netherlands, farmers are being forced to give up agricultural land. The Pierre Trudeau government put restrictions on the foreign acquisition of federal farmland.

Within a few years the people of Canada will not own any federal Crown property:

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 MP Dennis Mills (Broadview-Greenwood) Liberal: "It concerns me that in one year, with the support of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left."

House of Commons Ottawa March 18, 1971 MP John Gilbert: "In 1971 the citizens of Canada owned Crown property worth $20 billion dollars..."

The Department of Public Works is now selling:

  • the Jackson Building - 122 Bank Street
  • Rideau Falls Lab - 1 John Street
  • the Sir Charles Tupper Building - 2720 Riverside Drive.
  • Graham Spry Building - 250 Lanark, a CBC building.
  • the entire L'Esplanade Laurier and Annex
  • the Brooke Claxton Building on 70 Columbine in Tunney's Pasture.
  • the Asticou Centre - 241 Cite de Jeunes, Gatineau
  • 1500 Bronson Avenue and Annex - former national headquarters of the CBC.
Harbourfront was a 100-acre Crown corporation in Toronto that was created in 1972:

Properties that are no longer owned by the citizens of Canada:
  • dozens of Agriculture Canada experimental farms- "The government is getting out of the business of running experimental farms." 1995.
  • the 1,000 lighthouses that were owned by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
a dozen hospitals and rehabilitation centres that were operated by Veterans Affairs
  • Diefenbunkers from the early 1960's.
  • Expo '67 pavilions and the La Ronde amusement park in Montreal.
  • the home of Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald is now the British High Commission.

Politicians John Baird, John Manley and Barry Mather wanted the Lebreton Flats to be a National Park.

The 130-acre Lebreton Flats in 1983.

 The Lebreton Flats are already protected by the designation National Interest Land Mass, and they will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity: (Google: 1988-09-15-tb-re-ncc.) The Flats are the western annex of the Parliamentary Precinct, and there are height restrictions. The only structures permitted on this land are federal museums, Library and Archives Canada, the Department of National Defence, Canada Mortgage and Housing properties, memorials, statues and property for Canada's First Nations, gardens, Canada Day celebrations and Bluesfest.

House of Commons Ottawa October 22, 1969 MP Barry Mather (New Democratic Party):
 "Is the Government of Canada giving favourable consideration to the establishment of a national park in the Lebreton Flats area?"

House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 1966 The Hon. G.J. McIlraith (Minister of Public Works) Ottawa Centre, Liberal: "The total cost of redevelopment of LeBreton Flats in the national capital, broken down into
a.) cost of acquired land and buildings, $17,791,139.37.
b.) cost of demolition, $335,000.
c.) cost of improvements to roadways, curbing, drainage, culverts, bridges and landscaping, $206,750.39.
The above amounts have been expended to date.

2.) Estimated additional costs anticipated prior to construction or other utilization of the area are as follows:
a.) $1 million for land and building acquisition.
b.) $50,000 for demolition.
c.) other costs, $500,000 for roadways;
d.) $1 million for utilities prior to scheduled occupation of portion of site for Department of Public Works for construction of Department of National Defence headquarters.

3.) The total area acquired is 145 acres, composed as follows:
a.) 56 acres expropriated,
b.) 60 acres to N.C.C. under railway relocation scheme.
c.) 29 acres reclaimed from Nepean bay.
This does not include 18 acres occupied by streets.

Lebreton is 4,450 feet or less than a mile from the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill. (The Hon. George McIlraith, Minister of Public Works, November 23, 1967, House of Commons.)

Downtown towers may strain sight lines to Parliament Hill by Joanne Chianello, CBC News, January 24, 2017: "The prospect of a 55-storey building at LeBreton Flats is leading some experts to call for a review of the protected views of Parliament Hill-policies that have not had a major overhaul since first established 20 years ago..."

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Experimental Farm is "Part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it."

A book that was written by long-time Experimental Farm champions William Saunders and William Macoun. The Macoun Memorial Garden is located at 3000 Prince of Wales Drive in the Ornamental Gardens.

"This work has been presented by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced and made available to the public."

The William Saunders Garden "A historic garden at the Central Experimental Farm is about to be replaced by the new Civic hospital's parking lot". A column by Marcel Beauchamp and Robert Cretien in the Ottawa Citizen, March 21,2022.

"The Experimental Farm is untouchable."

 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan said the Farm would be encroached upon "over my dead body":

Reposting - a 1974 front page article in the Ottawa Journal. The National Capital Commission wanted 700 acres of the Farm, from Clyde Avenue to Prince of Wales Drive. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Preserving Canada's history and park land.

The National Capital Commission's Plan for Canada's Capital - 2017-2067.
Three goals:

  • Inclusive and meaningful: A capital that preserves and cherishes national symbols, while respecting indigenous heritage.
  • A capital that values public green space and promotes sustainability.
  • Thriving and connected: A capital whose networks extend around the globe.
"For jurisdictional reasons, the lead planning document for land use decisions affecting the CEF lands is the NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital (PFCC.) It sets out the federal government's goals for use of federal lands in the National Capital Region. The NCC reviews all proposals for the use of federal lands for conformity with this Plan through the Federal Land Use and Design Approvals and Land Transaction process."
"In coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the Central Experimental Farm and the Arboretum should be re validated in an update to the existing 2005 Master Plan." (From: The NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital, page 40/95.)

The NOSS Report, Recommendation 1 -  City of Ottawa Department of Urban Planning and Public Works - June 4, 1999.

"The Natural and Open Spaces Study (NOSS) was undertaken to provide the technical information necessary to enable informed decisions regarding the City's remaining natural areas and open spaces. The Study recommended the protection of 57 natural areas City-wide...Definitions: NOSS - Natural and Open Spaces. ESA's - Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Protection Areas - All currently designated within the Greenway System (Waterway Corridor, Linkage, Major Open Space, Agricultural Area), but not (currently) designated as Environmentally Sensitive Area. 
I am reposting the following information: Based on NOSS recommendation, these protection areas qualify as ESA's:
  • Portion of Mud Lake/Britannia Woods
  • Pinecrest Woods
  • Dechenes Rapids
  • Hampton Woods
  • Chaudiere Rapids
  • Portion of Lemieux Island
  • Arboretum
  • Central Experimental Farm Woods
  • Prince of Wales Woods
  • Victoria Island Woods
  • Brown's Inlet
  • Patterson's Creek
  • Rockcliffe Park Woods
  • Leopold Woodlot
  • Riverside Woods
  • CNR Line
  • Portions of Sawmill Creek
  • RA Centre Woods
  • Rideau River Park Woods
  • Jim Durrell Arena Woods
  • Coronation Park Woods
  • Ramsey Creek Woods
Opposition to the redevelopment of the CEF:  (reposting)
A February 5, 1908 headline from the Ottawa Journal.

House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1960
The Hon. Douglas Harkness (Minister of Agriculture) Progressive Conservative: "...I think my views with respect to the central experimental farm are well known and have been very well publicized in the local Ottawa papers. I have stated on numerous occasions that I am opposed to any of this land being alienated for building purposes and that the only buildings that should be erected are the labs necessary to carry on the work for which the farm exists. In the two or three years since I have been the Minister the only construction has been along that line, laboratories for the use of scientists."

Agriculture Ministers Sydney Fisher, James Gardiner, Bud Olson, Eugene Whelan, John Wise and Gerry Ritz.
Ms. Maude Barlow, Hon. Chairperson of the Council of Canadians.
Hon. Barnet J. Danson
Senator Anne Cools "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale." Senate of Canada, April 23, 2002.
July 23, 1965 Ottawa Journal article.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Politicians who wanted Queen Juliana Park to remain a green space.

  • Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent - Privy Council Office. 1954.
  • Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau - when the World War 11 temporary buildings were removed, the Prime Minister approved a decision by Public Works and National Capital Commission---that the land would always be public. 1976.
  • the Hon. Howard Charles Green, Minister of Public Works House of Commons Ottawa, June 16, 1958.
  • the Hon. George McIlraith House of Commons Ottawa, June 16, 1958.
  • MP Elizabeth May House of Commons Ottawa February 9, 2022.
  • City Councillor Jeff Leiper - City of Ottawa Planning Committee, June 24, 2014.
  • City Councillor Katherine Hobbs - City of Ottawa Planning Committee, June 24, 2014.
  • Member of Ontario Provincial Parliament Joel Harden

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Federal properties that should always be owned by the citizens of Canada.

Waterways, parkways, land and buildings that commemorate Canadian soldiers:

 The Rideau Canal from Ottawa to Kingston. House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1950 George Taylor Fulford (Leeds; Liberal): "...As we all know the Rideau Canal is of particular historic importance. It was built after the war of 1812 by British army engineers. There was a rather quaint treaty signed between Great Britain and Canada when the canal system was handed over to Canada. One of the clauses of the treaty said that Canada would maintain the canal so long as the grass was green and the skies were blue above."

Parks Canada wanted to sell all the Rideau Canal bridges, dams and culverts: "Parks Canada to look at divesting highways, bridges and dams. Cash-strapped agency examines whether to sell non-heritage assets worth $8.3 B". by Dean Beeby, CBC News, August 16, 2017. The Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge that cross the Rideau Canal in Ottawa were donated to the City during the mid-1990's. 

The Central Experimental Farm along Carling Avenue - "The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of the City of Ottawa and its venues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 167/395.) "Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The Greber Report, page 228/395.)

The National Capital Region Scenic Driveways including the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Sir George -Etienne Cartier Parkway, Aviation Parkway, NCC Parkway that runs through the Experimental Farm...(The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.) Note-names of the scenic driveways have been changed, for example the Ottawa River Parkway is the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and the Rockcliffe Parkway is the Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway.)

Gatineau Park - including Kingsmere, the private residence that Prime Minister Mackenzie King gave to the people of Canada.

The Greenbelt - several entities want to monetize the National War Memorial---the City wants to redevelop 13,700 acres; a former head of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation said a million people could populate the Greenbelt; a federal Crown corporation...

Urban Parks in the Capital in 1950.

  • Rockcliffe - 70 acres
  • Central (Clemow Avenue) - 6 acres
  • Brewer Park (end of Bronson Ave.) - 39 acres
  • Nepean Point and Major's Hill - 21 acres
  • Commissioners (Dows Lake) - 4 acres  
  • Green Island Park - Mouth of Rideau River - 6 acres
  • Nepean Point and Majors Hill Park - 21 acres
  • McDonald Park - Charlotte Street - 7 acres
  • Anglesea Square - York Street - 3 acres
  • Strathcona Park - Range Road - 8 acres
  • St. Lukes Park - Frank Street - 1.5 acres
  • Dundonald Park - Somerset - 2 acres
  • Plouffe - Preston Street - 2 acres
  • McNab - Gladstone Ave. - 3 acres
  • Reid Farm Park - Sherwood Drive - 6 acres
  • Ballantyne Park - Main Street, Ottawa East - 
Total: 193 acres (The Greber Report of 1950, page 125/343.)
  • Parliament Hill and the Parliament Buildings House of Commons Ottawa December 21, 1963: Confirmation of Title to the Parliament Buildings and the Hill in Ottawa.
  • Stanley Park in Vancouver
  • the National Parks
  • 24 Sussex Drive
  • Rideau Hall
  • Major's Hill Park - part of Parliament Hill even after the Rideau Canal was built.
  • Vincent Massey Park in the Capital
  • Hog's Back Park in the Capital