Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Federal properties that should always be owned by the citizens of Canada.

Waterways, parkways, land and buildings that commemorate Canadian soldiers:

 The Rideau Canal from Ottawa to Kingston. House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1950 George Taylor Fulford (Leeds; Liberal): "...As we all know the Rideau Canal is of particular historic importance. It was built after the war of 1812 by British army engineers. There was a rather quaint treaty signed between Great Britain and Canada when the canal system was handed over to Canada. One of the clauses of the treaty said that Canada would maintain the canal so long as the grass was green and the skies were blue above."

Parks Canada wanted to sell all the Rideau Canal bridges, dams and culverts: "Parks Canada to look at divesting highways, bridges and dams. Cash-strapped agency examines whether to sell non-heritage assets worth $8.3 B". by Dean Beeby, CBC News, August 16, 2017. The Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge that cross the Rideau Canal in Ottawa were donated to the City during the mid-1990's. 

The Central Experimental Farm along Carling Avenue - "The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area of the City of Ottawa and its venues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (The Greber Report of 1950, page 167/395.) "Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The Greber Report, page 228/395.)

The National Capital Region Scenic Driveways including the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Sir George -Etienne Cartier Parkway, Aviation Parkway, NCC Parkway that runs through the Experimental Farm...(The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.) Note-names of the scenic driveways have been changed, for example the Ottawa River Parkway is the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and the Rockcliffe Parkway is the Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway.)

Gatineau Park - including Kingsmere, the private residence that Prime Minister Mackenzie King gave to the people of Canada.

The Greenbelt - several entities want to monetize the National War Memorial---the City wants to redevelop 13,700 acres; a former head of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation said a million people could populate the Greenbelt; a federal Crown corporation...

Urban Parks in the Capital in 1950.

  • Rockcliffe - 70 acres
  • Central (Clemow Avenue) - 6 acres
  • Brewer Park (end of Bronson Ave.) - 39 acres
  • Nepean Point and Major's Hill - 21 acres
  • Commissioners (Dows Lake) - 4 acres  
  • Green Island Park - Mouth of Rideau River - 6 acres
  • Nepean Point and Majors Hill Park - 21 acres
  • McDonald Park - Charlotte Street - 7 acres
  • Anglesea Square - York Street - 3 acres
  • Strathcona Park - Range Road - 8 acres
  • St. Lukes Park - Frank Street - 1.5 acres
  • Dundonald Park - Somerset - 2 acres
  • Plouffe - Preston Street - 2 acres
  • McNab - Gladstone Ave. - 3 acres
  • Reid Farm Park - Sherwood Drive - 6 acres
  • Ballantyne Park - Main Street, Ottawa East - 
Total: 193 acres (The Greber Report of 1950, page 125/343.)
  • Parliament Hill and the Parliament Buildings House of Commons Ottawa December 21, 1963: Confirmation of Title to the Parliament Buildings and the Hill in Ottawa.
  • Stanley Park in Vancouver
  • the National Parks
  • 24 Sussex Drive
  • Rideau Hall
  • Major's Hill Park - part of Parliament Hill even after the Rideau Canal was built.
  • Vincent Massey Park in the Capital
  • Hog's Back Park in the Capital

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