Monday, August 14, 2023

The Greenbelt.

The Research Farm on Woodroffe Avenue is protected by the Greenbelt designation. The property was an annex of the Farm on Carling Avenue. Prime Ministers of Canada (Mackenzie King, Louis St-Laurent, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney) never wanted housing or commercial buildings on Agriculture Canada land---especially the Carling Avenue Farm. See a 1954 Cabinet document and debates in the House of Commons.

"HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT THE GREENBELT'S FUTURE! Public Consultation."The Greenbelt consists of over 20,000 hectares of green space, forming a crescent-shaped band that surrounds the nation's capital. It is a living symbol of Canada's rural landscape and ecologically sensitive areas - with a mix of farms, forests and wetlands - which also provides important space for recreational uses, federal institutions and research facilities."

"The Greenbelt is like an 'Emerald Necklace' and exists as a living memorial to the Canadians who gave their lives in the Second World War. Starting at Shirley's Bay just north of Kanata, it circles down through Stony Swamp and Pinhey Forest, then continues east through the experimental farm, where it arcs back northward through Mer Bleue then follows Green's Creek to the Ottawa River. The Greenbelt reaches over a distance of 45 kilometers and ranges in width from two to ten kilometers. The National Capital Commission (NCC) has begun a review of the 1996 Greenbelt Master Plan, which guides how the Greenbelt is used, managed and protected, now and in the future. Join the discussion! As a very first consultation the NCC wants to inform and engage citizens while assessing the Greenbelt's existing conditions. We want to know what you think the Greenbelt's greatest features are." (Google: skyscraperpage forum, waterloo warrier May 29, 2009.) During World War 11 Temporary Buildings No. 5 and No. 8 were built near Dow's Lake and on Queen Juliana park:

Commissioners Park is part of the Greenbelt, the park is visible on the right between Dow's Lake and Carling. Buffer zones cannot be infringed upon.
 Federal Ministers of Agriculture, Public Works and Urban Planning (Erik Nielsen, Howard Green, George McIlraith, Barnett Danson, Eugene Whelan, Bud Olson, John Wise... more) never wanted to see any loss of property boundaries on 960 Carling Avenue. The designations National Historic Site and National Interest Land Mass should have protected the land, greenhouses, museum, barns, laboratories, astronomy buildings, Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Arboretum and scenic driveways.

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