If a medical centre relocates to the Farm there will be irreversible damage to landscapes, views protection, agricultural research...
Cultural heritage - Impact on NCC parks or parkways; known or potential archaeological sites and federal, provincial or municipally recognized heritage properties.
Views protection - Presence of identified government views that are not formally protected and rated "medium" "medium to high" or "high". High rise condos will obscure the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site and the hospital wants to expand vertically and horizontally.
In my opinion the Civic and developers will take over Commissioners Park, the Arboretum and the site where the Royal Canadian Navy Curling Club is located. The Curling Club may have to vacate because their rent increased 1,000 percent.
savecfbrockcliffe - Views of the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site cannot be hidden. The United Nations will remove the UNESCO designation if a hospital is built on the Farm, Google "May 2018, State of Conservation Report, Rideau Canal" and go to "November 14, 2019". Parks Canada told the UN that the Canadian government cannot protect the waterway.
Possible displacement of existing or planned public science facilities, for example agricultural research that is difficult or impossible to relocate to another site. (Page 11/79.)
Natural environment - Presence of greenspace and/or natural habitat including the Central Experimental Farm forest, woodlands, lakes and wetlands, fields and parks. There may be damage to species at risk and critical habitat and water quality. (Page 12/79.) savecfbrockcliffe- The Arboretum Woods were protected by the City of Ottawa, Google: "urban natural features strategy City of Ottawa April 11, 2006. Table 1, Category 1." And the 22-acre Commissioners Park is part of the Greenbelt.
Public uses - Capital Pathway system may be affected.
Land needed for the new build should be 50 acres or more.
Site configuration - An irregular parcel shape would require fundamental modifications.
savecfbrockcliffe - I believe that the entire Dominion Observatory campus will be demolished because it is responsible for the irregular parcel shape; and being labeled a Classified Federal Heritage Building or a Recognized Federal Heritage Building does not prevent the destruction of Canadian landmarks. Also, the South Azimuth will be removed because Maple Drive is being widened to accommodate more than 100 emergency vehicle trips a day and Maple Drive is being realigned to make it straighter. |
The South Azimuth on Maple Drive. |
The Dominion Observatory. Wikipedia photo. |