Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Dominion Observatory will be damaged if the Ottawa Hospital's Tower A is built. Reposting.

  •  Potential construction impacts. 
  • Isolation of the complex from its surroundings.
  • Obstruction or diminishment of significant views of the Dominion Observatory.
  • Obstruction or impact to views of the night sky from the dome.
  • Impact of the lighting plan. (Page 2/87, City of Ottawa Application #D07-12-22-0168.)
  • Impact to views from the Dominion Observatory dome to the sky - should a telescope ever be reinstated - will be irreversible and permanent once Tower A of the Hospital Building is realized. Also, light spillage and pollution can reduce the amount of stars and astrological features visible. (Page 8/87, City of Ottawa Application #D07-12-22-0168.) (The information is from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.)
"We are now in a phase where there is going to be a road and traffic study. Already the South Azimuth is getting in the way of road widening." (Point 27:36 minutes out of 32 minutes of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada YouTube video.)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Ottawa prepares to hand over Historic Federal Farmland to corporate developers." January 21, 2017 video:
A Vimeo video that was filmed on Observatory Crescent.

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