Saturday, August 24, 2024

"The Plan for Canada's Capital 2017-2067"

National Institutions in the Capital - Cultural Page 38/95.

  • Canadian Museum of History
  • Canadian War Museum
  • Library and Archives Canada
  • Currency Museum
  • National Arts Centre
  • National Art Gallery of Canada
  • Royal Canadian Mint
  • Canadian Museum of Nature
  • Canadian Agricultural and Food Museum
  • Canada Science and Technology Museum
  • Canadian Aviation and Space Museum
  • Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre
  • Canadian Museum of Nature Natural Heritage Campus
  • Parliament Hill
Scientific Institutions in Ottawa Page 38/95.
  • National Research Council Canada
  • National Research Council Canada
  • National Research Council Canada
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Communications Research Centre Canada
  • Central Experimental Farm
  • Potential site for future institution
  • Buildings
  • Capital green space
    The Plan for Canada's Capital 2017-2067.
The National Capital Commission wanted to preserve the Central Experimental Farm and to expand it one day: "The Central Experimental Farm, established in 1886, is a unique working farm in the heart of an urban region. The Experimental Farm is open to the public throughout the year, along with the adjacent 26-hectare Arboretum.
"This central asset of the Capital's urban green space network contributes to bio-diversity and reinforces the link from the Rideau Canal to the Ottawa River ecosystems. In the coming years, the long-term ecological and scientific outlook for preserving the CEF and the Arboretum should be revalidated in an update to the existing 2005 Master Plan...The NCC respects (all) these venerable institutions and will support their future expansion as required." (Page 40/95)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Members of the Senate of Canada want to stop the NCC from selling all federal land to developers."

(Bowden's Media Monitor interview on CBO-FM, May 23, 2002.)

Senate of Canada Ottawa May 13, 2002: "On May 8, Senator Kinsella raised the following points":

  • All Canadians have a direct interest in the open lands and assets of the National Capital. The NCC holds these properties in trust and on a fiduciary basis on behalf of all Canadians from coast to coast.
  • The National Capital Act was brought in by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker in 1958; after 44 years the time has come for Parliament to review the adequacy of this model of legislation.
  • The social, economic and mobility dynamics in the year 2002 sees Canadians being stakeholders in the use of all public lands in the National Capital in far greater numbers than 50 years ago. Therefore decisions of the NCC relating to the disposition of these public lands affect all Canadians across the country in new ways. 
  • The Section in the National Capital Act dealing with the sale of public lands held in trust for all Canadians needs to be revised to provide for a recall mechanism. Section 10(2) of the Act, which gives power to the NCC to sell lands held in trust, could be amended to provide for a review mechanism by a Parliamentary Committee upon the receipt of 1,000 signatures. As well, the Section of the Act that gives the authority to Cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land.
  • The National Capital Commission should not be selling assets to private developers to offset ongoing costs of the Commission. If the NCC needs money they should take their case to Parliament.
  • The NCC should withdraw its application before the Ontario Municipal Board to appeal the decision of the City of Ottawa to deny re-zoning of Moffat Farm.
Senate of Canada Ottawa December 12, 2019: The Hon. Mr. Duffy: "Congratulations, Senator Joyal, on your two pieces of legislation today. I join everyone else here in expressing our gratitude on behalf of all Canadians for your amazing contributions to building a better Canada over your entire political career, and I feel confident that will continue."

"Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill, or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the capital so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm, which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa, will also be protected.
Because of this pressure for urban development we have developers looking at this land, saying 'Hey, there's millions of dollars to be made here."

Senate of Canada Ottawa April 23, 2002: The Hon. Anne Cools, regarding the sale of Moffat Farm near Mooney's Bay and the Rideau Canal: "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale."

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The loss of willow trees in Ottawa.

 1.) About nine days ago a willow tree near Dow's Lake was removed.

2.) A few days ago a willow tree near the Canada Space Agency was taken down by a crew. The agency is in Shirley's Bay in the Greenbelt and by March of 2025 the CSA will be decommissioned.  Photos are forthcoming.

The Greenbelt is a National Interest Land Mass property, the 50,000 acres cannot be sold to the City of Ottawa, housing developers or commercial entities. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Canada's Capital Greenbelt Master Plan, National Capital Commission December 2009.

 Groups that want to preserve the Greenbelt

  • Gloucester Allotment Gardens
  • Ottawa Rural Council
  • Farm Tenant
  • Farm Tenant
  • Farm Tenant/Just Food
  • Citizens for Safe Cycling
  • La route verte
  • Velo Service
  • Responsible Dog Owners of Canada
  • Crystal Bay Community Association
  • Crystal Beach/Lakeview Community Association
  • Riverside South Community Association
  • Country Place Community Association
  • Glens Community Association
  • Convent Glen Community Association
  • Qualicum-Graham Park Community Association
  • Westboro Beach Community Association
  • Navan Community Association
  • Friends of Mer Bleue
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital 
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital
  • Transport 2000
  • Heritage Canada
(Pages 35 and 36 of 107. Google: "Greenbelt, Phase 1, Step A, Government of Canada Publication. Crystal."

As I mentioned before, the Greenbelt Research Farm is an annex of the Carling Avenue Experimental Farm. It is located at 1740 Woodroffe Avenue and encompassed 4,500 acres during the 1950's. 

Group Discussion Asset: The Greenbelt's greatest asset is that it is there. Threat: Urbanization is the greatest long-term threat. The focus should be turned away from threats and more towards this land being a national treasure. (Page 24/107)

The 50,000 acres are protected by Federal Order in Council 5635, created on August 15, 1945 (The Master Plan for the National Capital by Jacques Greber, 1950. page 15/395.) And by the designation National Interest Land Mass.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Government of Canada recreational properties in 1985.

  • Ontario
  • Rideau River Park
  • Victoria Island
  • Vincent Massey Park
  • Hogs Back Park
  • Parliament Hill Promenade
  • Patterson Creek
  • Garden of the Provinces
  • Rockcliffe Park
  • Rideau Falls Park
  • Other Parks 
  • Gatineau Park
  • Place du Portage Park
  • Brewery Creek Shoreline
  • Tache Park
  • E.B. Eddy Park
  • Fontaine Park
  • Leamy Lake Park
  • Mousette Park
  • Linear Park
  • Experimental Park-Hull
  • Other Parks
Recreational Facilities
  • Sound and Light
  • Bicycle Pathways
  • Skating Rinks
  • Dows Lake Marina
  • Boat Tour Marina
  • Champlain Golf Course
  • Nature Trails
  • La Baie Area
  • Allotment Gardens
  • Corkstown Road/Shirley's Bay
  • Canoe Festival
  • Festival Equipment
  • Steam Train Facilities
  • Stony Swamp
  • LeBreton Flats Campsite
  • Capital Golf Course
  • Toboggan Slides
  • Trail Exhibits
  • Nepean Amphitheatre
  • Bruce Pit
  • Art Bank
  • Equestrian Trails
  • Other Recreational Projects
(From: National Capital Commission Annual Report, 1984-1985, pages 33 and 34 of 70.)

Parkways in Quebec and Ontario cannot be depaved, off-limits to vehicles, sold or converted.

 "Federal scenic parkways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars." The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.

"The park and parkway system of the Federal District Commission is justly famous for its utilization of the scenic beauty of the Federal Capital Area whenever possible. The parks and parkways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake." (Report of the Federal District Commission, 1949, page 37/95.)

  Federal parkways in Ontario:

  • Ottawa River Parkway
  • Airport
  • Eastern Driveway
  • Eastern Parkway
  • Colonel By Drive
  • Queen Elizabeth Driveway
  • Hogs Back Road
  • Rockcliffe Park Driveway
  • Queensway
  • Lady Grey Drive
  • Station Boulevard
  • Island Park Driveway
  • Experimental Farm Driveway
Parkways in Quebec in 1984 and 1985:
  • Gatineau Parkway
  • Voyageur Parkway
  • Philemon Wright
  • Northern Entrance
  • Hull South
  • Secteur Fournier
  • Lac des Fees Parkway
"De-paving the parkways will create billions of dollars of 'surplus' Crown real estate." From an Ottawa Citizen article. Prince of Wales Drive within the Experimental Farm is now owned by the City of Ottawa, not Agriculture Canada. The Canadian Agriculture and Food Museum is located at 901 POW Drive.

 POW Drive is being widened from 2 lanes to 4. (Dows Lake-Glebe Report, June 11, 2010.) Will the Canadian Agriculture and Food Museum be demolished? The Ottawa Hospital has indicated that "extensive demolition" is required for the new build to proceed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Land beside the former Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway is untouchable.

 Nine hundred square miles of federal property in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who were killed fighting in foreign wars. Prime Minister Mackenzie King.

House of Commons Ottawa April 22, 1996. Petitions. MP Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West-Nepean) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, I have the pleasure to present a petition signed by close to 1,000 people. It arises from a situation that occurred in our nation's capital last year when the National Capital Commission was looking at selling off parts of green space and open corridors in the nation's capital."

"The petitioners call to the attention of the House that when Jacques Greber released his plan for the national capital in 1950 it was dedicated, at the direction of the Cabinet, as a national war memorial. Therefore the petitioners call on Parliament to ensure that this commitment and the green spaces of the nation's capital are maintained as a national war memorial and are not disposed of or sold."

Master Plan for the National Capital - General Report by Jacques Greber, 1950, page 11/395. "The Master Plan herein set forth organizes and protects a vast area of urban, rural and wooded territory." Including Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt-savecfbrockcliffe.

"That under the authority of Order in Council 5635 of August 15, 1945 an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City has been defined as the National Capital District and it has been decided to engage Mr. Greber to make a study of such area as a National War Memorial." Master Plan for the National Capital by Jacques Greber, 1950, page 15/395.