Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Members of the Senate of Canada want to stop the NCC from selling all federal land to developers."

(Bowden's Media Monitor interview on CBO-FM, May 23, 2002.)

Senate of Canada Ottawa May 13, 2002: "On May 8, Senator Kinsella raised the following points":

  • All Canadians have a direct interest in the open lands and assets of the National Capital. The NCC holds these properties in trust and on a fiduciary basis on behalf of all Canadians from coast to coast.
  • The National Capital Act was brought in by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker in 1958; after 44 years the time has come for Parliament to review the adequacy of this model of legislation.
  • The social, economic and mobility dynamics in the year 2002 sees Canadians being stakeholders in the use of all public lands in the National Capital in far greater numbers than 50 years ago. Therefore decisions of the NCC relating to the disposition of these public lands affect all Canadians across the country in new ways. 
  • The Section in the National Capital Act dealing with the sale of public lands held in trust for all Canadians needs to be revised to provide for a recall mechanism. Section 10(2) of the Act, which gives power to the NCC to sell lands held in trust, could be amended to provide for a review mechanism by a Parliamentary Committee upon the receipt of 1,000 signatures. As well, the Section of the Act that gives the authority to Cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land.
  • The National Capital Commission should not be selling assets to private developers to offset ongoing costs of the Commission. If the NCC needs money they should take their case to Parliament.
  • The NCC should withdraw its application before the Ontario Municipal Board to appeal the decision of the City of Ottawa to deny re-zoning of Moffat Farm.
Senate of Canada Ottawa December 12, 2019: The Hon. Mr. Duffy: "Congratulations, Senator Joyal, on your two pieces of legislation today. I join everyone else here in expressing our gratitude on behalf of all Canadians for your amazing contributions to building a better Canada over your entire political career, and I feel confident that will continue."

"Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill, or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the capital so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm, which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa, will also be protected.
Because of this pressure for urban development we have developers looking at this land, saying 'Hey, there's millions of dollars to be made here."

Senate of Canada Ottawa April 23, 2002: The Hon. Anne Cools, regarding the sale of Moffat Farm near Mooney's Bay and the Rideau Canal: "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale."

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