The citizens of Canada will own 900 square miles of land in the National Capital Region, in perpetuity. That includes Gatineau Park and 100 Rue Gamelin in Gatineau.
Privy Council of Canada Document No. 6721. "The Committee of the Privy Council have had before them a report, dated 25th October 1945 from the Minister of Public Works, stating 'That under the authority of Order in Council P.C. 5635 of August 15, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City has been defined as the National Capital district and it has been decided to re-engage Mr. Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial." (Greber Report, page 15/395.)
"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.) National Capital scenic highways:
- Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway may be de paved.
- Queen Elizabeth Driveway may be converted to a park.
- Gatineau Parkway
- Colonel By Drive
- Sir George-Etienne Cartier Parkway
- Queensway
- Lady Grey Drive
- Airport Parkway
- Island Park
- the Pinhey Forest
- Commissioners Park near Dow's Lake
- Agriculture Canada research farms on 960 Carling Avenue and 1740 Woodroffe Avenue.
- Mer Bleue Conservation Area
- CANMET The Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology.
- Green's Creek Conservation Area
- Hornets Nest soccer field
- Pineview Golf Course
- Bruce Pit
- Conroy Pit
- the Connaught National Army Cadet Training Centre in Shirley's Bay.
- Canadian Space Agency (The David Florida Laboratory will be decommissioned in 2025.)
- Shirley's Bay
- Airport land
- Wesley Clover Park
- Schools
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Hylands Golf Club
- Lime Kiln Trail
- the 19th Tee Driving Range
- Stony Swamp Conservation Area.
- Potential removal of Greenbelt designation from the Nepean Sportsplex
- Potential removal of Greenbelt designation from the Eagleson Park and Ride
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