Lawyers persuaded the federal government to change heritage laws, most notably the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act and the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act. Canada's 1,000 federal lighthouses have been "disposed of" by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a desecration of my country's maritime history. Who in their right mind, except a traitor, would "dispose of" Peggy's Cove and the Bonavista Lighthouse? The Bonavista Lighthouse is mentioned in the song and YouTube video
"This Land is Your Land Canada" by The Travellers.
Once a penitentiary, museum, post office, military base, Dominion Building, experimental farm, RCMP detachment, Fisheries and Oceans property, veteran's hospital and railway station is privatized the property loses all heritage protection and designation.
The City of Kingston is now in a "danja zone"---Kingston is losing all of the landmarks that make the community a tourist mecca:
The Prison for Women
Kingston Penitentiary
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour
The Collins Bay Institution - known as Disneyland North.
The Martello Towers
The Penitentiary Museum, located across the street from the Pen.
The former home of Sir John A. Macdonald, Bellevue House?
The Isabel McNeill Halfway House.
Kingston Mills - Parks Canada is planning to sell billions of dollars worth of bridges, dams, locks, etc.
The Rockwood Asylum - The Ontario Realty Corporation is selling the building, which was built by Kingston Penitentiary inmates to house individuals who could not cope with incarceration in the Pen.
Kingston Armoury on Montreal Street. (The Windsor Ontario armoury is now owned by the University of Windsor and Wallis House located at 589 Rideau Street in Ottawa is a multi million dollar condominium complex. Armouries located in Toronto, Niagara Falls and Montreal were denationalized.
The City of Kingston is changing its official motto "Where history and innovation thrive" because local politicians can see the writing on the wall, the word "history" will have to be removed from the motto. And the Martello Tower image will have to be removed from their Official Flag.
Collins Bay Institution. Half a dozen prison farms were shut down so that the land could be privatized..See the 2009 document "Frontenac Institution Lands-Queen's University." and "A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety" by Rob Sampson.
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, The Trudeau government is now selling the Campanile Complex at 1495 Heron Road, Ottawa.
A previous Trudeau government bought the Campanile Complex in 1973, when it was called the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame.
Years ago, many people in Alta Vista were bitterly opposed to a project on Smyth Road. And they lost the battle:
September 16, 1999 - Public Comments about 363 Smyth Road Ottawa:
"Smyth Road is already too busy".
"Width of the single family lots are too narrow, not in character with the community".
"Will the water table be reduced? Impact on pond south of Smyth Road".
"Do not want a sound wall along Smyth Road as it would not be in keeping with the character of the community. The new units should front Smyth Road and "suffer" like the existing units."
"Development of the site means a loss of a large parcel of open space owned by the Crown."
"Development will put a strain on school space."
"This is Crown land-our land- and there should be no rush to develop it."
(From: [PDF] That Council give draft approval to the proposed subdivision at 363...")
"It is apparent that the consensus from the residents in the surrounding community was overwhelmingly negative...This totally unnecessary and unwanted project has now been approved over our heads by the City."
When Bill Clinton was President of the United States, he privatized over 100 military bases, and funneled the properties to multinational corporations like Walt Disney, and to celebrity friends like George Lucas, creator of "Star Wars". Bill Gates was a golfing buddy of Bill Clinton's, and Hillary Clinton wanted Bill Gates to be her vice-president. The Canadian government foolishly and treasonously sold a major Crown corporation, the Canadian National Railway, to Bill Gates and his greedy corporate allies.
CN Real Estate was a subsidiary created to monetize Canadian National Railway real estate worth billions of dollars. Toronto's CN Tower apparently was worth $6 million dollars in 1996. A price tag cannot be placed on the heritage value of the train stations, hotels, roundhouses, bridges, CN Towers and shopping centres that were auctioned off. The Spadina Roundhouse in Toronto was demolished to make way for the Skydome, a sporting venue now known as the Rogers Centre.
CN Rail wanted to distance itself from the word "Canadian" that is why the corporation is called "CN" and not "Canadian National."
"The People's Railway" is now
"North America's Railroad".
A Trump Tower was built on CNR land on Adelaide Street in Toronto, and American President Trump joked that he might buy the CN Tower. Ten years ago the Walt Disney Corporation and Viacom wanted to buy the CN Tower. Seriously.
A Stompin' Tom Connors video on YouTube called
"Movin' In (from Montreal by Train)" brings back fond memories of what the the CNR used to be---before it was privatized and auctioned off by individuals who wanted to balkanize and denationalize one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Demons who wanted to strip the people of Canada of their wealth, cultural history, national pride and infrastructure.
I am in front of the Parthenon in Athens Greece, 1979. The foundation of the Parthenon is limestone.The Kingston Pen, Prison for Women, Rockwood Asylum, Penitentiary Water Tower, Church of the Good Thief, Stone Gables, Penitentiary Museum, Isabel McNeill Halfway House, Fort Henry, the Martello Towers, Kingston Armoury, Collins Bay Institution and the Old Post Office were all created with limestone. That is why Kingston Ontario is called The Limestone City. Buildings constructed with limestone can last for thousands of years---as I have said before, the Great Pyramid of Giza is 4,000 years old. War has been declared on the cultural history of Kingston Ontario.