The real estate arm of the Canadian Pacific Railway was sold to General Electric and Oxford Properties in 1996; while CN Real Estate privatized almost a billion dollars worth of Crown assets. The CPR company Marathon Realty should have returned land that was not needed for railway purposes to the Crown, to the people of Canada. And CN should never have been privatized in 1995, in my opinion.
House of Commons Debates, Ottawa October 29, 1973
Lorne Edmund Nystrom, New Democratic Party (Yorkton-Melville.)
Mr. Lorne Nystrom:
"What is the difference between CN Rail and the CPR? I suggest they are basically the same. The CNR is publicly owned and CPR is a privately owned corporation. CPR operates in 8 provinces, CNR in 10.
"The Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas people have petroleum rights in over 23 million acres of land in Western Canada."
"Canadian Pacific Railway Hotels owns and operates 11 hotels in this country."
"Marathon Realty owns a monstrous $310 million dollars worth of assets and the $35 million dollar Place du Canada in Montreal."
"Cominco, which was formerly the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, owns or controls National Hardware Specialties in Ontario, which is a zinc die-casting plant."
"Western Steel Limited is owned and controlled by the CPR in Vancouver."
"Another company the CPR owns is Pinepoint Mines Limited in Trail, British Columbia."
"They own Pacific Coast Terminals Limited in New Westminster."
"They own Ricken Mines in Yellowknife."
"They own Coast Copper in B.C."
"They own Sunco Mines Ltd. which is also a copper mine."
"The Canadian Pacific Railway has interests in the United States. There is a zinc interest in the country of India."
"It has fertilizer, lead and electronics plants in the United States and a smelting plant in Japan."
"There are Canadian fertilizer plants. There are six hydro-electric plants in the Province of British Columbia and some pipeline interests as well."
Mr. Nystrom:
"The CNR, like the CPR is involved in all kinds of enterprises across the country.
"We have the railway system itself, we have CN Express, we have Canadian National Railways Limited in France."
The Scribe Hotel, Paris, France booking office. |
The Scribe Hotel was sold in 1995 when the Crown corporation was privatized. The government of Canada wanted to rename the hotel the "Palais du Canada" during the 1920's.
"We have Canadian National Realties, Canadian National Steamship Company, CN Telegraph, CN Transfer, CN Transportation."
"We have Canadian Northern Quebec Company, which is owned by the CNR."
"We have Chapman Transportation Company."
"Eastern Transport; Empire Freight ways; The Great Northwest Telegraph Company of Canada."
"We have Husband Transport; Husband International Transport."
"Midland Superior Enterprise Limited."
"The Minnesota-Manitoba Railway Company."
"The Mount Royal Tunnel and Terminal Company."
The Mount Royal Tunnel in Montreal. Looking east towards the portal of the Mount Royal Tunnel and Jean Talon. |
House of Commons Debates Ottawa March 19, 1993. (Two years before the CNR was denationalized.)
Mr. Dingwall Official Opposition, Liberal Party House Leader,
Mr. Dingwall:
"With respect to Canadian National (CN) (a) How many hectares of land does it presently own. (b) How many hectares of land does it presently own (c) What is the total market value of the land.
Mr. Jean Corbeil (Progressive Conservative):
"The management of the Canadian National Railway advises as follows:
(a) and (b) CN as a whole has approximately 150,000 hectares (370,658 acres) of land. Most of this inventory is in rail operating use. At CN Real Estate, the real estate business arm of Canadian National, there are approximately 14,000 hectares (34, 9594 acres) of undeveloped land in the inventory at the present time, of which 8,700 hectares are abandoned rights-of-way, 5,000 hectares are other rural and miscellaneous lands and 308 hectares are development sites."
"Assuming that developed land includes buildings, these buildings would generally be measured in square feet, not acres or hectares. At the present time CN Real Estate wholly owns approximately 726,000 square feet of office buildings, multi-use properties, retail and parking structures in major markets, and has an ownership interest in an additional 3,400,000 square feet of income producing properties."
"The total market value of all real estate holdings and income properties is approximately $900 million dollars."
On July 28, 1995 Microsoft CEO Bill Gates flew into Ottawa for a six-hour meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien and business leaders. |
Now the federal government and the Fraser Institute want to take away our national parks:
The Fraser Institute wants to see the devolution of all National Parks in British Columbia to the BC provincial government. |
"Parks Canada to look at divesting highways, bridges, dams....Cash strapped agency examines whether to transfer or divest non-heritage assets worth $8.3 billion." by Dean Beeby, CBC News, August 26, 2017.
The sell-off would include highways, nature trails, culverts, dams, tunnels and bridges. Also, Parks Canada has indicated that many Rideau Canal Locks and lock stations are in need of repair. They are classified as "infrastructure" and are managed by Parks Canada.