Saturday, January 18, 2020

Why was CN Rail given all the Crown property of Canadian Government Railways.

Privy Council Order-in-Council - PC Number 1993-1603
Date: 1993-07-22,
Precis   Authority to enter into an Agreement with CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY  and to dispose of all rights, title and interest in the Canadian Government Railways lands to the Canadian National Railway Company and termination of the management and operations of the lands entrusted to CN.

A Quebec City, Quebec exhibition in 1918. CGR was a federal government agency that operated in Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba.
Canadian Government Railways owned and managed:
1.)  Intercolonial Railway of Canada (IRC).
2.)  National Transcontinental Railway (NTR).
3.)  Prince Edward Island Railway (PEIR).
4.)  Hudson's Bay Railway (HBR).

The Cote St-Luc railyards, Montreal in 1981. The CPR and CN are interested in removing the tracks and buildings and selling the land for residential/commercial use, "New study hopes to do away with Cote St Luc railyards" by Tim Sargeant, Global News, October 14, 2016.

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