Thursday, August 5, 2021

Big changes may be on the horizon for Major's Hill Park.

 Canada Day and Tulip Festival celebrations may be banned in the park: "The design and contractual sale condominium agreements must fully resolve noise generated by continued events in Major's Hill Park." (From: Proposed addition to Chateau Laurier, February 2018.)

In the year 1957, the Chateau Laurier lobbied the Federal District Commission for 3 acres of Major's Hill land for parking. The Commission turned down the proposal. The FDC is now known as the National Capital Commmission.

Trees and shrubs are being removed including the row of trees that separate the Chateau from the park. If the NCC is on board with the loss of 680 trees on the Farm, why would they care about the gardens and trees in the park.

The NCC is deciding if any new access points to the park should be created. A private company and a publicly-funded Crown corporation should not have the power to decide if any entrances to Major's Hill Park should be created or removed. Tall fences (barriers) can easily be installed as well as checkpoints. I would not be surprised if benches are removed to prevent members of the public from sitting down and enjoying views of Parliament Hill, the Ottawa River and the Rideau Canal. Will park "ambassadors" be hired to monitor how long people can enjoy the venue? Will they encourage visitors to "stay on the pathways" and not check out the statues, or take photographs? 

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