Thursday, April 27, 2023

Ottawa and Hull are part of a National War Memorial.

The Memorial is dedicated to fallen Canadian soldiers: "That under the authority of Order in Council 5635 of August 15, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City of Ottawa has been defined as the National Capital district and it has been decided to engage Mr. Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial." (Plan for the National Capital by Jacques Greber-1950, page 15/395.)

"Canada's Farm" along Carling Avenue in Ottawa features:
  • Queen Juliana Park
  • thousands of trees
  • the Arboretum
  • Fletcher Wildlife Garden
  • Dominion Astrophysical Observatory campus-The Observatory is part of the Parliamentary Precinct: "The popularity of the Observatory occurred when it opened in 1905, due to the support of Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Laurier's advocation reinforced the idea that this observatory was to be considered an arm of the parliamentary precinct..." ("Journal of the Study of Architecture in Canada" and "Astronomer Mary Grey and the Architecture of Canada's Dominion Observatory". Sharon Odell from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.)
  • NCC Parkway - The Scenic Driveway is a tree-covered route flanked with bike trails. All of the roads serving the site with the exception of Prince of Wales Drive are expected to be widened to account for a greater density of traffic. (Regenerating the Experimental Farm, page 30/74.)
  • Ornamental Gardens
  • Department of Agriculture Recreational Association (DARA) Tennis Club
  • research fields
  • the William Saunders Garden
  • museums
  • greenhouses
  • historic buildings- including the Booth Barn, saved from demolition during the 1990's by Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act and by heritage groups. 
  • the Rideau Canal Hartwell Lockstation
  • the Historic Hedge Collection
  • the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • buffer zones near the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site at Dow's Lake. 
House of Commons Ottawa March 2, 1939 Abraham Albert Heaps, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation: "...I know that the federal government has laid out a number of parks here, and open spaces used for playgrounds...We should know what use is being made of these open spaces in order to find out whether or not Ottawa is receiving a square deal from the federal government."

Mr. Charles Dunning (Minister of Finance and Receiver General): "Assessment values are the only values available.Take for example certain properties of the federal district commission surrounding Dow's lake. What was their actual value before the federal district commission built them up and turned them into the beautiful park which now exists?"

Federal parks in 1996

  • Rideau River
  • Brewery Creek
  • Parliament Hill Promenade
  • Du Portage
  • Victoria Island
  • Tache Park
  • Parc du sentier de file
  • Commissioners
  • Vincent Massey
  • Hog's Back
  • E.B. Eddy (NCC Annual Report-1995-1996-page 47/111.)
The Hon. Ron Stewart (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works) The NCC has a long-standing policy to retain federal river front land.

The Policy for Parkways and Driveways, published by the NCC as approved in 1984 and the official land use of the City of Ottawa, all state their commitment to the public open-space corridor along the Ottawa River. 

The NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital-CEF lands.
1.) properties east of Prince of Wales are Capital Urban Green Space.

2.) the Agriculture Museum is a National Cultural Institution.

3.) research fields are Rural Lands.

4.) Rideau Canal and nearby CEF shore lands are Waterway and Shore land.

5.) Prince of Wales north of the traffic circle and NCC Driveway are Capital Parkway.

6.) Prince of Wales south of the traffic circle is Scenic Entry.

7.) lands near Carling are Federal Node.

8.) recreational pathways are part of the Capital Pathway Network.

9.) experimental fields and most of the property west of Prince of Wales are Agricultural Research.

10.) remaining lands west of Prince of Wales are General Urban Area and Urban Natural Features. (Google: CEF National Historic Site Management Plan, part 7 of 20.) 

House of Commons Ottawa June 22,1992 Mrs. Beryl Gaffney (Nepean, Liberal): "Mr. Speaker, in the 1960's the federal government had the foresight to protect environmentally sensitive land in the nation's capital with the establishment of the greenbelt lands.
The NCC is the federal agency responsible for these lands. The greenbelt was established to control urban sprawl, provide beauty to the nation's capital and assist municipalities in local improvements such as cycling paths. The Stoney Swamp, the Pinhey Forest and the Log Farm (have) all added to the enhancement and beauty of the nation's capital.
The people of Nepean are most concerned that the NCC is moving away from that premise.
Does the government plan on continuing the status quo with the Nepean greenbelt lands or does the government plan on putting these lands up for sale?
The majority of us in Nepean clearly do not want the greenbelt chipped away for residential or commercial development..."

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Parkways in the National Capital Region cannot be de-paved or privatized.

"De-pave the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway". An article in the Ottawa Citizen, Feb. 25, 2014.

"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

The scenic highways in 1988:

  • Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington Street to Carling Avenue - 254 ha.
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive - 15 ha.
  • Airport - 120 ha.
  • Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd. to Hwy 417 - 72 ha.
  • Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Parkway from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt - 255 ha.
  • Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway - 84 ha.
  • Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor - 285 ha. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)
Proposed National Interest Lands
  • Experimental Farm Dr. Corridor Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76.0 ha.
  • Western Parkway Corridor, Carling Avenue to Queensway - 40.0 ha.
  • Alta Vista Corridor, Kitchener Ave. to Smyth Road - 69.0 ha.
  • Hull South Parkway, Lucerne Blvd to Gatineau Park - 275 ha.
  • Part of Philemon Wright Corridor - 103 ha.
Parkways in March of 1996:
  • Confederation Boulevard
  • Ottawa River
  • Rockcliffe
  • Aviation
  • Airport
  • Voyageur
  • Colonel By Drive
  • Philemon Wright (Google: NCC Annual Report-1995-1996-page 47/111.)
A YouTube video: "Ottawa Snow Drive and Walk, NCC Scenic Driveway, Experimental Farm and Fletcher Wildlife Garden".

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The 50,000 acre Greenbelt is a threatened landscape.

"Together the City of Ottawa and the NCC could do what they like with it." House of Commons Ottawa May 25, 2010 MP Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Liberal) "...The Liberal members from the National Capital Region, the member for Ottawa South, the member for Ottawa-Vanier and myself as Liberal members of Parliament, are calling for better protection of the greenbelt.  There are no serious regulations protecting the greenbelt. Together the City of Ottawa and the NCC could do what they like with it. We believe this greenspace must be protected from developers..."

The Greenbelt is part of the National Interest Land Mass.

Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber dedicated land in the National Capital Region as a "living memorial" to Canadian soldiers. "That under the authority of Order in Council 5635 of August 15, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City has been defined as the National Capital district and it has been decided to engage Mr. Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial." ("Plan for the National Capital-General Report-Jacques Greber-1950" page 15/395.)

House of Commons Ottawa April 22, 1996 Ms. Marlene Catterall (Ottawa West, Lib.): "Mr. Speaker, I have the pleasure to present a petition signed by close to 1,000 people. It arises from a situation that occurred in our nation's capital last year when the National Capital Commission was looking at selling off parts of green space and open corridors in the nation's capital."

"The petitioners call to the attention of the House that when Jacques Greber released his plan for the national capital in 1950 it was dedicated, at the direction of the cabinet, as a national war memorial... Therefore, the petitioners call on Parliament to ensure that this commitment and the dedication of the green spaces of the nation's capital are maintained as a national war memorial, and are not disposed of or sold." 

House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009 The Hon. Gordon O'Connor, Minister of National Defence(Conservative) "Mr. Speaker, I am one of the great supporters of the greenbelt. I believe it is part of our heritage and it must last as long in the future as possible. The greenbelt allows the growth on the Ottawa side to be controlled, so that there is growth on one side...and growth on the other and we can protect this belt..."

Are DND properties on the Farm being transferred to a hospital?

 Prince of Wales Drive and Maple Drive are being converted to emergency and commercial routes. "Emergency vehicles only signs will be posted at the Carling Avenue and Maple Drive intersection, Maple Drive and the site entrance and Prince of Wales Drive and the site entrance. (Google: 2021-05-10 Design brief and Planning, page 25/76.)

The Joint Meeting of Planning Committee and Built-Heritage Sub-Committee, October 1, 2021. Subject: Heritage Considerations, Master Site Plan, Ottawa Hospital, 930 Carling and 520 Preston. Members of the public are worried about:

  • impacts on the Dominion Observatory particularly regarding sight lines from the 40 cm (16 inch) refractive telescope, impacts of additional lighting and concerns with physical impact on South Azimuth building
  • general construction impacts on nearby heritage buildings.
  • protection of the pastoral and rural character of Maple Drive within the CEF.
  • protection of edge conditions related to the CEF and the Hospital site, such as the proposed central utility plant of the hospital and buffering to the CEF.
  • concerns with traffic volumes, including ambulance usage on internal roads to the CEF and adverse impacts on the character of the farm.  
  • concerns with the changes to conditions along Prince of Wales Drive as it impacts edge conditions on the CEF.
The RCN Curling Club is adjacent to the Rideau Canal.

The Royal Canadian Navy Curling Club at Dows Lake may have to move because their rent was increased 1,000 percent. The Canadian Tulip Festival had to "Uproot their relationship with the NCC" because holding events at Commissioners Park and Major's Hill Park was too pricey. Commissioners Park is part of the Greenbelt and the city wants 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt:
House of Commons Ottawa September 16, 2009 MP Steven Blaney: "...Other properties found in the Greenbelt are Commissioners Park, where there is a display of 100,000 tulips."

House of Commons Ottawa February 9, 1966 Preservation of the Rideau Canal- Mr. Hopkins, Liberal: "What steps have been taken by the government to preserve the unoccupied lands adjacent to the Rideau system to prevent pollution of the waters and despoliation of the area by indiscriminate land speculation?"
Mr. J.A. Byrne: "For several years the Department of Transport had withheld action on disposal of any substantial parcel of federal lands owned by that department adjacent to the Rideau system which might be suitable for general public recreational development...The problem of pollution referred to would appear to be a matter within the jurisdiction of the provincial government and it is understood that provincial authorities have been concerning themselves actively with this problem."

The Veterans Affairs property on 1709 Prince of Wales. Street names include Normandy Crescent, Ortona Avenue, Apeldoorn Avenue and Falaise Road.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

NCC land is owned by all Canadians.

 "The NCC is not fulfilling its mandate to protect open space in the national capital area, nor upholding its obligations to the Canadian public, and especially the Carleton Heights community, by pursuing development of Moffat Farm. The NCC did not categorize the land based on NOSS(the Natural and Open Spaces Study.) Access to water attracts visitors to the capital. The NCC should meet with, and listen to the concerns of local residents. Why must more land from Moffat Farm be developed than is necessary for the Montfort Woods land exchange. The area is needed for future generations...Residents of the new development will monopolize the remaining green space. This area has evolved naturally and is the last natural green space available along Prince of Wales Drive." (The Carleton Heights Residents Association regarding Moffat Farm, 1709 Prince of Wales Drive Ottawa.)

The 84-acre Veteran's Affairs land was part of the Greenbelt and it was supposed to be untouchable:

"It was also confirmed that the land in question was acquired by the federal government to commemorate World War 11 veterans and became NCC property in 1960. Mr. Lindsay indicated Moffat Farm was designated in the Regional Official Plan of 1977 and in subsequent amendments in 1988 and 1997 as Waterfront Open Space, which precluded residential development. The property was designated for federal land use as a capital park of national interest. (Google: City of Ottawa planning and development Moffat Farm, February 28, 2002.)

Thursday, April 20, 2023


"There's a high probability that car arrivals at the campus in 2028 will far exceed parking capacity. (See last month's Glebe Report.) The impact of this parking shortage on staff, patients and visitors, as well as neighbours will be severe. There's been no concerted effort to mitigate this risk with a Traffic Management Project. Even if a Traffic Management Project was underway, its probability of complete success would be low."

"Some citizens have suggested TOH use offsite parking facilities-maybe even at the existing Civic campus-with shuttle buses serving the new campus. TOH has refused to consider this. Others have suggested moving the towers off the campus; this seems to be unacceptable. My best guess is that mitigation will eventually include TOH asking the NCC for more acreage on the Experimental Farm, probably in the Arboretum and along Maple Drive and even in Commissioners Park for another parking garage and more surface parking lots. But since there's no publicly available risk mitigation plan this is just speculation." (Risk Management and the new Civic Hospital, The Glebe Report, March 2022, page 8.)

"There does not appear to be any kind of buffer between staff parking and the Dominion Observatory Complex." (Part of a letter to Sean Moore, City of Ottawa Planner, from Heritage Ottawa, June 18, 2021---Impact to the CEF NHS Designated Heritage Structures and Rideau Canal.)

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Military properties in Canada's Capital.

The Diefenbunker in Carp.

Parliament Hill was Barrack Hill.

Majors Hill Park.

The Rideau Canal and adjacent land.

CFB Rockcliffe

HMCS Carleton, 79 Prince of Wales Drive is still a military property.

 Commissioners Park should not be a parking lot for a hospital.

Beaver Barracks - Catherine, Metcalfe and Argyle.

Wallis House - 589 Rideau Street.

National Defence Medical Centre

Oak Park Armoury, 933 Gladstone

The Central Experimental Farm on Carling Avenue. A Naval Radio Station was located on the grounds of the present Fletcher Wildlife Garden. World War 11 temporary buildings were constructed on land adjacent to Dows Lake and on the former Queen Juliana Park.

My Dad at the Lansdowne Barracks during the 1940's.

The Constitution Act of 1867 remains in full force in Canada. Federal Responsibilities:

  • national defence
  • foreign affairs
  • employment insurance
  • banking
  • federal taxes
  • the post office
  • copyright law
Provincial Responsibilities:
  • provincial taxes
  • hospitals
  • prisons
  • education
  • marriage
  • property and civil rights
  • rules of the road
  • age of majority
Municipal Responsibilities:
  • building permits and zoning
  • city parks
  • public transportation
  • collection of garbage and recycling
  • water and sewer services
  • fire prevention
  • city roads and sidewalks
  • licensing and control of pets 
Greenbelt Coalition Member Organizations  
  • Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt
  • Canadian Biodiversity Institute
  • Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
  • City of Ottawa Biodiversity Task Force
  • City of Ottawa Rural Issues Advisory Committee
  • Coalition to Protect the South March Highlands
  • Conseil regional de l'enviroment  et tu developpement durable l'Outaouais
  • Ecology Ottawa
  • Federation of Citizens' Associations of Ottawa-Carleton
  • Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital
  • Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre
  • Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
  • Save Our Greenspace
  • Sierra Club of Canada (Google: Greenbelt Coalition Member Organizations-Canada's Capital Region Position Paper for the NCC's Greenbelt Master Review-September 2010.)
Protect the Greenbelt from devastating development. A letter to Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS): "Dear Mayor Watson: CPAWS Ottawa Valley has long focused on the preservation of Ottawa and the surrounding area's ecological integrity, natural beauty and diverse species."
"It is as a CPAWS supporter that I learned of the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. As a resident of the National Capital Region, the Greenbelt is important to me. It provides jobs, fresh local food and countless recreation opportunities. More importantly, it provides critical habitat for plants and animals including many species at risk. Mer Bleue is the most biologically diverse area in Eastern Ontario, an internationally recognized RAMSAR site and living laboratory where scientists from across Canada and around the world come to learn about climate change, bogs and the species which depend on them. We are so fortunate to have such a resource within our city!"

The City tried to preserve trees during the year 2016. December 13, 2016-"The City's Planning Committee today approved a recommendation that would see a more consistent approach to identifying significant woodlands across Ottawa, in both rural and urban areas. Woodlands...vary in their level of significance based on features like size, ecological function and tree species..In urban areas, significant woodlands could include any woods 0.8 hectares or larger that is 40 years or older."

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Experimental Farm in Ottawa. More information.

1. The 2,500 page lease agreement between the Government of Canada and the Civic Hospital has been hidden from the public. I was banned from reading the document because I "do not have a valid reason" to read it. 

2. Twelve acres of land were rezoned to high-density residential. Land for the hospital is Institutional.

3. A Cabinet document stipulated that the Farm would be a public, open space in perpetuity:

A March 19, 1954 Cabinet document.

4. Decisions made by the National Capital Commission can be overturned by Parliament: Senate of Canada Ottawa May 8, 2002- The Hon. Noel Kinsella-Proposal to sell Moffat Farm-Inquiry-Debate. "Honourable Senators, I would like to make a few remarks with reference to this matter now before the Senate...The matter relates to the National Capital Act, which created the National Capital Commission."

"It seems to me, we require a provision for a recall mechanism. Section 10 (2) of the (National Capital) act, which gives the power to the National Capital Commission to sell lands held in trust, could be amended by Parliament to provide for a review mechanism by Parliament or a parliamentary committee upon the receipt, for example, of 1,000 signatures of citizens from any part of Canada."

"As well, the section of the act that gives the authority to the Cabinet to overturn any decision by the NCC to not sell land should also apply to any decision to sell land. There is a provision in the act which provides that Cabinet can override a decision of the NCC to not sell land, and I would suggest that the same provision should apply to the sale of land. Should the NCC, indeed should any agency of the Crown, in order to make ends meet, be out there negotiating away assets---in this instance assets that are held in trust for all Canadians?" The Reimagine Ottawa petition entitled "Investigate the Hospital Site Change from Tunney's Pasture to the Experimental Farm" has 9,928 signatures as of April 15, 2023.

5. The Dominion Observatory is part of the Parliamentary Precinct. However, the Civic Hospital has the power to decide if the Classified Heritage Building should be demolished. The South Azimuth is already endangered.

6. The Hon. Lloyd Francis was a future Speaker of the House of Commons. Douglas Fullerton was the head of the National Capital Commission: SPEECH FROM THE THRONE-CONTINUATION OF DEBATE: House of Commons Ottawa October 10, 1974: Mr. Francis (Ottawa West) Liberal "I wish to pay tribute to Mr. Fullerton for his imaginative and innovative use of public funds and public lands."

"However, I wish to take issue with him on one score and express quiet but firm disagreement with him. He may have been right on a number of things, but I do not think he was right when he proposed that part of the Experimental Farm should be used for housing. Despite the fact that there is a serious housing shortage in this area I do not think that my constituents would choose to sacrifice an open space which is such a precious thing for the community."

Some hon. Members: "Hear, hear!"

7. The National Capital Commission is no longer a gatekeeper, a protector of Crown property that is owned by all Canadians. 1949 Report of the Federal District Commission - Parks and Driveways that were maintained by the FDC, page 10/75 and 37/75:

  • Bronson Park
  • Clemow and Maitland Avenues
  • Confederation Park
  • Central Park and Linden Terrace
  • Dows Lake Park and Playgrounds
  • Echo Drive
  • Experimental Farm Driveway - The NCC plans to de pave the scenic parkways and sell the valuable real estate.
  • Eastview Park
  • Island Park Driveway
  • King Edward Avenue Park
  • Lady Grey Drive - part of Lady Grey Drive and the National Research Institute on 100 Sussex Drive were given or sold to the British Embassy on 140 Sussex Drive.
  • Nepean Point Park
  • Lake Flora Park, Hull
  • Major's Hill Park- is being integrated with the Chateau Laurier Hull. Despite the fact that a 2008 report recommended that a fence separate the two properties.
  • MacDonald Garden Park
  • Nicholas Street Park
  • Parc Jacques Cartier, Hull
  • Rockcliffe Park
  • Rideau Canal Driveway
  • Strathcona Park
  • Dundonald Park, Somerset Street
  • Val Tetreau Park, Hull
"Wherever possible, the parks and driveways are and will be located along the banks of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, the Rideau Canal and Dow's Lake."

8. Buffer Zones

Senate of Canada Ottawa December 12, 2019-Bill S-203-Bill to Amend-Second Reading. Save the Greenbelt and the Farm:  The Hon. Acting Speaker-"Senator Duffy?"

Senator Duffy: "Thank you Your Honour. Congratulations, Senator Joyal, on your two pieces of legislation today. I join everyone else here in expressing our gratitude on behalf of all Canadians for your amazing contributions to building a better Canada over your entire political career and I feel confident that will continue."

"Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the Capital so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa, will also be protected?"

9. View Controls- "New Tools for View Controls in Canada's Capital - 2016 (Page 28/76) The new hospital will have a negative impact on the following views:
  • views from Prince of Wales Scenic Entry---including views toward proposed loading docks.
  • views from entrance to Queen Elizabeth Drive/Dows Lake (at Preston/Prince of Wales.)
  • views from Dows Lake to main hospital buildings.
  • views from Carling Avenue both east and west of the main hospital buildings.
  • views identified in the Commemorative Integrity Statement for the Central Experimental Farm.
  • views from adjacent CEF heritage buildings (e.g. Dominion Observatory Complex, Saunders Building, along Commissioners Drive and/or Maple Drive.
  • views identified in the NCC Visual Assessment Views Analysis (2009 and 2013.)
  • views from/along the Rideau Canal including from Commissioners Park, Hartwell Lockstation and Colonel By Drive (that were assessed for the Campus Master Plan and parking garage applications.) (From: Page 18/87---City of Ottawa Development Application Search-Cultural Impact Statement-Addendum 2-D07-12-22-0168.)  United Nations UNESCO World Heritage Sites-views of the Rideau Canal cannot be blocked by new construction.-savecfbrockcliffe. 

10. National Interest Land Mass - "The Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site is designated in its entirety as part of the National Interest Land Mass. There lands are essential for the long-term symbolism, functioning, physical structure, and natural and cultural landscape qualities of the Capital. Implicit in a NILM  designation is a formal expression of the Federal government's interest in the long-term use of these lands."
"Most NILM lands are, or should be, under the custody of the federal government to ensure they are protected and enhanced. Generally the majority of these lands are, or will be, owned by the NCC, while some NILM land will also be under the custody of other custodians or departments." (CEF National Historic Site Management Plan (7-20).

"To ensure that federal capital lands in Canada's Capital Region develop in a way that is appropriate to the Capital and respectful of heritage and the natural environment, the NCC prepares long-term visionary plans. It defines National Interest Land Mass properties to be held in trust for future generations. (National Capital Commission Summary of the Corporate Plan-2006-2007.)

In the year 1998, the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada designated the Farm a National Historic Site and a Cultural Landscape. "Federal buildings and grounds which are national historic sites of Canada should receive the highest protection and their significance should be communicated to the public." ("Plan for Canada's Capital-1999-National Capital Commission: Lands of National Significance, page 69/127.)

12. The Ottawa 20/20 Initiative. "A Green and Environmentally Sensitive City" was identified as one of the seven principles that will be used to guide the City when making day-today decisions."

13. The National Capital Commission's Plan for Canada's Capital. "For jurisdictional reasons, the lead planning document for land use decisions affecting CEF lands is the NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital. (PFCC) It sets out the federal government's goals for use of federal lands in the National Capital Region. The NCC reviews all proposals for the use of federal lands for conformity with this Plan through the Federal Land Use and Design Approvals and Land Transaction processes."

"The PFCC contains broad, high-level policies that place the CEF within the context of other federal lands in the National Capital Region:

  • identifying the lands east of Prince of Wales as Capital Urban Green Space
  • the Rideau Canal and nearby CEF shore lines as Waterway and Shore Land
  • the Canada Agriculture Museum lands as National Cultural Institution
  • the Research Fields as Rural Lands
  • and the lands near Carling as Federal Node.
The PFCC further designates several roadways situated within and connecting with the CEF:
  • Prince of Wales Drive north of the traffic circle and the NCC Driveway are designated Capital Parkway, connecting with Queen Elizabeth Drive on the east and Island Park Drive on the northwest.
  • The PFCC designates Prince of Wales Drive south of the traffic circle as Scenic Entry, matching the designation in the City of Ottawa Official Plan. 
The Entry Zone - Expansive lawn areas with mature specimen trees and curving pathways.
Long-framed vistas and varied, dramatic topography.
Overlooks to Dow's Lake and the Rideau Canal.
Roadways designed in the parkway tradition. No internal road widening should be permitted.

14. The Natural and Open Space report: "The Natural and Open Spaces Study (NOSS) was undertaken to provide the technical information necessary to enable informed decisions regarding the City's remaining natural areas and open spaces. The Study recommends the protection of 57 natural areas City-wide:
The Farm - The Natural and Open Spaces Study (NOSS) report, prepared by the City of Ottawa, identified a number of significant natural resources on or adjacent to the Central Experimental Farm site. The Arboretum ranks in the highest category for social value, reflecting the importance Ottawa residents attach to this area for its visual and natural relief, and for its contributions to the quality of life in an urban context. The NOSS study recommends the protection of the Arboretum and adjacent open water wetland habitat, two nearby water reaches, and the CEF Woods near Fisher Avenue. It also provides management guidelines. (From: CEF National Historic Site Management Plan (8 of 20) Date modified on 2019-09-17).

City of Ottawa Department of Urban Planning and Public Works-June 4, 1999. Natural Open Spaces, Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Protection Areas:
  • Portion of Mud Lake/Britannia Woods
  • Pinecrest Woods
  • Dechenes Rapids
  • Hampton Woods
  • Chaudiere Rapids
  • Portion of Lemieux Island
  • Arboretum
  • Central Experimental Farm Woods
  • Prince of Wales Woods
  • Victoria Island Woods
  • Brown's Inlet
  • Patterson's Creek
  • Rockcliffe Park Woods
  • Leopold Woodlot
  • Riverside Woods
  • CNR Line
  • Portions of Sawmill Creek
  • RA Centre Woods
  • Rideau River Park Woods
  • Jim Durrell Arena Woods
  • Coronation Park Woods
  • Ramsey Creek Woods
15. House of Commons Ottawa April 12, 1961 Mr. Hazen Robert Argue (Co-operative Commonwealth Federation): "...There has been a good deal of discussion in the house regarding the government's policy in respect of construction of buildings on the experimental farm and I think it has been accepted---at least it was by the minister's predecessor and by former members of the Department of Agriculture, particularly by the Right Hon. J.G. Gardiner---that the central experimental farm should not be encroached upon by the construction of buildings, because of the fact that it is considered to be a valuable piece of property with historical records built up over many decades."

"It was felt that any reversion or change of this land to some other use would destroy the continuity of these records, and that the experimental farm should remain intact at its present location. I think the present minister has been modifying the policy as set out by his predecessor. He appears to be on record as in favour of the construction of an administrative building...but I would express hope that such a building would not be constructed at that location; and that the farm situated at this very strategic and valuable location will not be sacrificed to commercial interests..."

Monday, April 10, 2023

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Queen Juliana Park before and after.

April 8,2023. The photos are from the Reimagine Ottawa Twitter page.
I cannot witness what is happening to "Canada's Farm". If I drive by I will probably break down and cry. I'll find another route to my favourite restaurants on Preston Street. My daughter was employed at a Preston Street restaurant for years, and my family and I celebrated graduations, weddings and birthdays there and visited the Comedy Club.

 Queen Juliana Park was a Memorial to Canadian soldiers who died during the liberation of the Netherlands during World War 11. The Farm is a National Historic Site of Canada and a National Interest Land Mass. In the year 1976 the Trudeau government gave the park to the citizens of Canada, after the National Capital Commission banned the use of Commissioners Park for:

  • Canada Day and Italian Week festivities
  • Humane Society events
  • Native Indian Pow Wow's
  • the run for Juvenile Diabetes
  • picnics, play activities and bird watching
 Prime Ministers of Canada, Federal Members of Parliament, Agriculture Ministers, the Ontario Provincial Government; Ottawa City Councillors Katherine Hobbs, Jeff Leiper, Catherine McKenney, Rawlson King and Shawn Menard; Senator Mike Duffy, Reimagine Ottawa, Friends of the Farm, Ecology Ottawa, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and many more organizations fought for years to save the 1,000 acre farm.

So did I. 

Federal properties being sold by the Department of Public Works. March 9, 2023.

 Elk Point, Alberta-$200,000 dollars.

4904 - 50th Avenue, Elk Point.

Brandon, Manitoba-$3,500,000 dollars.
1039 Princess Avenue, Brandon.

Inuvik, Northwest Territories-$1,250,000 dollars.
187 Mackenzie Road, Inuvik.

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia-Buildings and Land-$400,000 dollars.
215 Main Street, Yarmouth.

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia-Buildings and Land-$675,000 dollars.
15 Willow Street, Yarmouth.

Rankin Inlet, Nunavut-$37,500 dollars.
3-11 and 5-11 Siku Avenue, Rankin Inlet.

Sept-Iles, Quebec-Building and Land-$225,000 dollars.
637 Avenue Dequen, Sept-Iles.

Trois-Rivieres, Quebec - $679,000 dollars.
3110, rue d'Anjou, Trois-Rivieres.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Dow's Lake area was rezoned to permit high-density residential.

At one time the property was a major venue for the Tulip Festival:

House of Commons Ottawa April 10, 1974 Mr. Haliburton (Progressive Conservative): How many tulip bulbs are purchased each year for Ottawa? How many years are the bulbs re-used? When the bulbs are disposed of, are they sold by public tender or destroyed and, if destroyed what is the manner of doing so, what is the cost?

Hon. Ron Basford (Minister of State for Urban Affairs) Liberal: ".I am informed by the National Capital Commission as follows: 250,000 tulip bulbs are purchased each year by the NCC. The number varies depending upon which floral display areas are replanted. There are four major priority floral display areas, they are Dow's Lake, Parliament Hill, 24 Sussex Drive and Rideau Hall. The beds are normally planted every second year. If the first year display is poor they will be replaced the next fall, conversely if the second year display is particularly good they will be kept a third year."

"The other floral displays are replanted when necessary every three or four years. The tulip bulbs are heeled in after they are removed in the spring, sorted during the summer and the flower size bulbs are replanted in the fall in the secondary floral display areas such as the borders along the Driveway system. The remaining bulbs, which are too small to produce a flower are buried. (The cost) is approximately $250."

The Dow's Lake parking lot will be the focus of a residential redevelopment. "City files application for new Civic Hospital land."

APPLICATION #D01 ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT 930 Carling Avenue, 520 Preston Street-Official Plan Amendment-No Appeal. adopted July 16, 2018.

"According to the proposed rezoning map, the maximum height for a building in the middle of the hospital land will be about 10 storeys. Closer to the train station the Preston-Carling Secondary Plan would kick in. The maximum heights in that plan allow for 20 storeys southwest of the station. The rezoning application also includes the parking lot northwest of the Dow's Lake pavilion. The land would change from an open space and park to a mixed-use centre." Ottawa Citizen article by Jon Willing, August 18,2017.

"FEDCO has approved my motion, moved by Coun. Dudas, to slightly alter the ward boundary between Capital and River Wards, by moving the Dow's Lake pavilion parking lot into River Ward, to ensure the entire Ottawa Hospital project is in one ward." Councillor Riley Brockington, December 1, 2020.

 Many buildings on the Farm are facing demolition: "Coun. Riley Brockington has been trying to lock in lease conditions that would preserve as many buildings as possible, such as the Dominion Observatory." ("Feds say they'll pay $11.8 million to clean up new Civic site" by Dave Reevely, Ottawa Citizen February 23, 2018.) But the South Azimuth is interfering with the widening of Maple Drive. And the Civic Hospital does not want irregular parcels of land---Functional Operational Hospital Interests - Parcel shape-An irregular parcel shape "would require fundamental modifications." (NCC Federal Site 45/256.)

 Land reserved for a hospital is classified as Institutional. The 12-acre mixed-use area "identifies locations within the city to focus new growth into compact and mixed use developments." 

The Dominion Observatory Campus is in the upper left hand corner and the William Saunders Building is below the DARA Tennis Club and Historic Hedge Collection. 

The Greber Report of 1950.

"A Capital City belongs to a certain extent to the whole country, and should not be placed in such a position that any one man, or company of men can have it in their power to seriously mar its beauty, and thus throw discredit on the nation. As a Capital City, the park and open spaces should be numerous, and ample boulevards and parkways should skirt the different waterways as well as connect the principal parks and the different public buildings." (Page 192/395, originally from the Todd Report of 1903.) 

"The Experimental Farm forms a central park within a residential area in the City of Ottawa, and its avenues constitute a part of the driveways of the Federal District Commission." (Page 167/395.)

"Extensive parks and playgrounds were recommended, including the acquirement of lands in the Laurentian Hills for a National Park, and the development of Dow's Lake and its adjacent lands as a recreational area was strongly urged." (Page 199/395.)

Dow's Lake is part of the Rideau Canal Promenade:

A Facebook photo from Parks Canada, the National Capital Commission, City of Ottawa and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

"The Greenbelt will remain the public domain."

 2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement - Page 53/196. "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation and will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region."

"Keep developers off the Farm."

"A 1998 survey found that 74% of Ottawa-Carleton residents wanted to keep housing subdivisions off the Central Experimental Farm land, and even more (78%) did not want major office or commercial buildings there. Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson was not surprised by the results, saying 'I think that the Central Experimental Farm is a real gem in the city and I don't think the public wants to take open and green space and have it developed.' Results of the survey by the COMPAS research firm were reported in The Citizen on August 3, 1998." 

A front-page article in the Ottawa Citizen, August 3, 1998.

A December 17, 1946 article from the Ottawa Journal.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The 1965-1966 Annual Report of the National Capital Commission.

 The Greenbelt. "...There are 43,390 acres of land in the Greenbelt, of which 14,199 acres are leased for agricultural purposes including market gardens; 10,748 acres are in use by departments and agencies in the Federal Government such as the Uplands airport, Departments of Agriculture, Mining and Technical surveys; and National Defence, including the Defence Research board."

The Agriculture Canada Farm on 1740 Woodroffe encompassed 4,000 acres

A YouTube video.

 "5,377 acres of marginal or submarginal farmland has been turned over to the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests for conservation purposes. The Mer Bleue bog in the eastern part of the Greenbelt is an area of 3,600 acres also for conservation."

A letter to Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson from CPAWS, asking the mayor to not build infrastructure in the Mer Bleue bog.

City of Ottawa White Paper on Development in the Greenbelt, May 28, 2008. "The City of Ottawa has identified 13,700 acres that could be developed..." 

Federal Members of Parliament and individuals who wanted to preserve the landscape:  

  • Prime Minister of Canada Mackenzie King
  • Urban planner Jacques Greber
  • Minister of the Environment John Baird
  • Minister of the Environment Jim Prenctice
  • Mrs. Beryl  Gaffney
  • Hon. Gordon O'Connor
  • Mr. Mauril Belanger (Ottawa-Vanier, Liberal)
  • Mr. Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Liberal)
  • Mr. Jean-Robert Gauthier (Ottawa-Vanier) Liberal
  • Mr. Don Boudria  (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell) Liberal
  • Mr. Bell (Carleton) Progressive Conservative
  • Mr. Walter Baker (Grenville-Carleton)
  • Mr. William Warren Allmand


The Temporary Buildings.

A front page article in the Ottawa Journal-October 5, 1977.

The American Embassy was built on land where Temporary Buildings 6 and 9 were located. Number 5 is now the $4 million dollar Dow's Lake parking lot that was donated to a hospital.

House of Commons Ottawa June 29, 1951 MP Agar Rodney Adamson (Progressive Conservative): "What are the grounds the Prime Minister has to keep up under this vote?"

R. Hon. Louis Stephen St-Laurent (Prime Minister; President of the Privy Council): "The Federal District Commission, which is under the privy council office, keeps up the grounds in the district belonging to the federal government. Even after Parliament Hill land in Majors Park was sold to a private corporation, the government of Canada had the power to control the architecture." 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Mile Circle and Aviation Museum area will not be developed.

Confirmation that Mile Circle and lands to the east of Birch Street and lands around the Aviation Museum and Rockcliffe Park Airport will be preserved as green space. National Capital Commission, June 19, 2021.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Urban parks in the National Capital Region, 1958.

"Between 1899 and the outbreak of the Second World War the Commission developed about 900 acres of parks in the Ottawa-Hull urban area. Some of these, such as Rockcliffe and Strathcona are developed on lands leased from the City of Ottawa. Others, such as Major's Hill Park and Nepean Point are on lands owned by the Department of Public Works. Since 1945 the system has been considerably extended by developments at Hog's Back, waterfront parks on the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, and additions to Jacques Cartier Park east of the Interprovincial Bridge in Hull."

Nursery, Greenhouses  - The Commission operates a nursery of approximately thirty acres, one of the main functions of which is to grow first-quality trees to grow to large sizes which will be in scale with the public buildings and parkways when they are planted. The nursery is located in the Alta Vista area, partly on Commission-owned land and partly on land leased from the Department of Veterans Affairs at the Rideau Health and Occupational Centre. A small number of greenhouses are operated in Rockcliffe Park to produce annual flowers for border plantings. The greenhouses are operated from late March to early June.

Refreshment Concessions - The Commission owns refreshment pavilions in Rockcliffe and Hog's Back parks and Gatineau Park. They are operated as concessions, let on tender, and profits help defray costs of construction and maintenance. Cafe Champlain on Bate Island, by agreement between the FDC and the proprietor, comes into Commission ownership at the end of a twenty-year period, terminating in 1967.


Hog's Back Park and Picnic Fields -  In order to provide better swimming facilities in the Hog's Back area the City requested permission from the Commission to construct a swimming beach at Mooney's Bay. (From: 1951 Annual Report of the FDC.)

 After three years of development, seventy-five acres of fully-equipped picnic fields were opened to the public this spring immediately north of the fifty-acre park adjacent to Hog's Back Falls. Facilities provided include a refreshment pavilion, (an FDC concession) rest rooms, first-aid room, mother's nursing room with facilities for infant care and feeding; public shelter, loading platform for buses and passenger cars; paved parking spots for 540 cars, bicycle racks, picnic tables to seat 3,000 persons, numerous fireplaces of different types, drinking fountains, seven baseball diamonds, a square-dancing platform, a council ring and hiking trails.

 Public address systems are available on rental and may be set up in numerous locations on a underground power supply network. Additional park structures are proposed, including a bandshell and open-air theatre. During its first summer of use the new park had registered picnics of 50 persons or over, with a total attendance of over 23,000 people.

Leamy Lake Park, Hull

Bate Island - Minor improvements were made in the parking lots and plantations on this small island in the Ottawa River, which is reached via the Commission's Champlain Bridges.

Hampton Park - Increasing use of this fifteen-acre park on the west side of Island Park Drive by day campers and tourists made necessary the construction of a public restroom, with attached tool shed for use of the park maintenance staff. 

Dow's Lake Park - The Carling avenue widening project reduced the area of this park, part of which formerly was loaned to the City Recreational Department for junior baseball diamonds. A new park without sports facilities was constructed in the area bounded by Carling, Preston and the FDC Driveway around Dow's Lake. House of Commons Ottawa June 16, 1958 The Hon. Howard Charles Green (Minister of Public Works, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, Progressive Conservative Party House Leader):

"Once these temporary buildings are torn down nothing will be constructed on the site." Hon. Howard Green, Minister of Public Works:

 World War 11 temporary building No. 8 was located at 870 Carling and No. 5 was near Dow's Lake. The Sir John Carling Building can be seen on the left. The photo is from Eric Darwin.

Public Services department working on transfer of land for new Civic Campus. "Public Service says it is the custodian of land at 870 Carling Avenue (Queen Juliana Park) as well as the remaining annex of the former Sir John Carling Building." Ottawa Citizen, December 14, 2016.

Bronson Park - Reconstruction of this small park at the north end of Bronson avenue was made necessary by the re-designing of traffic circulation lanes at the intersection of Sparks and Wellington streets. New grading, sodding and general rehabilitation have been carried out.

Strathcona Park

Rockcliffe Park - The design by Jean Issalys, MRAIC of a new refreshment pavilion located in the narrow waist of the two halves of the park has been approved. The public shelter and rest rooms constructed at the overlook of the Ottawa River many years ago will continue in use, however, due to the continuing extensive use by the public. The park, one of the oldest constructed and maintained by the Commission, is noted for its century-old white pines many of which are reaching the maximum size which the depth and type of soil will permit.

Rideau Falls Park

Jacques Cartier Park, Hull - Two acres of land were graded and put into turf. The old stone building, built about 1840 and reported to have been at one time part of an early ship-building establishment and a fur-trading post, located near the waterfront east of the Interprovincial Bridge is being restored and will be lent to the Hull Bibliotheque St. Joseph for use as a museum.

Brebeuf Park, Val Tetreau, West Hull - This small waterfront park once formed part of the Little Chaudiere Portage used by the early voyageurs of the Ottawa River Fur Trade. The setting of the monument to the martyred priest Brebeuf at its western end was completely reconstructed. The circular motor road around the monument was removed and replaced with a paved terrace for pedestrian use. The terrace, in the nature of a Commission experiment, is constructed of cast-in-place concrete flags, with the concrete brushed out to a shallow depth to take a surface of coloured crushed stone.

Pinhey Forest - The Commission continued to assist the Ottawa Board of Trade in the maintenance of Pinhey Forest, a 100-acre reforestation project in the Greenbelt east of Uplands Airport, the land for which was donated to the Board of Trade by the late Charles Pinhey of Ottawa. During the year 3,500 nursery trees were set out, and the usual fire protection practices were followed. The year's growth on the reforestation was excellent.

Mooney's Bay Beach - The Committee has leased land to the City on the east shore of Mooney's Bay on the south shore of Hog's Back for development of a municipal recreational area. The main beach has been graded and sanded, and staff consultations have taken place on preliminary building and site plans for which Commission approval is required.

(The 1958 Annual Report of the Federal District Commission, pages 41,42,43,44 and 45 out of 96 pages.)

(The City of Ottawa cares more about the needs of developers than the needs of the general public. The City believes that "pocket parks" or parkettes are acceptable and they are less than a hectare. "Greenspaces do not not have to be green"--- cement plazas are replacing 50 to 100 acre green spaces that have washrooms, picnic tables, grass, trees, beaches, recreational facilities, sandboxes...)

"The City's requirements for parks and open spaces have to be revisited to ensure that the types of spaces required by developers reflect the need for quality spaces of all sorts, at the right location, and at the right sizes. The goals of a review of parks and recreational land should be 'Quality over quantity of land'. One of the many appropriate types of public space is the plaza." (Recreational Land Strategy for Ottawa-2006-2031. 4.4.2. Parks and Open Spaces, page 74 and page 78.) 

Barrhaven Downtown Secondary Plan Section 4: Parks 2.) Public parks and community facilities are permitted. Parks must generally be between 0.35 and 1.0 hectares of level land. Not contemplating sports fields. Urban parkettes will be 0.2 to 0.4 hectares.