The Memorial is dedicated to fallen Canadian soldiers: "That under the authority of Order in Council 5635 of August 15, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City of Ottawa has been defined as the National Capital district and it has been decided to engage Mr. Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial." (Plan for the National Capital by Jacques Greber-1950, page 15/395.)
"Canada's Farm" along Carling Avenue in Ottawa features:
- Queen Juliana Park
- thousands of trees
- the Arboretum
- Fletcher Wildlife Garden
- Dominion Astrophysical Observatory campus-The Observatory is part of the Parliamentary Precinct: "The popularity of the Observatory occurred when it opened in 1905, due to the support of Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Laurier's advocation reinforced the idea that this observatory was to be considered an arm of the parliamentary precinct..." ("Journal of the Study of Architecture in Canada" and "Astronomer Mary Grey and the Architecture of Canada's Dominion Observatory". Sharon Odell from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.)
- NCC Parkway - The Scenic Driveway is a tree-covered route flanked with bike trails. All of the roads serving the site with the exception of Prince of Wales Drive are expected to be widened to account for a greater density of traffic. (Regenerating the Experimental Farm, page 30/74.)
- Ornamental Gardens
- Department of Agriculture Recreational Association (DARA) Tennis Club
- research fields
- the William Saunders Garden
- museums
- greenhouses
- historic buildings- including the Booth Barn, saved from demolition during the 1990's by Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act and by heritage groups.
- the Rideau Canal Hartwell Lockstation
- the Historic Hedge Collection
- the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- buffer zones near the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site at Dow's Lake.
House of Commons Ottawa March 2, 1939 Abraham Albert Heaps, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation: "...I know that the federal government has laid out a number of parks here, and open spaces used for playgrounds...We should know what use is being made of these open spaces in order to find out whether or not Ottawa is receiving a square deal from the federal government."
Mr. Charles Dunning (Minister of Finance and Receiver General): "Assessment values are the only values available.Take for example certain properties of the federal district commission surrounding Dow's lake. What was their actual value before the federal district commission built them up and turned them into the beautiful park which now exists?"
Federal parks in 1996
- Rideau River
- Brewery Creek
- Parliament Hill Promenade
- Du Portage
- Victoria Island
- Tache Park
- Parc du sentier de file
- Commissioners
- Vincent Massey
- Hog's Back
- E.B. Eddy (NCC Annual Report-1995-1996-page 47/111.)
The Hon. Ron Stewart (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works) The NCC has a long-standing policy to retain federal river front land.
The Policy for Parkways and Driveways, published by the NCC as approved in 1984 and the official land use of the City of Ottawa, all state their commitment to the public open-space corridor along the Ottawa River.
The NCC's Plan for Canada's Capital-CEF lands.
1.) properties east of Prince of Wales are Capital Urban Green Space.
2.) the Agriculture Museum is a National Cultural Institution.
3.) research fields are Rural Lands.
4.) Rideau Canal and nearby CEF shore lands are Waterway and Shore land.
5.) Prince of Wales north of the traffic circle and NCC Driveway are Capital Parkway.
6.) Prince of Wales south of the traffic circle is Scenic Entry.
7.) lands near Carling are Federal Node.
8.) recreational pathways are part of the Capital Pathway Network.
9.) experimental fields and most of the property west of Prince of Wales are Agricultural Research.
10.) remaining lands west of Prince of Wales are General Urban Area and Urban Natural Features. (Google: CEF National Historic Site Management Plan, part 7 of 20.)
House of Commons Ottawa June 22,1992 Mrs. Beryl Gaffney (Nepean, Liberal): "Mr. Speaker, in the 1960's the federal government had the foresight to protect environmentally sensitive land in the nation's capital with the establishment of the greenbelt lands.
The NCC is the federal agency responsible for these lands. The greenbelt was established to control urban sprawl, provide beauty to the nation's capital and assist municipalities in local improvements such as cycling paths. The Stoney Swamp, the Pinhey Forest and the Log Farm (have) all added to the enhancement and beauty of the nation's capital.
The people of Nepean are most concerned that the NCC is moving away from that premise.
Does the government plan on continuing the status quo with the Nepean greenbelt lands or does the government plan on putting these lands up for sale?
The majority of us in Nepean clearly do not want the greenbelt chipped away for residential or commercial development..."
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