Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The proposed demolition of Canada's history.

A photo that I took of Princess Diana on June 20, 1983. The Langevin Building is in the background.

Block 2

House of Commons Ottawa July 20, 1973 The Hon. Jean-Eudes Dube (Minister of Public Works): "Concern has been expressed about the danger of visual encroachment on the beauty of the parliamentary precinct. We must ensure that nearby developments do not adversely affect it...I wish therefore to announce, Mr. Speaker, that I have today, on behalf of the government, filed a notice of intent to expropriate all the land and buildings in the area bounded by Wellington Street, Elgin Street, Sparks Street and Bank Street. The purpose of this expropriation, as I have indicated is to protect the environment of Parliament from any development which could adversely affect it and simultaneously provide land for an appropriate expansion of parliamentary facilities and other government requirements. The property of the United States Embassy has been excluded from this expropriation but discussions are well underway for its acquisition."

Block 1 in the Parliamentary Precinct - Langevin Building, 80 Wellington; Postal Station B, 59 Sparks; Hope Chambers, 63 Sparks; Blackburn, 85 Sparks; House of Norcano, 69 Sparks; O'Brien, 65 Sparks; Saxe (Canada Life), 75 Sparks; Nelms, 67 Sparks; Wellington,180 Wellington; Dover-Brouse-Slater, 181 to 185 Sparks.  (The Langevin Building was created with limestone--- the limestone Great Pyramid of Giza is 2,600 years old.)

Block 2 - Former American Embassy, 100 Wellington; Embassy Annex, 128 Wellington; Victoria, 140 Wellington; Birks, 107 Sparks; Valour, 151 Sparks; Bate, 109 Sparks; Marshall, 14 Metcalfe; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 119 Sparks; Fisher, 115 Sparks; Canada's Four Corners, 93 Sparks. "They have reached the end of their life cycle."

Block 3 -  Sir John A. Macdonald Building, 144 Wellington; Wellington Building, 180 Wellington; Dover-Brouse-Slater, 181 to 185 Sparks; Booth, 165 Sparks.

Highrise's were envisioned for Parliament Hill and south of Wellington Street "At least the upper part of the silhouette of the Centre Block will remain unobscured. The Confederation Building and the East and West Block and other Secondary National Symbols are afforded the second level of protection. The silhouette of background buildings may rise above the roofline of the Secondary National Symbols." (Canada's Capital Views Protection, page 96/153.)  
The East Block of Parliament in Ottawa. Wikipedia photo.

The height limit for structures facing Wellington Street was 108 metres or 32 storeys. while the height limitation for buildings facing Sparks Street Mall was 113 metres or 34 storeys. (Parliamentary and Judicial Precinct Area Site Capacity and Long Term Development Plan, page 89/148.) Until 1965 there was a height limit of 13 storeys in downtown Ottawa, so that the Peace Tower would dominate the landscape.

34 storey buildings should never be constructed on Parliament Hill, south of Wellington or on the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall.

House of Commons Ottawa December 7, 1984 MP Joseph Gaston Isabelle (Hull-Aylmer) Liberal: "Several years ago you could see Parliament Hill from far away. Today, you have to fly aboard a helicopter to see it, because of a few small skyscrapers that have, for all practical purposes, destroyed the beauty of the majestic Parliament Hill. And the National Capital Commission had to buy some land in order to have control over this area and avoid any undesirable construction. That is what the Commission did among other things to avoid the building of huge skyscrapers which would have practically destroyed the beauty of Parliament Hill."

Posted by Heritage Ottawa in September of 2019 Part of a letter written by Thomas Axworthy regarding the Chateau Laurier addition---it was never built by the way: "Since the Parliament Buildings were constructed in 1866, Canadians have been blessed with beautiful vistas and iconic buildings woven together in a coherent whole in the Parliamentary district of the National Capital. This is an irreplaceable heritage that must be passed down intact to future generations." Sincerely, Thomas S. Axworthy. Copies of the letter were sent to:
  • the Government of Canada
  • the Government of Ontario
  • Parks Canada
  • the World Heritage Centre at UNESCO
  • the federal minister responsible for Canada's National Historic Sites
  • the leaders of Canada's federal political parties
  • Larco Inc. of Vancouver
  • the Chair and Board of the National Capital Commission
  • the Committee of Adjustment

Saturday, February 22, 2025

"More historic places are being lost."

 House of Commons Ottawa October 26, 2004 MP Bryon Wilfert (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment) Liberal: "Canada's national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas represent the soul of Canada. They are a central part of who we are and what we are. They are places of magic, wonder and heritage. Together, they connect Canadians to our roots, to our future and to each other."

"Built heritage includes sites, buildings and monuments, recognized for their historic value. These include battlefields, forts and citadels, shipwrecks, archeological sites, cultural landscapes, bridges, houses, cemeteries, railway stations, historic districts, ruins, engineering marvels, schools, courthouses, theatres and markets. Year after year, decade after decade, more and more historic places are being lost."

Endangered landscapes

1.) The Parliamentary Precinct, Ottawa "Any tram on Wellington Street would need two stations and would require federal land on the north side of Wellington Street around the Supreme Court of Canada. It would also affect the current eight entrances to the precinct." (From: "Sparks Street tunnel preferred route for Gatineau tram." by Kate Porter, CBC News, September 2, 2020.) Parliament Hill and the Supreme Court of Canada cannot be encroached upon. The federal government still owns the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall, and Sussex Drive is Ottawa's Mile of History. Most of the buildings across from Parliament are scheduled for demolition including the former American Embassy. "Major overhaul in store for entire block facing Parliament" by Ryan Patrick Jones, CBC News, February 3, 2020.

2.) Fort York, Toronto - Encroached upon by residential housing, businesses and the Gardiner Expressway.

Sold The Dominion Public Building, Toronto, located beside Union Station. Known as Canada's Buckingham Palace. Toronto city councillor Mike Layton and his colleagues refused to allow the construction of condos. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Kingston, Ontario and the loss of federal properties.

The Portsmouth Olympic Harbour -  Taxpayers of Ontario donated this land to the City of Kingston after the 1976 Olympics. But there were conditions: "The City of Kingston agreed to take over responsibility for the maintenance at the end of the Olympics, and said it would be open to the public as a park." (Kingston Portsmouth Harbour - Opportunities and Constraints, page 18/140.)

  Petition-Save the Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Greenspace and Character "The park land owned by the city should not be sold for condo/residential development. WE DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP THIS GREAT WATERFRONT PARK TO DEVELOPMENT."

Properties that will be sold and converted to housing.

  • Isabel MacNeill Halfway House, 525 King Street West.
  • St. Helen's Complex, 440 King Street West
  • Stone Gables, 462 King Street West
  • Kingston Penitentiary "Selective demolition of the Main Walls can provide entrances for automobiles and buses."(City of Kingston Projects-Kingston Penitentiary and the Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, page 74,)
  •  The South Workshop is facing demolition to make way for high-rise condos. "The South Workshop, also known as building C-1 to C-6 at Kingston Penitentiary is an impressive 19th century, industrial building with a temple facade and a Greek cross plan. The solid stone building is made up of four large wings radiating from a central rotunda." Parks Canada. 
    The South Workshop appeared in an episode of Murdoch Mysteries.

Kingston buys prime waterfront land from federal government for a token sum of $2." billhutchins Global News.

"Marina City would cover the site of the old Canadian Locomotive Works and adjacent areas, some of which are owned by the federal government. The project would include some 750 apartments in three towers, townhouses, shops, offices, a hotel and a convention centre and a marina. A total of 1,300 underground parking spaces are provided. (Architecture Canada newsmagazine, July 20, 1970 page 5/10.)

"Kingston developer to buy Marine Museum Property." Kingston Whig Standard.

The Kingston Pen condos.

"At least one perimeter wall at the Pen will be demolished to facilitate views of Lake Ontario; and the guard towers knocked down if they get in the way of residential construction" (From: Kingston Visioning.)

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Rideau Canal and Kingston Fortifications may lose UNESCO World Heritage designation...

if a hospital is built on the Farm in Ottawa. "On July 27, 2007, the Rideau Canal and Kingston Fortifications were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee. The site is made up of six elements: The Rideau Canal (lock stations and waterway), and the fortification sites in Kingston which consist of Fort Henry, Fort Frederick, Cathcart Tower, Shoal Tower and Murney Tower".

"The Rideau Canal is a large strategic canal constructed for military purposes which played a crucial contributory role in allowing British forces to defend the Colony of Canada against the United States of America."

UNESCO objected to:

  • The Ottawa hospital campus on the Experimental Farm
  • The Chateau Laurier proposed expansion (Ottawa)
  • The Rideau Marina redevelopment (Kingston)
  • Highway 417 bridge rehabilitation (Ottawa)
  • Rideau Canal Crossing pedestrian bridge (Ottawa)
  • Third Bridge Crossing (Kingston)
  • Former Davis Tannery Brownfield Site Redevelopment (Kingston)
  • Various Federal Infrastructure Investment Program projects along the length of the Rideau Canal World Heritage property. (The information is from "State of Conservation Report, Rideau Canal, May 2018")
House of Commons Ottawa February 19, 2007 MP Gord Brown (Leeds-Grenville) CPC: "Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate that I am speaking about the Rideau Canal on Heritage Day. It encompasses many communities, all with unique heritage: Seeley's Bay, Newboro, Westport, Portland, Perth, Rideau Ferry, Smiths Falls, Merrickville, Kemptville and Manotick. It is a heritage river, a national historic site and hopefully, will soon be a World Heritage Site."

National Historic Sites of Canada and UNESCO  "The designation brings international attention to the need for the preservation and conservation of the site. It brings tourism. It can provide funds for restoration, preservation and training."

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The map and information are from "Canadian Armed Forces Review" a magazine created by my Dad.


"In September 1880, the British government granted to Canada all of the territory north of the U.S. border, and between the 60th and 141st meridians in West Longitude, extending to the North Pole." 

A Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft at Rankin Inlet in the Northwest Territories.1969.

The airplane dropped off supplies to a British Trans-Arctic Expedition at the North Pole.  

The British Expedition was travelling across the Arctic Ice Cap from Point Barrow, Alaska to Spitzbergen, Norway.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

House of Commons Ottawa January 21, 1985 Mr. Dyck (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State) (Government House Leader) Progressive Conservative: "...We must have a review and must know what foreign ownership there is now in this country. The Americans do it. Just last month I note that a Canadian who bought some land in Mississippi has now been ordered by the courts to turn it over because foreigners are not allowed to own land...There are laws in the United States Midwest against the  ownership of oil and gas and farm lands."

O Canada

"When every Canadian, new or old, in whatever section of this land he may have been reared, can truly say to himself, 'Every inch of this country, every foot in whatever province it may be situated, every mile of prairie, every hill, every ounce of water, every field, every mountain, every stream, are mine own heritage, mine for my children and my children's children,' then we can say 'Canada is a great nation'. Great not only in its resources, great not only in its boundless wealth, but great also in the spirit and unity of its people." (Hon. Charles Gavan Power, KC, MP, Senator, A National Historic Person of Canada. page 228.) 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we should have our own national flag. We want something that is a symbol of true Canadianism." (Mr. Donald MacKay, page 159.)

"In 1919 we were in opposition. In 1948 we are in office. We were in favour of removing trade obstructions then. We are in favour of removing every form of obstruction now, including tariffs, objectionable exchange controls and restrictions on the movement of commodities." (The Right Honourable Louis St-Laurent, K.C, MP. page 215.)

"'O Canada' should be recognized as the national anthem." (Mr. Donald MacKay, page 217.)

National Liberal Convention, August 5th, 6th and 7th, 1948. The Coliseum in Ottawa.

CFS Alert, a Canadian military base 500 miles from the North Pole.

My Dad---1969.
A Hercules aircraft on a re-supply mission to Alert Base, Northwest Territories.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Canada's National Parks

House of Commons Ottawa March 15, 1972 The Hon. Martin O'Connell ,Minister of Labour, Liberal: "In our government's four years in office our national parks have increased from 18 to 28. There is a 50 percent increase in the area set aside in perpetuity for national parks. Canada leads all nations in the world in land set aside for future generations."

House of Commons Ottawa February 24, 1970 The Hon. Jack Marshall (Humber-St.Georges-Barbe) Liberal: "National parks are a national domain set aside by the Parliament of Canada for all the people."

 2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation, and will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life of Canadians in Canada's Capital Region." (Page 53/196)

Canada's Capital Greenbelt Master Plan, NCC, November 2013, page 38/196 "The 20,600 hectare Greenbelt belongs to the People of Canada, compared to other Greenbelts that tend to have more privately owned than public land."

"Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The Greber report of 1950, page 228/395.) Federal, scenic parkways:

  • Prince of Wales Drive, a gateway to the Experimental Farm. Now owned by the City of Ottawa. The parkway is being widened from 2 lanes to 4 lanes. (Dow's Lake-Glebe Report, June 11, 2010.) The Agriculture and Food Museum is located at 901 Prince of Wales. And access to the parkway and Maple Drive would be restricted to emergency vehicles, with more than 100 trips a day. (Ottawa Hospital-Official Documentation.)
  • Gatineau Parkway
  • Sir John A. Macdonald
  • Leamy Lake
  • Fortune Lake
  • Phillippe Lake
  • Champlain
  • Lac-des-Fees
  • Driveway (Experimental Farm)
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Colonel By
  • Sir George-Etienne Cartier
  • Aviation
Federal parks

  • Confederation
  • Jacques Cartier
  • Rockcliffe
  • Major's Hill
  • Rideau Falls
  • Commissioners
  • Hog's Back/Vincent Massey
  • Leamy Lake
  • Brebeuf
  • LeBreton Common  (Information about Key Capital Parks is from "NCC land holdings outside Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt". 1999

House of Commons Ottawa March 19, 1998 Bill C-29, An Act to Amend the National Parks Act: MP Nelson Riis (Kamloops, B.C.) NDP. "Members can probably tell that I do not support Bill C-29 at this point. This bill involves a great deal of Canada---31 national parks, 786 historic sites, a number of historical canal systems (Rideau Canal), 661 sites that are ecologically or environmentally significant, 165 heritage railway stations, 31 heritage river systems and others..."

MP Howard Hilstrom (Selkirk-Interlake) Reform:" Mr. Speaker, I am quite interested in the financial aspects of this bill. Is there a possibility of foreign interests getting involved in our parks system?"

MP Nelson Riis: "Obviously the answer is yes."

House of Commons Ottawa March 19, 1988 MP Rick Laliberte (Churchill River, Saskatchewan), NDP) "Our parks are a sacred sanctuary, they are part of our national identity."

Family photographs taken at the Waterton National Park in Alberta---1990.

Wild animals that wander into populated areas cannot be harmed, thanks to law enforcement and vigilant townspeople.

The Prince of Wales Hotel.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Properties that will be owned by the citizens of Canada forever.

1.) National Historic Sites of Canada


  • The Parliament Buildings
  • Public Grounds of the Parliament Buildings
  • Rideau Hall and Landscaped Grounds
  • Rideau Canal
  • Aberdeen Pavilion
  • Beechwood Cemetery
  • Billings House
  • Central Chambers at the corner of Elgin Street and Queen Street  
  • Central Experimental Farm
  • Chateau Laurier
  • Confederation Square
  • Connaught Building
  • Diefenbunker
  • Earnscliffe
  • Former Archives Building on Sussex Drive
  • Former Geological Survey of Canada Building
  • Former Ottawa Teachers' College
  • Hart Massey House
  • John R. Booth Residence
  • Langevin Block
  • Laurier House
  • Maplelawn & Gardens
  • National Arts Centre
  • Notre-Dame Roman Catholic Basilica
  • Royal Canadian Mint
  • Victoria Memorial Museum
(Historic Sites and Monuments Act of 1985.)

Kingston, Ontario 
  • Anne Baillie Building
  • Bellevue House
  • Cataraqui Cemetery
  • Elizabeth Cottage
  • Frontenac County Courthouse
  • Kingston City Hall and Market Square
  • Kingston Customs House
  • Kingston Dry Dock
  • Kingston Fortifications
  • Kingston General Hospital
  • Kingston Navy Yard
  • Kingston Penitentiary
  • Old Kingston Post Office
  • Point Frederick Buildings
  • Rideau Canal
  • Roselawn
  • Sir John A. Macdonald Gravesite
  • War of 1812 Shipwrecks
2.) The National Interest Land Mass
  • Quebec - Gatineau Park, 32,000 ha approximately
  • 3 parcels, Ottawa River shoreline at Portage Bridge & land beside Eddy street
  • Parts of Laurier St in front of Place du Portage
  • Ottawa River shoreline at the Alexandra Bridge approach
  • Hull Wharf Ottawa River water lot only
  • Museum site Laurier Ave
  • Ottawa River shoreline south of Brewery Creek
  • 4 parcels, Jacques Cartier Park
  • Ottawa River shoreline, proposed Voyageur Parkway
  • Leamy Lake and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor
Ottawa National Interest Land Mass
  • The Greenbelt "The Greenbelt occupies an area of approximately 20,000 hectares (51,397 acres)" (Beyond Ottawa---White Paper on Development in the Greenbelt, May 27, 2008.)
  • GG's residence (Rideau Hall)
  • PM's residence 24 Sussex Drive 
  • Rideau Gate (Guest House)
  • Central Experimental Farm
  • Greenbelt Research Farm
  • shoreline behind Parliament Hill
  • Chambers Building
  • Confederation Square
  • Part of Lebreton Flats N of Transitway
  • Victoria Island
  • Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and Conference Centre and land to the E of the Conference Centre. Also lands N of Wellington between Rideau Canal Locks & the Chateau Laurier & Major Hill Park. And the approach to the Alexandra Bridge & the new Art Gallery site.
  • Lady Grey Drive and the Ottawa River W of Sussex Drive.
  • Daly Building corner of Rideau & Sussex
  • 8 parcels of land E of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to MacDonald Cartier Bridge
  • Pt of the Mint property W of Sussex Drive  S of Macdonald Cartier Bridge
  • Small park on W side of Sussex Drive S of Macdonald Cartier Bridge
  • Parking lot at Earnscliffe and water lot
  • 4 parcels on the Rideau River around City Hall
  • 4 parcels E of Sussex Drive between Stanley Ave & Rideau Gate
  • Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington to Carling
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive
  • Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Road - 222 acres
  • Rideau River lands from Green Island to Revelstoke Dr
  • Airport Parkway
  • Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd to Hwy 417
  • Eastern Driveway & Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt
  • Lower Duck Island Ottawa River
"Land forming part of the National Interest Land Mass will be retained by the National Capital Commission on behalf of the government in perpetuity." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC Land Holdings.)

3.) Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada in Ottawa
  • The National War Memorial
  • Langevin Block - Office of the Prime Minister and the Privy Council
  • Senate of Canada - The Conference Centre, 2 Rideau Street
  • Chateau Laurier
  • National Arts Centre
  • Central Chambers
  • East Block
  • The Central Post Office
4.) National Parks and historic sites Parks Canada Act of 1998  "This Act establishes the Agency for the purpose of ensuring that Canada's national parks, national historic sites and related heritage heritage areas are protected  and presented for current and future generations."

5.) National museums The Museums Act of 1990 - National Gallery of Canada; Canadian Museum of History; Canadian Museum of Nature; Canadian War Museum; National Museum of Science and Technology; Canadian Museum for Human Rights; Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax; Canadian Aviation and Space Museum.

6)  UNESCO World Heritage Sites UNESCO is a UN agency
  • Historic District of Old Quebec
  •  Rideau Canal
  • Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
  • Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta
  • Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
  • Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo Jump, Alberta
  • Gros Morne National Park---Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Landscape of Grande Pre---Nova Scotia
  • Red Bay Basque Whaling Station---Newfoundland and Labrador
  • SGang Gwaay---British Columbia
  • Waterton National Park, Alberta
  • Joggins Fossil Cliffs---Nova Scotia
  • The Kingston Fortifications
  • Kluane/Wannell - St. Elias/Glacier Bay/Tatcheshini Alsek---Yukon
  • Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia
  • Wood Buffalo National Park---Alberta and the Northwest Territories
  • Nahanni National Park---Northwest Territories
  • Mistaken Point---Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Anticosti---Quebec
  • Writing on Stone/Aisinai' pi---Alberta
  • Tr'ondek---Klondike, Yukon
  • Miguasha National Park---Quebec
  • L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site---Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Pimachiowin Aki---Manitoba and Ontario
7.)  The Parliamentary Precinct in the Nation's Capital
  • The Parliament Buildings and the Hill
  • Library of Parliament
  • Supreme Court of Canada
  • Senate of Canada - 2 Rideau Street
  • Library and Archives Canada
  • Buildings and land on Wellington Street opposite Parliament
  • The northern half of the Sparks Street Mall
8.) Parliament Hill Legal Title House of Commons Ottawa December 21, 1963 With the exception of the years 1802--1823, Parliament Hill has been owned by the Crown---successively by the Crown Imperial, the Crown Provincial and the Crown Federal. Since 1823 the Crown has always held these lands for public purposes---either of defence or generally.

9.) Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity. (The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)

10.)  900 square miles in the National Capital Region Privy Council of Canada Document No. 6721 "The Privy Council have had before them a report, dated 25th October 1945, from the Minister of Public Works, stating: 'That under the authority of Order in Council No. 5635 of August 16, 1945, an area comprising some 900 square miles, more or less, adjoining the City has been defined as the National Capital district and it has been decided to re-engage Mr. Greber to make a study of that area with a view of preparing plans for a suitable long-term development of such area as a National War Memorial.' (The Greber Report of 1950, page 15/395 pages.)

9.)  The Ottawa Greenbelt is part of the National War Memorial---"The Greenbelt is like an Emerald Necklace and exists as a memorial to the Canadians who gave their lives in the Second World War. It consists of over 20,000 hectares of greenspace. The Greenbelt reaches a distance of 45 kilometers and ranges over a distance from two to 10 kilometers." (From: "The Greenbelt---Have your say about the Greenbelt's future" by the National Capital Commission, June 10, 2009.) Housing developments and hotels are banned.
  • Mer Bleue Conservation Area
  • Commissioners Park near Dow's Lake
  • Green's Creek Conservation Area
  • Stony Swamp Conservation Area
  • Hornets Nest soccer fields
  • Greenbelt Research Farm
  • Pine View Golf Course
  • Hylands Golf Club
  • The Log Farm
  • Shirley's Bay
  • Bruce Pit
  • Conroy Pit
  • Lime Kiln Trail
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Wesley Clover Park
  • Pinhey Forest
  • The 19th Tee Driving Range
  • The Connaught National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • The Southern Farm
  • Airport land
 1992 Directory of Federal Real Property


Sunday, February 9, 2025

The following Canadian landmarks are protected UNESCO.

1. The Historic District of Old Quebec, including the Plains of Abraham, Chateau Frontenac Hotel, La Citadelle de Quebec and the Louis-St-Laurent Building, the Old Post Office. 

2. The Rideau Canal

3. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

I visited Lunenburg a few years ago.
4. Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta

5. Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks

6. Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo Jump in Alberta

7. Gros Morne National Park

8. Landscape of Grand Pre

9, Red Bay Basque Whaling Station

10. SGang Gwaay

11. Waterton National Park, an International Peace Park and a World Biosphere Reserve in Alberta

12. Joggins Fossil Cliffs

13. The Fortifications in Kingston, Ontario---Fort Henry, Fort Frederick, Cathcart Tower, Shoal Tower and the Murney Tower.

14. Kluane/Wannell-St. Elias/ Glacier Bay/Tatcheshini Alsek

15.. The Tumbler Ridge UNESCO Global Geopark in British Columbia

Lola and Dora in Tumbler Ridge.


Friday, February 7, 2025

The Annexation Bill of 1866.

 "The Annexation Bill of 1866 was a bill introduced on July 2, 1866, but never passed in the United States House of Representatives. It called for the annexation of British North America and the admission of its provinces as states and territories in the Union. The bill was sent to committee but never came back, was never voted upon, and did not become law. The bill never came to the United States Senate." (Wikipedia).

References: Fred H. Harrington Fighting Politician: Major General N.P. Banks (Philadelphia, 1948). pp 178-179.

Donald Frederic Warner: The Idea of Continental Union: Agitation for the Annexation of Canada to the United States, 1849-1893. University of Kentucky Press 1960.

(The Canadian Pacific Railway was built from 1881 until 1885, partly in response to threats to annex Canada.)

Sir John A. Macdonald united Canada by creating the CPR.

 Prime Minister Macdonald created the Canadian Pacific Railway to connect this country, and he wanted to prevent the annexation of Canada to the United States of America. "Sir John A. Macdonald's dream for Canada was to extend the country from sea to sea and connect it with a transcontinental railway. He believed this would create a sense of geographical coherence and national sovereignty." (From: BC Open Textbooks.) The railway was built from 1881 to 1885.

Kingston, Ontario is a very popular tourism destination. Do not sell monumental buildings--- Bellevue House, the Penitentiary; the Isabel MacNeill House; Stone Gables; Rockwood; and the Martello Towers (Martello Towers in Great Britain were privatized and featured on a real estate program called Location, Location, Location.) 

  I loved to visit the museums, Fort Henry and Macdonald Memorial Park where my husband windsurfed. I travelled to Wolfe Island on the ferry.

Limestone Buildings

  • The Pen
  • Prison for Women
  • Fort Henry
  • Frontenac County Courthouse
  • The Martello Towers
  • Royal Military College
  • Kingston General Hospital
  • Kingston City Hall
  • Rockwood Psychiatric Hospital
  • Queen's University
  • The Armoury
  • Sisters of the Providence of St. Vincent de Paul - 1200 Princess Street
  • Church of the Good Thief
  • Stone Gables
  • Old Kingston Post Office

The Martello Tower in Ireland where the singer Bono lived. Credit: Jonathan Schilling.

The Martello Towers in Canada are still owned by the people:

 Directory of Federal Real Property Number 09473 - Murney Tower National Historic Site
Organization: Parks Canada Agency
Uses (s): Parks and Recreation
Interest: Crown Owned
Address: Macdonald Park
Municipality: Kingston, ON
Land Area: (ha) 0.1659
Buildings: 1
Floor Area: (sq. m.) 1,100

Thursday, February 6, 2025

"Removal of the walls and many of the existing buildings is required."

 "Elements of the southern cruciform (workshops) should be conserved and adaptively re-used for commercial and/or residential purposes. The West Workshop is an important heritage building, however in considering future development opportunities, it may be necessary to substantially alter or remove this building."

Residential (South) "While this area is supportive of the heritage value of the former penitentiary, it is considered the least important with respect to retention and adaptive re-use of existing structures. The lake and harbour are not visible from within the former penitentiary. In order to create a residential community that is open, accessible and connected to the waterfront, removal of the walls and many of the existing buildings is required in the southern part of the penitentiary." (Portsmouth Visioning-Former Kingston Penitentiary and Portsmouth Harbour.)

A 1989 photo of the West Workshop, now facing demolition. The Recognized Federal Heritage Building is in good condition according to the Directory of Federal Real Property. (DFRP number 09477.)

The former Prison for Women on 40 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard. The walls and several buildings were taken down to facilitate the redevelopment of the National Heritage Site of Canada.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

25 storey condominiums will be built inside the prison and on the waterfront.


The parking lot. A Globe and Mail photo.

Google: CBC Radio All in a Day, 2017: "Sailing Centre, waterfront park touted for Kingston Penitentiary redevelopment". 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Corrections Canada is prohibiting the construction of buildings within the red lines.

The park will be accessible to the public.
Correctional Service of Canada-Kingston Harbourfront Property-Environmental Assessment Result. Update  After the environmental assessment and risk assessment were completed, clean up options were presented to the CSC. The option chosen was to excavate and replace the impacted soil so that the land could be revitalized and restored to green space. The re mediated area will no longer be leased for boat slips or long-term boat storage, so the refreshed space  will be open for the public to have access to and enjoy! 2015-16-29.

 Corrections Canada never wanted residential properties on the Harbourfront, see the photo on this page---the park land is outlined with red lines. The Penitentiary parking lot is also targeted for housing. Also, the purple and pink areas are the focus of intense redevelopment. Buildings C-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 13; 23 and 24 are within the purple and pink area.

Buildings that will be demolished for housing and commercial development. Building C-1 is the Dome.  C-2 is the North Wing.  C-3 is the East Wing.  C-4 is the South Wing. C-5 is the West Wing. C-6 is the Fuel Storage.  C-7 is the West Shop Block.  C-9 is the Mason's Shop. C-13 is the Weigh Scale.  C-23 is the Treatment, Recreation and Social Development Centre. C-24 is the garage.
South Workshop Buildings C-1 to C-5. A local historian and writer, Dr. Jennifer McKendry, said that at least 10 Kingston Penitentiary landmarks will be flattened. According to the documents on this page--- the Dome, the workshops, North Wing, East Wing, South Wing and West Wing are expendable.

Classified and Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings.

 Directory of Federal Real Property-Kingston Penitentiary 560 King Street West
Property Number 09477
Custodian: Correctional Service of Canada
Interest: Crown Owned
Restriction: No Restriction
Primary Use: Law Enforcement and Corrections
Municipality: Kingston
Province/Territory: Ontario
Federal Electoral District: Kingston and the Islands
Census Classification: Rural
Land Area: 10.4000 ha (25.6 acres)
Building Count: 42
Floor Area: 48,318 sq. m.
Record Created On: January 18th, 1990
Record Last Modified On: December 16th, 2019

Heritage Buildings 
East Workshop, Recognized
Former Prison for Women, Recognized
Main Cell Block, Classified
Main Cell Block, Classified
Main Cell Block, Classified
South Workshop, Recognized
South Workshop, Recognized
West Workshop, Recognized
South Workshop, Recognized
South Workshop, Recognized
Penitentiary Tower, Recognized
Penitentiary Tower, Recognized
Penitentiary Tower, Recognized
Penitentiary Tower, Recognized


The Penitentiary towers are protected by the government of Canada.

Parks Canada Directory of Federal Heritage Designations Recognized Federal Heritage Building

Address: 555 King Street West, Kingston, Ontario
Recognition Statute: Treasury Board Policy on Management of Real Property
Designation Date: 1990-05-18
Dates: 1841 to 1846 (Construction)
Event, Person, Organization: William Coverdale (Architect)
Other Name (s): Guard Towers D1 - D5
Custodian: Correctional Service of Canada
FHBRO Report Reference: 89-032
DFRP Number: 0947700

 Description of Historic Place The Penitentiary towers are located at each of the four corners along the exterior wall of the Kingston Penitentiary. The projecting round structures are constructed in stone and are reminiscent of Medieval castle architecture. Each tower supports an octagonal guard house with a polygonal shaped roof. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.

Heritage Value
Historical Value
Architectural Value 
Environmental Value
work in progress

Monday, February 3, 2025

The prison farms.

"A new prison will be constructed in Kingston, Ontario, populated from the consolidation of:
Collins Bay Institution
Kingston Penitentiary
The Regional Treatment Centre
Millhaven   (Information is from "A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety-Report of the Correctional Service of Canada" 2007---page 198.)

"Joyceville and Pittsburgh farm land could be worth $2 million dollars while the Regional Headquarters at 440 and 462 King Street West in Kingston could net $17 million dollars."("A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety" 2007---page 208.) 

Canadian writer Margaret Atwood taped a message to the front door of St. Helen's, 440/462 King Street West in Kingston. The Corrections Canada properties will be sold to real estate developers.