Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Corrections Canada is prohibiting the construction of buildings within the red lines.

The park will be accessible to the public.
Correctional Service of Canada-Kingston Harbourfront Property-Environmental Assessment Result. Update  After the environmental assessment and risk assessment were completed, clean up options were presented to the CSC. The option chosen was to excavate and replace the impacted soil so that the land could be revitalized and restored to green space. The re mediated area will no longer be leased for boat slips or long-term boat storage, so the refreshed space  will be open for the public to have access to and enjoy! 2015-16-29.

 Corrections Canada never wanted residential properties on the Harbourfront, see the photo on this page---the park land is outlined with red lines. The Penitentiary parking lot is also targeted for housing. Also, the purple and pink areas are the focus of intense redevelopment. Buildings C-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 13; 23 and 24 are within the purple and pink area.

Buildings that will be demolished for housing and commercial development. Building C-1 is the Dome.  C-2 is the North Wing.  C-3 is the East Wing.  C-4 is the South Wing. C-5 is the West Wing. C-6 is the Fuel Storage.  C-7 is the West Shop Block.  C-9 is the Mason's Shop. C-13 is the Weigh Scale.  C-23 is the Treatment, Recreation and Social Development Centre. C-24 is the garage.
South Workshop Buildings C-1 to C-5. A local historian and writer, Dr. Jennifer McKendry, said that at least 10 Kingston Penitentiary landmarks will be flattened. According to the documents on this page--- the Dome, the workshops, North Wing, East Wing, South Wing and West Wing are expendable.

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