Sunday, February 2, 2025

"The Kingston Pen is Canada's Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal."

The Pen is a National Historic Site of Canada, and the Main Cell Block and North Lodge are Classified Heritage buildings: 

Properties in Portsmouth Village in Kingston are protected by the Ontario Heritage Act.

A statement about the Pen by the Hon. Mark Gerretsen, Member of Parliament for Kingston and the Islands: "What happens to that site, in my opinion, really should be up to the residents of Kingston, considering the fact that it is federal property." (Q and A with Kingston and the Islands MP Mark Gerretsen, by Ian McAlpine, Whig Standard, February 7, 2016.) The Kingston Pen is federally owned, it belongs to Canadians.

 Possible future of the landmark: 

There is massive opposition to the demolition of the buildings: "The Pen is one of the most historic, famous landmarks in the world---Canada's Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal. Yet plans are already being made to level buildings and remove walls to permit the construction of housing, new pathways and roads. Will Kingston be a tourism mecca, when the Pen, Prison for Women, Stone Gables, Isabel McNeill House, Collins Bay Institution and Rockwood Asylum are gone? Collins Bay Institution is known as Disneyland North. (City of Kingston-Projects-Planning-Kingston Penitentiary June 2017, page 23/59.) 
Collins Bay is located on 1455 Bath Road. It is a Federal Heritage Building. 

Bill Glover, a Sydenham city councillor: "It's not inconceivable that they could level the whole site." ("Group tries to get Kingston Penitentiary heritage status" by Peter Hendra, Toronto Sun September 2012.)
Floyd Patterson, President of the Frontenac Heritage Foundation: "The federal government has the power to demolish them (all the Kingston Pen buildings). However, we have concluded that would be absolutely atrocious, grievous, scandalous." ("Group tries to get Kingston Penitentiary heritage status" by Peter Hendra, Toronto Sun September 2012.)
Local historian Jennifer McKendry said that 10 buildings are slated for demolition. (Concern raised regarding Penitentiary planning process, by the Coalition of Kingston Communities.) Books by Jennifer McKendry:
History of Portsmouth Village

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