Friday, March 7, 2025

Canada's lakes and rivers.

The Rideau Canal was built between 1826 and 1832. 

House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1950 Mr. George Taylor Fulford (Leeds) Liberal: "The great chain of Rideau Lakes form an integral part of the Rideau Canal system. As we all know, the Rideau Canal is of particular historic importance. It was built after the War of 1812 by British army engineers. There was a rather quaint treaty signed between Great Britain and Canada when the Canal system was handed over to Canada. One of the clauses of the treaty said that Canada would maintain the canal system as long as the grass was green and the sky was blue above."

House of Commons Ottawa November 27, 1964 Mr. Ralph Cowan (York-Humber) Liberal: "Many years ago the government built the Rideau Canal. I was born on the banks of the Rideau and I was raised on the banks of the Trent in Peterborough. These two canals were built at government expense. A commission recommends that they should be sold, or turned over to the province of Ontario as tourist attractions because they are of no future value to the federal government."

House of Commons Ottawa June 1, 1994 Mr. Jim Jordan (Leeds-Grenville) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, on May 22 I had the pleasure of assisting at the opening of the Rideau Canal for another season.

Completed in 1832 to give access to the Great Lakes from the nation's capital, the canal today offers 202 kilometres of clear, pristine waters through a total of 47 locks. Hundreds of pleasure craft annually move leisurely along through the canal and pages and pages of Canada's history." 

The BNA Act of 1867 - Provincial Public Works and Property to be the Property of Canada "The Government of Canada will own Canals, with Lands and Water connected therewith." more

A wonderful 4-hour documentary produced by TV Ontario in 2020. A YouTube video.

Photos of Big Rideau Lake near Portland, during the summer of 2024:

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