Thursday, April 30, 2020

Do not ban the public from the Tulip Festival.

"NCC considering fences to keep people away from blooming tulips this year." How DARE you, you are promoting virtual reality, I would rather see the real thing and not an image on my computer and television set..I want to smell the flowers and read the historic plaques and actually see the Rideau Canal. Smell-o-Vision was created by Mike Todd Jr. during the 1950's for the movie "Scent of Mystery." The public was disenchanted with this imitation of reality and they stayed away from the movie in droves.
  Walmart has placed brightly coloured tape on the floor to indicate how far apart customers have to be, and there are disinfectants on several tables. And only a small number of customers are permitted in the store at one time.
Surely NCC employees could place brightly coloured tape on six foot intervals at Commissioner's Park pathways; and restrict the number of people entering the Park at one time. It reeks of authoritarianism for the public to be banned from places that contribute to our physical and mental well-being and make our lives worth living.
"Big Brother will show you video of the Tulip Festival and the various national parks. But don't you dare set foot on any of those properties or you'll be fined or arrested." NCC, the people of Canada own the Greenbelt, Gatineau Park, the Queen Elizabeth Driveway, Experimental Farm, Dow's Lake, Commissioner's Park, Queen Juliana Park and the Greenbelt Research Farm. The Festival is located on prime real estate, Dow's Lake and Commissioner's Park. The Dow's Lake parking lot is worth $4 million dollars and was recently given to the Ottawa Hospital Corporation. Commissioner's Park will eventually be sold to real estate entities, but the masses will always have virtual tours of the Festival at their fingertips.
Her Majesty Queen Juliana and H.R.H. Prince Bernhard visit the Tulip Festival.
A mid-1960's Ottawa Journal newspaper article.

     "Olympian Sue Holloway is leading a group of fitness advocates who are trying to get the NCC to open up more parkways, trails and Gatineau Park to residents so they can get some fresh air, exercise and keep their sanity during the pandemic." (From: "Fitness advocates urge NCC to open trails, parkways, Gatineau Park safely." by Kelly Egan, Ottawa Sun newspaper, April 29, 2020.")


During the summer of 1983 I did not wait on Parliament Hill to see a virtual image or a clone of Princess Diana.
I am fed up with seeing fences around federal property that should be preserved as green spaces for the people of Canada, and for visitors from around the world.
530 Tremblay Road, Ottawa.
Lebreton Flats.
933 Gladstone, Ottawa.
The former post office on 59 Sparks Street on the Mall is a Classified Federal Heritage Building. Why on earth has it been completely blocked off by a tall fence for years? It could be transformed into a national museum.
Disneyland North on the Experimental Farm will be fenced off because the entrepreneurs are charging admission fees and it is close to the Arboretum which is free.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"The 20,600 hectare Greenbelt belongs to the people of Canada."

From "Canada's Capital Greenbelt Master Plan" National Capital Commission, November 2013, page 38/196.
     "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation that will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region." (Page 53/196 of the above mentioned document.)
     "(There will be) a focus upon federal facilities while discouraging non-federal facility development on Greenbelt lands, particularly municipal roads or infrastructure, or non-federal types of facilities (Institutional, commercial or residential.) (Page 55/196 of the above mentioned document.)

Monday, April 27, 2020

Why the Greenbelt should be preserved.

The National Capital Greenbelt is one of the largest in the world and the only one that is publicly owned in its entirety.
Shirley's Bay - (800 ha.) - A provincially significant wetland; migratory bird staging and nesting area and fish habitat. The causeway acts as a bird watching venue.
Shirley's Bay Shoreline - Provides opportunities for year-round public activities.
Bishop and Sandstone Quarries - Provided stone for the construction of the Parliament Buildings.
Bruce Pit (300 ha) - A re-naturalized sand pit with diverse wildlife habitat. Outdoor recreation and interpretation potential.
Conroy Pit (110 ha) - Abandoned sand pit, recreational and development potential.
Silver Springs Farm - Historic Landmark (1867), and working farm.
Agriculture Canada Research Farms (1,700 ha.) - 1740 Woodroffe. Centre for Food and Animal Research (CFAR) monitoring research croplands and conducting animal nutrition studies for over 20 years. Animal Disease Research Institute (CADR), one of two animal health and rabies prevention/detection laboratories in Canada. (Note: During the mid-1990's the Farm was decommissioned, the animals were auctioned off and barns were demolished. The National Capital Commission paid $1 dollar for the Agriculture Canada property. Now the NCC is renting land to a film studio and a futuristic testing lab. The City of Ottawa has indicated that vacant agricultural land, situated between established neighbourhoods, is earmarked for residential development. The federal government has the power to remove the following designations:
National Interest Land Mass
National Historic Site of Canada
Classified Federal Heritage Building
Recognized Federal Heritage Building.

Ottawa-Nepean Tent and Trailer Park - Almost 300 sites accommodating visitors from across Canada and around the world.
Bell Northern Research and Northern Telecom - Telecommunications research with 8,000 employees in future. Home to the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre. (1992).
National Capital Equestrian Centre - Riding school and training centre, site of international riding and jumping events.
Farms in the western Greenbelt benefit from large areas of high-quality agricultural soils.
Hornets Nest Soccer Fields - 11 sports fields host local and provincial tournaments.
Nepean Sportsplex (1973) - Regional scale sports and recreation facility.
Pine View Golf Course - A 36-acre public course, operated by the City of Gloucester.
Log Farm - Restoration of the Bradley Farm of 1857.
Pinhey Forest (300 ha.) - Managed woodlot begun in the 1930's to prevent sand erosion. Wildlife habitat and recreational open space.
The Royal Swans, a Centennial gift from Queen Elizabeth 11, winter here in the Greenbelt.
The Greenbelt's environment has been improved by community organizations that have planted many thousands of trees.
Pine Grove Forest (1,200 ha.) Largest block of 2,600 hectares of natural and plantation forest managed by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Multiple-use area:timber production, nature trails and wildlife habitat.
Ramsayville Hamlet - Founded in the mid-1800's. Remaining buildings form an important cultural landscape.
Over 3.6 million trees have been planted in the Greenbelt since 1966.
Black Rapids Lockstation and the Rideau Canal (1830's) - Historically and environmentally significant site at the geographic centre of the Greenbelt. Provides important boating access to the Capital.
(Note: A few nights ago I watched a wonderful documentary on television called "Tripping the Rideau Canal." It was produced by TVOntario and can also be viewed on YouTube. The program documents a 27-km journey from Manotick to Parliament Hill and features:
1.) the Long Island Locks
2.) Vimy Memorial Bridge
3.) Black Rapids Locks
4.) Mooney's Bay
5.) the Hog's Back Locks
6.) Hartwell Lock's
7.) Dows Lake
8.) Parliament Hill 
I never fully appreciated the beauty of my own country before and I frequently broke down in tears.)
Jack Pine Trail (1969) - A popular winter bird feeding area with a trail and birdwalks.
Richmond Road - One of the oldest roads in the region. (1819).
Southern Greenbelt Farms, on the best soil in the Greenbelt, form a major part of the 5,000 hectares leased to about 70 farm tenants.
16 soccer fields, 6 ball diamonds, 3 golf courses, a sailing club and other recreation facilities are found in the Greenbelt.
Carlsbad Forest Reserve (1,100 ha.) Acquired in 1974 as a green buffer for the now defunct Southeast Urban Community. Mineral springs made the Carlsbad community a popular turn of the century destination, but the water was unfit for human consumption.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Keep your hands off the Greenbelt, City of Ottawa.

The Greenbelt is a National Interest Land Mass. Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Erik Nielsen designated many properties NILM for several reasons including:
1.) To stop the National Capital Commission from selling or giving away federal Crown assets.
2.) To prevent the City of Ottawa from using NCC as a land bank.

National Interest Land Mass holdings.
"Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the National Capital Commission in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate." (Google: "1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC.)
Greenbelt Research Farm - 1740 Woodroffe Avenue.
The extension of the Central Experimental Farm is located in Nepean, Ontario and is bounded by Woodroffe Avenue and West Hunt Club, Fallowfield and Greenbank Roads.

Central Experimental Farm near Carling Avenue
 - "The Central Experimental Farm shall be an open area in perpetuity".---A 1954 Privy Council Order-in-Council approved by Canadian Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent.
However, the National Capital Commission is plunging ahead with their misguided, unpopular decision to give away land to a health care facility, and to rent 30+ acres to an entity that wants to create Disneyland North near the Arboretum and the Rideau Canal.

Gatineau Park.

The Greenbelt - 14,000 ha. approximately.

Victoria Island

Shoreline behind Parliament Hill

Chambers Building, Elgin and Queen.

Confederation Square

Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and the Conference Centre and land to the E of the Conference Centre; also lands N. of Wellington between the Rideau Canal lock and the Chateau Laurier & Major Hill Park. Also, the approach to the Alexandra Bridge & the new Art Gallery site.

Lady Grey Drive and the Ottawa River W of Sussex Drive.
Lady Grey Drive is behind the Royal Canadian Mint and several other landmarks. Photo is from the 1920's.

Daly Bldg. corner of Rideau and Sussex.

8 parcels of land E of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to MacDonald Cartier Bridge.

Pt of the Mint property W. of Sussex Drive.

2 Parcels W. of Sussex Drive N of MacDonald Cartier Bridge, Parking lot at Earnscliffe to water lot.

4 Parcels on the Rideau River around City Hall - ( City Hall is now a federal building called the John George Diefenbaker Building. It is on a list of "surplus" PWGSC holdings, as well as the Lester B. Pearson External Affairs Building.)

4 Parcels E of Sussex Dr. between Stanley Avenue & Rideau Gate.

PM's residence.

7 Rideau Gate (Guest House).

G.G.'s residence, Rideau Hall.

Ottawa River Parkway Wellington St. to Carling Avenue.

Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive.

Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Rd.

Rideau River lands Green Island to Revelstoke Dr.

Airport Parkway.

Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd. to Hwy 417.

Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt.

Lower Duck Island Ottawa River.

Lebreton Flats.
House of Commons Debates    Ottawa      November 26, 2007
Mr. Marcel Proulx (Hull-Aylmer, Liberal).
     "Mr. Speaker, the Greber Plan gave us the greenbelt to create a green, modern and avant-garde capital. The greenbelt contains farms, forest and wetlands, which provide opportunities fot recreational and outdoor activities as well as for learning....Now, the new president of the NCC, Russell Mills, wants to promote urban development in the greenbelt. Does the government plan on letting Mr. Mills do what he wants...?"
Hon. John Baird (Minister of the Environment, CPC).
     "Mr. Speaker, as a member from the Ottawa region, from the national capital region, I am well aware that this was a very good policy. I completely agree with the member."
House of Commons Debates  Ottawa    September 16, 2009
Hon. Gordon O'Connor, (Carleton-Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Conservative.)
     "Mr. Speaker, I am one of the great supporters of the greenbelt. I believe it is part of our heritage and must last as long in the future as possible."
Hon. Mauril Belanger (Ottawa-Vanier, Liberal.)
     "Mr. Speaker, I will ask the member for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell the same question I asked the member for Carleton-Mississippi Mills. Would he support an amendment to this bill that would address the concerns of many citizens vis-a-vis the greenbelt? That is, if there were an amendment proposed that would ask that the ecological integrity of the greenbelt also be protected, and not just of Gatineau Park."
House of Commons Debates   Ottawa     June 22, 1992
Mrs. Beryl Gaffney (Nepean, Ontario, Liberal.)
     "The greenbelt was established to control urban sprawl, provide beauty to the nation's capital, assist municipalities in local improvements such as the cycling paths, the Stoney Swamp, the Pinhey Forest and the Log Farm...The people of Nepean are most concerned that the NCC is moving away from that premise...The majority of us in Nepean clearly don't want the greenbelt chipped away for residential or commercial development."
House of Commons Debates   Ottawa         August 11, 1987
Mr. Don Boudria (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Liberal.)
     "...It is the responsibility of the NCC to protect and maintain the Greenbelt."
City of Ottawa White Paper on Development in the Greenbelt    May 27, 2008
     "The City is undergoing an Official Plan Review which, among other things, examines the need for additional land for urban purposes...The Greenbelt contains a large range of facilities that are well used by local residents. These facilities include 100 kilometers  of trails used for skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and bird watching; the Stony Swamp and Mer Bleue nature areas; the boat launch at Shirley's Bay Landing; the lock station at Black Rapids on the Rideau Canal; the campground on Corkstown Road; several toboggan hills; and the the National Capital Equestrian Centre..."
Development Scenarios for the the Greenbelt 
"It is estimated that of the 20,800 hectares in the Greenbelt, at least one quarter (approximately 5,560 hectares) might be eligible for development consideration if the Greenbelt designation was removed and the development policies of the City's Official Plan were applied to these lands. This estimate assumes that lands currently designated for agricultural and other rural activities that are currently wedged between two adjacent areas would be re-designated for urban uses."(Emphasis mine.)
City of Ottawa:

Front page Ottawa Journal newspaper article, 1975. The head of the National Capital Commission Doug Fullerton wanted Agriculture Minister Whelan to give 700 acres of the Farm to the NCC, so that 7,000 homes could be built.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Canadian properties that Bill Gates and CN Rail own or owned.

Union Station, 65 Front Street, Toronto Ontario - sold by CN and the CPR to the City of Toronto during the year 2000. The City is selectively demolishing parts of the Classified Federal Heritage Building. Toronto politicians David Crombie and John Sewell and many other people saved the landmark during the early 1970's.
The Victoria Bridge - crosses the St. Lawrence River and links Montreal, Quebec and St. Lambert.
The Quebec Bridge - between Levis and Quebec City was the focus of a 2014 court battle.
Allendale (Barrie) Ontario - 285 Bradford Street. The station is gone according to Google street view.
The Outer Station, 810 Montreal Street, Kingston, Ontario, was the focus of a court battle.
Sarcee Yard, Calgary Alberta.
Symington Yard, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Paris, Ontario bridge.
Richmond/Burnaby British Columbia bridge.
Central Station, Montreal - 895 Rue De La Gauchetiere.
Lytton CNR Fraser Bridge, British Columbia.
MacMillan Yard, Vaughn, Ontario.
 James Street Bridge is located  between Thunder Bay, Ontario and the Fort William First Nation. A fire during the year 2013 destroys the pedestrian and vehicle portions of the bridge. CN refuses to repair and reopen the link. Pedestrians and vehicles including ambulances and fire trucks have to take a one hour detour.
2018 - The railway company appeals to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Update: By the end of 2019 repairs to the pedestrian and vehicle portions of the James Street Bridge are completed.
Princess Elizabeth inspects a Guard of Honour at the Kingston, Ontario railway station, 1951.

810 Montreal Street, Kingston a few years ago.


Friday, April 17, 2020

Statements by Members of Parliament, Ottawa Ontario.

June 16, 1995.
Mr. Richard Belisle, La Prairie, Quebec, BQ.
     "Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present in the House of Commons the fourteenth report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. This report deals with the management of federal buildings.
Their value has been estimated at between $40 billion to $60 billion in 1985 dollars."
June 5, 1970.
Mr. Jack Sydney (Bud) Cullen, Sarnia, Ontario,Liberal.
     "Would the government give consideration to the passage of legislation requiring the CNR and CPR to return property to the people of Canada each time they reduce a service?"
The St. Clair Railway Tunnels between Sarnia, Ontario and Port Huron, Michigan. The tunnels are an American National Historic Landmark. They should be Canadian landmarks. "The People's Railway". RIP CNR 1918-1995.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada we stand on guard for thee
O Canada we stand on guard for thee.                 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Do not privatize the LeBreton Flats.

     During the year 1988 Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Erik Nielsen designated the property a National Interest Land Mass, to be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity. Former federal politicians John Manley and John Baird want to see the LeBreton Flats preserved as an urban park, similar to London, England's Hyde Park and Central Park in New York City. ("John Manley, John Baird urge NCC to keep land public" - CBC News, September 4, 2019.)

We have already lost armouries; lighthouses ,1,000, including Peggy's Cove;
 Dominion Buildings; the Victoria, British Columbia Dominion Observatory, and
 Canadian National Railway infrastructure, land and buildings that are now owned by Bill Gates and company:
The Quebec Bridge between Levis and Quebec City, Quebec. 
House of Commons Debates Ottawa       March 29, 1996.
Mr. Antoine Dube, Levis, Quebec, BQ.
"CN owned 6,000 bridges across Canada."
Mr. Chuck Strahl, Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon, B.C.
"In 1993 the federal government sold the Quebec bridge for $1 dollar with the proviso that CN maintain that bridge."
House of Commons Debates  Ottawa      December 1, 2009
Mr. Thomas Mulcair, Outremont, Quebec, NDP.
"...CN got infrastructure and projects worth billions in exchange for $1 dollar...we in the NDP have always warned that we cannot trust private enterprise and give it control over assets that once belonged to the Crown because it will not do the work needed."
Shortly before the Crown corporation was privatized, the holdings of Canadian Government Railways were transferred for a dollar.
House of Commons Debates Ottawa February 25, 2015.
Mr. Thomas Mulcair, Leader of the Opposition, Outremont, Quebec NDP.
     "Today the Prime Minister is meeting a major CN shareholder. CN owns the Quebec Bridge. The Quebec Bridge is an important piece of federal infrastructure. It is even a national historic site of Canada. Will the Prime Minister talk to Bill Gates about the Quebec Bridge as Mayor Labeaume has asked?"
Date: 1993-07-22
Precis    "Authority to enter into an agreement with CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS COMPANY and to dispose of all rights, title and interest in the Canadian Government Railways lands to the Canadian National Railway Company and termination of the management and lands entrusted to CN ."
The Government of Canada and CN engage in a court battle:
House of Commons Debates Ottawa     January 30, 2014.
Mr. Denis Blanchette (Louis-Hebert, NDP.)
     "Mr. Speaker, the federal government has wasted close to $400,000 dollars in legal costs fighting CN over the Quebec Bridge."
2014 - The railway company agrees to paint the bridge if taxpayers foot the bill. We do.
Government of Canada - $75 million dollars.
Quebec City and Levis pay $25 million. (From: "Quebec Bridge paint job spurs battle between CN and government" CBC News, November 29, 2014.)

September 2019 - The Government of Canada decides to buy back the Pont de Quebec, they are working with a negotiator to determine how many millions that will cost.
Taxpayers of Canada pay CN millions of dollars a year so that Via Rail can use their tracks. Via is a Crown corporation that provides a service for passengers. The tracks were built and paid for by our ancestors.
House of Commons Debates Ottawa 1995.
Mr. Tellier: "Privatization should have no effect on our relationship with Via. Via is a good customer of ours. Year in, year out, Via gives us between $50 million and $55 million of revenue."

Globe and Mail newspaper ad, 2007.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Disneyland North. 34 acres of the Farm are being redeveloped.

     "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the NCC's list for sale." (Senate of Canada, Ottawa -  the Hon. Anne Cools, April 23, 2002.)
The new enterprise will be near the Arboretum and the Rideau Canal Hartwell Locks.  A visitor's centre, laboratory, an amphitheatre, tower, huge parking lot and a plaza will be constructed.
Why this endeavor should not proceed:
1.)  The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is protected by a buffer zone of 30 metres.
2.)   Guidelines presented in the document "Rideau Canal Historic Site - Principles for Good Waterfront Development" are not being followed.
3.)  At least 500 nearby trees will be clear cut if a heath care facility is built on the grounds of the Sir John Carling Building.
4.)  The Farm lost 91 acres of land in 1988.

5.)  Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, and the Friends of the Central Experimental Farm were deeply opposed to a 2001 version of the same project:
     "This is a place where families go, it's a place where people have gone for years..." (Ms. Barlow) said the project would create a theme park atmosphere and lead to the privatization of the Experimental Farm. (Ottawa Citizen article, August 3, 2001.)The government of Canada was prepared to annex 108 acres of Agriculture Canada and PWGSC land.
6.)  A petition was sent to the Office of the Auditor General regarding the redevelopment of the landscape:
      Office of the Auditor General of Canada, Report 5 - Environmental Petition Annual Report.
      Date received: 28 January 2016.
      Petitioner: Coalition to Protect the Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site of
      Summary: The petitioner asks for information about the transfer of 60 acres of the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa from the control of Agriculture and Agri_Food-Canada to the National Capital Commission. It also addresses concerns about the negotiation to lease that land to the Ottawa Civic Hospital Corporation for a 99-year period.
"The Central Experimental Farm is a national historic site where various environmental, scientific experiments are conducted. For instance, the Farm conducts experiments on the impact of climate change on agriculture and studies crop yields and soil diversity. The petition asserts that the proposed severance of some of the most significant acreage will have negative impacts on the Farm in its role as both a research facility and a national historic site."
Issues: Agriculture; environmental assessment; governance; science and technology.
Federal departments and agency responsible for reply:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.
Parks Canada.
Status: Completed.
7.)  A letter was sent to His Royal Highness Prince Charles regarding the annexation the of land.
8.)  The CEF is a National Interest Land Mass.
9.)  Federal Member of Parliament and former head of the Green Party Elizabeth May wrote a letter to Environment Minister Catherine McKenna regarding the loss of federal property to a hospital, to see the letter Google: "Celebrating Earth Day Heritage Ottawa."
The government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau refused to permit any encroachment of the Experimental Farm.
House of Commons Debates    Ottawa        November 4, 1974.
Mr. Walter David Baker (Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition Party, PC.)
     "Mr. Speaker, on October 7 I directed a question to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs, Mr. Danson, regarding something which had arisen on a television program "Question Period."..that the government would certainly have to consider the adoption of a trade-off in respect of green spaces in Canadian cities.
     "At that time this indicated that the minister was at least considering the intrusion of development into green space. Subsequently the minister in the course of this answer, indicated that at least in so far as to two places I have mentioned in the National Capital Area, namely the Experimental Farm and the Ottawa green belt, he regarded these as areas of special sensitivity, and shared my view and the view of many others of this House in respect of the necessity to preserve them.
     "I want to say that when we are dealing with the National Capital Area...we must regard, and government policy must look at green space in urban areas as a very precious commodity. It is becoming more precious each day as there is a tendency in our society pack more and more people into fewer acres of land...The green belt and the Experimental Farm are precious for the reasons I have mentioned.
     "There really is no open or green space available to those who live in high-rise housing, row housing, in condominiums or in densely populated areas."
Mr. Pierre De Bane (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs) Liberal.
     "Mr. Speaker, I want to assure the hon. member that there is no question of replacing the green spaces in the National Capital region with buildings. On the contrary, proposals are currently under study in order to link these green spaces together and have them penetrate further into the urban area, so that they are not isolated and remote. This approach might require an increase and certainly not a decrease of green spaces and an adjustment of the limits of the green spaces already existing.
     "As I said, some adjustment might be necessary at certain times, which means that part of the existing open spaces could be traded against new ones in order to achieve a better integration. But I can tell the hon. minister that both quantitatively and qualitatively, green spaces are going to increase in the capital region."
A 2019 Senate Bill will ban the construction and demolition of buildings on National Historic Sites in Ottawa. The CEF is a National Historic Site in Ottawa.
   Senate Bill S-203, "An Act to Amend the National Capital Act-Buildings or works of national significance" was introduced by the Hon.Serge Joyal. ("Senator wants NCC to have power to limit development near Parliament Hill" by Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, December 13, 2019.)
A 1997 document.

The Hartwell Locks and the Farm, Ottawa Ontario. The photo is from

Saturday, April 11, 2020

"Get off my property."

During my childhood I spent a lot of time at my grandparents 100- acre farm near Merrickville, Ontario. I picked apples, visited the horses, planted a flower garden and climbed trees.
Then the Ontario government expropriated part of the estate when they built a highway between Jasper and Merrickville. A few years later my grandfather died and my Mother was not mentioned in the will. Most of the Victorian furniture in the mansion was dumped on the front lawn and sold off by a drunken auctioneer. The new owner the Manor told us to get off her property.
We ended up in the Maple Leaf Motel. To this day the words "expropriate" "auction" and "disinherit" are trigger words.
I am standing in front of The Manor in 1956.

 The Greenbelt, LeBreton Flats and the Experimental Farm are National Interest Land Mass holdings. Deputy Prime Minister Erik Nielsen created the designation in 1988 to rein in the National Capital Commission and to prevent the City of Ottawa from using NCC as a land bank. The people of Canada are supposed to own the Greenbelt, LeBreton Flats and the CEF in perpetuity.
NCC Lands having a potential for inclusion in the NILM. (From a 1988 document.)
1.) Western Parkway Corridor - Carling Ave. to Queensway - 40 ha.
2.) Experimental Farm Dr. Corridor - Queensway to Experimental Farm - 76 ha.
3.) Alta Vista Corridor - Kitchener Ave. to Smyth Road - 69 ha.
4.) Lebreton Flats - 35 ha. (65.37 were already designated as NILM, see my previous blog.)
5.) Hull South Parkway, Lucerne Boulevard to Gatineau Park - 275 ha.
6.) Part of Philomen Wright Corridor - 103 ha.
7.) 8 parcels on St. Joseph, Montcalm and Taylor Street including the proposed Science and Technology Museum site - 12.0 ha.
(Google: 1988-09-15-TB.- re-NCC.)

 In order to collectively disinherit us we are told that:
"Being a landlord is not a core business of government."
"We do not need bricks and mortar to govern."
"101 Champagne will be used to expand Ev Tremblay Park."
"The Greenbelt will always be in the public domain."
The councillor made a promise that he would save the Dominion Observatory campus.
Senate Inquiry - Proposal to Sell Moffat Farm    May 8, 2002.
Debate on the inquiry of the Honourable Senator Anne Cools, calling the attention of the Senate to:
a.) the public's need for the Senate and the Parliament of Canada to take into their cognizance the current conflict between Ottawa residents with their City Council and the National Capital Commission proposal to rezone a riverfront parkland to build a 244-dwelling housing development on that riverfront parkland;

b.) to the national capital parkland known as the Moffat Farm, a riverfront parkland on the heritage waterway, the Rideau River, at Mooney's Bay, near the entrance to the Hog's Back Locks, all of which form a part of the ancient and historic Rideau Canal and the Rideau Canal Waterway System, a parkland which for decades has been held by the National Capital Commission as a commissioned public trust for its protection for the public good and for the public use;
c.) to the meaning in law of a commission, being that a commission is a public body with a public purpose, authorized by letters patent, an act of Parliament, or other lawful warrant to execute and perform a public office,  and further, that the National Capital Commission is no ordinary entity, or, no simple arm's length crown corporation but is a commission which is a peculiar constitutional entity, intended to perform a public duty;
d.) to the current land use designation zoning of Moffat farm which is zoned as parkland, as are other Ottawa national capital parks such as Vincent Massey Park and Hog's Back Park, parklands whose maintenance and sustenance are of great importance and concern to Ottawans;
e.) to the National Capital Commission contracted agreements with private developers, including that one with DCR Phoenix regarding the sale for development of the parkland, Moffat Farm, to the same DCR Phoenix, a private developer currently acting as the National Capital Commission agent before Ottawa City Council and the Ontario Municipal Board in proceedings about the National Capital Commission proposed re-zoning of Moffat Farm from parkland to residential zoning as to permit the National Capital Commission's sale of this parkland to private developers;

f.) to Ottawa City Council's unanimous decision on March 27, 2002 rejecting and soundly defeating the NCC/DCR Phoenix's proposal for re-zoning and redevelopment of the Moffat Farm parkland, to the city government's strong objection to the proposed development, being the building of 244 expensive, luxurious high-end houses on the Moffat Farm parkland, a parkland also known for its environmentally sensitive lands;
g.) to the responsible ministry's and the National Capital Commission's own protocol that holds that the National Capital Commission should defer to municipal government on planning issues and land use;
h.) to another motion overwhelmingly adopted by Ottawa City Council on April 10, 2002, expressing the City's wish to purchase the Moffat Farm parkland, also asking the National Capital Commission to honour City Council's decision and also asking the National Capital Commission to withdraw its own appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board...

i.) to that same City Council motion of April 10, 2002, which said:
     "WHEREAS the Moffat Farm has been in public ownership for the past 50 years, since its expropriation, and has, until 1999, been designated a Capital Park by the National Capital Commission;
     AND WHEREAS the National Capital Commission determined that this property is surplus to national needs and intends to sell it;
     AND WHEREAS the Moffat Farm is outside the General Urban Area and designated as Waterfront Open Space in the Regional Official Plan, which is land in, or intended to be in public ownership and intended for public recreation and environmental conservation uses;
     AND WHEREAS the Moffat Farm has no 'right of development' at this time, being designated Major Open Space, Waterway Corridor and Environmentally Sensitive Area; zoning that offers the highest possible protection;
     AND WHEREAS, in the Ottawa Official Plan, the Moffat Farm is designated as a District/Community Park, a use identified in the 1973 Carleton Heights Secondary Plan as a means to address inadequate parkland for this area of the City;
     AND WHEREAS, since 1973, the population of this community has doubled and available parkland has already decreased;
     AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has a policy to acquire, where possible, waterfront properties that form the Greenway System and preserve these lands for public open space use;
     THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa offer to purchase the entire Moffat property from the NCC at a price which will be based on its current and future use as a District Park; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City request the local Members of Parliament (National Capital Caucus) to urge the NCC to respect Council's unanimous decision to withdraw its appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board."

j.) to the growing disenchantment and disappointment of Ottawans who perceive the National Capital Commission's corporate culture as running roughshod over Ottawans with wanton disregard for local communities of which the Moffat Farm is only one of several which include Lac Leamy, Sparks Street redevelopment and others, all of which have resulted in diminishing public respect for the National Capital Commission and its land use proposals in the national capital area;
k.) to the burgeoning public unease about the destiny of Ottawa's precious public lands as many Ottawans are anxious that the National Capital Commission is conducting its affairs in land use matters, more as a private development company and less as a public commission entrusted with Her Majesty's and the public interest in the proper land use of unique, historical, heritage parklands, and;
l.) to the public's need for Parliament's study and review of the National Capital Commission in its entirety, including its role, structure, organization, operations, authorizing statute, its Parliamentary appropriations, finances, and its relations with Canadian citizens especially Canadians living in the Ottawa area, its land dealings, its land developments, and its agreements with private developers selected by the National Capital Commission as recipients, buyers, of treasured Ottawa Lands."

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The National Interest Land holdings in 1988.

General Description 
"The NILM consists of national shrines, the river and canal banks, the Confederation Boulevard, the Gatineau Park, and the Greenbelt in the National Capital Region...considered essential to the realization of the Vision of the Capital."
"There are 37 individual parcels of property in this category currently owned by the NCC totaling some 44,200 ha. in area."
"Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate."
                                                       NCC National Interest Lands-Ontario.
Location                                                                                           Approx. Area. in Hectares.
1.)  Victoria Island                                                                                                        6.35
2.)  Part of Lebreton Flats N. of Transitway                                                               65.37
3.)  Shoreline behind Parliament Hill                                                                           2.91
4.)  Chambers Building, Elgin and Queen Street                                                         0.27
5.)  Confederation Square                                                                                             0.15
6.)  Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and the Conference Centre and land to the E of the Conference Centre, also lands N. of Wellington between the Rideau Canal lock & the Chateau Laurier & Major Hill Park. Also the approach to Alexandra Bridge & the new Art Gallery site.
7.)  Lady Grey Drive and the Ottawa River W. of Sussex Dr.                         
8.)  Daly Bldg. corner of Rideau and Sussex                                                   
9.)  8 parcels of land E. of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to MacDonald Cartier Bridge.                                                                                                                         
10.)Small park on W. side of Sussex Dr. S. of the MacDonald Cartier Bridge.       

11.)Pt of the Mint Property W. of Sussex Drive.                       
12,)2 parcels W. of Sussex Dr. N. of MacDonald Cartier Bridge. Parking lot at Earnscliffe and water lot.                                                                                               
13.)4 parcels on the Rideau River around City Hall.               
14.)4 parcels E. of Sussex Dr. between Stanley Ave. & Rideau Gate.                 
15.)PM's residence                                                                     
16.)7 Rideau Gate (Guest House).                                           
17.)G.G.'s residence, Rideau Hall.                                         
18.)Ottawa River Parkway Wellington Street to Carling Ave. 
19.)Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive.                               
20.)Rideau Canal lands, from downtown to Hog's Back Rd.   

21.)Rideau River lands Green Island to Revelstoke Dr.       
22.)Airport Parkway                                                           
23.)Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd. to Hwy 417.                 
24.)Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt 
25.)Lower Duck Island Ottawa River                                                               
26.)Greenbelt                                                                                                    14,000 ha. (approx.)
                                                              NCC National Interest Lands - Quebec
1.)  3 parcels - Ottawa River shoreline at Portage Bridge & land beside Eddy Street.
2.)  Parts of Laurier St in front of Place du Portage.
3.)  Ottawa River shoreline at the Alexandra Bridge approach.
4.)  Hull wharf Ottawa River water lot only.
5.)  Museum site Laurier Ave.
6.)  Ottawa River shoreline S. of Brewery Creek.
7.)  8 parcels on the E. side of Brewery Creek.
8.)  4 parcels; Jacques Cartier Park.
9.)  Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway.
10.)Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor.
11.)Gatineau Park - 32,000 ha. (approx.)
(Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Untouchable properties in the National Capital Region.

1.)The 2,031 acre Greenbelt Research Farm -1740 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean. Office and residential towers are not permitted on the landscape.
2.) The LeBreton Flats near the Parliamentary Precinct.During the year 1997 the Flats were designated as NILM.
3.) The Central Experimental Farm, Carling Avenue.
4.) The Greenbelt.
5.) Gatineau Park.
6.) Confederation Boulevard.
7.) Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.
Planning: Year of Ideas
     "...the NCC completed its review of the National Interest Land Mass (1988) to make sure that lands of national interest will be used appropriately and safeguarded for the enjoyment of future generations." (From: NCC Annual Report, 2000-2001-page 11/74.)

National Interest Lands are "the national institutions and symbols, rivers and canal banks, Confederation Boulevard, the parkway corridors, Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt" and these will be retained "in perpetuity." (From: 1988 Plan for Canada's Capital.)
1.) Greenbelt Research Farm.

The 1958 Privy Council Order-in-Council pertaining to the acquisition of land in Nepean, Ontario for the Federal Department of Agriculture.
2.) The LeBreton Flats.
"The ownership of all lands north of the new regional road, LeBreton Boulevard, will be retained by the National Capital Commission as National Interest Lands, essential to the fulfillment of the NCC mandate in the Capital. This distinction between National Interest Land and surplus lands in the Flats was approved by the Treasury Board of Canada."
"The NCC will also retain the ownership of (property) comprising the former municipal landfill south of the Parkway at Nepean Bay and immediately west of the proposed municipal park. The landfill lands do not have NIL designation."
"A 2.5 hectare parcel of land located to the west of Preston Street will be given to the City of Ottawa for a municipal park."
"An Official Plan Amendment was approved which established policies to protect Central Area Views to the Parliament Buildings and other national symbols." (From: Pages 37, 38, 40 and 48/164, "LeBreton Flats Plan - 1997.")

LeBreton Flats in 1963. The National Capital Commission expropriated and demolished entire neighbourhoods, "The one crime above all for which the NCC should be taken into account." NCC Watch. Now the NCC is involved with a massive, private residential and commercial redevelopment on the LeBreton Flats.

John Baird and John Manley - Ottawa Citizen newspaper article. "Keep the LeBreton Flats in the public domain. Create Ottawa's version of Central Park."
3.) The CEF.
Authorized uses:
---Research fields, arboretum, and research related facilities dedicated to agricultural and horticultural science.
---Administration offices and laboratory uses.
---Visitor services and amenities.
---Future National Botanical Garden, to be confirmed in consultation with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. (From: NCC Capital Urban Lands Plan, page 62/123.)

4.) The Greenbelt.
Includes the 3,500 hectare Mer Bleue Conservation Area.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

"Parks don't have to be grassy to be green."

City of Ottawa document "Residential Land Strategy for Ottawa  2006-2031." 4.4.2 Parks and Open spaces - "Quality over quantity should be the guiding principle." "Parks don't have to be grassy to be green." (Pages 74 and 78.)
The Mooney's Bay Park is located in River Ward beside the Rideau River. The Moffat Farm subdivision and Experimental Farm are also located in River Ward.
16 mature trees and a couple of bridges were removed so that a huge playground could be built on the land.
Mooney's Bay Park

I wonder how many trees will be chopped down when a  mega hospital is built on Queen Juliana Park, Ottawa. The park was a gift to the people of Canada from the federal government in 1976:
The Queen Juliana Park is outlined in blue while the Agriculture Canada land is outlined in red. Location: 870 Carling Avenue.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Why is the National Capital Commission protecting the Montfort Woods and not the Experimental Farm?

The City of Ottawa rezoned 50 acres of the Experimental Farm, from Open Space to Residential and Institutional. The Montfort Woods were also designated as Residential and Institutional when they were owned by the Phoenix real estate corporation. However, they are now Environmentally Sensitive. If land behind the Montfort Hospital can be re designated, so can The Farm.
City of Ottawa Planning and Environmental Committee    June 29, 2004
Zoning - 701-711 Montreal Road. The City of Ottawa re designated 701-711 Montreal Road from Residential Area and Major Institutional Area to Environmentally Sensitive Area.
"The site is situated behind the Montfort Hospital with partial frontage on Lang's Road to the east. The site known as Montfort Woods is a natural woodlot that is surrounded by the Montfort Hospital and long-term care facility to the south, Aviation Parkway to the west, CFB Rockcliffe to the north and the Fairhaven community to the east. The site is approximately 7 hectares in size.
     "The National Capital Commission (NCC) acquired the Montfort Woods property on January 27, 2004, and has submitted Official Plan and Zoning amendments to establish an Urban Natural Features designation and Environmentally Sensitive Area designation under the new City of Ottawa and former City of Ottawa Official Plans, respectively."
     "These changes reflect the NCC's intention that the Montfort Woods receive the highest level of natural area protection afforded by the City of Ottawa Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The NCC indicated in their application that the woods would be used for:
education interpretation
scientific and
passive leisure activity. They stated that the land would be maintained in its natural state for future generations to enjoy. The NCC indicated that the Montfort Woods has been designated as part of the National Interest Land Mass."
I would like to point out a couple of inconsistencies:
Point 1:  Are the Montfort trees more important than the trees on the Farm? According to an open letter sent to the NCC by former Ottawa Mayors Jacquelin Holzman and Jim Durrell:
     "Hundreds of trees (on the Farm) will need to be cut down. Yes, we counted, but we stopped at 500!" (From: NCC Federal Site Review for the New Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital, October 21, 2016, page 215/256.)

Point 2: The Farm is also used for:
education interpretation - The Fletcher Wildlife Garden Interpretive Centre; Agriculture Museum.
scientific activity - research conducted by scientists at the Experimental Farm helped the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize:
The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. Photo is from The Royal House of Norway.
leisure activity - The Farm is known as a museum without walls; an oasis in the city and a sanctuary. A major hospital, parking lots, medical clinics and laboratories will have a negative impact on the peace and tranquility of the site. There will be noise pollution and light pollution. For a year people who live near the Royal Ottawa Hospital had to endure high-intensity lights invading their living space. People who are walking dogs or jogging will face danger from the inevitable increase in vehicles. I have no doubt that wild animals will flee from the site, which is an important destination for bird watchers.
Point 3: The CEF and the Montfort Woods are both designated as National Interest Land Mass.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Hardy Arcade.

     The Hardy Arcade, 130 Sparks Street, Ottawa Ontario:

NCC Sparks Street update - October 12, 2001     
     "In May 2001 the NCC announced it had acquired another building on the south side of Sparks Street but it wasn't until the Annual Meeting that they elaborated on their plans for Sparks Street. It turns out their plans were stymied somewhat when the Bank of Nova Scotia, in the middle of the block "demanded too much for their property." As a result the NCC has announced a scaled down development for the stretch between O'Connor and the Bank of Nova Scotia; in partnership with Truscan Property Corporation the $60 million development is to incorporate an office tower facing Queen Street, and residential and retail facing Sparks Street. The buildings facing Sparks are to be demolished, but the facades preserved-just one more kick in the teeth to heritage conservationists."

The City of Ottawa is taking away our green spaces.

A City of Ottawa document proves that the municipality cares more about the needs of real estate developers than the needs of ordinary citizens. I think I would go mad if I did not have my tiny back yard where I can feel the grass beneath my feet and plant flowers and hear the birds sing.
Local politicians probably live in single family houses with enormous back yards. But they are taking land from residents who live in high rise condominiums, boxes in the order to feed the insatiable demands of developers, their puppet masters.
Residential Land Strategy for Ottawa  2006-2031
4.4.2.  Parks and Open Spaces
"The City's requirements for parks and open space may have to be revisited to ensure that the types of spaces required of developers reflect the need for quality spaces of all sorts (active, passive, programmed, soft-surface and hard-surface) at the right location,, and at the right sizes.The goals of a review of parks and recreational land requirement should be:
     "Quality over quantity of space should be the guiding principle."
"Parks don't have to be grassy to be green." (Emphasis mine.) "One of many appropriate types of public green space is the plaza. Sized right and positioned at the heart of a community, it becomes a genuine focal point. The city should accept parkettes as part of the 5% parkland dedication." (From: Pages 74 and 78 of the document.)
Definition of a parkette: a pocket park less than 0.5 hectares in size.
No wonder the city is pressuring the National Capital Commission to sell 13, 600 acres of the Greenbelt. When Jim Prentice was the Federal Minister of the Environment he refused to divest any Greenbelt property.
No wonder the 33- acre Queen Juliana Park on 870 Carling Avenue was rezoned to facilitate the construction of residential towers. In the year 1976, a Mr. Edes at the National Capital Commission convinced the government to give the property to the people of Canada.
Why was the Humane Society land on 101 Champagne sold to a developer.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Wondering where the lions are.

The lions guarded or they still guard a post office located at 59 Sparks Street, Ottawa.  According to a Google street view from 2018, there is a tall fence surrounding the entire site, and the doors of the Classified Heritage Building are covered with wooden boards. Photo is from Flickr.

What is going on, National Capital Commission and Public Works. Why are so many buildings in the Mall vacant and why are businesses being offered month-to-month leases. As I have said before, the Trudeau government expropriated part of Sparks Street Mall in 1973, to save it from what is happening now. From potential mass demolition, privatization and the construction of residential and office towers. The properties on the northern half of the Sparks Street Mall are owned by PWGSC but the department is now planning to redevelop the Parliamentary Precinct.

A Canadian National Railway ticket office was in the Canada Four Corners building, 93 Sparks. Part of the Rideau Club can be seen on the right, it burned down.

Canada's Four Corners today. There is a statue of Terry Fox on the plaza facing Wellington. The Parliament Buildings can be seen in the distance.

The Battle for Moffat Farm.

The 84-acre Veteran's Park was part of the Greenbelt in Ottawa. The Greenbelt was supposed to be untouchable, a living memorial to Canadians who died fighting in foreign wars.
     "It was also confirmed that the land in question was acquired by the federal government to commemorate World War 11 veterans and became NCC property in 1960. Mr. Lindsay indicated Moffat Farm was designated in the Regional Official Plan of 1977 and in subsequent amendments in 1988 and 1997 as Waterfront Open Space, which precluded residential development.  The property was designated for federal land use as a capital park of national interest." (Google: "City of Ottawa planning and development Moffat Farm February 28, 2002.)

The City of Ottawa offered to pay $400,000 dollars for the property, to keep the land as a green space in perpetuity. The offer was rejected.
House of Commons Debates, Ottawa                       January 27, 2003.
John Reynolds, Canadian Alliance
Mr. John Reynolds:
     "With regard to the vacant property called Moffat Farms, owned by the National Capital Commission and land commonly called Montfort Woods owned by DRC Phoenix Corporation: (a)
What Ministers of the Crown, Officials and Departments made representations regarding these lands; (b) to whom did they make representations; (c) what were the nature of the representations; (d) what was the response; (e) when were they made?"

Geoff Regan (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, Liberal.)
Mr. Geoff Regan:
     "I am informed that no ministers of the Crown, Secretary of State, officials and departments have made any representations regarding the vacant property called Moffat Farms owned by the National Capital Commission and the land commonly called Montfort Woods owned by DRC Phoenix Corporation."
Point 1 - When a federal government property is divested it is routinely offered to other Crown agencies and departments; the province and the municipality. Then real estate corporations are permitted to buy the land in question.
Point 2 - Parks Canada should have intervened and halted the transaction, because the Farm was a park for more than 50 years; an important habitat for wildlife species and the land was too close to the Rideau River/ Mooney's Bay.
There was fierce opposition to the sale of the Farm, Google: "City of Ottawa planning and development committee Moffat Farm February 28, 2002."
Subdivision - 1709 Prince of Wales Drive.
"(A representative from the Moffat Farm Citizen's Coalition) stated that this was not just a local issue and he said he was concerned that this was the beginning of a trend by the NCC to dispose of Greenspace that is not in the downtown area."
"The NCC appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board before studies were complete and elected officials had the opportunity to review them. This has forced the citizens to spend money to hire a lawyer and planner."
"Local citizens have been told from the beginning that this was a 'done deal'."
"Councillor Stewart noted that she and the community had tried desperately to get the NCC and the developer to revise their plans for the site."
"He said the intent of intensification never contemplated using publicly owned lands, and particularly lands adjacent to the River."
"He expressed his opinion that City Council sanctions the destruction of greenspace in Ottawa at a rate of three acres a day."
"She said to describe this area as vacant land is inaccurate.. She spoke of the benefits of being able to experience nature as 'Mother Earth' intended without manicured lawns, paths, etc."
The petition to save the Moffat Farm contained 400 signatures.

Similarities between Moffat Farm and the Experimental Farm
1.)They are both located in the City of Ottawa's River Ward, named because of their proximity to the Rideau River.
2.) Both of the properties were designated as open space forever.
3.) The NCC told the Moffat Farm Citizen's Coalition that the 1709 Prince of Wales transaction was a 'done deal.' The city of Ottawa said there would be 'no appeal' permitted on their decision to rezone the Experimental Farm.

4.) Parks Canada was notified about the Moffat Farm and Experimental Farm real estate transactions, and how they would affect viewpoints. Parks Canada recently received a warning letter from UNESCO because the construction of a new hospital will have a negative effect on the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5.) Both of the Farms are and were the focus of intense efforts to save the land...local politicians tried to intervene;neighbourhood associations; the Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital; Rideau Valley Conservation Authority...

Friday, April 3, 2020

The devolution of the Federal Department of Public Works.

PWGSC was responsible for 9,500 buildings in the year 1981; by 2004 the portfolio dwindled to 350 properties. Laws that contributed to that massive loss of Crown assets:
The National Capital Act (1985) pertaining to the National Capital Commission.
Surplus Crown Assets Act (1985)
1.)  PWGSC was "the country's largest realtor" in 1980:
The Harry Hays Building in Calgary, Alberta was privatized in 2007.

2.)  House of Commons Debates, Ottawa       February 5, 1981.
Pierre Raymond Savard (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works (Liberal)
     "DPW suggested that Treasury Board should appoint it the only real property agency for the federal government. In April 1967, Treasury Board approved that suggestion...The Department of Public Works is responsible for some 9,500 buildings and over 8 million square metres of space leased at an estimated annual cost of $650 million in 1979-80. This system must also provide for real property management as well as the management of professional services provided by DPW, such as planning and management of assets, architectural and engineering services, and purchase and disposal of real property."

3.)  PWGSC Minister Erik Nielsen told writer Stevie Cameron that the government of Canada (ordinary people) owned real estate worth $60 to $80 billion dollars during the late 1970's. The interview can be found in the book "On the Take."

4.)  House of Commons Debates, Ottawa       October 7, 1991
William James Kempling (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State-Finance; Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board):
Mr. Kempling:
     "The federal government is the largest real property holder in Canada. We control a large, diverse and complex portfolio of real estate. Excluding the territories, we manage some 28 million squares metres of building space and about 23 million hectares of land. "

Early 1983 real estate holdings for all departments in the National Capital Region.

Information compiled in 1985 by Erik Nielsen, a former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Public Works.
1992 Canada Post buildings in Montreal.
1992 federal real estate in Toronto, Ontario.

2004 - DPW planned to sell its entire portfolio of Crown properties, 350 buildings. However, the Parliament Buildings, Library of Parliament and Supreme Court were not on agenda.

2007 - Nine buildings were privatized and another 35 were on the list of "surplus" government properties.