Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Untouchable properties in the National Capital Region.

1.)The 2,031 acre Greenbelt Research Farm -1740 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean. Office and residential towers are not permitted on the landscape.
2.) The LeBreton Flats near the Parliamentary Precinct.During the year 1997 the Flats were designated as NILM.
3.) The Central Experimental Farm, Carling Avenue.
4.) The Greenbelt.
5.) Gatineau Park.
6.) Confederation Boulevard.
7.) Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.
Planning: Year of Ideas
     "...the NCC completed its review of the National Interest Land Mass (1988) to make sure that lands of national interest will be used appropriately and safeguarded for the enjoyment of future generations." (From: NCC Annual Report, 2000-2001-page 11/74.)

National Interest Lands are "the national institutions and symbols, rivers and canal banks, Confederation Boulevard, the parkway corridors, Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt" and these will be retained "in perpetuity." (From: 1988 Plan for Canada's Capital.)
1.) Greenbelt Research Farm.

The 1958 Privy Council Order-in-Council pertaining to the acquisition of land in Nepean, Ontario for the Federal Department of Agriculture.
2.) The LeBreton Flats.
"The ownership of all lands north of the new regional road, LeBreton Boulevard, will be retained by the National Capital Commission as National Interest Lands, essential to the fulfillment of the NCC mandate in the Capital. This distinction between National Interest Land and surplus lands in the Flats was approved by the Treasury Board of Canada."
"The NCC will also retain the ownership of (property) comprising the former municipal landfill south of the Parkway at Nepean Bay and immediately west of the proposed municipal park. The landfill lands do not have NIL designation."
"A 2.5 hectare parcel of land located to the west of Preston Street will be given to the City of Ottawa for a municipal park."
"An Official Plan Amendment was approved which established policies to protect Central Area Views to the Parliament Buildings and other national symbols." (From: Pages 37, 38, 40 and 48/164, "LeBreton Flats Plan - 1997.")

LeBreton Flats in 1963. The National Capital Commission expropriated and demolished entire neighbourhoods, "The one crime above all for which the NCC should be taken into account." NCC Watch. Now the NCC is involved with a massive, private residential and commercial redevelopment on the LeBreton Flats.

John Baird and John Manley - Ottawa Citizen newspaper article. "Keep the LeBreton Flats in the public domain. Create Ottawa's version of Central Park."
3.) The CEF.
Authorized uses:
---Research fields, arboretum, and research related facilities dedicated to agricultural and horticultural science.
---Administration offices and laboratory uses.
---Visitor services and amenities.
---Future National Botanical Garden, to be confirmed in consultation with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. (From: NCC Capital Urban Lands Plan, page 62/123.)

4.) The Greenbelt.
Includes the 3,500 hectare Mer Bleue Conservation Area.

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