Thursday, July 30, 2020

No buildings will be built on Queen Juliana Park.

A comment by the Hon. Charles Green (Minister of Public Works; Leader of the Government in the House of Commons; Progressive Conservative Party House Leader), June 16, 1958.
During World War 11 the Government of Canada constructed a number of temporary office complexes in Ottawa. Temporary Building #8 was located on the Central Experimental Farm.
House of Commons  Ottawa  June 16, 1958.
Hon. George James McIlraith, Liberal.
Mr. McIlraith:
     "Mr. Chairman, I wonder if the minister is now prepared to make the statement he said he would make concerning the policy of the government with respect to buildings on the central experimental farm. The minister will recall I raised this question the last time the estimates were before the Committee."
Mr. Green:
     "The policy is that no buildings will be built on the central experimental farm except buildings for the Department of Agriculture."
Mr. McIlraith:
     "If I may pursue the first question a bit further, has the minister come to any conclusion as to what will be done with the land on the experimental farm when they are removed?"
Mr. Green:
     "I take it that the hon. member for Ottawa West refers to temporary buildings Nos. 5 and 8. For some years the policy has been when the temporary buildings are torn down nothing will be constructed on the site."
Mr. McIlraith:
     "I want to commend the minister for continuing the policy set out a few years ago by the Liberal administration in that regard. I believe he will agree it is a very satisfactory policy."
The National Capital Commission and Public Works gave the $4 million dollar Dow's Lake parking lot, QJP and the grounds of the Sir John Carling building to a health care facility.
September 22, 1954. The photo is from Library and Archives Canada.
Demolition of Temporary Buildings No. 5 and No. 8, 1976. Carling Avenue is on the left and Dow's Lake can be seen on the right. Library and Archives photo taken from the top of the Sir John Carling Building.

    Queen Juliana Park, 870 Carling Avenue Ottawa.    
5.5883 ha. or 13.80800 acres.
Primary Use: Parks and Recreation.
Record Modified on August 19, 2019.
(From: The Directory of Federal Real Property website.)
   Petition: City of Ottawa Planning Committee: Stop the rezoning of Parks to Condos, Queen Juliana in Little Italy.                             
     "The City of Ottawa planners are rezoning Little Italy to medium to high density condos for the area bounded by the 417 north to Carling south to Rochester east and the railroad tracks west. The Queen Juliana Park was founded in 1976 when the Federal government tore down the Temporary Buildings...The purpose (of the park) was to honour Queen Juliana of Holland and to relocate community uses of the Commissioner's Park in 1976 when Italian Week and St. Anthony's Church used Commissioner's Park to celebrate Italian Canadian Culture. In 1976, Mr. Edes of the NCC convinced Public Works to create (Queen Juliana) park for community use."
(Note: The official who convinced PWGSC to give Queen Juliana Park to the people of Canada was  Eldon Edey, who was the Director of Gatineau Park and a member of the NCC.

There is a photograph of H.R.H. Prince Charles walking between Mr. Edey and the Hon. Barney Danson in the April 22, 1975 edition of the Ottawa Citizen. And a different photo of the group can be found in the National Capital Commission 1974-1975 Annual Report, page 67 out of 89.)
     Architect Moses Edey designed the Daly Building and Cattle Castle at Lansdowne Park and lived about three miles away from the Farm on Somerset West in Ottawa.  

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Designation as a Heritage Conservation District will save Little Italy.

Heritage Conservation Districts in Canada's Capital.
Bank Street - By-law 175-2000.
Besserer/Wurtemburg - By-law 2018-338.
Briarcliffe - By-law 2013-65.
ByWard Market - By-law 60-91.
Cathedral Hill - By-law 286-89.
Centretown - By-law 269-97.
Clemow Estate East - By-law 2011-346.
Daly Avenue - By-law 308-82.
King Edward Avenue - By-law 310-82.
Laurier/Wilbrod - By-law 307-82.
Lorne Avenue - By-law 2005-13.
Lowertown West - By-law 192-94.
Minto Park - By-law 142-88.
New Edinburgh - By-law 2016-95.
The entire Village of Rockcliffe Park -
Russell Avenue/ Range Road - By-law 2016-89.
Sandy Hill West - By-law 255-94.
Sparks Street - By-law 255-94.
Stewart-Wilbrod - By-law 311-82.
Sweetland Avenue - By-law 309-82.
The Provincial Policy Statement issued under the Planning Act, provides municipalities in Ontario with policy directions on matters related to land use planning and development. Part V, Section 2.6 of the PPS states that:

  • Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be preserved; and
  • Planning authorities shall not permit development and site alteration on adjacent lands to protected heritage property except where the proposed development and site alteration  has been evaluated and it has been demonstrated that the heritage attributes of the protected heritage property will be conserved.
City of Ottawa Official Plan.
Section 2.5.5. of the Official Plan provides direction regarding the protection of cultural heritage resources in the city. Policy 2.5.5 (2) states that:
     "Individual buildings, structures, sites and cultural heritage landscapes will be designated as properties of cultural heritage value under Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act. Groups of buildings, cultural landscapes and areas of the city will be designated as Heritage Conservation Districts under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act."

Height Limitations.

Save Little Italy, Notes, Facebook.
Somerset Ward Councillor Diane Holmes, January 18, 2013.
     "The Preston Carling Report is a reversion to the discredited 'urban renewal' planning philosophies of the 1950's and the 1960's, which totally discounted the values of the built heritage and human populations in the existing communities. Little Italy is a working-class neighbourhood of historic and cultural importance to the City of Ottawa."
     "During the most recent phases of urban renewal sixty years ago, large areas comprising entire neighbourhoods and communities were completely wiped away for planned redevelopment. This has made the remaining sectors all the more valuable and worthy of protection from another wave of displacement. In designating the whole area east of the O-Train corridor as a throwaway zone, the City of Ottawa has abandoned its principles of community development, strengthening neighbourhoods and working with existing communities."
     "The new building heights of nine stories along the O-Train corridor are too high, and the existing maximum building heights should be retained."
     "With the assistance of the Dalhousie Community Association I have made a calculation of the number of additional population and jobs that will be added to this 'Mixed Use Centre' with the developments already approved or currently applied for:
100 Champagne - 100 units.
101 Champagne - 252 units.
125 Hickory - 324 units.
865 Carling (if residential) - 500 units.
801 Albert - 130k sq metres in jobs.
500 Preston - 294 units.
505 Preston - 248 units.
518 Rochester - 120 units.
If we include the future 3-5 towers at the Dow Honda site (500 units) it appears that the City of Ottawa will already be exceeding the 2031 intensification targets for this section of the Carling Bayview Mixed Use Centre by 125%. Therefore there is no planning rationale to up-zone the healthy low scale streets east of the O-Train tracks such as the dead-end streets for increased development."
Diane Holmes
Office of Councillor Diane Holmes.
Street Names.
Booth Street-Lumber baron J.R. Booth provided all of the lumber for the original Parliament Buildings. He was friends with Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfred Laurier.
Preston Street - Isabella Preston was a horticulturist and public servant who worked for decades at the nearby Central Experimental Farm. The Isabella Preston crabapple trees line Prince of Wales Drive. Preston Street is also known as Corso Italia.
Gladstone Avenue is Via Marconi.
The Plant Bath located at 930 Somerset Street West is designated by the City of Ottawa under Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Italian Week.

Traffic Studies.

More parkland/greenspace is needed.
Possible venues are 933 Gladstone and vacant land on the former Energy, Mines and Resources campus, a National Interest Land Mass.

Public Art.
Bambini. (CBC photo.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The possible future of the old Civic Hospital site.

 Image is from Reimagine Ottawa.
  Bank Note Building on 975 Gladstone.
The City owns land beneath the current hospital. "The first major development in the area was the acquisition of 25 acres of the Reid Farm by the City of Ottawa in 1919 for construction of the Civic Hospital and its School of Nursing, both of which opened in 1924." ( and heritage committee.)
"In the next decade the near west of Ottawa will see tens of thousands of new residents." (Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Jeff Leiper, Google: "417 ramp close at transportation committee-Kitchissippi")
Local politicians are determined to intensify Centretown West, especially near LRT stations. I would not be surprised if Commissioner's Park is rezoned, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands never even visited the park on their last visit to the Capital. I would not be surprised if the B.A International Building on 975 Gladstone Avenue is demolished, the building is on the City's Heritage Register but is not designated.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The wild, wild west. Major developments in the Centretown West area of Ottawa.

Definition of the word invasion---An unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. A flood, influx, torrent, deluge, infringement.
Centretown West has been invaded.
1.) 101 Champagne Avenue. We were promised that the Humane Society land would be an extension of Ev Tremblay Park. Google: City Council Meeting, Jul 9, 2014.

2.) The new Ottawa Hospital will be constructed on 50 acres of Central Experimental Farm land, including the Sir John Carling site, Dow's Lake Parking Lot and Queen Juliana Park. The parking lot and QJP have been zoned as Mixed Use, not Institutional. The Dominion Observatory campus has been spared from redevelopment but the hospital does not want "irregularily shaped parcels of land."


Another Central Experimental Farm project:
The annexation of 30 acres of land in order to create an enterprise near the Arboretum and the Hartwell Locks. Features include a visitor's centre, laboratory, amphitheatre, tower, a huge parking lot and a plaza.
Senate of Canada, Hon. Anne Cools: "The public fears that many other parklands, like the Experimental Farm and the Arboretum are on the National Capital Commission's list for sale." (April 23, 2002.)
The Hatrwell Locks on the Rideau Canal, Ottawa. The Farm can be seen on the left.
Individuals who wanted to save the Experimental Farm:
Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson: "I think the Central Experimental Farm is a real gem in the city and I don't think the public wants to take open and green space and have it developed." (friendsofthefarm newsletter, summer of 2013, page 10 out of 12.)
Prime Minister of Canada Louis St-Laurent - see the March 19, 1954 Privy Council Order-in-Council.
Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition Party, PC, Mr. Walter David Baker - House of Commons, November 4, 1974.
MP and Head of the Green Party Elizabeth May wrote a letter to Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, google: "Celebrating Earth Day, Heritage Ottawa."
Mr. Pierre De Bane (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs) - House of Commons, November 4, 1974.
Ms. Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians - Ottawa Citizen newspaper article from August 3, 2001.
Hon. Howard Charles Green - Minister of Public Works; PC Party House Leader; Leader of the Government in House of Commons - June 16, 1958.
Hon. George John McIlraith - June 16, 1958.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Eugene Whelan.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Bud Olson.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Gerry Ritz.
Ottawa City Councillor Katherine Hobbs.
MP Marlene Catterall -
Ottawa City Councillor Clive Doucet.
The Farm is a National Interest Land Mass and a National Historic Site of Canada. The Observatory, barns, museums, greenhouses and laboratories are Classified or Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings. The Rideau Canal is also a National Historic Site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Views of the Rideau Canal cannot be obstructed by new construction, and there are buffer zones, read Senate Bill S-203 (An Act to amend the National Capital Act) which was introduced by Senator Serge Joyal in November of 2019.

3.) 900 Albert Street, Lebreton Flats - 65, 52 and 32 storey residential towers.
4.) 845 Carling Avenue (The Sky) - 55, 45 and 18 storey condominiums. 
5.) 101 Norman-93-105 Norman.
6.) 933 Gladstone - Gladstone Village - Will accomodate 600 to 1,300 affordable units. The land was federally owned by the Department of National Defence, the Oak Park Armoury.
7.) 951 Gladstone.
951 Gladstone Avenue and 145 Loretta Avenue. (Bruce Burwell photo.)
8.) 500 Preston (Soho Italia) - A 30-storey residential condo.
9.) Claridge Icon - 505 Preston - a 45-storey mixed use tower with 250 condominiums.
10.) Booth Street - four mixed-use towers of between 18 to 24 storeys.
11.) Claridge East Flats -(301, 324 Lett Street; 133 Booth) - Five mixed-use buildings ranging from 25 to 45 storeys, with 1,950 dwelling units.
12.) 192 Bronson - (31 Cambridge North, 192 and 196 Bronson Avenue. - 18 storey mixed-use tower.).
13.) 13 Lebreton/770 Somerset Street West - Nine storey mixed use apartment with 112 rental units.
14.) 160-170 Cambridge Street - a three-storey, 24 unit apartment building.
15.) 1040-1050 Somerset West - two mixed-use apartments, one 23 storeys and the other 30 storeys.
16.) 811 Gladstone (22-40 Balsam, 275-285 Rochester, 811-829 Gladstone.)
17.) 17 Aberdeen Street (300, 333, 343, 347 Preston.)
18.) 401 Lebreton at Carling - former headquarters of the National Capital Commission:
401 Lebreton at Carling Avenue.
This is Ottawa, the Capital City of Canada. This is not Hong Kong.
The Little Italy neighbourhood should be a Heritage Conservation District protected by Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act.
"Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act allows municipalities to recognize and protect neighbourhoods, rural landscapes, main streets or other area of special cultural heritage value that have a cohesive sense of time and place. Designated heritage districts often enjoy a renewed cultural and economic vitality not only because district designation highlights their special values but also because they are protected from decay and the intrusion of incompatible structures."
Notable buildings in Little Italy.
St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church.

 Canadian Bank Note Company, 975 Gladstone Avenue, right next to proposed condominiums on 951 Gladstone.
The Adult High School on Rochester, also known as the High School of Commerce which I attended in 1980.

The Plant Bath, 930 Somerset.

Street names, murals and the archway.
Gladstone Avenue is Via Marconi.

The artist is Karole Marois.

The unstoppable Ottawa City Hall. The following buildings will be demolished for affordable housing.

1.) The Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview.

2.)  The baseball stadium on 300 Coventry Road.

3.)  1010 Somerset Street West, a Public Works and Government Services building. Zoning: No height limits.
4.)  The former RCMP Headquarters on 1200 Vanier Parkway:

5.) A former CBC Building on 250 Lanark Avenue in Westboro, the Graham Spry Building. The 3.2 ha. site has "high development potential".

6.)  80-90 Bayview Road, a National Capital Commission property located along the easterly limits of Mechanicsville/Hintonburg. "Opportunity for dense development."

7.) Highbury Park, 1005-1045 Greenbank Road, Ottawa. Owned by the City, 2.43 ha.
(All information is from "Affordable Housing Opportunities Page 1 of 40, OttWatch".)

Friday, July 24, 2020

YouTube personality Sloan Bella says that the Queen owns all the Crown property in Canada.

Sloan Bella is originally from Toronto, Ontario, and stated on the July 23, 2020 broadcast that Canadians do not own any federal property.
 The CN Tower is non-federal owned:

 Canada Lands Company and the National Capital Commission are profit making Crown corporations with a mandate to sell government land, buildings, bridges, museums... They both have the power to remove "restrictive" designations that impede the sale of GOC real estate:
UNESCO World Heritage Site - National Parks including Waterton Lakes; Rideau Canal.
National Interest Land Mass - includes Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt; Experimental Farm; Rideau Hall; 7 Rideau Gate; Lebreton Flats and the Energy, Mines and Resources Booth Street campus.
Classified Federal Heritage Building.
Recognized Federal Heritage Building.
National Historic Site .

 The Maple Leaf Flag, Coat of Arms and names of prominent people are stripped from GOC buildings when they are privatized. See the article "The Edifice Complex." 

The Canada Lands Company is selling off $40 billion dollars worth of government real estate, the entire portfolio. From: Let the Future Begin, 1997.
I should have known.
British Rail was privatized in 1993, two years before the Chretien government sold CN Rail.
The British government evicted poor tenants from affordable housing units and sold the properties to developers. Regent Park in Toronto was a Canada Mortgage and Housing development for underprivileged families; now Regent Park has high rise condominiums worth $1 million dollars each.
The Martello Towers in England, Ireland and Wales were converted into housing and hotels. I wonder how long the Martello Towers in Kingston and the Atlantic provinces will be publicly accessible.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation may be transferring their television and radio archives to the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Gordon Campbell sold Canada's Embassy in Mayfair, London England for half a billion dollars. The developer from India who bought Macdonald House promptly demolished the embassy and put up condominiums.
Crown property is sold through Privy Council Orders-in-Council. The Orders-in-Council are approved or authorized by the Governor General of Canada, who is the Queen of England's representative in Canada:
 12.5 acres of CFB Downsview in Toronto, Ontario were privatized via the above Privy Council Order-in-Council.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The day Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited Parliament Hill. June 21, 1983.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
A young woman dressed up as Princess Diana.

I will not be a tenant in my own country.

Throughout my lifetime I have worked at various minimum wage jobs, and never had enough money to buy a house.
But I, and 33 million other Canadians, did own $60 to $80 billion dollars worth of federal property. I could walk into a Manpower office and say to myself "I own this building." I could walk into a post office with marble floors and 12-foot high ceilings and say to myself "This is my property."
The people of this nation owned the Parliament Buildings, the Connaught Building, museums, art galleries, railway stations, hotels, National Parks, the Rideau Canal, harbours, bridges, Library and Archives Canada, Lebreton Flats, Confederation Heights, the Federal Training Centre on 1495 Heron Road, Ottawa; lighthouses... Our Maple Leaf Flag and Coat of Arms were proudly displayed on Government of Canada buildings.
It has become apparent that national and global entities do not believe that ordinary Canadians are entitled to this wealth. I hear the words and phrases:
surplus real property
the government does not need bricks and mortar to govern.
the private sector can manage Crown properties more effectively.
I watch in horror when Dominion buildings, lighthouses, grain elevators, the CN Tower in London, Ontario and many other landmarks are flattened by wrecking crews.
 Buildings and park land in Ottawa are being sacrificed on the altar of "affordable housing." They will not be affordable for long, the Canada Mortgage and Housing agency transferred Regent Park to Toronto Community Housing and then TCH privatized much of the land.
$1 million dollar condominiums in Regent Park, a former Canada Mortgage and Housing federal property. (A recent Globe and Mail newspaper photo.)
The City of Ottawa is part of a project entitled the Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness initiative: Affordable housing is earmarked for:
933 Gladstone.
part of Lebreton Flats.
rowhouses opposite the Adult High School on 300 Rochester, built by Canada Mortgage and Housing during the 1960's.
1010 Somerset, a PWGSC building and "there will be no height limit."
part of CFB Rockcliffe.
the RCMP Headquarters along the Vanier Parkway.
800 Montreal Road.

The City of Ottawa wants 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt which is controlled by the National Capital Commission. What a windfall that would be---if  all that land is practically given away and then sold at market value a few years later.
The entities who are pulling the strings do not care about us. They do not care about the fact billions of dollars worth of federal land will eventually be flipped.
If you don't believe me...
Watch a  BBC television program called "Location, Location, Location" with Kirstie Allsopp. UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher privatized thousands of "council flats" that were built for geared to income housing. Tenants were then evicted and the developers and rich people moved in.
The Civic Hospital relocation will negatively affect tourism, take away Queen Juliana Park, wipe the Dominion Observatory off the map, increase the number of vehicles on the road and create noise and environmental pollution. The Civic Hospital Neighbourhood, Little Italy and the Glebe Annex  have to deal with a 65-storey condominium on the corner of Preston and Carling; intensification on 933 Gladstone, Lebreton Flats and the Booth Street campus; high-rises on 101 Champagne; a mega-hospital on the Farm and a "wall of condos" lining Carling Avenue. The damage inflicted on this area will last for generations. As former Councillor Diane Holmes told Ottawa Citizen reporter Dave Reevely, the current municipal government does not represent the community, they represent the development industry.
This is not a scene from an apocalyptic horror movie like "Escape from L.A." This is what Ottawa's Mayor and councillors envision for Dow's Lake and the Farm. Politician and writer Clive Doucet is calling for a public inquiry into what is happening in the near-west of Ottawa. This image is from "Reimagine Ottawa" a group headed by Clive Doucet.

 House of Commons  Ottawa   June 14, 1978.
Mr. Arthur Huntington, PC.
     "...In the late 1960's, I guess about the year 1968, a successful history of Crown construction with a system of checks and balances and accountability came to an end. We saw the evolution of politically well-connected developers moving in on the domain of the Department of Public Works to the point where, in the next decade, that department was reduced to little more than a real estate management function with the National Capital Commission acting as its agent in the capital region."

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Canadian politicians who tried to preserve federal property.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau  created a Crown corporation called Harbourfront in order to save 100 acres of waterfront land in Toronto from developers.
MP John Nunziata
MP Derek Lee
Individuals who created the National Interest Land Mass designation, in order to stop the National Capital Commisssion from selling prime federal properties, and to stop the City of Ottawa from using the Government of Canada as a land bank.
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Works Erik Nielsen.
Cabinet Ministers who refused to sell or transfer Greenbelt land to the City of Ottawa.
Environment Minister Jim Prentice.
Environment Minister John Baird.
Gatineau Park
Senator Mira Spivak created "An Act to amend the National Capital Act.(Establishment and Protection of Gatineau Park.)"
Politicians who want to see the Lebreton Flats turned into a National Park.
Environment Minister John Baird
Deputy Prime Minister of Canada John Manley.
MP Barry Mather - October 22, 1969.
The Greenbelt.
MP Marcel Proulx, Hull-Aylmer.
Hon. Gordon O'Connor, Carleton-Mississippi Mills.
MP. Beryl Gaffney, Nepean, Ontario.
MP Don Boudria, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Ontario.
Experimental Farm, Ottawa
Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent.
MP Marlene Catterall.
Ottawa Councillor Clive Doucet.
Ottawa Councillor Katherine Hobbs.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Gerry Ritz.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Eugene Whelan.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Bud Olson.
Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition Party, PC, Mr. Walter David Baker, November 4, 1974.
MP and Leader of the Green Party Elizabeth May.
Hon. Howard Charles Green, PC Party House Leader; Leader of the Government Opposition in the House of Commons; Minister of Public Works.
Hon. George McIltaith.
 Parliamentary Precinct - Wellington Street buildings facing the Hill and the northern part of the Sparks Street Mall.
Senator Serge Joyal introduced "An Act to amend the National Capital Act (buildings or works of national significance.)" Bill S-203 was created to protect the heritage buildings along Wellington and the north side of the Mall. The National Capital Commission and PWGSC privatized most of the properties on the south side of the Mall - CBC Headquarters; Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building; 56 Sparks Street, home of the USC.
 The NCC and Public Works are "modernizing" and no doubt privatizing the Parliamentary Precinct and new buildings will be constructed on infill sites--- for example beside the former American embassy.

Leader of the Federal New Democratic Party Jack Layton - opposed the construction of the Skydome on railway lands in Toronto.
Toronto City Councillor Mike Layton - refused to let Larco Investments build residential towers on the Dominion Building, One Front Street West, Toronto, next to Union Station.
CFB Shearwater, Nova Scotia
Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay.
Minister of National Defence Gordon O'Connor.
MP Bill Casey.
MP Peter Stoffer.
Tried to save the Upton Experimental Farm in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Premier of PEI Pat Binns
Premier of PEI Robert Ghiz
MP Shawn Murphy
Mayor of Charlottetown Clifford Lee
Champions of the Sparks Street Mall, Ottawa.
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
Moffatt Farm.
Senator Anne Cools
Speaker of the Senate Noel Kinsella
Mayor of Ottawa Bob Chiarelli and the City Councillors tried to purchase the Moffatt Farm, an 88-acre Veterans Affairs property near Mooney's Bay. They wanted the land to remain a green space, a park. But the National Capital Commission turned down their offer.
Kingston Penitentiary, Ontario.
MP Ted Hsu.
City Councillor in Kingston, Ontario Bridget Doherty
City Councillor in Kingston, Ontario Bill Glover.
CFB Downsview, Toronto.
Toronto City Councillor Maria Augimeri.
Senneville Lodge, Senneville Quebec.
Mayor of Senneville, Quebec Jane Guest

MP Bill Blaikie
MP Charlie Angus - criticized the sale of 9 federal buildings to Larco Investments, including the Sinclair Centre and Douglas Jung buildings in Vancouver; the Thomas D'Arcy McGee building on the Mall in Ottawa;
MP Mark Holland.
Individuals who tried to save heritage properties.
Paul Oberman bought the Summerhill Station in North Toronto, which the Canadian Pacific Railway wanted to demolish. Mr. Oberman laid down in front of a bulldozer that was demolishing aircraft hangars at CFB Downsview, Toronto:
CFB Downsview in Toronto, Ontario.

Canadian politicians who are decimating the federal government's real estate portfolio:
Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson.
City of Ottawa Councillor Riley Brockington - approved the construction of a new Civic Hospital on the grounds of a National Historic Site, the Experimental Farm. Told a reporter from the Ottawa Citizen newspaper that he would try to lock into the NCC/Civic agreement a promise to spare the Dominion Observatory. Hundreds of trees will be sacrificed including Isabella Preston's crabapple trees.
 Prince of Wales Drive and Maple Drive will be widened;
12 acres of the Farm have been rezoned so that condos can be built along an "arterial route" Carling Avenue;
the hospital is flattening a Recognized Federal Heritage Building, the cafeteria annex designed by Hart Massey;
 UNESCO sent a warning letter to Parks Canada, stating that the nearby Rideau Canal will lose its designation as a World Heritage Site.
City of Ottawa Councillor Catherine McKenney:
1.) Wants to see residential towers on the Sparks Street Mall.
2.) Is encouraging intensification at the former Energy, Mines and Resources Campus on Booth.
3.) Approved the construction of a 65-storey condominium on 900 Albert, Lebreton Flats, and a cluster of other condos nearby.
Head of the National Capital Commission Tobi Nussbaum - Tobi Nussbaum permitted the takeover of CFB Rockcliffe by an arms-length, profit-making Crown corporation. Not one PMQ, aircraft hangar or any other building was left standing and the entire military base was leveled and sold off.
Minister of Public Works and Procurement.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Demolition of Booth Street campus. Summer of 2020.

Only the outer facade or shell of a few buildings will be preserved.
Examples of facadism in other Government of Canada buildings:
The possible future of Kingston Pen.
2384 Yonge Street, Toronto, a former Canada Post building and National Historic Site.