Friday, July 24, 2020

YouTube personality Sloan Bella says that the Queen owns all the Crown property in Canada.

Sloan Bella is originally from Toronto, Ontario, and stated on the July 23, 2020 broadcast that Canadians do not own any federal property.
 The CN Tower is non-federal owned:

 Canada Lands Company and the National Capital Commission are profit making Crown corporations with a mandate to sell government land, buildings, bridges, museums... They both have the power to remove "restrictive" designations that impede the sale of GOC real estate:
UNESCO World Heritage Site - National Parks including Waterton Lakes; Rideau Canal.
National Interest Land Mass - includes Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt; Experimental Farm; Rideau Hall; 7 Rideau Gate; Lebreton Flats and the Energy, Mines and Resources Booth Street campus.
Classified Federal Heritage Building.
Recognized Federal Heritage Building.
National Historic Site .

 The Maple Leaf Flag, Coat of Arms and names of prominent people are stripped from GOC buildings when they are privatized. See the article "The Edifice Complex." 

The Canada Lands Company is selling off $40 billion dollars worth of government real estate, the entire portfolio. From: Let the Future Begin, 1997.
I should have known.
British Rail was privatized in 1993, two years before the Chretien government sold CN Rail.
The British government evicted poor tenants from affordable housing units and sold the properties to developers. Regent Park in Toronto was a Canada Mortgage and Housing development for underprivileged families; now Regent Park has high rise condominiums worth $1 million dollars each.
The Martello Towers in England, Ireland and Wales were converted into housing and hotels. I wonder how long the Martello Towers in Kingston and the Atlantic provinces will be publicly accessible.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation may be transferring their television and radio archives to the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Gordon Campbell sold Canada's Embassy in Mayfair, London England for half a billion dollars. The developer from India who bought Macdonald House promptly demolished the embassy and put up condominiums.
Crown property is sold through Privy Council Orders-in-Council. The Orders-in-Council are approved or authorized by the Governor General of Canada, who is the Queen of England's representative in Canada:
 12.5 acres of CFB Downsview in Toronto, Ontario were privatized via the above Privy Council Order-in-Council.

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