Friday, December 4, 2020

Do not expropriate 50 acres of land from the Farm.

 "It would be a big mistake, in my opinion, to cramp the central experimental farm in Ottawa, which is the one generally visited by agriculturalists and others coming here from other parts of the world. Canada is too big a country to take any such narrow view of the situation." Member of Parliament Simon Fraser Tolmie,Victoria, British Columbia. (Conservative.) House of Commons, February 17, 1928.

House of Commons Debates Ottawa January 31, 1928. Bill No. 10, to Amend the Experimental Farms Stations Act. William R. Motherwell (Minister of Agriculture.) Liberal: "When the original Experimental Farms Stations Act was passed some forty years ago, certain acreage limitations were imposed on them, that is in regard to the experimental farm at Ottawa and the farms at Nappan, Indian Head, Brandon and Agassiz. The purpose of this bill is to remove the limitation from these five farms, thus putting them on parity with the remaining 18 which have no such limitation." Motion agreed to and read the first time.

House of Commons Debates Ottawa February 17, 1928. John Wesley Edwards (Frontenac) Conservative: "...How much of this item is to be devoted to increasing the area of the experimental farm in this city? I believe that the farm is entirely too small."

Mr. Motherwell: "That is it."

Mr. Edwards: "I have been told that there is one block of land adjacent to the farm, of about 200 acres I think, which is being held at $600 per acre and that the government is negotiating for this block...There is another farm of about the size and the same character of the soil which can be obtained."

Mr. Motherwell: "I may say that Mr. Booth is asking $600 an acre for 321 acres...We have prices on three or four areas adjoining the Booth farm."


Mr. Edwards: "You have some pretty good land in the experimental farm as it now stands...An experimental farm should get the very best soil on the face of the earth."

Mr. Motherwell: "That is what the Booth farm is."

Motherwell Greenhouse on the grounds of the CEF. The greenhouses are endangered Recognized Federal Heritage Buildings because of the encroachment of the medical facility.
The Hon.William Richard Motherwell was the Federal Minister of Agriculture from 1921-26 and 1926-30. 

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