Monday, September 30, 2024

Why were 60 acres of the Experimental Farm given to the National Capital Commission?

House of Commons Ottawa June 14, 2016 Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Conservative: "With regard to the 60 acres of the Experimental Farm that was assigned to the National Capital Commission in 2014: (a) within the last ten years (1) what specifically has this portion of the farm been used for, (11) what species of plants have been grown there, (111) what experiments have been conducted there (1V) what significant or successful research has come specifically as a result of this 60 acres of land. 

(b) has the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food conducted any studies in order to ascertain what the impact of this loss of land will be, in general and on experimental research capability; (c) what has the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food done to mitigate the impact of losing this land."

The National Capital Commission is removing far more than 60 acres of land from the Farm--- for a hospital, residential towers and parking lots:

  • 2024-2029 - Research Tower
  • 2029-2039 - Carling Towers A,B and C
  • 2035-2039 - New Hospital Expansion
  • 2045-2048 - University of Ottawa Heart Institute Expansion
Experimental Farm property that is already gone: The people of Canada have lost Queen Juliana Park, a memorial to 7,600 Canadian soldiers who were killed during the World War 11 liberation of the Netherlands; the Sir John Carling Building and cafeteria; the Historic Hedge Collection; Prince of Wales Drive; hundreds of trees including Isabella Preston's crabapple trees...
The Farm was targeted for extinction in 1997. More than 50 buildings including barns and greenhouses were slated for demolition.("The fight for the Farm goes on" a Heritage Ottawa newsletter from the spring of 1997.) I am beginning to wonder why Canadians do not deserve a beautiful Capital City:
  • Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau prevented the demolition of the magnificent Conference Centre which is located across from the Chateau Laurier. I was employed by the Conference Centre during the early 1980's.
  • the Chateau Laurier addition---need I say more.
  • The Central Experimental Farm - the powers that be are determined to obliterate the 1,000 acre historic site.
  • parkland is sold to builders of residential towers. The City of Ottawa promised that the Humane Society land on 101 Champagne would be an extension of Ev Tremblay park. 
  • the Sparks Street Mall 
  • the scenic parkways are facing extinction.

Permitted uses of land on the Farm.

Purpose of the Zone  The purpose of the L-3 Central Experimental Farm Zone is to: (1) Allow a range of uses on land designated as Agricultural Research Area in the Official Plan that will help to support and conserve the cultural, scientific and historical value of the Central Experimental Farm for present and future generations.

Permitted Uses in the L-3 Zone

  • agricultural use
  • environmental preserve and education area
  • museum limited to agricultural museum
  • on-farm diversified use, limited to a place of assembly. (see Part 3, Section 79, By-law 2019-41)
  • park
  • research and development centre limited to agricultural research
  • urban agriculture (see Part 3, Section 82, By-law 2017-48)
Buildings on the Experimental Farm cannot be any taller than 5.5 storeys Table 177-L3 ZONE REGULATIONS
  • Minimum Lot Width (m) - No minimum
  • Minimum Lot Area (m2) - No minimum
  • Minimum Front Yard Setback (m) - 7.5
  • Maximum Height (m) - 18.3.  When 18.3 meters is converted to storeys, the result is 5.5. storeys. The information about the L-3 Zone is from "Open Space and Leisure Zones" Sections 173-180, a City of Ottawa Document page 13/19.
The Ottawa Hospital Master Site Plan "...Two patient care towers will flank the Central Podium, with the South Tower intended to be 12 storeys and will include a helipad on the 12th floor, and the North Tower is intended to be 8 storeys. The proposed 8 storey North Tower is anticipated to be expanded vertically in future phases.
  • 2024-2029 - Research Tower
  • 2029-2039 - Carling Tower A; Carling Tower B and Carling Tower C
  • 2024-2028 - Rehabilitation Unit
  • 2035-2038 - New Hospital Expansion Emphasis mine. (As I mentioned before, the NCC wanted 700 acres of the Experimental Farm during the 1970's. But Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan and Agriculture Minister Bud Olson refused to hand over the land. As I also mentioned before, 91 acres of the Experimental Farm were sold to the City of Ottawa in 1988-89---the Clyde-Merivale lands north of Baseline Road. Real estate that was owned by all Canadians is now occupied by Walmart, different stores and a subdivision called Central Park. Agriculture Minister John Wise never wanted any Farm land sold, Google: House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1988.)
  • 2045-2048 - University of Ottawa Heart Institute Expansion. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

If a medical centre is built on the Experimental Farm, the landscape will be damaged.

  •  views from Prince of Wales Scenic Entry---a loading dock will be visible.
  • view from entrance to Queen Elizabeth Drive and Dows Lake, at Preston Street and Prince of Wales Drive.
  • views from Dows Lake to the main hospital building.
  • views from Carling Avenue both east and west of the main hospital building. 
  • views identified in the Commemorative Integrity Statement for the Central Experimental Farm.
  • perspectives from adjacent CEF heritage buildings, for example the Dominion Observatory complex and the William Saunders Building along Commissioners Drive and/or Maple Drive.
  • views identified in the NCC Visual Assessments and Views Analysis (2009 and 2013.)
  • landscapes along the Rideau Canal including from Commissioners Park, Hartwells Lock station and Colonel By Drive---that were assessed for the Master Plan and parking garage applications.
Google: City of Ottawa Development Application Search-Cultural Impact Statement---Addendum 2---D07-12-22-0168. Date Received: 2022-12-07. Addresses: 930 Carling, 520 Preston.
Members of Parliament were adamant that high-rise buildings would never ruin the beauty and history of the Parliamentary Precinct. Well, the Lebreton Flats and Dominion Observatory are part of the Parliamentary Precinct. And the Dominion Observatory campus is a National Historic Site of Canada.

 The Experimental Farm is a National Interest Land Mass, and most of the buildings are protected by the designations Classified Federal Heritage Building, Recognized Federal Heritage Building and Part 1V of the Ontario Heritage Act (The Booth Barn.)
  • Prince of Wales Drive will no longer be a federal scenic route. The parkway was donated or sold to the City of Ottawa. And it will be widened. The Agricultural Museum is located on PoW Drive. Will the Museum be flattened if it interferes with the City of Ottawa's housing agenda? The cherry blossom trees are located right next to PoW Drive.
  • The hospital has indicated that demolition or relocation of buildings on the Sir John Carling site are necessary "for the new build to proceed." Included on the list are the Dominion Observatory campus.
  • Now that the $4 million dollar Dows Lake parking lot was donated to the hospital, more parking spaces are needed. Commissioners Park is in focus.
  • Maple Drive will no longer be a public street. Look for "No Trespassing" and "Private Property" signs. And tall fences.
All of the highways on Farm will be widened "The National Capital Commission Scenic Driveway is a tree covered route flanked with bike trails. All of the roads serving the site with the exception of Prince of Wales are expected to be widened to account for a greater density of traffic." (From: Regenerating the Experimental Farm, page 30/74.)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"The green belt and the Experimental Farm are precious."

House of Commons Ottawa November 4, 1974 Mr. Walter David Baker (Deputy House Leader of the Official Opposition; Progressive Conservative Party House Leader) Progressive Conservative. Mr. Walter Baker (Grenville-Carleton): "Mr. Speaker, on October 7 I directed a question to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs (Mr. Danson) regarding something which had arisen on a television program, namely, a theory he advanced in the course of "Question Period", that the government certainly would have to consider the adoption of a trade-off in respect of green spaces in Canadian cities."

"Subsequently, the Minister indicated that at least insofar as the two places I had mentioned in the National Capital Area, namely the Experimental Farm and the Ottawa green belt, he regarded these as areas of special sensitivity and shared my view and the view of many other members of the House in respect of the necessity to preserve them."  

"I want to say that when we are dealing with the National Capital Area, which is certainly an area of special sensitivity, or with any other urban area in this country, we must regard, and government policy must look at green space in urban areas as a very precious commodity. It is becoming more precious each day as there is a tendency in our society to pack more and more people into fewer acres of land. Municipal government is becoming vertical rather than horizontal. Indeed, we must consider the impact that this type of development will have on open space, particularly agricultural land. The green belt and the Experimental Farm in the National Capital Area are precious for the reasons I have mentioned."

"I want to make clear that we regard the trade-off in respect to the Experimental Farm, the green belt or any other area in an urban part of Canada as a principle we would have to approach with great caution in order to ensure that there is open space available."

"There really is no open or green space available to those who live in high-rise housing, row housing or condominiums, or in densely populated areas. That green and open space which normally is provided by one's backyard, or by the neighbourhood park, must be provided in those urban areas by green belt areas such as the Experimental Farm. I hope the parliamentary secretary tonight will give us some assurance in respect of the policy of the government on the matter of green space in urban areas. This matter is of great concern not only to the National Capital Area but to other areas."

Mr. Pierre De Bane (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State for Urban Affairs) Liberal: "Mr. Speaker, I want to assure the hon. member that the National Capital Commission is fully aware of the matter which he has raised, namely that we must preserve the green spaces of this area." 

"I can assure the hon. member that there is no question of replacing the green spaces already existing in the National Capital Region with buildings. I also wish to remind the hon. member that the NCC will very soon make public its planning concept for the whole region. This document will be studied by a joint special committee of the Senate and the House of Commons. The long-term preservation of these resources must be ensured, and at the same time the public must have access to them."


"Greenbelt land should have clearly defined boundaries protected by federal statutes, preventing commercial and residential development and other incompatible activities." (Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital Region-Position Paper for the NCC's Greenbelt Master Plan Review--September 2010--Legal protection, Part 4.5.)

Politicians who wanted to save the Ottawa Greenbelt 

  • Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre
  • MP Don Boudria
  • MP Beryl Gaffney
  • Minister of National Defence Gordon O'Connor
  •  MPP and Councillor Alex Cullen
  • MP Marcel Proulx
  • MP Mauril Belanger
  • MP David McGuinty
  • Environment Minister Jim Prentice
Organizations trying to preserve national properties 
  • Save the Greenbelt! Ottawa plans to turn 1/3rd of the Greenbelt into subdivisions./Keep Ottawa's Greenbelt Green.
  • Greenbelt Coalition of Canada's Capital Region
  • Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt
  • Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
  • Sierra Club of Canada
  • Heritage Canada Foundation
  • Historical Society of Ottawa - The Sparks Street Mall
  • Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - The Dominion Observatory campus on the Experimental Farm
  • Save the Kingston Portsmouth Harbour and Greenspace
  • Save the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in Nova Scotia

Politicians who wanted to preserve the Experimental Farm

  • Prime Ministers of Canada Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mackenzie King, Louis St-Laurent, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney.
  • Agriculture Ministers Sydney Fisher, William Motherwell, Thomas Crerar, James Gardiner, Douglas Harkness, John James Greene, Bud Olson, Eugene Whelan, John Wise, Lyle Vanclief, Gerry Ritz.
  • Ministers of Public Works George McIlraith, Howard Green and Lucien Cardin
  • Speaker of the House of Commons Lloyd Francis
  • Senator Anne Cools
  • Senator Mike Duffy
  • Minister of National Defence and Urban Affairs Barney Danson
  • Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson
  • Member of Parliament Walter Baker
  • MP Marlene Catterall
  • MP Elizabeth May
  • MP Richard Cannings
  • MPP Joel Harden
  • City Councillors Catherine McKenney, Shawn Menard, Jeff Leiper and Rawlson King
  • Writer and politician Clive Doucet 
Organizations that tried to preserve the greenspace
  • friendsofthefarm
  • reimagine Ottawa
  • Friends of the Central Experimental Farm
  • Protect the Farm-Home Facebook
  • Saving the Experimental Farm  Heritage Ottawa
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (1974)
  • Save the Experimental Farm (1975)
  • Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital
  • National Trust for Canada
  • Save the Farm-Ecology Ottawa

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Canada's Farm will expand.

 House of Commons Ottawa August 1, 1958 The Hon. Hazen Robert Argue, C.C.F., MP and Senator: "I wonder if the Minister could tell the house whether in regard to the central experimental farm it is the policy of his government to maintain that farm in its present location in the city of Ottawa for further scientific research. And whether there is anything to the rumour one hears from time to time that because of extensive city development and increasing property values some other use in the future may be made of part of the property now."

"I would express the hope that the central experimental farm may be kept in its present form and its present location. I think it is doing tremendous work and is, amongst other things, a most valuable tourist attraction in the capital city. I think it would be in keeping with the view of the Canadian people as well as the people of Ottawa that the central experimental farm be maintained in its present location."

The Hon. Douglas Scott Harkness (Progressive Conservative) Minister of Agriculture: "I am very glad to tell the hon. member for Assiniboia that the central experimental farm is going to be not only retained but expanded. The plans we have, of which there has been some indication in the press, are that the present experimental farm will be used entirely for plant breeding and plant research activities. The animal husbandry branch of the experimental farm service will be established at a new experimental farm which will of course still be part of the central experimental farm, a few miles south and west of the present farm property in what will be the green belt surrounding Ottawa."

"We expect to secure from the federal district commission something in the neighbourhood of 4,000 acres of land in the green belt, and the animal husbandry activities of the experimental farm will be established there. The amount of land will provide us with sufficient grazing and sufficient area on which to raise forage for the animals, so that we can very considerably extend the animal husbandry activities. The present farm is much too small to enable us to carry on nearly as much research in the animal husbandry field as we feel necessary and is desired to be carried out."  

The Hon. Hazen Robert Argue (C.C.F) Mr. Argue: "I very much appreciate the minister's statement but does he mean that the present acreage of the experimental farm will be retained and that the 4,000 acres to which he refers is entirely in addition to the lands now held?"

The Hon. Mr. Harkness (Minister of Agriculture) "Yes, that is correct, Mr. Chairman. The present acreage will be retained and, as I say, will be used entirely for plant breeding and associated activities, such as horticultural activities and so on of the science service and the experimental farm service."


The National Capital Commission has the power to remove the classification National Interest Land Mass from federal real estate. A few of the landscapes and buildings that should always be protected by the NILM:

  • Gatineau Park
  • The Greenbelt ( Including the Agriculture Canada Greenbelt Research Farm, 4,000 acres in 1958.)
  • Confederation Square
  • PM's residence
  • GG's residence (Rideau Hall)
  • The scenic parkways in the National Capital Region
  • Jacques Cartier Park
  • Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Rd.
NCC Bylaws-Powers 3.24.14. The designation or revocation of all or part of any real property or immovable as part of the National Interest Land Mass. (From: Page 5/19 of NCC Bylaws, last amended on January 25, 2018.)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Lebreton Flats are part of the National Interest Land Mass.

 The National Capital Commission cannot sell, give away or subdivide the Lebreton Flats in Ottawa.

Definition of the NILM - The National Interest Land Mass (NILM) consists of "National shrines, the river and canal banks, the Confederation Boulevard, the Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt in the National Capital Region considered essential to the realization of the Vision of the Capital. There are 37 individual parcels of property in this category currently owned by the NCC totaling some 44,200 ha in area. Land forming part of the NILM will be retained by the NCC on behalf of the government in perpetuity for purposes which lie at the core of the NCC's mandate and will be managed by the NCC with little or no further management by the Treasury Board Secretariat." (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC-Land Holdings.)

The Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. House of Commons Ottawa Monday, October 26, 2009. Evidence. Mr. Jean-Paul Murray (Co-Chair, Gatineau Park Protection Committee): "The government established the National Interest Land Mass in 1988 following a recommendation by the Nielsen Commission that it curtail the NCC and impose a managerial discipline on it and on its real estate transactions."

"In addition, the Auditor General and the NCC Mandate Review Panel emphasized that the NCC was managing the NILM in an ambiguous and inconsistent manner and that the agency should be more transparent in this regard."

"Gatineau Park is the cornerstone of a great memorial dedicated to the 42,000 Canadian soldiers who died defending our democratic values in World War 11. Yet it is the least 'democratic' park in the country and the only one that doesn't have the benefit of parliamentary oversight...The time has come to give the park back to the people, Mr. Chairman." 

The National Interest Land Mass properties in 1988 - Ontario

  • The Greenbelt - 14,000 ha or 34,594.753 acres. The Greenbelt was 45,000 acres in 1998. Google: "With no one allowed to watch and listen, members of the National Capital Commission ponder making deals with Nortel, battling El Nino and buying the Experimental Farm for $1 dollar." (Ottawa Citizen, August 24, 1998. The article was written by Tom Spears and the researcher was Ken Rubin.)
  • Part of Lebreton Flats N. of Transitway - 65.37 ha or 161.53279 acres
  • Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms on Carling Avenue and 1740 Woodroffe, the Greenbelt.
  • Victoria Island - 6.35 ha
  • Shoreline behind Parliament Hill - 2.91 ha
  • Chambers Bldg. Elgin and Queen - 0.27
  • Confederation Square - 0.15
  • Pts of Wellington in front of Chateau Laurier and the Conference Centre and land to the E. of the Conference Centre. Also lands N. of Wellington between the Rideau Canal Lock & the Chateau Laurier & Major Hill Park. Also the approach to Alexandra Bridge & the new Art Gallery site.
  • Lady Grey Drive and the Ottawa River W of Sussex Drive
  • Daly Building, corner of Rideau & Sussex
  • 8 parcels of land E of Sussex (Mile of History) from Rideau Street to MacDonald Cartier Bridge.
  • Pt of the Mint property W of Sussex Drive. 
  • Small park on W side of Sussex Drive S of MacDonald Cartier Bridge. Parking lot at Earnscliffe and water lot.
  • 4 parcels on the Rideau River around City Hall
  • 4 parcels E of Sussex Drive between Stanley Ave & Rideau Gate
  • PM's residence
  • Rideau Gate (Guest House)
  • GG's residence (Rideau Hall)
  • Ottawa River Parkway, Wellington Street to Carling Ave. (Plans may be underway to de pave the former Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway and several more federal highways including the Queen Elizabeth and Experimental Farm sites. Apparently the scenic parkways are "relics of the 20th century." If I lived elsewhere in Canada, I would be appalled by the fact that national assets are cavalierly given or sold to the City of Ottawa---the Mackenzie King Bridge ($1 dollar) and Laurier Avenue Bridge ($1 dollar); Wellington Street; government office buildings; CBC buildings; Prince of Wales Drive that runs through the Experimental Farm; Heron Road and Riverside Drive within Confederation Heights..).
  • Champlain Bridge, Island Park Drive
  • Rideau Canal lands from downtown to Hog's Back Road - 90 ha or 222 acres.
  • Rideau River lands Green Island to Revelstoke Dr.
  • Airport Parkway
  • Eastern Parkway Hemlock Rd to Hwy 417
  • Eastern Driveway and Rockcliffe Park from Sussex Drive to Greenbelt
  • Lower Duck Island Ottawa River
NILM holdings in Quebec in 1988
  • Gatineau Park - 32,000 ha or 79,073.722 acres
  • 3 parcels-Ottawa River shoreline at Portage Bridge & land beside Eddy Street
  • Parts of Laurier St in front of Place du Portage
  • Ottawa River shoreline at the Alexandra Bridge approach   
  • Hull wharf Ottawa River lot only
  • Museum site Laurier Ave.
  • Ottawa River shoreline S of Brewery Creek
  • 8 parcels on the E side of Brewery Creek
  • 4 parcels; Jacques Cartier Park
  • Ottawa River shoreline proposed Voyageur Parkway
  • Leamy Lake Park and part of the Philemon Wright Corridor. (Google: 1988-09-15-TB-re-NCC-Land Holdings)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

LeBreton Flats can be Canada's 'Central Park' former ministers say.

 John Manley, John Baird urge NCC to keep land public. CBC News, September 4, 2019. "Let's start with a vision for the public space before we start hiving off pieces of it for private development."-John Manley.

House of Commons Ottawa June 16, 1966 MP Stanley Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre):PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN OTTAWA-HEIGHT OF PROPOSED DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS ON THE LEBRETON FLATS: "...I understand that the height of the Peace Tower, from its base to the top of the tower is 296 feet. The information given us concerning the proposed national defence headquarters is that the height of the building from the ground to the top would be 460 feet."

"I think that the skyline of the city of Ottawa is something of which we can be proud...A tower that is only a few blocks away, rising higher than the Peace Tower, would detract from the Peace Tower and spoil the skyline of the city of Ottawa."

"I think that a government that is in power for only a short time, has to be careful when it takes a course of action that has an effect for decades, perhaps for half a century or a century...Mr. Speaker, one newspaper in an editorial against me says that I am living in the past and asks if I do not realize that skyscrapers reflect progress. I think the story of the Tower of Babel gives the answer to that. I hope we are not going to build another one." (Note: The Dream LeBreton condominiums on the LeBreton Flats will be 31 and 36 storeys high. Developers can appeal to the City of Ottawa and the Ontario Municipal Board if they want taller buildings. And parkland will be converted to parking space.) 

House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967 The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works) " The Lebreton Flats are 4,450 feet from the Peace Tower, or less than a mile. The LeBreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower." 

House of Commons Ottawa May 7, 1970 Mr. Stanley Knowles (NDP House Leader, Whip of the NDP) Winnipeg North Centre: "Mr. Speaker, may I direct a question to the Minister of Public Works. In view of the increasing number of tall buildings being constructed in close proximity to Parliament Hill, would the Minister say whether the government is taking any steps to protect the view of the Peace Tower and to protect the environs of Parliament Hill for the sake of all the people of Canada." 

Hon. Arthur Laing (Minister of Public Works): "Mr. Speaker, a committee has been set up to deal with the requirements of Parliament, and to bear in mind the necessity of protecting the Hill. I think there is an opinion that it is essential that the Hill be protected and that if necessary we must look across Wellington to do that."


"The LeBreton Flats should remain public property and be devoted entirely to public and social use." Lindsay Lambert, The Province, August 5, 2020.

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991 Mr. Mac Harb (Ottawa Centre): "We have approximately 150 acres of land on Lebreton Flats. In the summer part of the Lebreton Flats is used for camping, balloonists and people who might want to take a walk."

House of Commons Ottawa October 22, 1969 MP Barry Mather, New Democratic Party: "Is the government of Canada giving favorable consideration to the establishment of a national park at the LeBreton Flats in Ottawa?"

Monday, September 16, 2024

1992 - National Capital Region parkways and parks.

"The parkways are relics of the 20th century." "De-pave the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway" (Ottawa Citizen, February 25, 2014). "De-paving the parkways would create billions of dollars of surplus real estate."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Government of Canada highways in the National Capital Region are part of the National Interest Land Mass and they cannot be destroyed, sold or given away. "Federal, scenic highways and parks in the National Capital Region are dedicated to the memory of Canadian soldiers who died fighting in foreign wars. They will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity." (The 1950 Greber Report, page 228/395).

NCC Parkways 1992

  • Ottawa Centre 25.1700 ha. Owned. Queen Elizabeth Dr., Rideau Canal.
  • Ottawa Centre 1.1900 ha. Owned. Southwest Corridor, Part A-B.
  • Ottawa Centre 86.1500 ha. Owned. Ottawa River Parkway.
  • Ottawa West 120.9200 ha. Owned. Ottawa River Parkway.
  • Ottawa West 1.0300 ha. 1 building. Owned. 529 Richmond Rd, Maple Lawn.
  • Ottawa Centre 3.8300 ha. Owned. Island Park Dr., Parts A, B & C.
  • Ottawa West 16.1400 ha. Owned. Island Park Dr.,. Parts A, B & C.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 180.9800 ha. Owned. Rockcliffe Parkway.
  • Ottawa West 2.1000 ha. Owned. Rockcliffe Parkway.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 28.1500 ha. 1 building. Owned. Aviation Parkway.
  • Ottawa South 0.4000 ha. Owned. Hog's Back Rd. & Riverside Dr; Hog's Back Park.
  • Ottawa South 4.2000 ha. Owned. Riverside Dr., Hog's Back Rd. and Mooney's Bay Park.
  • Ottawa South 145.3500 ha. Owned. Airport Parkway.
  • Ottawa Centre 1.8900 ha. Owned. Wellington, Albert, Commissioners & Slater St.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 0.0400 ha. Owned. Queensway & Boyd.
  • Ottawa Centre 27.1000 ha. Owned. Colonel By Dr.; Rideau Canal.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 10.3700 ha. Colonel By Dr.; Rideau Canal.
National Capital Commission Parks in 1992 that will be owned by the citizens of Canada in perpetuity.(The Greber Report of 1950, page 228/395.)
  • Ottawa Centre Confederation Park, 2.5473 ha. Owned. Laurier Ave. W.
  • Ottawa Centre 0.4000 ha. Owned. Bronson Ave. & Sparks St.
  • Ottawa Centre 70.0900 ha. Owned. LeBreton Flats.
  • Ottawa South 29.5600 ha. 2 buildings Owned. Riverside Dr. and Heron Rd. Vincent Massey Park. (Note: The Department of Public Works and Government Services is transferring Riverside Dr. and Heron Rd. within Confederation Heights, to the City of Ottawa. "City Council shall support the ownership transfer from Public Works and Government Services Canada to the City those portions of Heron Road and Riverside Drive that traverse the Confederation Heights area to have them formally integrated as part of the arterial road network."
  •  The City of Ottawa believes in the concept of "parkettes" to benefit developers. Parkettes are usually less than 1 hectare of land. "Regional Land Strategy for Ottawa 2006-2031. 4.4.2 Parks and Open Spaces" 'The City's requirements for parks and open spaces may have to be revisited to ensure that the types of spaces required of developers reflect the need for quality spaces of all sorts...The city should accept parkettes as part of the 5% parkland dedication."
  • Ottawa-Vanier 33.2800 ha. Leased. Rockcliffe Pkwy.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 14.0500 ha. Owned. River Rd. River Rd. Park.
  • Ottawa Centre 2.0900 ha. 2 buildings. Owned. Prince of Wales Dr. & Melfa Cr. Moffat Farm. (Moffat Farm is gone, it was sold in 2002.)
  • Ottawa Centre 4.000 ha. Owned. Rideau Canal; Dow's Lake Park.
  • Greenbelt Ottawa South; 47.6300 ha. Owned. Hwy 417 and Walkley Rd. (land reserve).
  • Ottawa Centre 1.67 ha. Owned. Rideau Canoe Club.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 1.4600 ha. Owned. St. Patrick St. and Sussex Dr., Nepean Point Park.
  • Ottawa South 22.14 ha. Owned. Queensway to Bronson Ave; Riverside Dr. Park.
  • Ottawa Centre 7.9120 ha. 4 buildings. Owned. Middle St., Victoria Island.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 0.6500 ha. Owned. Waller St. & Wilbrod St. (Mackenzie King Bridge).
  • Ottawa Centre 6.8000 ha. Owned. Rideau Canal; Commissioner's Park.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 5.7700 ha. Owned. Rockcliffe Pkwy.
  • Ottawa Centre 0.6300 ha. Owned. Wellington, Albert, Commissioner and Slater St.
  • Ottawa South 24. 2300 ha. 3 buildings. Owned. Hog's Back Rd. & Riverside Dr; Hog's Back Park.
  • Ottawa-Vanier 5.0400 ha. Owned. Minto Bridge, Maple and Green Islands, Stanley Ave. Park.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Who owned the Dominion Observatory in 1992?

  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm) Ottawa Centre. 1 building. (Owned or Leased by) Other. Dominion Observatory #1.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm) Ottawa Centre. 1 building. Other. Astronomer's House.
  • Seismographic Station Ottawa Centre. 0.0405 ha. 1 building. Lat. 45.39 N. Long. 75.72 W.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm) Ottawa Centre, 1 building. Other. Geophysical #3.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm); Ottawa Centre, 1 building. Other. Machine Shop #4.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm);Ottawa Centre. 1 building. Other. Geodetic Survey, #5.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm)  Ottawa Centre. 1 building. Other. Seismology Survey #7.
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm) Ottawa Centre, 1 building. Other. Azimuth #8.
(Note: The South Azimuth #8 will be removed because it is interfering with the "realignment" of Maple Drive. The Ottawa Hospital is restricting Maple Drive to emergency vehicles, more than 100 trips a day. How can people access the Observatory Campus, if individuals and vehicles are banned from the gateway to this National Historic Site and Parliamentary Precinct?)
  • Research Laboratory (Central Experimental Farm) Ottawa Centre, 1 building. Other. Photo Equatorial #9.
Demolition Plans
The Sir John Carling location---Extensive demolition or relocation of buildings is required for the new build to proceed. On the Sir John Carling site we have at least 24 buildings,. Heritage buildings include Buildings 1 to 9, part of the Natural Resources Campus including the Dominion Observatory. The William Saunders Building #49 is vacant. (Information is from: The New Civic Campus: A 21st Century Hospital in the Heart of Canada's Capital, page 10/76, April of 2016.)

Federal properties that were protected as of June 19, 2023:
  • K.W. Neatby #20.
  • Laboratory Services #22
  • Nutrition Building # 59
  • Arboretum Horticulture Centre #24
  • Swine Barn # 91
  • Engineering Research #94
  • Carpenter Shop #98  (Google: Federal Directory of Real Property website, Agriculture Canada No. 08625; Land Area 409.8200 (ha). Building count-87
Protected land and waterways in the National Capital Region:
  • Airbase Lands - Federal, Private
  • Arboretum Woods (Central Experimental Farm) - Federal
  • Aviation Parkway North - Federal, City
  • Brittania Conservation Area - Federal, City
  • By-Pass Woods East - Federal
  • Carlington Woods - Federal, City, Private
  • Central Experimental Farm Woods(Central Experimental Farm) - Federal
  • Champlain Bridge Woods - Federal
  • Champlain Bridge Islands - Federal 
  • Del Zotto Woods - Federal
  • Dechenes Lookout - Federal
  • Hampton Park Woods - Federal, City
  • Hog's Back Woods - Federal, Private
  • Lemieux Island - Federal, City
  • Leopold Woodlot - Federal, Private
  • McCarthy Woods and Southern Corridor - Federal
  • Montfort Woods - Federal, Private
  • NRC Woods North - Federal, Private
  • Parliament Hill - Federal
  • Pinecrest Woods - Federal
  • Prince of Wales Woods (Central Experimental Farm) - Federal, City
  • RA Centre Woods - Federal
  • Rideau River Islands - Federal
  • Rideau River Park Woods - Federal
  • Riverside Park - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Park East - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Park West - Federal
  • Rockcliffe Shores - Federal   (Google: "urban natural features strategy" City of Ottawa, April 11, 2006)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Federal properties in Canada's Capital in1992.

  •  AEC Unused Land Ottawa Centre. 1.9800 ha; 1 building, Owned. Tunney's Pasture.
  • Office Space Ottawa Centre; 1 building; leased. 344 Slater Street, Minto Place.
  • AGR Experimental Farm (Central Experimental Farm); Ottawa Centre, 423.0100 ha., 88 buildings. Owned. Prince of Wales Drive.
  • CBC Storage Space Ottawa West, Leased. 1568-1570 Carling Ave.
  • CBC Office Building (CBOT, CBOFT) Ottawa West; 3.1600 ha. 2 buildings. Owned. 250 Lanark Ave.
  • CBC Office Building Ottawa Centre, 6.0700 ha. 1 building. Owned. 1500 Bronson Ave.
  • CBC Office Space (Chateau Laurier, Ottawa Centre) Leased. 1 Rideau St.
  • CBC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased, 885 Meadowlands Dr.
  • CBC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased, 150 Wellington St.
  • CBC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased, 165 Sparks St.
CCC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased. 50 O'Connor Street, 11th Floor, Metropolitan Life Building.
CDIC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased. 50 O'Connor St., 17th Floor, Metropolitan Centre.
CMHC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased. 250 Albert St.
CMHC Office Space Ottawa West, Leased. 1320 Carling Ave.
CMHC Office Building Ottawa-Vanier, 8.0000 ha., 2 buildings. Owned. 700 Montreal Road, CMHC National Office.
CMHC Unused Land Carleton-Gloucester, 107.4000 ha; Owned. North-eastern corner of Aviation Pkwy & Ogilvie Rd. CMHC National Office Lands.
CMHC Warehouse Space Ottawa South, Leased, 767 Belfast Rd.
CMHC Warehouse Space Ottawa South, Leased. 1551 Michael St.
CMHC Office Space Ottawa Centre, Leased, 255 Albert St.
CNR Railway Lands and Facilities Ottawa-Vanier. 4.4500 ha. Owned. Terminal Ave.

CP Office Building Ottawa West, 1 building, Leased. 1400 Merivale Rd.
Office Space Ottawa Centre, 1 building, 99 Bank Street, Leased, OFC Customer Interface.
Restaurant Ottawa South, 1 building. Owned. 720 Heron Road.
Storage Space Ottawa South, 1 building, Leased.1230 Old Innes Road
Storage Space Ottawa South 1 building. Leased. 1280 Old Innes Road. Franchising Centre.
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa West, 1 building, Leased, 1365 Richmond Road. 
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa-Vanier. Leased. Stewart Street.
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa Centre, 1 building. Owned. 409 Parkdale Ave.
Office Building Ottawa South, 1 building. Owned. 720 Heron Road.
Garage(s) Ottawa South. 1 building. Owned. 355 Industrial Ave. Minto Auto Service Centre.

Office Building Ottawa South, 1 building. Owned. 720 Heron Rd. 
Parking Area Ottawa South. Owned 10.0500 ha. 720 Heron Rd.
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa Centre, 0.180 ha. 1 building. 99 4th Ave.
Canada Post Post Office, Ottawa South; 2.9000 ha. 1 building. Owned. 1424 Caledon Ave.
Parking Area(s) Ottawa South, 0.3484 ha., leased. Walkley Subdivision.
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa South, 1 building. Leased. 1250 Leeds Ave. Parcel Plant WG.
Canada Post Post Office Ottawa South, 0.0002 ha. 1 building, Owned.770 Brookfield Rd.

CPS Office Space, Ottawa Centre. Leased. 360 Albert Street.
COM Communications Research Facility, Ottawa West. 3.7900 ha. 2 buildings. Owned. 1241 Clyde Avenue Laboratory.
(Note: The Communications Research Facility was demolished after the government of Canada sold 91 acres of the Central Experimental Farm to the Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. '1987-1988 - On July 8th 1987, Regional Council approved the purchase of approximately 91 acres of vacant land on the west side of Merivale Road north of Baseline Road, formerly part of the Central Experimental Farm'. Later, the Laurentian High School was demolished.
 Agriculture Minister John Wise never wanted Experimental Farm land to be sold: 

House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1988 MP David Daubney (Ottawa West): "Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Agriculture. He will agree that the Central Experimental Farm partly located in my riding is the flagship of Agriculture Canada's excellent research effort and contributes greatly to the unique beauty and character of the nation's capital. Will he confirm for the House that the Government has no intention of disposing any of the Experimental Farm proper and in particular that part bordered by Merivale and Fisher Avenues in the City of Ottawa?"
Hon. John Wise (Minister of Agriculture): "Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the Hon. Member's continuing interest in the future of the Experimental Farm here in Ottawa. I want to indicate to him that Agriculture Canada, my Department, has no plans or thoughts whatsoever concerning disposing of any potion of that property at any time. There is no question about that."

Every government of Canada property that Canadians own is being transferred to a National Land Bank so that developers can build a hospital, housing and commercial facilities. We are losing The Experimental Farm; 250 Lanark Ave; 1500 Bronson; the Greenbelt Research Farm; post offices; armouries; the National Defence Medical Centre; a park on 870 Carling Avenue; the Lebreton Flats... Member of Parliament Dennis Mills told the House of Commons that within a year, with the help of Bill C-3 there will not be any Crown property left. Why were so many government of Canada buildings rented and not owned in 1992? The answer is revealed below:

House of Commons Ottawa November 22, 1991: Liberal MP for Broadview-Greenwood, Dennis Mills: "Madam Speaker, when I got up this morning and headed to the House I actually had no intention of speaking. Then in my office I read part of Bill C-3, an act respecting the acquisition, administration and disposition of real property by the Government of Canada. As I started to reflect on what is really going on in this bill I became concerned. It concerns me that in one year, with the help of this bill, it is possible that there will be no Crown land assets left...I think of Toronto, my own city of Toronto, and the way this government has disposed of Harbourfront land. And the disposition of the CBC lands. This is a bill that is going to make the developers of every region and every city of Canada ecstatic."

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government buildings potentially on the auction block.

  • The National Film Board building in Montreal
  • Library and Archives Canada on 395 Wellington Street Ottawa.
  • The Gatineau Film Preservation Centre (information is from-OGGO ((39-2) No. 3-Febrary 14, 2008 (0935). The Film Preservation Centre is an annex of Library and Archives Canada. And the Lebreton Flats are the western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. The Greenbelt Research Farm on 1740 Woodroffe Avenue in Nepean is part of the Carling Avenue Experimental Farm.
"Ottawa may sell off billions in real estate." CBC News, September 21, 2004.
  • The entire portfolio of Public Works and Government Services-350 buildings.
  • The northern half of the Sparks Street Mall.
  • Library and Archives on 395 Wellington.
The Parliament Buildings, Library of Parliament and Supreme Court of Canada were not on the list.

"Parliament Hill is not a National Historic Site."

"Parliament Hill does not enjoy any legal protection. Not only does it not benefit from that protection, but the immediate area is a jungle for development." Senator Serge Joyal, December 12, 2019. 

Senate of Canada Debates, Issue 4, December 12, 2019  NATIONAL CAPITAL ACT-Second Reading of Bill S-203, an Act to amend the National Capital Act (buildings or works of national significance.)

Senator Joyal: "...I have been witness, as have all of you, to the expansion project of Chateau Laurier at the end of the tunnel. I would not even say across the street because we have an organic link to the Chateau Laurier building." According to Senators Forest, Munson, Bovey and Joyal there is no Canadian statute in which Parliament Hill is protected by the status of being a national historic site. The NCC does not have the power to review any alteration, construction, demolition, any work that could change the immediate landscape of the Hill.

Senator Joyal: "The Parliament of Canada Act defines what Parliament Hill is. I will read it": The grounds in the City of Ottawa bounded by Wellington Street, the Rideau Canal, the Ottawa River and Kent Street known as Parliament Hill, and any buildings or works located on those grounds.

"The Senate of Canada Building located at 2 Rideau Street.. that is us, here. The building located at 1 Wellington Street in the City of Ottawa. That's where we have two committee meeting rooms, which are almost in the basement of the Chateau Laurier. The Victoria Building at 140 Wellington. That's where many of you have offices. The Sir John A. Macdonald Building, located at 144 Wellington, where we have parliamentary gatherings. The Confederation Building, the Justice Building which is immediately adjacent, and the Supreme Court of Canada". 

"That is what the (Parliament of Canada Act) defines as Parliament Hill, and that's where the protection area would be defined." 

House of Commons Ottawa July 20, 1973 The Hon. Jean Eudes Dube, Minister of Public Works: "...Concern has been expressed about the danger of visual encroachment on the beauty of the present parliamentary precinct, which is one of the great symbols of Canada. We have a duty to protect its dignity, grace and beauty for the years ahead."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Reasons to protect the Greenbelt.

Google: "Greenbelt NCC Boy Scouts." December 2009. 107 pages. "The 1950 plan for the National Capital, The Greber Report." and "The NCC Annual Report" on December 28, 2022. 

  •  Decisions made about the future of the Greenbelt directly affect livelihoods and the day-to-day living of residents of Ottawa and beyond. (page 5)
  • The Greenbelt is a crescent shaped band of publicly owned land including farms, forests, wetlands and federal campuses supporting research and defence initiatives. Approximately 30% is comprised of agricultural lands in close proximity to the urban centre of Ottawa and its satellite communities. 
  • Half of the Greenbelt consists of a system of significant features that provide ecological functions that are important to the long-term health of the National Capital Region and beyond. These lands and their associated views also provide numerous scenic gateways into the Nation's Capital, an abundance of passive recreational opportunities, and represent a network of the rural landscapes of which Canadians can be  proud. (page 6)
  • Recognize the role of this greenspace in psychological health and stress reduction. (page 14)
  • Protect the Greenbelt for future generations.
  • The top three places identified were Green's Creek, Mer Bleue and Stony Swamp, while the three favourite activities were walking and hiking, cycling and cross-country skiing. (page 19)
  • Do not permit development on the property. (page 19)
  • Protect the Green's Creek Conservation Area.
  • 2067 Greenbelt Vision Statement: "The Greenbelt will forever protect natural systems, agriculture and opportunities for outdoor recreation and will inspire Canadians and contribute to the sustainability and quality of life in Canada's Capital Region." (The 1950 Plan for the National Capital-The Greber Report- Page 53/196)
  • One of the mandates of the National Capital Commission: "Managing, conserving and protecting NCC assets (including Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt, urban parks, real property and other assets including bridges, pathways and parkways." (NCC Annual Report, December 28, 2022, page 39/116.)   
 House of Commons Ottawa November 3, 1981 Mr. Jean-Robert Gauthier, Ottawa-Vanier, Liberal: "Madame Speaker, my question is directed to the Minister of Public Works who is responsible for the National Capital Commission. Last week, Ottawa newspapers headlined that the NCC was prepared to give up NCC land in the Greenbelt, the untouchable zone surrounding the National Capital." 
  • Leader of the Opposition Pierre Poilievre: "Canada can build more homes without getting rid of Greenbelts." From an interview with Josh Pringle and Bill Carroll, CFRA Morning Rush, August 23, 2023. 
  • The Greenbelt's greatest asset is that it is there. Urbanization is the greatest long-term threat. The focus should be more towards the property being national treasure. (page 51/107)
Valued Natural Ecosystems & Habitats:

1.Shirleys Bay - Connaught, Crystal Bay
2.Stoney Swamp
3. Pinhey Forest
4. Black Rapids Creek
5. Lester Wetland
6. Pine Grove Forest
7. Mer Bleue Bog
8. Chapel Hill's North Forest
9. Green's Creek (the information is from "Canada's Capital Greenbelt Master Plan" NCC, November 2013, page 72/196)

Threats to the greenspace:
  • Government of Canada departments, for example the National Capital Commission and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. The NCC has the power to remove designations that protect federal properties---National Interest Land Mass; Historic Site of Canada; Classified Federal Heritage Building; Recognized Federal Heritage Building; Capital Park; Waterfront Open Space...From 1973 until 1979 Bill Teron was the head of the CMHC. Mr. Teron wanted "a million people" to live on the Greenbelt.
  • The City of Ottawa wants 1/4 of the land, or 13,700 acres.
  • Misguided generosity.
  • Infrastructure-Greenbank Road that runs through the property will be "realigned". Does that mean it will be widened? What is going on near the Wesley Clover Equestrian Park? A boulevard was constructed on Mer Bleue.
  • Section 10 (2) of the National Capital Act gives the NCC the right to "sell, grant, convey, lease or otherwise dispose of or make available to any person any property, subject to such conditions and limitations as it considers necessary or desirable." Senator Noel Kinsella believed that the National Capital Act is outdated (it was created during the John Diefenbaker era); and Senator Kinsella felt that federal public land should be owned by the citizens of Canada. (The Senate investigated the Moffat Farm sale in 2002.)