Thursday, September 19, 2024

LeBreton Flats can be Canada's 'Central Park' former ministers say.

 John Manley, John Baird urge NCC to keep land public. CBC News, September 4, 2019. "Let's start with a vision for the public space before we start hiving off pieces of it for private development."-John Manley.

House of Commons Ottawa June 16, 1966 MP Stanley Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre):PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN OTTAWA-HEIGHT OF PROPOSED DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS ON THE LEBRETON FLATS: "...I understand that the height of the Peace Tower, from its base to the top of the tower is 296 feet. The information given us concerning the proposed national defence headquarters is that the height of the building from the ground to the top would be 460 feet."

"I think that the skyline of the city of Ottawa is something of which we can be proud...A tower that is only a few blocks away, rising higher than the Peace Tower, would detract from the Peace Tower and spoil the skyline of the city of Ottawa."

"I think that a government that is in power for only a short time, has to be careful when it takes a course of action that has an effect for decades, perhaps for half a century or a century...Mr. Speaker, one newspaper in an editorial against me says that I am living in the past and asks if I do not realize that skyscrapers reflect progress. I think the story of the Tower of Babel gives the answer to that. I hope we are not going to build another one." (Note: The Dream LeBreton condominiums on the LeBreton Flats will be 31 and 36 storeys high. Developers can appeal to the City of Ottawa and the Ontario Municipal Board if they want taller buildings. And parkland will be converted parking space.) 

House of Commons Ottawa November 23, 1967 The Hon. George McIlraith (Minister of Public Works) " The Lebreton Flats are 4,450 feet from the Peace Tower, or less than a mile. The LeBreton Flats were envisioned as a western extension of the Parliamentary Precinct. Buildings on or near the Precinct cannot be any taller than the Peace Tower." 

House of Commons Ottawa May 7, 1970 Mr. Stanley Knowles (NDP House Leader, Whip of the NDP) Winnipeg North Centre:  work in progress

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