Monday, September 30, 2024

Why were 60 acres of the Experimental Farm given to the National Capital Commission?

House of Commons Ottawa June 14, 2016 Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Conservative: "With regard to the 60 acres of the Experimental Farm that was assigned to the National Capital Commission in 2014: (a) within the last ten years (1) what specifically has this portion of the farm been used for, (11) what species of plants have been grown there, (111) what experiments have been conducted there (1V) what significant or successful research has come specifically as a result of this 60 acres of land. 

(b) has the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food conducted any studies in order to ascertain what the impact of this loss of land will be, in general and on experimental research capability; (c) what has the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food done to mitigate the impact of losing this land."

The National Capital Commission is removing far more than 60 acres of land from the Farm--- for a hospital, residential towers and parking lots:

  • 2024-2029 - Research Tower
  • 2029-2039 - Carling Towers A,B and C
  • 2035-2039 - New Hospital Expansion
  • 2045-2048 - University of Ottawa Heart Institute Expansion
Experimental Farm property that is already gone: The people of Canada have lost Queen Juliana Park, a memorial to 7,600 Canadian soldiers who were killed during the World War 11 liberation of the Netherlands; the Sir John Carling Building and cafeteria; the Historic Hedge Collection; Prince of Wales Drive; hundreds of trees including Isabella Preston's crabapple trees...
The Farm was targeted for extinction in 1997. More than 50 buildings including barns and greenhouses were slated for demolition.("The fight for the Farm goes on" a Heritage Ottawa newsletter from the spring of 1997.) I am beginning to wonder why Canadians do not deserve a beautiful Capital City:
  • Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau prevented the demolition of the magnificent Conference Centre which is located across from the Chateau Laurier. I was employed by the Conference Centre during the early 1980's.
  • the Chateau Laurier addition---need I say more.
  • The Central Experimental Farm - the powers that be are determined to obliterate the 1,000 acre historic site.
  • parkland is sold to builders of residential towers. The City of Ottawa promised that the Humane Society land on 101 Champagne would be an extension of Ev Tremblay park. 
  • the Sparks Street Mall 
  • the scenic parkways are facing extinction.

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