Monday, September 30, 2024

Permitted uses of land on the Experimental Farm.

Purpose of the Zone  The purpose of the L-3 Central Experimental Farm Zone is to: (1) Allow a range of uses on land designated as Agricultural Research Area in the Official Plan that will help to support and conserve the cultural, scientific and historical value of the Central Experimental Farm for present and future generations.

Permitted Uses in the L-3 Zone

  • agricultural use
  • environmental preserve and education area
  • museum limited to agricultural museum
  • on-farm diversified use, limited to a place of assembly. (see Part 3, Section 79, By-law 2019-41)
  • park
  • research and development centre limited to agricultural research
  • urban agriculture (see Part 3, Section 82, By-law 2017-48)
Buildings on the Experimental Farm cannot be any taller than 5.5 storeys Table 177-L3 ZONE REGULATIONS
  • Minimum Lot Width (m) - No minimum
  • Minimum Lot Area (m2) - No minimum
  • Minimum Front Yard Setback (m) - 7.5
  • Maximum Height (m) - 18.3.  When 18.3 meters is converted to storeys, the result is 5.5. storeys. The information about the L-3 Zone is from "Open Space and Leisure Zones" Sections 173-180, a City of Ottawa Document page 13/19.
The Ottawa Hospital Master Site Plan "...Two patient care towers will flank the Central Podium, with the South Tower intended to be 12 storeys and will include a helipad on the 12th floor, and the North Tower is intended to be 8 storeys. The proposed 8 storey North Tower is anticipated to be expanded vertically in future phases." Emphasis mine.
  • 2024-2029 - Research Tower
  • 2029-2039 - Carling Tower A; Carling Tower B and Carling Tower C
  • 2024-2028 - Rehabilitation Unit
  • 2035-2038 - New Hospital Expansion Emphasis mine. (As I mentioned before, the NCC wanted 700 acres of the Experimental Farm during the 1970's. But Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan and Agriculture Minister Bud Olson refused to hand over the land. As I also mentioned before, 91 acres of the Experimental Farm were sold to the City of Ottawa in 1988-89---the Clyde-Merivale lands north of Baseline Road. Real estate that was owned by all Canadians is now occupied by Walmart, different stores and a subdivision called Central Park. Agriculture Minister John Wise never wanted any Farm land sold, Google: House of Commons Ottawa May 13, 1988.)
  • 2045-2048 - University of Ottawa Heart Institute Expansion. Emphasis mine.

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