Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The desecration of the Chateau Laurier Hotel.

Larco Investments from Vancouver is the owner of the Ottawa's Chateau Laurier Hotel. The Mulroney government sold all of the CNR hotels to the real estate arm of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1988  via a Privy Council Order in Council:

Larco also owns:
The Harry Hays Building - Calgary, Alberta - Canada Revenue Agency.
Canada Place - Edmonton, Alberta - Canada Revenue Agency.
CRA Building - Montreal, Quebec - Canada Revenue Agency.
RCMP Building - Montreal, Quebec - RCMP.
Skyline Complex - (Tower 1 - V11) - Located on the former grounds of the Central Experimental Farm, Baseline Road Ottawa. - Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Thomas D'Arcy McGee Building - Ottawa, Ontario
Joseph Shepard Building - Toronto, Ontario.
There was widespread opposition to the privatization of the buildings, see the YouTube video "PSAC National President John Gordon delivers speech."

The future of the Chateau Laurier Hotel. This artistic rendition is from the Ottawa Business Journal February 26, 2019. Larco  is making a mockery of my country's railway history. All Canadians are the rightful owners of the Chateau.

Larco is also the owner of the Dominion Public Building on Front Street, Toronto Ontario, next to Union Station. Over 1,000 federal civil servants who are mainly Revenue Canada employees will have to vacate the building.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019

John Hooper statues.

The John Hooper statues called People Waiting stood in front of a Canada Post building, 115 Prince William Street, Saint John, New Brunswick. The Dominion Building was converted into high-end condominiums. An inquiry by the Auditor General of Canada confirmed that Canada Post owned 2,200 buildings worth $1.4 billion dollars, see the "1984 Report of the Auditor General of Canada-Chapter 13-13.6." There is a reason why Canada Post is renting space in Shoppers Drug Mart stores and gas stations.

115 Prince William Street.
People Waiting

During the early 1980's I walked by the John Hooper's Balancing every night on my way to work at the Conference Centre, I was a cleaning lady.  The statues were located on the grounds of the National Arts Centre, Ottawa, not that close, and I thought they were real people until one night it dawned on me that they never moved.


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Future American Presidents.

Vice President Nixon attended a White House garden party.
My brother took this picture of Bill Clinton- San Diego, 1992.

Canadians have been disinherited.

Family members are traumatized when they are disinherited, cut out of a relative's will. They feel betrayed and angry. Well Canadians have been disinherited. Property that should have been passed down to our children and grandchildren has been: divested, privatized, denationalized and monetized. Our descendants have been cheated, robbed of their birthright.
And I blame you Canada Lands Company, National Capital Commission, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Agriculture Canada, CBC executives...the list goes on.
The Canadian government sold 1,000 lighthouses, Coast Guard bases in Vancouver, British Columbia and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; and communications centres. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reopened the Kitsilano Search and Rescue station.
The former Marine Communications and Traffic Management Services centres were located in:
St. John's Newfoundland
St. Anthony Newfoundland
Saint John New Brunswick
Riviere au Renauld Quebec
Montreal Quebec
Thunder Bay Ontario
Tofino British Columbia
Comox British Columbia
Inuvik Northwest Territories
Richmond British Columbia
Oakville Ontario
Brian Mulroney's government wanted to privatize the Canadian Coast Guard, according to the Stevie Cameron book "On the Take."
 One day Canadians will wake up from their slumber and find out that all of our Crown assets are gone. The National Parks will be playgrounds for the rich and famous, for their big game hunting parties and ski lodges. We don't even own Jasper Park Lodge any more, where Prince Harry of England and Meghan Markle apparently spent their honeymoon.
The government buildings that our ancestors built with their labour and tax dollars are being monetized, the latest being a former Almonte, Ontario post office. A foreign government is interested in buying a Vancouver port. If the Fraser Institute has its way, Vancouver's Canada Place will be marketed to the highest bidder. Canada Place has been compared to the famous Sydney, Australia landmark. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has been delisted from the Federal Directory of Real Property because the land and buildings are gone---the CBC building at 1500 Bronson Avenue in Ottawa is vacant---I don't think its even Crown property any more.
The taxpayers of Canada paid for the construction of Canada Place for Expo 86.

My grandparents lived in Norfolk, Virginia.


H. Rider Haggard's great-grandson visited family members at their Flora Street Ottawa home.

 Too Late for Tears was autographed.
 Rider Cheyne is on the right.

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Estate of H. Rider Haggard, Three Bells, Ditchingham, Suffolk England.

H.Rider Haggard was the author of King Solomon's Mines, She, Ayesha The Return of She and many other novels and short stories.
Angela Cheyne, a direct descendant of H. Rider Haggard.


What is the common denominator for all of these properties?

At one time they were owned by the People of Canada.
1.)  CFB Rockcliffe - Department of National Defence.
2.)  Booth Street Complex - Natural Resources Canada
3.)  811 Gladstone Avenue - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation-now an Ottawa Community Housing asset, and they are building Rochester Heights.
4.)  933 Gladstone Avenue - Department of National Defence - an Ottawa Community Housing asset, they are building the massive Gladstone Village--- the National Capital's Regent Park.
5.) 91 acres of Central Experimental Farm land at Baseline and Merivale - Agriculture Canada
6.)  Wallis House - Rideau Street - Department of National Defence
7.)  800 Montreal Road - Forestry Canada
8.)  Lees Avenue Armoury - Department of National Defence
9.)  363 Smyth Road - Veteran's Affairs
10.) Chateau Laurier Hotel
11.) The former Teachers College/Normal School - Elgin Street - now part of Ottawa City Hall.
12.) The Rideau Centre Shopping Mall - PWGSC
13.) The Daly Building - National Capital Commission - Several people wanted to see the vacant land preserved and designated "The John Lennon International Peace Park". John Lennon and Yoko Ono briefly stayed at the nearby Chateau Laurier Hotel during their 1969 Bed Ins for Peace campaign, and they visited Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in the Parliament Buildings. They also talked to Federal Health Minister John Munro about legalizing marijuana.
14.) Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge - National Capital Commission
15.) Lansdowne Park - Department of National Defence

The Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney's Pasture during the early 1970's. This is a family photo.

Hank LeClair, John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Federal Health Minister John Munro in the Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney's Pasture Ottawa.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

811 Gladstone Avenue In Ottawa was a CMHC property.

     The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation owned the townhouse complex from 1968 until 2006, then CMHC sold it to the Ontario Housing Corporation. Now Ottawa Community Housing is building Rochester Heights on the land, which is near the High School of Commerce. Rochester Heights will never blend in with the existing neighbourhood, it is comparable to failed social experiments in the United States, the high rises that were eventually demolished.

Rochester Heights. I can only imagine what will be inflicted on 933 Gladstone Avenue; the Natural Resources Canada Booth Street Complex and land behind the Adult High School.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Dad took these photos of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.


The Government of Ontario is selling 243 properties.

My Mother is wearing the green outfit. Montreal Street near Raglan Street, 1972.
Kingston Psychiatric Hospital - Rockwood is a limestone building that was constructed by Kingston Penitentiary inmates to house individuals who could not cope with living in the penitentiary. It is located in the Village of Portsmouth where the neighbourhood must be psychologically traumatized from:
1.) the loss of Corrections Canada buildings.
2.) the loss of a city-owned park near the Olympic harbour. During the 1976 Olympics the tax payers of Ontario gave this park to the city.
3.) the construction of  residential housing on the Church of the Good Thief land.
4.) The construction of a residential tower on the grounds of P4W.
If the Village of Portsmouth is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site all of the Corrections Canada buildings and Rockwood will be saved. The United Nations has already preserved Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was a prisoner; and the Australian convict sites. The Village meets all the criteria for designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

  • The Kingston Pen, Prison for Women, Isabel McNeill Halfway House, Penitentiary Water Tower, Penitentiary Museum, the Training Centre on Union Street, and Church of the Good Thief are all clustered in one area.
  • Kingston Pen inmates constructed all the buildings and the tower.
  • The buildings and and tower were created with limestone.
  • They were all designated municipal, provincial or federal heritage buildings, in some cases all three levels of government.
  • They share a common purpose or a common theme.
  • They are all endangered landmarks. 

During the summer of 1972 my family and I lived in an Albert Street house in Kingston..
The Rogers Centre parking lot - 305 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto

London Psychiatric Hospital - London - Canadian mystic and psychiatrist Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. practiced here for decades. Dr. Bucke wrote:
Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind. He also authored books about the cosmic consciousness of Jesus Christ, Buddha, William Blake, Francis Bacon, Muhammad, Plotinus, Dante, Ramakrishna and Walt Whitman.
In the movie "Beautiful Dreamers" Colm Feore portrayed Dr. Bucke and Rip Torn played American poet Walt Whitman.
Former St. Joseph's Psychiatric Hospital - Hamilton, Ontario.
Former Guelph Correctional Centre - Guelph.

Former Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital - Thunder Bay.

Former St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital - St. Thomas.

Windsor Jail

Perth Jail
Rockwood Asylum.

The National Capital Commission is selling Greenbelt land.

 The Greenbelt that surrounds Ottawa is a living memorial to Canadian soldiers who lost their lives in foreign wars. Urban planner Jacques Greber designed the memorial and said the Greenbelt would be preserved in perpetuity.
However, much of the land has been earmarked for residential and commercial redevelopment:
     "The City of Ottawa has identified more than 13,700 acres of the Greenbelt worth about $1.6 billion that could be developed...without damaging its overall integrity. Environment Minister Jim Prentice opposed development in what he considered an important part of the city's heritage. Prentice vowed to fight any such move." (From: Greenbelt Ottawa Wikipedia).
Groups that are trying to save the land
Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt
Save Our Greenspace!
Ontario Chapter|Sierra Club of Canada
Parks Canada may privatize $8.3 billion dollars worth of infrastructure including highways, roads, nature trails, culverts, dams and bridges. The sale of these Crown assets will have a major impact on a UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Rideau Canal. The lock stations are important tourist attractions and they are located in:
Merrickville; Kilmarnock; Hog's Back (Ottawa)
Davis; Old Sly's; Smiths Falls; Burritt's Rapids
Poonamalie; Lower and Upper Beveridges Lock;
Long Island; Kingston Mills; Newboro; Lower and Upper Brewers Lock
The Mackenzie King Bridge and Laurier Avenue Bridge span the Rideau Canal. This Privy Council Order-in-Council led to the sale of the bridges to the City of Ottawa. Now Parks Canada plans to sell many other bridges that span the Rideau Canal, see the list above.

A CBC article about Ottawa's Hog's Back Bridge: "Future of Hog's Back Bridge a hot topic after NCC audit reveals need for repairs." 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Decommissioned federal armouries.

1.)  The Oak Street Complex - 933 Gladstone Avenue Ottawa. City of Ottawa politicians, why don't you give this land back to its rightful owners, the people of Canada. Remove the fences and No Trespassing signs and plant trees and flowers and create a playground. During the summer I  frequent Andrew Haydon Park which has bandstand, picnic tables, benches, a bridge, gazebos and two playgrounds... Little Italy is a prime tourist location comparable to the ByWard Market, Chinatown and the Experimental Farm.
 This neighbourhood does not have enough green spaces, considering the fact that the planning commission has given the green light to developers to build even more residential towers. And land behind the High School of Commerce 300 Rochester Street will be another target of intensification, another Ottawa Community Housing project. Catherine McKenney is an Ottawa city councillor for this ward and an Ottawa Community Housing director. People in overcrowded cities in Europe cherish their parks because visiting a park is their only chance to connect with nature and to enjoy the outdoors.
2.)  Denison Armoury - Toronto, Ontario. Demolished a few years ago.
3.)  Windsor Armoury - Sold to the University of Windsor.
4.)  Lees Avenue Armoury - Ottawa
5.)  Wallis House - Ottawa.
6.)  Niagara Falls Armoury - 5049 Victoria Avenue Niagara Falls, Ontario.
University Avenue Armoury, Windsor Ontario.

Monday, February 18, 2019

People from around the world are horrified by the prospect of Kingston Penitentiary's demise.

At least half of the Pen including the guard towers and walls will be demolished to create space for high rise residential towers. And a condo will be constructed on the grounds of the nearby Prison for Women.
The Pen, Prison for Women and the Fisheries and Oceans property on Portsmouth Olympic Harbour were decommissioned and privatized. The Pen was a National Historic Site of Canada and a Classified Federal Heritage Building, but Parks Canada stripped away that designation when the landmark was divested. In doing so they stripped away the heart and soul of a community called The Village of Portsmouth. How would the citizens of Paris react if the Eiffel Tower was removed? Several high rise condos could be built on land where the Tower now stands. And a commemorative plaque would remind visitors that the Eiffel Tower once occupied that space.
This document proves that P4W and The Big House were registered heritage buildings.

The Prison for Women

How demoralizing it must have been for residents of the Limestone City to walk or drive by the limestone P4W every day and see this. The photo is from

A letter I received from the Hon. Peter Milliken, Member of Parliament for Kingston and the Islands.

The new owner of P4W will remove the inside walls, bars and locking mechanisms. And the infrastructure will be transferred to the Penitentiary Museum or to a popular tourist attraction the Kingston Pen.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Dad and Canadian Olympic ski champion Nancy Greene.

Chateau Laurier Hotel, 1968.

The City of Ottawa's planning department was slammed by Diane Holmes.

Diane Holmes was the City Councillor for Somerset Ward, Little Italy. This is her opinion of  an unaccountable municipal agency:
     "The Development Review Services Branch is responsible for processing development applications. It has become increasingly apparent that this branch no longer represents the citizens or neighbourhoods in the ward. Rather, this branch represents the interests of the development industry. Input from the public is generally disregarded because this branch considers residents comments to be NIMBY comments..The branch provides support to any application with little-or-no recognition or consideration of the neighbourhood wants and needs...This is happening throughout the Ward where applications are submitted before the developer and the community have a chance to sit down and discuss the proposal...You want to add 10 extra stories on your building? Fine by us. You don't want to provide visitor parking? Use on street public parking instead. Too many trees in front of your building? No problem, we'll remove them." (From:" Diane Holmes whacks the city's planning department" by Dave Reevely, Ottawa Citizen, May 19, 2014)

It is time for a moratorium on the conversion of green space behind the former High School of Commerce, the creation of a social housing complex on 933 Gladstone Avenue; on the construction of a new Civic Hospital near Little Italy; on the construction of residential towers on the Natural Resources Canada property. The character of this area will disappear if any more housing projects are initiated--- Ottawa Community Housing director Catherine McKenney promised that affordable housing units will be constructed on Natural Resources Canada land. Urbicide is the deliberate destruction of  a city neighbourhood by out-of-control intensification. Future generations will be negatively affected by planning decisions made by politicians today.

England and Wales have Planning Inspectorates which are agencies that routinely hold public inquiries into major and minor land use developments. Planning Inspectorates are comprised of "independent experts, inspiring confidence and shaping exceptional communities, now and for future generations."

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The invasion of Little Italy.

"Big change is coming to the south end of the neighbourhood at the intersection of Preston and Carling in the form of condo towers. Nearly a dozen projects are either proposed, approved or under construction, including three buildings that will claim the top spots on the cities list of tallest buildings". (From Wikipedia, Little Italy.)
And you want to see a mega hospital on the grounds of the Sir John Carling Building? Ottawa Community Housing recently bought 933 Gladstone, and the area will be transformed into Ottawa's Regent Park. Toronto's Regent Park is a ghetto, a slum and is owned by Toronto Community Housing. Many social housing projects in Toronto are hotbeds of illegal drugs and prostitution. YouTube has a video featuring the former CMHA hood, Google "Regent Park Toronto one of the dangerous neighbourhoods".
The term urbicide is defined as the destruction of a city or an urban area. Urbicide was coined by critics of urban planning in the United States.
Jane Jacobs was the author of "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" and she believed that a city allowed to function properly has a soul.
Residents of Kingston, Ontario have created a grassroots organization to stop the proliferation of high rises on their turf :
"Most residents are frustrated over the sheer scale of development that's being proposed and the perceived lack of political will to stop developers from asking to exceed the height and density rules." From "Residents gather to fight tower power in downtown Kingston" by Bill Hutchins, November 11, 2017.
 Whenever Ontario developers encounter roadblocks they dip into their deep pockets and appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board and they inevitably win. Some local politicians have a condescending attitude towards the individuals who elected them to public office; who pay taxes. I used to watch City of Ottawa council meetings on television. Whenever members of the public gave a presentation a few of the Councillors did not even have decency to listen to them. They would be engrossed in their BlackBerry devices or they would talk to other politicians or even leave the Council chambers. If that is what they think of us in public I can imagine what is going on behind closed doors.

The City of Ottawa wants to develop land behind the High School of Commerce.

 The City Councillor for Somerset Ward is an Ottawa Community Housing director. That says it all, she is funneling city-owned properties to Ottawa Community Housing. 933 Gladstone will be similar to Regent Park in Toronto and that is not a compliment.
 A recent City of Ottawa document provided information about the future of green space behind the High School of Commerce, 300 Rochester Street:
  "Any redevelopment contemplated on this site shall seek opportunities for uses and design on the site to complement and strengthen Preston Street, Gladstone Avenue, Rochester Street and other key community infrastructure, such as the multi-use pathway and the transit station." From: City of Ottawa, Gladstone Station District, page 15/22.
City of Ottawa, remove the fences and return this land to its rightful owners-- the general population.
The Steve McQueen/Natalie Wood movie "Love with the Proper Stranger" was filmed on location in New York City's Little Italy. And the neighbourhood has been listed on the American National Register of Historic Places.
I studied data processing in the High School of Commerce. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

The National Capital Commission is selling an Experimental Farm in Ottawa.

The agricultural technology hub will have data collecting drones and autonomous tractors. This photo is from the article "Ottawa bets on NCC farm as future precision agricultural hub" by Rosa Saba, Ottawa Business Journal, February 13, 2019.
The 2,965 acre Greenbelt Research Farm is bordered by Hunt Club Road, Woodroffe Avenue, Fallowfield Road and Greenbank Road. Part of the property has been sold by the NCC to a film company.

(work in progress)

This is outrageous.

Plans are steamrolling ahead to build a mega hospital on the grounds of the Central Experimental Farm. The hospital will be close to the Dominion Observatory Campus, Main Dairy Barn, Dominion Arboretum, the Ornamental Gardens, the Dow's Lake Pavilion, Commissioners Park and the Rideau Canal. Queen Juliana Park will no longer exist.
I believe it is time to designate Ottawa's Central Experimental Farm a United Nations World Heritage Site. The UN becomes involved whenever landmarks and landscapes are threatened by acts of war or redevelopment.
The Dominion Observatory Campus may be demolished:
"Coun. Riley Brockington ...has been trying to lock in lease conditions that would preserve as many buildings on the property as possible, such as the Dominion Observatory." From "Feds say they'll pay $11.8 million to clean up new Civic site" by Dave Reevely, Ottawa Citizen, February 23, 2018.
Groups that are trying to preserve The Farm.
1.)  Friends of the Farm
2.)  Friends of the Central Experimental Farm
3.)  Protect the Farm - Home|Facebook
4.)  Saving the Central Experimental Farm|Heritage Ottawa
6.)  Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty and Health.
7.) Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (1974)
8.)  Save the Experimental Farm (1975)
9.)  Save the Central Experimental Farm - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital
10.) Content Works - (See the article "Coalition fights to save Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa".)
11.) Coalition to protect the Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site of Canada
12.) The National Trust for Canada
13.)  SAVE THE FARM - Protest to save our trees and greenspace - Ecology Ottawa - See the YouTube video "Ottawa prepares to hand over historic farmland to corporate developers.
1.) Petition 388 - Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a national historic site of Canada.
The National Capital Act should be updated. The 1985 law gives the National Capital Commission the power to "sell, grant, convey or otherwise dispose of or make available to any person" NCC land and buildings. We, the People of Canada, own the the NCC's property holdings, and we should have the power to veto any disposal of our land.
The NCC transferred property to the Queenway Carleton Hospital in 1973. Every time I take a bus ride past the hospital I see ongoing construction and the parking lots are huge.
This Land is Your Land by The Travellers
This land is your land, This land is my land
From Bonavista to Vancouver Island
From the Arctic Circle to the Great Lakes Waters
This land was made for you and me.
(The music video can be seen on YouTube).
The Sir John Carling Building can be seen in the background. The mega hospital will encompass Queen Juliana Park.

The concept for a new Civic Hospital . From "New Civic Campus on track, 'We need a new hospital' MacLeod says." Ottawa Citizen newspaper, December 17, 2018.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Redevelopment of the Natural Resources Canada Complex.

The drawing on the left shows the plan that Somerset Ward Councillor Catherine McKenney approves of.