Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nineteen years ago Fairmont wanted to add an extension to the Chateau Laurier.

Planning and Economic Development Committee, City of Ottawa - July 27,2000.
Heritage Alteration - Chateau Laurier, 1 Rideau Street.
Executive Report (Page 99 of 111).

     "The current proposal would enclose the u-shape through an addition at the north end along Major's Hill Park.  This addition will add approximately 159 new rooms and approximately 72 parking spaces. The design of the addition is illustrated in .. Documents 3 to 8 included with this report. The form of the addition has respected the massing, height, articulation and materials of the original building while retaining its own character. Limestone will continue to be used as the principal material to face the building."
     "The elevations included as Documents 3 and 4 illustrate the proposed tower which marks the northeast corner of the building..."
     "The proposed addition to the Chateau Laurier is recommended for approval because it is respectful of the architectural character of the original building while creating a design of interest in its own right."
Heritage Alteration - 1 Rideau Street, Ottawa- From a July 27, 2000 document.

Why did Fairmont want to retain the 1969 above ground parking garage, instead of creating a five-storey underground parking garage? Apparently they also wanted to save the trees. Larco does not.
A 2017 book about "L' Hotel du Canada".

The National Capital Commission has the power to veto the Chateau Laurier addition.

Confederation Square in Ottawa, Ontario. (Photo is from Library and Archives Canada.)
1993-1994 NCC Annual Report- Executive Summary - Page 9 of 36.
Mission Statement - The NCC's mission statement reflects it's mandate:

  • to use the Capital to communicate Canada to Canadians;
  • to make the Capital a meeting place for Canadians; and
  • to safeguard and preserve national treasures in the Capital.
1994-1995 Annual Report of the National Capital Commission - Page 19 of 50.
Too many modern cities have paid the price of uncontrolled and disharmonious development. That is why Canada's Parliament appointed the NCC to guard against inappropriate design and land use in the Canadian Capital. The Commission has been authorized to examine all applications for design approval, land-use changes, realty transactions and demolitions affecting federal property in the region, rejecting those that are inappropriate or suggesting changes to make others acceptable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Endangered Canadian buildings and landscapes.

1.)  Land behind the Chateau Laurier Hotel - Ottawa.
2.)  The Central Experimental Farm - Ottawa.
3.)  The Kingston Penitentiary - Kingston, Ontario.
4.)  The Prison for Women - Kingston, Ontario.
5.)  The Rockwood Asylum - Kingston, Ontario.
6.)  Land that borders the Rideau Canal. A decommissioned water treatment plant in Smiths Falls, Ontario is being marketed as an important site for redevelopment.
7.)  The former Guelph Reformatory,which is being sold by the real estate arm of the Ontario government Infrastructure Ontario.
8.)  The former Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital is an Infrastructure Ontario property.
9.)  The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Photo Equatorial Building and South Azimuth Building located near Carling Avenue - Ottawa.
10.)  The former London Psychiatric Hospital was recently sold by Infrastructure Ontario. Dr. Richard M. Bucke was a pioneering Canadian psychiatrist and mystic who practiced at the hospital for decades. Dr. Bucke wrote "Cosmic Consciousness- a Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind".  A 1990's movie called "Beautiful Dreamers" documents the life of  the psychiatrist who treated patients at the hospital humanely. Actor Colm Feore portrayed the doctor and Rip Torn was American poet Walt Whitman.
11.)  Portsmouth Olympic Harbour - Kingston, Ontario.
12.)  Collin's Bay Institution near Kingston.
13.)  Former Almonte, Ontario post office.
14.)  Perth, Ontario jail.

What the people of Canada will lose, if Larco builds an addition to the Chateau.

1.)  Views of the Chateau Laurier Hotel, a former Classified Federal Heritage Building and National Historic Site of Canada.
2.)  The Rideau Canal's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. World Heritage Sites are protected by a 30 metre buffer zone. The Chateau Laurier condo will be only 18 metres from the Rideau Canal. Also, new buildings constructed beside the Rideau Canal have to conform to guidelines outlined in the "The Rideau Canal National Historic Site - Principles of Good Waterfront Development." 
3.) The incongruous addition to the hotel will destroy the architectural and historical integrity of the "Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada".
Parks Canada Directory of Federal Heritage Designations
"Located in the heart of the nation's capital, the Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada is best known to Canadians as the site of the National War Memorial with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The square is framed by a group of buildings including:

  • the Central Chambers
  • the Scottish-Ontario Chambers
  • the Central Post Office
  • the Langevin Block
  • the East Block of the Parliament Buildings
  • the Chateau Laurier
  • the Union Station (Grand Trunk).
  • the National Arts Centre
"The official recognition refers to the whole site with its component parts, the remaining facade of a ninth and the War Memorial in their existing spatial relationships."
4.)  Major's Hill Park - a 14-acre federal park located behind the Chateau Laurier. The park will be a hub of activity when underground tunnels transverse the land (for the placement of sewers, etc.) and the trees that currently separate the hotel from the park are chopped down because Larco does not want views of Major's Hill to be obstructed.
And in the near future a Privy Council Order-in- Council signed by the Governor General of Canada will strip the park from the People of Canada and place it in the hands of Fairmont; or a condo corporation or another foreign embassy.  Part of Major's Hill was sold to the American government in 1994.
"Dreams of Major's Hill Park" (1969-70) - From Urbsite. The land is now owned by the American Embassy.
5.)  The Chateau Laurier will no longer be part of Ottawa's "Parliamentary Precinct" because the design of the new addition will clash with the style of existing landmarks:
Parliamentary Precinct Buildings and Monuments
Chateau Laurier Hotel
Library of Parliament
The Peace Tower
The East Block
The Centre Block
The West Block
Justice Building - 284 Wellington Street
Statues, monuments and memorials including the National War Memorial
The Centennial Flame
The former American Embassy
Senate of Canada Building
Rideau Committee Rooms - 1 Wellington Street.

6.)  Ottawa is listed as one of the most beautiful capital cities in the world:
The News International-Most beautiful capitals of the world, by Mariam Malik
Number 9:
Ottawa, being the capital of Canada, is situated near River Ottawa in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario. Ottawa is a city famous for its climate, snow and ice being dominant during the winters and summers are humid. The most beautiful places in this city include:
The Rideau Canal
The Canadian War Museum
The National Gallery
Major's Hill Park
Library and Archives.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tiny Tim sang "Tiptoe Though the Tulips" during the national Tulip Festival.

Tiny Tim sang at the Rideau Centre Shopping Mall (pictured) and Dow's Lake. (From: An Ottawa Citizen newspaper article, May 1983. Photo by Chris Mikula of the Citizen.)

The Daly Building was owned by the Chateau Laurier.

Heritage Ottawa newsletter - Summer of 1984
Daly Building in grave danger.
   "Earlier reports indicated that CN Hotels were interested in restoring the Daly Building as an adjunct to the Chateau Laurier's own conference and meeting facilities, and were negotiating with the Department of Public Works to trade a piece of CN property for the Daly Building."
"...The trade has now taken place. CN swapped 30 acres of riverfront property they owned in Windsor...CN might insist that the government give them the right to demolish the building..."
"...Another sure thing dictated by economics is that CN will not replace the Daly with a mere 5-storey building. Instead, they will likely put up a high-rise that will dwarf the Chateau and the Conference Centre (Union Station) across the street. The Daly is an important building."
Contact: the Manager of the Chateau Laurier.
Mayor of Ottawa Marion Dewar
Committees - Senate of Canada - Proceedings of the Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources-Issue 5 - February 17, 1998.
Three proposals for the vacant Daly Building land were presented-two were designated as "mixed-use" and the third called for condominiums and hotel suites in addition to retail stores. Preserving the Daly Building land as a park was never an option.
How is this information relevant to what is happening now, with the new addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel?
1.)  During the 1980's the hotel wanted vacant land in order to expand.
2.)  Major's Hill Park is 12-acre federal park owned by the people of Canada. The park is directly behind the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel.
Fairmont is a Fortune 500 company, one of the most powerful corporations in the country.
I have no doubt whatsoever that the National Capital Commission is planning to sell Major's Hill Park to Fairmont.

     "The parent company of Fairmont Hotels is considering another hotel/condo project in Canada, as it delves further into the residential business."
     "Now if you look at where we are, I think we have 30 projects in the pipeline." (From: Globe and Mail, Tara Perkins, article updated May 12, 2018.)

The National Capital Commission sold Major's Hill Park land to the American government:
  The land where the American Embassy is now located was supposed to be part of Major's Hill Park:
"Major's Hill Park interfaces with the Ottawa River, Nepean Point and National Museum of Fine Arts to the north and northeast (the latter two separated from the park by St. Patrick Street.); Mackenzie Avenue to the east; and the Chateau Laurier hotel to the south; by implication, the National Capital Commission's parking lot, currently situated between Sussex and Mackenzie immediately north of the Connaught Building is included in the redevelopment of the park." (Major's Hill Park, MSpace, page 23.)
This land should have been part of Major's Hill Park. The National Capital Commission sold the green space and parking lot to the American Embassy for $12.4 million dollars.  (The photograph is from:" Dreams of Major's Hill Park" urbsite.)

3.)  The National Capital Commission divested many Crown properties:
The Ottawa Teacher's College - 195 Elgin Street, now part of Ottawa City Hall.
The Sir John Carling Building - Central Experimental Farm. National Headquarters of Agriculture Canada.
The Greenbelt  Research Farm in Nepean.
The Veteran's Affairs Canada property near Mooney's Bay, Moffat Farm.
Sixty acres of Experimental Farm land to the Civic Hospital and the federal Queen Juliana Park near Dow's Lake is being rezoned.

The Daly Building, 555 Mackenzie Avenue Ottawa.
The influential Fraser Institute is calling for the devolution of federal parks in British Columbia. Major's Hill Park is a 14-acre federal park in Ottawa.

The Canadian Tulip Festival Stamp.

The Honourable Andre Ouellet, President and CEO of Canada Post, accompanied by Mrs. Joan O'Neill, President of the Canadian Tulip Festival and Mr. Marcel Beaudry, President of the National Capital Commission, officially unveiled the Tulip Festival Stamp before an audience of nearly 200 people. May 2001.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The addition to the Chateau will be a condo development.

1.)  "The architect said he feels this is an opportunity to do something amazing, adding this design creates a sense of separation from the current building and allows the expansion to have its own street identity." (From: "Chateau Laurier hosts public meeting on proposed addition" by Michelle Nash Baker, Guelph Mercury, November 16, 2016.)

2.)  Art Phillips, director of development at Larco Investments said the expansion will add 180 apartments to the hotel, which will be designed larger than the hotel's current rooms in an effort to appeal to guests considering longer stays. (From: "Chateau Laurier hosts public meeting on proposed addition" by Michelle Nash Baker, Guelph Mercury, November 16, 2016.)

3.) "The proposed addition will be read more as an independent building". (Cultural Heritage Impact Statement-Addendum-City of Ottawa-ERA Architects-Page 14 of 81.)

4.)  "The owner acknowledges and agrees that should the lands be severed in the future it shall ensure that the owner of the freehold units shall enter into a Joint Use Maintenance and Liability Agreement." (Google: 1 report to built heritage subcommittee 700 sussex - 1 report to Built Heritage SubCommittee, May 23, 2019 - Page 39 of 81.)

5.)  Waste Collection - Separate collection areas will be required for the commercial (hotel) and residential units. (From: "Chateau Laurier Expansion, 1 Rideau Street Ottawa Ontario"- Page 13 of 94 - City of Ottawa Planner, Development Review, Planning and Growth Management.)

6.)  "The distance between the original building and the new addition has also been increased, jumping from 5.9 metres (20 feet) to 18.35 metres (60 feet.)" According to the press release, the increase will allow for the two to be distinctly separate. (From: "Developer unveils another attempt at Chateau Laurier addition"- CBC News, February 18, 2018.)
 The condo project will alter Major's Hill Park and probably result in the loss of trees between the Chateau property and Major's Hill Park. Information pertaining to the removal of trees has already been included in official 1 Rideau Street documents.
Major's Hill Park
Stormwater and sewer lines will link the new condo to a manhole in Major's Hill Park and deep service tunnels will have to be constructed.
I would not be surprised if the 12-acre park is sold in the future, and that is why local governments do not care about the public views of the hotel from the park:

Committees- Senate of Canada - Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources - Issue 5 - Evidence - February 17, 1998.
  The owners of the Chateau Laurier Hotel wanted the Daly Building land sold to a developer and not preserved as a park.

Two proposals for the Daly Building lot were designated "mixed use" and one proposal was for a hotel. The third project called for a building approximately half the size of the old Daly Building.
Mr. Beaudry: ...One project has components of either condominiums or hotel suites,plus retail stores.
Mr. Emard-Chabot - ...The last time I was here I talked about traffic and the fact that,if we conceive of a park or an open space, the idea of this as a park or a resting space must be put aside. I have here traffic counts taken from 1996 to 1997. In the 12-hour period from 7 a:m to 7 p:m the numbers are consistently from 25,000 to 35,000 vehicles per day.
The Chairman:  Do you know the position, with respect to this park (the Daly Building land), of the Byward Business Improvement Area, which I see represents 350 businesses in the area?

Mr. Emard-Chabot: They would be against it...

The Chairman:  I take it that the Chateau Laurier is against it as well.

Mr. Emard-Chabot:  I received a letter last week indicating that they are not in favour of a park.
No one would dare build residential units beside the Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City or change the terrace beside the hotel. The Chateau Laurier terraces will be banned to the public for special occasions.
Le Chateau Frontenac is protected by the United Nations Agency UNESCO.
It is a sad day for Canada when an international agency has to be called in to protect our history because federal and local governments are unaccountable, lacking in vision and do not care about future generations. I am talking about you-
 Parks Canada
The Department of Heritage
National Capital Commission -" We cannot intervene because the hotel is private property."
The Historic Sites and Monuments Board.
The City of Ottawa, especially the Planning Board.
The Mulroney government that sold the Chateau Laurier to the real estate arm of the CPR in 1988.

The City of Toronto refused to let Larco and architect Peter Clewes build high rise towers on a Classified Federal Heritage Building on 1 Front Street West called The Dominion Public Building. The Building is part of the Union Station Heritage Conservation District which includes Union Station, the John Street Roundhouse and the Fairmont Royal York Hotel.
Dominion Public Building, One Front Street West Toronto, Ontario.

It is time to designate Confederation Square in Ottawa a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Province of Ontario Heritage Conservation District.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Chateau Laurier Hotel and the new addition may be sold separately.

 Joint Use and Maintenance Agreement
a.)  The owner acknowledges and agrees that should the lands be severed in the future, it shall ensure that the owner of the freehold units shall enter into a Joint Use Maintenance and Liability Agreement which shall be binding upon the owners and all subsequent purchasers to deal with the joint use, maintenance and liability of the common elements, including but not limited to any private roadway (s) and concrete sidewalks; common grass areas; common party walls; common structural elements such as the roof, foundations, common parking areas; sewers and watermains, for the mutual benefit and use of the owners. (Google: 1 report to built heritage subcommittee 700 sussex "1 Report to Built Heritage Sub-Committee" - May 23, 2019. Page 39/81.)

The proposed addition will be read more as an independent building.
"Apart from a one-story loading bay at grade, the new addition will be physically and visually separated from the Chateau Laurier Hotel. As a result, from many vantage points, the proposed addition will be read more as an independent building." (From: "Cultural Heritage Impact Statement-Addendum"-City of Ottawa-ERA Architects, Page 14 of 81.)
National Capital Commission,  November 2007

According to the 2016 Internet document''(PDF) new tools for view controls in Canada's Capital" Ottawa landmarks have had view controls for over a century. Page 93/116.
(work in progress)

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Chateau Laurier Terraces will be altered.

"The applicant has been working with National Capital Commission (NCC) staff to obtain federal approvals. There are subsurface works required within Major's Hill Park and Mackenzie Avenue for services, surface landscaping along Mackenzie Avenue and alterations to the Rideau Canal terraces to create connections to the courtyard." (Google: 1 report to built heritage subcommittee 700 sussex- "1 Report to Built Heritage Sub-Committee" - May 23, 2019, page 10/81.)
Letter from Heritage Ottawa to UNESCO-subject: Rideau Canal World Heritage Site and proposed Addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel- May 17, 2019.
Groups that are opposed to the new addition to the Chateau Laurier
700 Sussex Residential Condominium Corporation.
Lowertown Community Association.

The Chateau Laurier lower terrace. "Government of Canada exhibit - Overlooking the Ottawa Locks of the Rideau Canal, with views of Parliament, the Ottawa River, Canadian Museum of History and the Gatineau Hills, the lower terrace of the historic Fairmont Chateau Laurier is the ideal location for an annual outdoor exhibit." (Photo from

The Canadian Government sold the Toronto Harbour Commission Building.

The Harbour Commission Building was constructed in 1917 and is located at 30 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario.
The irreplaceable landmark is no longer owned by the people of Canada. (Wikipedia photo.)
The Mulroney government privatized a nearby Canada Post mail processing plant, and the building is now a stadium.

Meghan Markle in a former Canada Post property, now the Scotiabank Arena, 40 Bay Street Toronto.

The people of Ottawa have been betrayed.

1.)  The "addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel" is not an addition at all; it is a 200+ condominium development designed by the Condo King of Toronto Peter Clewes. Why have the people of Ottawa never seen drawings that depict the interior rooms of the "extension"?
Three residential towers made of Manitoba Tyndall limestone dwarf the Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, see "20 Fort Street" on Google Street views.
The Hotel Fort Garry is a railway hotel designed by Ross and MacFarlane, the same people who designed the Chateau Laurier. (Wikipedia photo.).

2.)  Sixty acres of the Experimental Farm were given to the Civic to create a new hospital. We were never told that 12 acres of the hospital land have been rezoned General Urban Area-
General Urban Area Zoning
The General Urban Area designation permits the development of a full range and choice of housing types to meet the needs of all ages, incomes and life circumstances in combination with conveniently located employment, retail, service, cultural, leisure, entertainment and institutional uses.
Taller buildings are permitted for sites that front an Arterial Road. Carling Avenue is an Arterial Road.

3.)  Land adjacent to the Rideau Canal UNESCO World Heritage Site in Ottawa may be rezoned from "Open Space and Leisure Zone" to Residential and Commercial. Apparently bird watching, reading and walking along the Rideau Canal are "passive" activities and the full potential of the federal land has not been harnessed. Read the document "Animating the Rideau Canal."

4.)  The City of Ottawa's Urban Design Review Panel was fooled into believing that the new Civic Hospital would be smaller:
     "The Panel has concerns with the scale of the proposed presentation, particularly considering the initial presentation eluded to a Scandinavian approach to a hospital complex-at a much more human scale. The size and mass of the proposed building has the potential to create a significant barrier in the form of a large wall that is disconnected and out of scale with the existing fabric nearby."  (From: Urban Design Review Panel - March 1, 2018. Ottawa Hospital (930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Avenue) Formal Review.)

5.)  The City of Ottawa endorsed a project to turn the Natural Resources Canada Booth Street Complex into another Distillery District, similar to the one in Toronto. "Note that the new developments, and particularly the high rise buildings will serve as visual markers much like towers (in the) Distillery District in Toronto." (From: Report to Built Heritage Sub-Committee, Planning Committee and Council, January 31, 2019---Page 18/33.)
The Clear Spirit condos, 70 Distillery Lane, Distillery District Toronto. Designed by Peter Clewes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Similarities between the Chateau Laurier and heritage buildings in Kingston, Ontario.

1.)  The Chateau Laurier and Conference Centre were created with Indiana limestone. The Kingston Pen, Stone Gables, Prison for Women, CNR Train Station, Church of the Good Thief, Old Post Office and many other buildings were created with local limestone.

2.)  The finest architects in Canada designed the buildings in Confederation Square, including the Hotel, Union Station, the Parliament Buildings, Lord Elgin Hotel; former American Embassy...The finest architects in Canada also created the many landmarks in the Village of Portsmouth, Kingston Ontario.

3.)  The new owner of the Prison for Women is planning to knock down walls between the cells because they are too small to be converted into condominiums. He is also removing all the bars on the windows, and high rise condos will be constructed on P4W land. The owner of the Chateau Laurier would have faced massive opposition if he knocked down walls at the hotel; so he is creating a totally separate condominium development on land on the north side of the Chateau. The 200 or so units will be strata units, individually owned.

4.)  Many federal agencies, departments and local governments abdicated their duty to protect heritage buildings in Ottawa and Kingston:
The Historic Sites and Monuments Board
The Federal Heritage Buildings Review Agency
Parks Canada
Heritage Canada
The Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport - The Ontario government should have designated the Village of Portsmouth a Heritage Conservation District.

The City of Kingston
- although many people are trying to preserve the built history of "The Limestone City:
a.)Architectural historian Dr. Jennifer McKendry.
b.)Current City Councillor for Portsmouth Bridget Doherty.
c.)Former Sydenham Councillor Peter Glover.

The City of Ottawa

5.)  Bill Gates, the majority owner of the CNR refused to help the City of Kingston preserve the CN Outer Station on Montreal Street.

Lessons learned from the "Chateau Laurier Hotel addition" fiasco.

1.)  Canadians love the Chateau Laurier just as much as the people of Paris loved the Notre Dame Cathedral; Parisians were weeping in the streets and singing patriotic songs as the Cathedral burned. The CPR and CNR hotels are Canadian icons. The Chateau belongs to all of us, it is part of our heritage, our heart and soul.

2.)  The Department of Heritage, Parks Canada, National Capital Commission, City of Ottawa and the Province of Ontario should have presented a united front and told the developer and architect to go back to Vancouver and Toronto and build their "walls of China" in their own territory.

3.)  Parks Canada should legally protect all the views of the Hotel du Canada.

4.)  The terms "National Historic Site of Canada" and "UNESCO World Heritage Site" should mean something.

5.)  Do not be intimidated, City of Ottawa, by entities that threaten to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board and to the courts. Former American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy initiated the "Committee to Save Grand Central Station" and Mrs. Kennedy and other people  travelled from New York City to Washington, D.C. on the "Landmark Train" and testified at the American Supreme Court. They won.
Jane Jacobs tried to save Penn Station NYC in 1963; saved New York's Little Italy and the West Village and stopped the Spadina Expressway in Toronto.
6.)  The Government of Canada should stop privatizing historic buildings including the Chateau Laurier Hotel; Edmonton's Hotel Macdonald; Winnipeg's Fort Garry Hotel; Saskatoon's Bessborough Hotel; Kingston Penitentiary, Prison for Women, 111 Sussex Drive (the John G. Diefenbaker Building); all of the federal lighthouses; Library and Archives on Wellington Street, Ottawa; post offices; pavilions including the recently marketed E-Space Pavilion on the Quebec City waterfront; the vacant CBC Headquarters on 1500 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa...

7.)  Do not sell our landscapes to residential and corporate developers---the Experimental Farm to the Civic; National Capital Commission Greenbelt land (you are the protector and gatekeeper of this land, NCC, on behalf of all Canadian citizens); the National Parks;


Saturday, July 20, 2019

A letter from City Councillors to the Chateau Laurier owners.

Block Changes to the Chateau Laurier Hotel's Classic Look - 10,638 people signed as of July 20, 2019.
A petition from the FB group "Lost Ottawa" to save the Chateau Laurier's Classic Look.
SHARBERN HOLDINGS INC.  Appellant (Respondent)
VANCOUVER AIRPORT CENTRE LTD.; LARCO HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT INC.; and MM and R VALUATION SERVICES - Respondents (Appellents). 2010: October 6 and 2011: May 11.
Commercial law - Property - Disclosure Statements - Company developing and marketing two hotels on the same property. Purchasers of strata units in each Hotel entering into differing agreements with developers. (A condominium hotel is a strata property-AC, savecfbrockcliffe.)
Actor and comedian Tom Green appears at Ottawa City Hall on July 11 2019 to lend his support to people who do not want to see a new addition to the Chateau. (Photo by Kate Porter/CBC News.)
Photo credits: Julie Oliver, Ottawa Citizen; Proposed North Addition, architectsAlliance 2019; Compositing Credit, Building - Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. Architects, 2019.

There is a reason why the new addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa looks completely different.

Two completely different businesses will inhabit the same plot of land in downtown Ottawa.
"How does a hotel developer compete with a residential developer for the same plot of land?" was the title of a presentation that Peter Clewes of architectsAlliance attended; at the Canadian Hotel Investment Conference, May 13 and 14, 2019, Toronto.
Strata Title Property
Strata title allows individual ownership of part of a property (called a lot and generally an apartment or townhouse) combined with shared ownership in the remainder (called 'Common Property' e.g. foyers, driveway, garden) through a legal entity called the owners corporation or body corporation. (From: Wikipedia.)
Strata Hotels and Motels - BC Assessment Page 4/11
These properties are hotels that have been stratified for individual unit ownership. These hotels are managed by a management company and are governed by an elected Strata council representing the owners of the property. Each unit may be sold independently with the rental/owner use unique to each hotel.
Strata hotels, otherwise known as condo hotels, are hotel properties where investors can purchase individual units of the hotel itself.

The City of Ottawa KNOWS that the Chateau Laurier extension is really a separate condominium development:
Waste Collection
Separate collection areas will be required for the commercial (hotel) and residential units. (From: "Chateau Laurier Expansion, 1 Rideau Street Ottawa, Ontario-Page 13 of 94-City of Ottawa Planner, Development Review, Planning and Growth Management.)
A traffic impact study has not been conducted to find out how Mackenze Avenue will be affected by the condo project:
     "75 vph-150 vph requires a Transportation Brief; greater than 150 vph requires a Transportation Impact Study." (From: Chateau Laurier Expansion, 1 Rideau Street Ottawa, Ontario-Page 13 of 94.)

Views of the Hotel du Canada are not legally protected:
Heritage Comments

  • While there are no legally protected views of the Chateau Laurier, there are several iconic views that contribute to the Chateau's heritage value as a landmark building. These views are well documented in the NCC's 2008 "Chateau Laurier Urban Design Guidance" documents and impacts on these views should be assessed through the design process.
There is a reason why the National Capital Commission will never try to save the Chateau Laurier---the federal Crown corporation is encouraging the redevelopment and commercialization of property on the northern side of the landmark:
Municipal Regulations 
Expansion of the Chateau Laurier is controlled by the City of Ottawa's Central Area Official Plan, Zoning bylaws and heritage overlay, which together permit-

  • Hotel, housing, office, restaurant and retail uses. (From: 15/31 - "Chateau Laurier Urban Design Guidance."( National Capital Commission, 2008)
The National Capital Commission does not respect the will of the people, which can be documented by the following examples---
1.)  A new Civic Hospital will be constructed on the grounds of the Experimental Farm despite overwhelming opposition--
-Friends of the Farm;
- Friends of the Central Experimental Farm;
- Protect the Farm-Home|Facebook;
- Saving the Central Experimental Farm-Heritage Ottawa;
- Canadian Council of Food Sovereignty and Health;
- Save the Central Experimental Farm - Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital;
- Coalition to Protect the Central Experimental Farm National Historic Site of Canada;
- The National Trust for Canada;
- Save the Farm - Protest to save our trees and green space - Ecology Ottawa - see the YouTube video "Ottawa prepares to hand over historic farm land to corporate developers."

2.)  The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory and the adjacent buildings may be demolished.

3.)  Moffat Farm was sold to a developer who built a subdivision called "Prince of Wales on the Rideau" near Mooney's Bay. There was intense lobbying to try to save the 88-acre Veterans Affairs federal property.

4.)  The Daly Building land was funnelled to a condominium builder.

5.)  According to an NCC, City of Ottawa and Parks Canada commissioned document called "Animating the Rideau Canal" the UNESCO World Heritage Site and adjacent lands are facing enormous changes.

6.)  The NCC is not protecting a federal park in Little Italy called "Queen Juliana Park", see the petitions including "Stop the rezoning of Queen Juliana Park at 870 Carling Avenue".

7.)  Agriculture Canada shut down the Greenbelt Research Farm and the thousands of acres of land were automatically transferred to the NCC.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Canadian Minister of Heritage Sheila Copps protected the Chateau Lake Louise Hotel in 2001.

Yet Parks Canada, the Ministry of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario provincial government, National Capital Commission and City of Ottawa cannot save the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel.
One of the reasons cited for their hands off policy is the fact that the Chateau is private property. Well the Chateau Lake Louise was privately owned by Canadian Pacific Hotels, a subsidiary of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Then the hotel portfolio became a Fairmont property, owned by people such as Prince al Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia and Carl Icahn.

The following information is from a document called "Lake Louise Community Plan - June 2001".
Built Heritage  Page 5 of 34.
Community plans must address the preservation of priority heritage buildings and ensure that new development is compatible in design and quality with existing neighbourhoods. The following actions will safeguard the area's cultural resources:

  • requiring development proposal to include strategies for protecting important built heritage resources.
  • enforce architectural, landscape, transportation, parking, sign, and lighting guidelines.

Policy Direction
The Minister of Canadian Heritage has reiterated the need for development to respect the area's culture and history.
Lake Louise has a number of heritage resources that are in need of protection:
1.) The Chateau Lake Louise
2.) The Train Station (note-The Chateau Laurier Hotel is directly across the street from the former Canadian National Railway train station and a tunnel connected the two landmarks. savecfbrockcliffe)
3.) The view of Lake Louise (note- the new addition to the Chateau Laurier will compromise many views. The Remembrance Day Ceremonies at the National War Memorial are televised and the new annex will be a out of place amid the majestic buildings and statues in Confederation Square, including the War Memorial, Parliament Buildings, Conference Centre and Wellington Street government buildings. And visitors to Major's Hill Park will be confronted by an ultra modern design that will hide much of the Chateau, giving tourists the impression that we are trying to hide the original hotel, that we are embarrassed and ashamed of it. The Hotel du Canada is not a maximum security prison-savecfbrockcliffe.)
4.)  The Plain of Six Glaciers.
Guiding Principles
1.)  All development must respect Lake Louise's heritage and the architecture of its historic buildings.
2.)  Parks Canada, residents and visitors share responsibility for safeguarding Lake Louise's heritage.
The 1943 movie "Son of Lassie" was a sequel to "Lassie Come Home." The film was produced in Lake Louise and Peter Lawford portrayed a piano player who was employed by the Chateau Lake Louise.

The Chateau Lake Louise Hotel in Banff Alberta was owned by Canadian Pacific Hotels, a subsidiary of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1988. The CPR is one of the most powerful companies in Canada. Yet they followed the guidelines set out by the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Parks Canada. The Glacier Wing, second from the right, was built in 1988 and is an exact replica of the original  Lake Louise hotel. Larco and Toronto architect Peter Clewes are showing disrespect for the people of Ottawa; the Historic Sites and Monuments Board and for my country's history. 
YouTube videos about the Chateau:
Chateau Laurier: Comedian, actor, filmmaker Tom Green reacts to City Council decision.
Tom Green Chateau Laurier.
RMR: Rick at Chateau Laurier.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The City of Ottawa's Urban Design Review Panel has grave reservations about the location of a new Civic Hospital.

The Experimental Farm is the preferred location for a mega hospital. However, a 2018 document outlines why the Panel is concerned about the project:
---The neighbourhood of Little Italy will be negatively impacted.
---The character of the Experimental Farm, Carling Avenue and Prince of Wales Drive will be affected.
Urban Design Review Panel - March 1, 2018
Ottawa Hospital (930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Avenue|Formal Review|Official Plan and Zoning Amendment| The Ottawa Hospital; HDR Architect Associates Inc.

General Comments:

  • The Panel is reviewing this proposal from the perspective of its impacts on the urban realm, and with respect to architectural design. The Panel does however acknowledge and appreciate the complexity and degree of  effort that goes into a hospital project of this size including long term operational and maintenance issues.  The Panel understands that the full build of the hospital, projected to be somewhere between 2.73 and 4.5 million  square feet by 2047-2048, is dependant on a future needs assessment, as well as budgets and policy decisions at the provincial level.
  • The Panel is concerned with the scale of the proposed development and finds that the project is of a completely different scale than the surrounding neighbourhood. As such,the Panel recommends key moves and further analysis to help preserve some of the existing character along the Prince of Wales edge and to better integrate the hospital with the Experimental Farm context. Another important consideration of the Panel is the impact of the hospital on Carling Road, and the adjacent Carling-Preston neighbourhood to the north.
The views, key distances, and analysis of how the project affects the Capital landscape and surrounding neighbourhood are needed in order for the UDRP to provide fulsome comments on the proposal. It is strongly recommended that the applicant return to the Panel as the project advances, with a submission that includes several renderings showing key views from a variety of perspectives especially those with Capital significance.

Massing and Architectural Concept 

  • The Panel has concerns with the scale of the proposal presented; particularly considering the initial presentation eluded to a Scandinavian approach to a hospital complex - at a much more human scale. The size and massing of the proposed building has the potential to create a significant barrier in the form of a large wall that is disconnected and out of scale with the existing fabric nearby.    
  • The Panel has some concerns with the interpretation of the 'Town and Crown' approach to this proposal. For example, Parliament Hill opens itself up to the city whereas the current oval, circular building is insular and puts the existing neighbourhood to the north at the periphery, having negative implications for the urban realm. In addition to being highly visible, the entrances to the complex could also be surrounded by plazas, which are welcoming to people.
  • The Panel recommends that key site priorities with respect to the urban realm, which reflect a more civic approach, are established and brought into the planning context going forward. The Panel is looking for public spaces around the facility.
  • One suggestion is to consider flipping the oval so that it plays off the ridge. With the west oval flipped, the building works better with the topography of the land and improves the relationship between the street edge, articulating a clearer arrival point for the public.
Carling Road and Urban Integration
  • The Panel suggests that the massing of the proposed oval structure is broken down to reduce impacts on the character along Carling Avenue. 
  • It is the opinion of the Panel that some land along Carling Avenue should be used for buildings facing Carling, ensuring this urban street has two sides, and the hospital complex has a friendlier edge toward the neighbourhood.
  • The buildings would form an edge along the street to contribute to the urban fabric, rather than relate directly to the hospital site. these buildings could be as low as two storeys.
  • The Panel suggests that buildings along Carling Avenue would allow for an interface with the surrounding city, and could accommodate a variety of services related to the hospital such as chiropractic, practitioners, pharmacies, etc.
Experimental Farm and Prince of Wales Drive Context

  • The massing as viewed from Prince of Wales Drive should be broken up to avoid significantly altering the character of this important Ottawa landscape; defined by the federal roadway, the Experimental Farm and Dows Lake,
  • The Panel expressed serious concerns with the impacts of the proposed development on Prince of Wales Drive with respect to the entrances and the limited setback. The current proposal results in a strong built form edge along the Drive. The Panel recommends this impact be reduced by significantly increasing the setback and limiting vehicular access from Prince of Wales Drive.
  • The Panel admires the attempt to preserve the treed ridge, but finds it likely impossible given the location and scale of the proposal's oval buildings. Consider instead a reinterpretation of this feature elsewhere on the site. 
  • The Panel is appreciative of the gesture to include considerable greenspace and park like spaces within the development but is concerned that this approach compromises the public spaces surrounding the development.
My comments 
1.)  Since 1974, various entities have been trying to destroy the integrity of the Central Experimental Farm---the National Capital Commission; Agriculture and Agri-food Canada; Public Works Canada.
2.)  More than 18 Agriculture Canada Experimental Farms have been decommissioned since 1985, I will provide a list of the farms tomorrow.
3.)  Twelve acres of "hospital" land on the Experimental Farm has been rezoned to facilitate the construction of residential housing, most likely condominiums. A decade ago I heard a City of Ottawa councillor remark that a "wall of condos" would line Carling Avenue.
4.)  Since 1974, a dozen groups (that I am aware of) have been trying to save the Farm.
5.)  City Councillor Riley Brockington confirmed that the Dominion Observatory and the other nearby landmarks may be demolished.
6.)  The new Civic Hospital may take over the Dow's Lake parking lot.
7.)  Queen Juliana Park, 870 Carling Avenue in Ottawa may be rezoned so that condos can be constructed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Larco demolished an Arthur Erickson-designed home.

Graham House in West Vancouver, British Columbia was created by award-winning Canadian architect Arthur Erickson. Warren Beatty and Julie Christie lived in the house during filming of the 1970 movie "McCabe and Mrs. Miller". Larco wanted to build condominium towers on a former government property on 1 Front Street, Toronto Ontario. The Dominion Building is next to Union Station. Federal buildings and infrastructure lose heritage protection when they are privatized, for example:
The Canadian National Railway hotels that are now owned by Fairmont---Chateau Laurier, Ottawa;  Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta; Hotel Macdonald, Edmonton; Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg; Hotel Vancouver, British Columbia.
Hundreds of CNR railway stations.
1,000 lighthouses that were divested by Fisheries and Oceans Canada a few years ago.
Dominion Buildings- in Almonte, Ontario; Lethbridge, Alberta...the list goes on.
Bridges- The Mackenzie King and Laurier Avenue bridges that span the Rideau Canal were divested to the Municipality of Ottawa.
Historic buildings on the Sparks Street Mall in Ottawa no longer exist, because a developer constructed a condominium.

1 Front Street West, Toronto.

Parks Canada and the NCC have the power to veto the Chateau Laurier Hotel addition.

The Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa is a Parks Canada National Historic Site and is part of the Confederation Square National Historic Site of Canada which includes:
The Parliament Buildings
The National War Memorial
The former Union Station/Conference Centre
The National Arts Centre.
On April 10, 2019 the City of Toronto rejected Larco's application to build condominium towers on  the Dominion Public Building at One Front Street West. One reason why Larco's permit was refused----the Dominion Public Building is located right next to Union Station and is part of the Union Station Heritage Conservation District.
Major's Hill Park is a major tourist attraction and a venue for Canada Day festivities and the Tulip Festival. The National Capital Commission is the custodian for Major's Hill Park and they absolutely have the power to veto any project that cuts off views of the northern part of the Chateau. Are we ashamed of this hotel? Are we trying to hide an important part of our railway history? I hope that a "wall of people" will link arms and prevent Larco from building their wall. I will camp out in a tent on Major's Hill Park to prevent Larco's eyesore from being constructed.
The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site "A recreational paradise attracting visitors from across North America and beyond to travel its 202 km length and explore its engineering and military feats and 24 unique lock stations." UNESCO may revoke the Rideau Canal's designation if the new addition to the Chateau is built. (From: "Expansion design could effect canal world heritage designation"
Why is the City of Ottawa so intimidated by Larco's threats to take the City to court? Former American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy was undaunted by a real estate company that threatened to either demolish or build towers on Grand Central Station, NYC. Mrs. Kennedy and many other people formed "The Committee to Save Grand Central Station" and testified before the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington, D.C.
1984 Report of the Auditor General of Canada.

Parks Canada interventions
(work in progress)

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise addition is exactly the same as the original hotel.

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Hotel is located in the Banff National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Glacier Wing (second from the right) was constructed from 1988-1992.
" Chateau Lake Louise initiated a series of major capital expansions to the existing hotel in preparation for the 1988 Winter Olympics. These additions and renovations included a new entry pavilion, parkade, renovations and the new Glacier Wing. The architectural design for the Chateau's new entrance pavilion and Glacier Wing built upon the historic image of the Canadian Pacific's grand train station entrances. The entire building is clad in Canadian Tyndal stone." (From: MTa-Chateau Lake Louise addition.)
Tyndall limestone is from Manitoba.
The following railway hotels were clad with Indiana limestone:
1.)  Chateau Laurier - Ottawa, Ontario.
2.)  Fairmont Hotel Macdonald - Edmonton, Alberta.
3.)  Fort Garry Hotel - Winnipeg, Manitoba.
4.)  Fairmont Royal York Hotel - Toronto, Ontario.

Buildings that are constructed with limestone can last for thousands of years; as I have said before, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is 4,000 years old.

Lord Elgin Hotel - Prime Minister Mackenzie King chose the stone from a quarry in the Niagara Region.
Kingston, Ontario is known as "The Limestone City" because many notable buildings were created with local limestone.
Old Kingston Post Office
The CNR Outer Station on Montreal Street.
Kingston Penitentiary
Prison for Women
Church of the Good Thief
Isabel MacNeill Halfway House for Women
Penitentiary Museum on King Street
Collins Bay Institution
Stone Gables
Royal Military College of Canada.
Queen's University - local and Niagara Region limestone.
Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada.
Penitentiary Water Tower
Rockwood Asylum
The Armoury on Montreal Street
Kingston General Hospital
The Canadian pavilion at the Epcot Center, Disney World in Orlando, Florida is modeled after Ottawa's Chateau Laurier Hotel. The "Hotel du Canada" was built in 1982. 

My Dad (left) and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau beside Union Station, Ottawa, which is directly across the street from the Chateau Laurier. (1968 photo.) The Grand Trunk Railway station was created with Indiana limestone.
Union Station became the Conference Centre.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The new addition to the Chateau Laurier Hotel is banned by Parks Canada.

The planned extension to the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario violates the "Parks Canada Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada" (2010):
Additions or Alterations to an Historic Place   Page 52/300.
     "The construction of an exterior addition in an historic place may seem essential for a proposed new use, but the Guidelines emphasize that such new additions should be avoided, if possible, and only after it has been determined that those needs cannot be met on another site or by altering non-character-defining interior spaces. An addition should be designed so that the heritage value of the historic place is not impaired and its character-defining elements are not obscured, damaged or destroyed. The addition should be physically and visually compatible with; subordinate to, and distinguished from the historic place as stated in Standard 11."

Examples of additions or alterations to historic buildings, that blend in and do not overwhelm or obscure the original landmark:
The Lord Elgin Hotel Ottawa annex.
Zoe's Restaurant, which is is part of the Chateau Laurier, a former railway hotel.
The Canadian Centre for Architecture, which is next to Shaughnessy House in Montreal.

My mother, sister and baby daughter in front of the Prince of Wales Hotel, a railway hotel located in the Waterton National Park, Alberta. 1989. The hotel has been preserved.
The Prince of Wales Hotel can be seen in the distance.

The Canadian National Railway hotels were government of Canada properties until 1988.

Private companies that do not care about my country's railway and architectural history own the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa and the Hotel Vancouver. This is what legendary author Pierre Berton thought about Fairmont being the custodian of Canada's landmarks:
     "After our talk, Pierre and I had sandwiches at the Hotel Vancouver. "It's now called the ----ing Fairmont" he declared in the disparaging tone appropriate to any historian of the CPR when the railway's hotel chain acquired an American firm and took its name. "We have to preserve our nationhood...We are different. Our background is different. We have to sing our own songs and create our own heroes, dream our own dreams or we won't have a country at all."(From: "Remembering Pierre Berton" by Patricia Treble, Macleans Magazine, December 13, 2004.)
Canadian National Railway hotels that should be Crown property, collectively owned by all Canadians and their descendants:
Chateau Laurier - Ottawa - Larco
Hotel Vancouver - British Columbia - Larco
Queen Elizabeth - Montreal
Hotel Fort Garry - Winnipeg
Hotel Macdonald - Edmonton
Scribe Hotel, Paris - sold shortly before the CNR was privatized in 1995.
Skydome Hotel - Toronto - built on the grounds of the Spadina Roundhouse designed by Anglin-Norcross. Larco
Jasper Park Lodge - Alberta
Bessborough - Saskatoon
Beausejour - Moncton, New Brunswick
Nova Scotian - Halifax.
The "disposal" of Canada's Eiffel Towers and Taj Mahal's to Canadian Pacific Railway. 1988.

Friday, July 12, 2019

The City of Toronto is fighting Larco's plan to build condos next to 10 Toronto Street.

On April 10, 2019 the Toronto City Council refused a request by Larco to build towers on top of a National Historic Site of Canada, namely the Dominion Public Building.
Now Larco's is appealing the City's refusal to allow high rise condos on properties next to 10 Toronto Street. Peter Clewes is the architect behind the Chateau Laurier addition; the rejected Dominion Public Building towers and the 34-50 King Street East and 2 Toronto street proposals.
During the year 2007 Larco Investments acquired 7 Government of Canada buildings including Calgary's Harry Hays Building; and the Skyline Towers and Thomas d'Arcy McGee Buildings in Ottawa. Many politicians were critical of the secretive nature of the deal with Larco, see the YouTube video " PSAC National President John Gordon delivers speech."
10 Toronto Street is the former headquarters of Conrad Black's Argus Corporation. Larco's condominiums at 34-50 King Street East and 2 Toronto Street will ruin a heritage building, create noise and light pollution, traffic congestion and disrupt the community---according to documents. Larco appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. (Wikipedia photo).

The City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission have stated that they cannot stop Larco from building an addition to the Chateau Laurier---because the hotel is "privately owned". Well Grand Central Station in New York City was owned by a railway company called Penn Central Transportation Company. Yet former American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and many other heritage preservationists were able to save Grand Central Station from the addition of towers and from outright demolition. Mrs. Kennedy testified at a Supreme Court of New York State hearing "Penn Central Transportation Company v. New York City".
This is what the Landmarks Preservation Committee wrote in 1968:
     "Landmarks cannot be divorced from their settings particularly when their setting is a dramatic and integral part of the original concept. Such examples are not so plentiful in New York City that we can afford to lose any of the few we have. And we must preserve them in a meaningful way---with alterations and additions of such character, scale and mass as will protect, enhance and perpetuate the original design rather than overwhelm it."

Former American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Mayor Ed Koch and many other people saved Grand Central Station in NY.C. (Photo from Architectural Digest.)

Parks Canada Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The original design of the Chateau Laurier Hotel can be replicated.

A replica of Ottawa's Chateau Laurier Hotel is a permanent pavilion at Walt Disney's Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida.

A model of the Canadian pavilion at the Walt Disney theme park in Florida. The Canadian exhibition was created during the year 1982.

George Allen Ross and David Huron MacFarlane designed the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa as well as Union Station (located directly across the street from the Chateau); the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Ottawa's Lord Elgin Hotel and many other landmarks.
A fond is a group of documents that share the same origin that have occurred naturally as an outgrowth of the daily workings of an agency, an individual or organization. (from Wikipedia.)
The Ross and MacFarlane Fonds are located at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1920 Baile Street, Montreal Quebec.
Dates of Creation - 1909-1912
Scope and Content - File documents an executed project for a railway hotel in Ottawa, Ontario.
File contains drawings, detail drawings, shop drawings and photographs.
Reference Number - ARCH21107
The Lord Elgin Hotel addition
The former Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography Museum, 1 Wellington Street Ottawa
Zoe's Restaurant, Chateau Laurier.

Monday, July 8, 2019

The Chateau Laurier Hotel

Larco demolished an above ground parking garage behind the Chateau Laurier that was built in 1969. Now the owners of the hotel are planning to excavate land to build a 5-storey underground parking facility with 385 spaces. One storey equals about 14 feet, therefore the parking garage will be 70 feet below the surface. It will take several months to conduct an archaeological investigation or a dig on the land.
Larco's plan to build an addition to the Chateau is inconsistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Under the Planning Act:
 Part V: Policies - 2.6 Cultural Heritage and Archeology
2.6.1. Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved.

2.6.2. Development and site alteration shall not be permitted on lands containing archeological resources or areas of archeological potential unless significant archaeological resources have been conserved.

2.6.3. Planning authorities shall not permit development and site alteration on adjacent lands to protected heritage property except where the proposed development and site alteration has been evaluated and it has been demonstrated that the heritage attributes of the protected heritage property will be conserved.

2.6.4.  Planning authorities should consider and promote archeological management plans and cultural plans in conserving cultural heritage and archeological resources.

2.6,5.  Planning authorities shall consider the interests of Aboriginal communities in considering cultural heritage and archeological resources.
Archeological digs were conducted on the LeBreton Flats and on nearby Parliament Hill, Ottawa.