This is what happened to the Sir John Carling cafeteria annex:
Eventually the trees along the ridge will be chopped down. |
Do you really think the heritage buildings along Maple Drive, greenhouses, apple trees and Historic Hedge Collection will be preserved?
Buildings that will either be demolished or heavily damaged by the Civic Hospital:
- the Dominion Observatory #1
- Photo Equatorial #9
- South Azimuth #8
- Geophysical Laboratory #3
- Observatory House #2
- Seismology Survey #7
- Animal Laboratory #12
- William Saunders #49
- Bee Building at Maple Drive and Winding Lane (From: "Submission on Civic Hospital Development Plan by Botanica Residents Committee, Ward 15, Kitchissippi, August 12, 2021, page 10/15.)
Why are the most irreplaceable buildings in Canada being bulldozed, privatized or converted into condominiums? Dominion Buildings were located in practically every town, city and village in Canada. They featured clock towers, and housed Manpower, Canada Post, Canada Customs and Immigration and many other federal departments. The Dominion Building in Lethbridge, Alberta was recently sold. Half of the Royal Canadian Mint was disassembled before Prime Minister Brian Mulroney happened to drive by and find out what was happening. The PM told the workers to go home and then phoned the department responsible for the destruction.
Bridges and highways are also being sold off. I will not talk about the hundreds of CN Rail bridges. I travelled on the Glacier Highway in Alberta a few years ago and the people of Canada paid for this infrastructure and we have the right to own it.
The National Capital Commission wants to de-pave the beautiful parkways in Ottawa that were created by Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Jacques Greber. The scenic driveways were built beside the Ottawa River, Rideau River and Rideau Canal so that people could enjoy the waterways, trees and greenspaces; not cement walls. House of Commons Ottawa.
Developers only have to provide 1 hectare of parkland for every project in Ottawa. Parkettes are less than 1 acre of land--- they will replace the 1,000 acre Experimental Farm; Vincent Massey Park, Hog's Back Park:
Recreational Land Strategy for Ottawa 2006-2031 - 4.4.2 Parks and Open Spaces "The City's requirements for parks and urban spaces have to be revisited to ensure that the types of spaces required (by) developers reflect the need for quality spaces of all sorts, at the right location, and at the right sizes. The goals of a review of parks and recreational land should be 'Quality over quantity of land should be the guiding principle.' Parks don't have to be grassy to be green. One of the many types of green space is the plaza...The city should accept parkettes as part of the 5% parkland dedication."
.Is there a nefarious reason why the 15-minute neighbourhood idea is being promoted? These neighbourhoods are nothing more than reservations, a control mechanism.
Will the residents of 15-minute neighbourhoods be forced to shop, attend school, socialize and conduct business within a confined area? Instead of locking us down in our homes, keep us monitored 24/7 in enclosed areas. To leave the space, permission will have to be granted at checkpoints, and residents had better have a good excuse to leave these prisons without walls and use up their rations of gas. During another public health incident, tall gates will prevent unauthorized flight. Am I living in China, the Twilight Zone or in a Fahrenheit 451 scenario?
Forget about visiting Gatineau Park, Smiths Falls, provincial parks, carnivals, stadiums...During the lockdown in 2020 the National Capital Commission told us to enjoy visiting the Tulip Festival remotely, on our computers. We will be permitted to communicate with family and friends online; to shop, work and receive medical advice remotely.
Fight back. Do not permit the decimation of the Experimental Farm. Do not try to brainwash us into living in boxes in the sky, with no backyards or front yards. I grew up in single family homes with trees in the backyard--- on military bases and my grandparents farm near Merrickville. Children are now suffering from "Nature Deficit Syndrome" because green spaces are being taken over by real estate companies.
We need this land:
House of Commons Ottawa November 4, 1974 Mr. Walter Baker (Grenville-Carleton): "...There really is no open or green space available to those who live in high-rise housing, row housing, in condominiums or in densely populated areas.
That green and open space which normally is provided by one's backyard, or by the neighbourhood park, must be provided in those urban areas by greenbelt areas such as the Experimental Farm..."
Senate of Canada December 12, 2019. NATIONAL CAPITAL ACT- Bill to Amend, Second Reading: The Hon. Acting Speaker: "Senator Duffy?"
Senator Duffy: "...Do you think it would be a good idea to expand your bill, or would it require another piece of legislation, to preserve the unique nature of the capital so that the Greenbelt will be protected and that places like the Experimental Farm, which is in the middle of the city of Ottawa will also be protected?
Because of this pressure for urban development, we have developers looking at this land and saying "Hey, there's millions of dollars to be made here."..."